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montserrat mystique | MEETING - Printable Version

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Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - teef - 11-14-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


the hellhound brought himself to sit upright now, blocking tsuyu from the sight of the crowd. he flicked an ear, lip curling as he listened. his decision had been made as soon as he had seen how tsuyu looked in the ruins of dabi's corpse, covered in the good-for-nothing's ichor.

he had accepted anything that would happen to him in defending the frog hybrid, and he was glad he had. "we have an announcement of our own to announce while we're all here. we might get along as members all around, or so we wish, but let it be known that tsuyu is now under the lingré lineage and any further injury to her person will be considered ... a grudge that won't be forgiven."

gods be damned, he had lost it all billions of years ago. he knew he had to reach out to whichever of his blood children that survived and let them know of his choice to include another member into their swollen ancient family. most of them had gotten their blood from the demon king himself, under the guise of a general. the lingré family would take tsuyu in and any others that wished to find themselves in the family.

clearing his throat he gave a wicked smile, charming and taunting to those gathered around. just one last up-yours to stryker and he might call it a day. "congrats on the promotion, darlin. you've earned it for sure, ninazu. ah. a slave? a pity. we would like to see how you propose how you're going to break us. this will be most entertaining." he drawled, flipping up his mask to stare at all of those in attendance, a challenge of course, but an invitation. he wouldn't be broken so easily.

Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - TSUYU. - 11-14-2018

Listening to her father's voice, Tsuyu felt a grin creep up her face as she tapped on his shoulder. "Up, papa. Ribbit." Tsuyu croaked, her bobbed tail twitching behind her. When the male leaned down, the frog hybrid would then crawl onto his back, the unstable twitching of her jaw showing just how out of order her emotions were now. She was a slave again? Wasn't she always a slave? She belonged to Stryker, after all.

"Dearest Master," Tsuyu croaked out to Stryker, a sickeningly sweet smile on her insane features as she leaned forward on her father's head, claws unsheathed to glance over them. It didn't seem to bother her, but Tsuyu wanted to play a bit more before she was subjected to more pain.

Play, as in hurt people.

Soon, Tsuyu's paw lifted up, and she let her water manipulation get to work finally, using blood bending to attempt to force [member=1738]Stryker[/member] body to the ground, nearly into a bowing position, but she wasn't that mean. Her eyes seemed to show the same manic flicker in it as it used to, and her breaths came out in excited pants. To anyone who hadn't experienced being manipulated by blood bending before, it would probably just look like Stryker was being pushed to the ground by gravity, but that was far from the truth. Blood, blood. Papa loved blood- should she kill Master for the praise? No- that was mean, she owed a lot to Master after all.

//Stryker is free to use mental manipulation to make her pass out after her attack then chase them off to the slave area, where Tsuyu gets her collar again?


Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 11-14-2018

Hearing another voice speak, Dante's gaze snapped over to Jerisidie, listening to the male with disinterest. In fact, the hybrid at first found the male's words amusing, though as Tsuyu spoke up, Dante quickly looked over at her. Oh hell no. The hybrid thought to himself, watching the frog hybrid move her paw. Although he had no idea she was attempting to use blood bending, he knew that she was trying to use some sort of power and quickly rose to his paws. Dante tried to run and jump at [member=1262]TSUYU.[/member] , hoping to cancel her attempt at blood bending. Regardless if he was able to do the latter, Dante still tried to pin TSUYU down, his lips peeled back in a snarl, revealing more sharp teeth. He had just one more row of teeth inside his mouth (due to being half-shark), save for the four fangs that stuck out of his mouth.

"Stand down." Dante snarled, even if neither his attempts worked. His tail lashed behind him, green eyes glaring down at Tsuyu as he spoke in a sharp tone. If she didn't get exiled for this shit or punished harshly, he'd be pretty damned surprised.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - ninazu - 11-14-2018

© lexasperated
The marauder turned to Jerisidie and the frog-bitch hybrid, her golden eyes narrowing as smirk slowly started to slide across her muzzle. From the corner of her eye, she saw Dante speed towards the water elemental – and supposed that left her to take care of the annoying wolf.

