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No More - Printable Version

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Re: No More - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-14-2018

[color=red]the beast chuckles menacingly "you Will pay for that you blind fool"

Re: No More - teef - 11-14-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


a roar rippled from just outside of the building, the ground trembling with his power. it was him, the hidden, the king who called himself a general. it was the demon that those who knew ought to be afraid of. it wasn't challenging the living, it was challenging the dead and very-much hated.

"stand down" came his heavy voice, fur stained by his own blood, the aura of violence clinging to him like smoke. he had caught wind of a certain person, a certain god, in this hellden. he had been meaning to hunt down those of his followers that had deviated from their path. "stand down before i have to interfere, lieutenant."

his body might be blind, but he was aware. he didn't need sight to know that one of his former lieutenants was here in this building, inhabiting a host. he sneered, lips drawn back to show off his teeth, "do you care for me to put you back into your place?" he had been formidable, still would be if he resided in the hells. he had no interest in stryker nor ammon, his main concern being the kitsune who was currently possessed or so it seemed.

Re: No More - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-14-2018

For a second the leftenant seems almost startled before he let's out a large barking laugh. "So it was you general I suspected it had been you. You have grown weak old man and it's time that someone took that crown from you , you overgrown mutt" the demon continues its barking laugh preparing for a fight "come general I challenge you. Let me tear your hide from your bones"

Re: No More - Ammon - 11-14-2018

Now Ammon was not familar with the ranking in hell, but he knew shit was about to go down.  In his own right, he had no say in this.  Beside that blow that could have easily made a wound to his throat, and it did.  That wound alone should render him useless for a bit, the blind wolf who wished who had his sight, could only listen intently to the situation, and keep his mouth clamped shut.

" Judging by those chains that are keeping you completely still demon, I doubt you are going anywhere. Let alone able to strike or fight." ammon spoke carefully taking a step back just in case it really got worse. The last thing he needed was to die in this body, or get some kind of horrible injury anywhere on his body.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer

Re: No More - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-14-2018

Still facing jer the beast chuckles "then I shall fix that old fool" he begins to yank and pull at the chains. Edited out by staff for overpowered rulebreak.

Re: No More - Ammon - 11-14-2018

Ammon was uneasy of how this was traveling out to be, this could become very dangerous very quickly. The former god had no right in this or say but a part of him was interesting in how this would play out to be.  Perhaps it was wise for him to take a very far step back, yeah that would be wiser because those chains would released from that wall very soon.  Old fool? Compared to Jers, I am at least younger than him apperance wise. Ammon thought slightly offended.

He once more remained silent watching what Jers or rather the demon counterpart would do.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer

Re: No More - teef - 11-14-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


he laughed cruelly, voice full of years of wisdom. "take my crown you say? let's see if you can find it first, insubordinate!" he retorted, using his own power to rush towards the other, aiming to cripple the chains that held the kistune.

the other two were inconsequential, nothing more than background noise, "than come, foolish youth!" he taunted, moving into closer space, ready to send this infidel back to the depths from which he had crawled.

Re: No More - Ammon - 11-14-2018

Ah helll, here we go again. Ammon took a even further step back.  He was really considered on Styrker's opinion on this. He was truly the outsider in whole situation, while Ammon had some background information when it really came down to it.  He just had to far enough for not to be affected by the earth elementals that Jers was using.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer

Re: No More - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-14-2018

Upon the chains breaking the lieutenant does not waste a moment , immediately launching himself at jer aiming to clamp his maw onto jers neck and to tear into his hide with a sweep of his claws if he missed "I hunger and what a fitting meal you will be, I shall savour your taste as I devour you slowly"

Re: No More - teef - 11-15-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


jerisidie snarled, lip curled up in disgust as he leaned his shoulder into the oncoming attack, swinging himself around and throwing his weight to the side, aiming to throw the other into the wall with his elemental power in the way of making his shoulder and base of his neck as hard as stone, making it hard to keep purchase on. below the slight rock armor, his neck oozed purple gold ichor, skin opened by the other's attack.

shaking himself out he let loose another roar, fur falling into place as he flipped down his mask, the metal gleaming a sickening dark blue in whatever light there was in the prison. at least he could help to tame the other demon by putting him into his place. if he succeeded in knocking away and throwing the possessed kitsune into the wall, he would launch an attack of his own, head lowered to use his horns offensively, aiming at either his chest or leg.