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mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - Printable Version

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Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - Keona. - 11-10-2018

✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The smoke woke her before Lucifer did.

The tiny fae didn't spend a lot of time in the tavern, but when she wanted to avoid her family, it was the first place on her list.  No one would look for her inside the tavern walls, not when she'd barely ever been seen in there before.  Fact was, the population of the building always frightened her.  Too many voices and smells to keep track of.  Hard to avoid running into someone.

Yet inside the walls she'd been.  At the second she inhaled smoke, the child slowly encased herself in ice.  An instinctive act of protection she hadn't realized she'd even done until the sizzle of melting ice hit her ears.  Oh.  The memory of Raziel's worried voice echoed in her mind but she realized now that the ability did not harm her.  She'd be like to burn without it.

Slowly, Keona took a step forward, then another.  While the fire couldn't touch her fur, her lungs burned, healing broken ribs screaming protest as she moved.  She tried to follow her sense of others' presences, searching for the feeling of a familiar aura.  Instead, she nearly ran into Sol, much to her surprise.

She coughed roughly.  "H-hey," another sharp cough, "we 'ave to g-get ou- BAKUGOU!" That was Bakugou right?  Felt like.  Could he hear me? She crouched low, trying to case the floor with ice, yet only the hissing of steam met her ears.  She grasped for the minds of the two she'd been bonded with, Kai. Unc... Da. Someone would know.
tá mé i dtiúin — ✯

Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - Luciferr - 11-10-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"I've got it Owen, get as many out as you can, anyone else with fire abilities can help out some or start getting buckets of water for the fire - Already on it bakugou!" he called back to both,  - this time pulling harder at the flames and watching as they bent away from him and those inside, like the very beast frightened the furious fire itself.

"get them out while you can!" he called, eyes glancing across  all who were away from the flames and landing on Caesar with a curled lip at the expression "And you wonder why you were passed over" he rumbled quietly before his attention diverted back to the flames and bending them away.

he heard someone asking after Sol and the others but couldn't answer past concentrating - as the fire steadily backed away from his will, the shadows afearing it into submission.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - Grey - 11-10-2018

He was okay with holding his breath. He might have been somewhat immune to fire but he certainly was not immune to the smoke. Luckily, with his constant fireplace and his blacksmithing, he was used to dealing with so much carbon dioxide swimming in the atmosphere, lungs big enough to allow him to only take a few breaths at a time than breathe normally. The flames were making it difficult for the young Quartermaster to see, sanguine eyes narrowing as his eyes zoom in on the sight of the tiger cub. He inwardly cursed at the events, annoyed that there was a child here to begin with as he moves closer, teleporting to the side when broken wood begins to fall. He quickly moves towards Sol and attempts to use the ground beneath the child as a bowl to hold him in the air, closing it up into a sphere with Sol inside while also allowing small holes at the bottom. That way, Sol can breathe from the air below and light from the burning, bright Tavern will not startle the child. The fire was loud and overwhelming, his thoughts were to get out of the Tavern as soon as possible but he knew once he left, the state of the building would be even worse for him to re-enter.

Just when his eyes swept across the area, the male assuming no one else to be left, he heard the shrill among the flames. He hurries towards the source, coughing through the smoke and unable to materialise before Keona because he was holding Sol within his earthen ball. He sees her attempting to move, struggling as she tried to use her water abilities to cool down the hot area. Bakugou pushes away any debris close to her with his earth elementals before trying to pick her up by the scruff. As soon as this was done, he moved straight for the exit, the door appearing to collapse that with a raised paw he summons a jet of explosive flames towards the entrance so that all the fallen rubble would burst away. He pulls himself out, dropping Keona and opening the earth that contained Sol before wheezing into his own fits from having breathed too much smoke in. He would, regardless, be fine but he hadn't been very gentle when putting the kids back down. Then again, he didn't think it mattered, they were safe now and he was exhausted from the heat and flames. "Was there anyone else in there?" he asks, voice raised because the noise had caused his ears to ring. He didn't even have time to look around, get angry at the fact that Caesar was doing nothing.

Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - no more - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]They knew not when but somewhere along the line they had lost grasp of the passage of time, permitted it to slip beneath the slow tumble of idle thought.

Quiet the chatter of it curling about the interior of skull, working along the bone as gentle it scrapes, seeking attention proven sluggish and unwilling to touch upon anything for any length of time. Swimming almost, bundled together is the heat about them drawn across the walls in shades of orange and black, flickering play of light as about the shadows it twirls and dances, heavy the touch of exhaustion tugging at the edge of mind. Pleasant is it all, this moment their own. Or it may have been if not for he.

Slow the lift of gaze, head lolling and draw of weight bringing with it body, weight resting upon shoulder and side. Loud is the clamour of it, the strike of hammer upon the surface of metal glimmering within ruddy tones, sparks drawn forth into the air. They know well the sanguine tones of his eyes would be sharpened within concentration, perched upon the work set before him, contemplating the structure of it. Time consuming was it all, from the preparation as pencil is drawn across the surface of paper and together comes design, selection of piece fitting to the project set before him given a great deal of care. And during it all they had been there, questions balanced upon the tip of tongue though rare had it been for such to arise within tone of pleading, whine almost as it fell from tongue in a sudden rush, caught up within the process of it all.

“Why are you here,” between each strike, clamour of hammer touching upon metal fading within wake of words, confusion drawn across gentle features. Quiet the exhale, tremble to lips as words form upon the surface of cracked skin, furrow of fictitious brow one of worry. “You don't belong here, you never have.” Breath caught, lodged within throat until – sputtering cough, press of paws and uneasy their movements. Within tense muscles adrenaline works, touches each nerve ending.

Choking. Heavy the press of weight upon throat, familiar all of it. Sting of tears, teeth clenched tight between teeth slow to draw back, hiccuping breath pushing through.

Brush of heat upon side, burning caught within throat, sudden the inhale. Fragments of the dream – nor may it be deemed a nightmare – lingered upon the ragged edges of a mind slow to draw itself forth from the depths of slumber, sharp the cough raising, tearing through throat. Painful is it all, inhalation of smoke unwelcome. Few knew of their place here, learnt of the room they had taken for they had bore no wish to disturb him any longer though it was within their own mind they had formulated such idea, drew it forth until it bounced and echoed, spoke only of their presence as unneeded. Possibly she had been right.

Scrape of claws upon wood, shift of the heavy mass of blankets about them. There was no time to think though within the space was a few trinkets, little things found during scavenges and those they had yet to pass on, mind skipping over them all. Later, when things had calmed and the last embers crackled within the smouldering mess, may they touch upon it, feel within the harsh twist of regret. For now their only thought was to move. Difficult was it, dragging steps drawn across wooden flooring that had grown heated, touch of splinters and raised nails tearing, smears of crimson left within their wake.

All too late they noticed the stairs. Empty was the air that met them, brief the moment when it registered before gravity was taking them, wrapping about small frame cruel hands. Jarring the first thud, the press of the stair into shoulder, the next edge found chest, pressed until – snap. Broken was the scream raising from parted jaws, brief the respite as they found themself drawing to a stop, caught upon the next stair. So close to the end. Raising within waves the heat of pain curled about where bone had broken, shifting and moving, breath bringing with it more. Stretch of limbs, paw hooking on edge of stair and again the thud of body upon next, choked the sob drawn from bloodied lips.

The heat rose, crackling and sharp, acidic the smell of smoke. Everything hurt. Slight was the register of more, the sudden built up of heat contained to their back legs, the raise of the fire about the stairs finding new fuel. Ever hungry, seeking more, never sated until nothing was left.”Baku! Ma... ma!" Struggle was it to push forth the words, call wavering and dying.


Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - bubblegum - 11-13-2018

Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - OWEN. - 11-13-2018

His form was a shadow upon the crowd as he nosed his way through, lowering his head to allow the escapees from the burning building to climb on. "Up, CC. Lynn, come on. We have to get you all to safety. Is there any others?!" Owen called out to the two Quartermasters, his arms ready to reach in and risk being burned to yank the two high ranks out.