“You’re so determined to be her shield. Don’t you know those make the best targets?” she murmured, almost to herself. She drew her paw over the sandy ground as yellow-white lines zipped over her rising fur. Her chin lifted as she stared down her larger opponent, grin widening to Cheshire proportions. Her eyes looked to Tsuyu as she chuckled, “And your weakness is already obvious.” Did he think breaking him would challenge her? She saw his pathetic moves before he even thought of them himself.

Her lightning shot from her body in a wide arc, slinging to the side as it streamed towards Tsuyu’s flank. A foot or so before it would have hit, she curved it – flipping the crackling bolt through the air, hurling it towards Jerisidie’s chest. She didn’t understand why the wolf found it in him to fight to the death for a girl he wasn’t even fucking, but Ninazu had no problem taking advantage of his emotional weaknesses.


Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - teef - 11-14-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


a low growl lifted off of jerisidie's lips once tsuyu had taken her perch upon his back and shoulders, feeling her claws catching in his fur. "sweetheart, we know you want to play, but maybe we should let it be?" he suggested softly, feeling the tension in the air.

there was going to be hell to pay for this, he knew it. with his remaining sight he wasn't able to see what tsuyu was doing to stryker, or attempting to do, but he knew enough to try to sidestep dante. if he failed and tsu was taken from his back, the hellhound would have attempted to step in as quickly as he could.

feeling electricity crackling he swung his head in ninazu's direction, lips lifted into a smirk, "being a target often makes for great distractions" he retorted calmly, bracing for the electric shock he knew he would receive. grunting as the bolt hit his chest he dug his claws into the ground, calling on the life in his soil to support his legs lest he fall. he had a duty to the young, one he would carry out no matter if it killed him.

taking a deep breath he summoned his frazzled thoughts, sending his own energy and power into the ground, feeling the earth buck and roil beneath him, attempting to send roots to knock ninazu off balance or to lash back in a similar manner. it was called self-defense, right?

Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - TSUYU. - 11-14-2018

The attack from Dante was sudden, but from how high up she was, Tsuyu's broken hips couldn't allow her to move so much. Claws raked down skin with a loud yelp from Tsuyu, and in turn, Tsuyu clung onto her father's thick pelt with her front paws, hissing towards Dante. "Go.. Away!" She growled softly, using what little moisture in the air there was to create a thick fog, the last of her energy spent.

Leaning her head down to Jerisdie's, Tsuyu muttered soft words of encouragement before tugging his scruff, a signal to run. She wanted to leave a lasting impression, after all, she was once a hero, and all heroes wanted the spotlight at one point. "Let's go, ribbit." She meowed, her bobbed tail tip twitching in annoyance. Using the fog for cover, Tsuyu made her escape upon Jeris' back.

She'll have her revenge.



Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - Stryker - 11-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Dante had caused Tsuyu's attack to be denied, leaving the lion standing in place. Attacks were coming from all sides. Stryker tried to help as necessary, but before he could use mental manipulation on Tsuyu, she happened to make her escape with Jeriside. "Follow them," he ordered to a few NPCs off to the side. Startled, they headed out immediately and continued off into the dark jungle, hoping to score some frog and wolf meat. With a frustrated growl, the lion let out a lowly grumble. "Obviously, exile is the best solution for those two buffoons." No shit, Sherlock. "First one to bring their heads on a pike will get a reward." Whatever that would be...

Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 11-14-2018

At first, Dante did try to chase after Tsuyu, although the frog-cat hybrid was far too quick for him to keep up. Dante paused in his short chase, huffing, watching as a couple NPCs went off per Stryker's demand. The large feline's torn eat flicked, turning back to the Ardent. Those two were exiled, huh? That was kind of ironic; exiled from The Pitt.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - Ammon - 11-14-2018

Late to the party, but still here none the less.  Ammon carefully walked into the shattered remains of what was this meeting, his ears perked picking up what was remaining of it.  Jers and Tsu of whom he never met were now exiled.  Huh, that was interesting.  Ammon's ties to Jer were somewhat kept under wraps and the former god would rather keep it that way, since it would bring disaster to either parts.

It was probably best for him to flee while he still had the skin on his back, and still had a drawing breath in his lungs to make it out of here alive.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer