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Re: I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - teef - 11-14-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


finn wouldnt waste time, the female spinning back once more into the violent spray of water that threatened those left in the seaside floating town. she could see a few, grateful for those with larger bodies. she didn't know as many names as she wished that she did, but she would do her best to save who she could.

kicking her legs she surged as quickly as she could, feeling the force of the water sapping her strength as water roared around her. who was next? her eyes found a small fox-like body perched on a piece of wood, crying out for her mother. her heart wrenched in her chest as she heard the broken cries.

striking out, she forced herself through the water like an arrow, paddling with the adrenaline of a mother, calling out, "young one!" she would force herself to the wood, trying her hardest to shove the wood away from groupmates and into more shallow waters where she could assist the young one to shore.


[align=center][Image: REWjIqe.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: -15px;"]So much was happening all at once as Bex glanced all around at her clanmates, and at the rushing water and everything that it destroyed in its path. The collie felt her heart pound in her chest as she watched some of her clanmates try to escape the water, shaking her head in disbelief. She couldn't believe this was actually happening... that their home was being destroyed. The canine's gaze flickered all around, not even sure what to do. Then, she heard a familiar robotic-like voice cry out, and brought her back to reality. "Mangle!" Bex howled out, not knowing that the kitsune was referring to her when she called out "Mama!" Completely mortified to see the child in danger, as she had taken a rather fondness to her when she had arrived at Sunhaven, the goldenblood dived in after Finnloch to help her save the kid, or at least to make sure that she was okay. "Don't worry, we're coming!" She called out to Mangle as she followed her other clanmate to the wood which the fox floated on, trying her best to fight against the current as she moved forward through the harsh flood. She just needed to make sure that the kid was safe.

Re: I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - Aelios S. - 11-14-2018


Death by drowing.  Yeah that was one way to go, fin was horrid to say at least.  There was one thing they were not planning on going through is to die by that.  The flash floods were coming, and it was coming quick taking whomever with them.  The feline scampered as much as their paws could carry them, they did not want to die.  Come hell or high water in this case high water was coming to sunhaven.

The main problem was that running or rather swimming  in this sludge of rain water and mud was tiring them out.  Exhaustion was going to be a cause of their death.  Hearing the cry relating to Mangle, the feline gritted their teeth and gave some unknown strenght to help save a young child from a ugly death.  They would not allow that to pass, no way no how.

" CAREFUL THE CURRENT IS GETTING STRONGER!" they shouted over what would be apparent to be trees collasping from the very apparent floods.

Re: I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - miss ririchiyo - 11-14-2018

Her legs hurt, why did her legs hurt? Soon, Mangle had seen Finn and Bex swimming towards her, the black tears leaking from her eyes and staining the water under her. Her pink eye was now yellow, a sign of incredible distress as her voice came out more screechy than normal. She couldn't form coherent sentences- she was too scared- she didn't want to die. She didn't want to die!

Soon, the fox had reached out to Bex, shivering against the cold water as it rushed over her body. Bex was bigger, it made more sense to jump on her- "FiiiiiNN.. Swwiii-M!" Came the kitsune's broken shrill, eyes widening in fear at the rising current. No, no, no!

Then, Mangle had jumped right on Bex's back, short claws digging into long fur for security.

tags ♥ feminine ♥ 10 m/o ♥ kitsune ♥ sunhaven ♥ "robotic, child-like voice"

Re: I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - teef - 11-14-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


seeing that the child had successfully made it onto bex's back, the feline turned, letting the current take over for her, paddling just enough to keep her head up. getting to her chosen point of transfer finn began to swim again, this time angling towards the other felines in the water. she could hear fin yowl, her ears switching back as she sucked in a breath before a wave crashed over her.

body sent a-tumble, air ripping from her lungs and water rushing in, she resurfaced, coughing out water. she prayed that fin was closer to the shore than she as she reached out for bucky, attempting to snag the other feline and propel them both towards shore.

Re: I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - Aelios S. - 11-15-2018

Bloody. Fucking. Hell.  Fin could already see their life lash before their eyes, huh how odd.  They were already considered to be dead, they had no heart beat, so what was the point.  The current was getting stronger, and it would take lives if anyone was foolish enough to avoid been drowned or killed from falling limbs.  What came with flash floods were normally mudslides. 

Still kicking and fighting the current the feline swam over to where Finn was now dragging what seemed to be bucky. " bloody hell... Need help  dragging that one? He's dead weight since he's a lot heavier than the both of us combined thanks to his pelt." they asked their single eye scanning around them for somewhere where higher ground was, and where the waves were not going to crush the three of them.

Re: I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - teef - 11-15-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


finnloch gave a puff of air, struggling to signal her gratitude to fin for coming to help her. panting she struggled to put her head above water, "my child, you didn't need to come assist me ... we would have made it somehow." she rasped, voice thick with exhaustion.

kicking her legs feebly she could feel them burning, her body feeling heavy. clearing her throat she struck out for shore, aiming to lead the way even though she was nothing more lighter than a twig tossed about the rapids.

the water threatened her, stealing whatever precious air she gasped as she coughed, "take him first! i thought i saw someone!" of course, she was bluffing, but she wouldn't let it show. she just needed a moment to catch her breath without them worrying over her ...

she felt a sharp pain in her side so painfully sudden, slipping underneath the water with a faint cry of pain, claws out yet useless against the liquid enemy. water rushed into her mouth, filling her lungs and nose as the tree that had slammed into her, tossed her about under the surface.
c'mon lass ... it's not yet time to guide the dying up to the stars, nor is it time for you to return to the sea foam! she hissed in thought, fighting her way to the surface once more, gagging on the briney taste of the river water and sea water.

Re: I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - Aelios S. - 11-15-2018

Grabbing a hold of Bucky's scruff and grunting Fin back peddled to where high ground was. The vampire hated every second of this, this was a living hell.  No one deserved a death like this, they were going to have to go and get Finn after this before exhaustion killed her.  They were in no shape or form to go diving for bodies who have drowned or were fixing to drown from the currents strenght.

Damn it all to hell, what did they do to deserve such a fate?


[align=center][Image: REWjIqe.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: -15px;"]Bex winced a little as she felt Mangle land on top of her back and grasped her fur with her claws. The slight pain was bearable enough for Bex, who knew it was necessary for the child to hang on. The collie had a few seconds to prepare herself before the current was strong enough to pull her away, and knowing very well that she could put the both of them in danger if she didn't hurry back to safety, she began to head toward high ground. "Hold on tight!" She told the young kitsune which clung onto her back as she fought against the current once again, looking back only for a split second to see that Finnloch was headed in the opposite direction to help Bucky.

Bex turned her head back to face forward, trying her best to focus on getting herself and Mangle to safety, even though some of her clanmates were still being swept up by the floods. It was worrisome, but there was nothing she could do but make sure that this kid would be safe. She didn't want to risk it. Many times Bex didn't think much before acting or didn't stick with any plans, but she knew that she had to play it safe this time. There was no time to make any mistake.

When she finally reached high ground where the majority of her clanmates had already fled to, she pulled herself up using all the strength that she had left in her, making sure that Mangle was still holding on tightly so she wouldn't fall. And once they were finally up, the canine lowered her body to the ground, allowing the little fox to hop off her back, now that they stood in a safe place. After all that, Bex felt completely exhausted and drained of energy, her vision beginning to grow blurry as she glanced out at the water, hoping that everyone else out there would make it before they'd drown.

Re: I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - teef - 11-15-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


berating herself in her thoughts, finn did her best to push towards the shore, her vision dimming and growing dark at the edges and quickly growing. she was tired, so tired, and the water had ceased to grow cold.

in the rear of her mind, bells screamed and tolled, trying to warn her of the danger. her strokes grew weaker and weaker, the torrent of the river pushing at her body. she was out of it, shivering as the water crashed her up against one of the few standing houses, claws digging into the support beam while water pulsated around her. she was safe, for now.

resting her head against the soggy wood she coughed and hacked, feebly clawing her way up, head dizzy and pounding. she would hold on until it all stopped spinning. down her soaked flank was an apparent injury, a piece of debris sticking from her side. blood dripped from her lower jaw, mingling with water. she would stay here for now, trying to warm up in the breeze. she could only pray that those out there would survive.