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a lack thereof ☆☆ joining - Printable Version

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Re: a lack thereof ☆☆ joining - teef - 11-11-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


finnloch smiled, "its fine, it's fine! no worries, dear child!" she chuckled. tipping her head she waved her tail, "let's go!" she laughed, feeling all of her childish energy building up even though she was years old. it didnt matter anymore, she was happy and safe and relatively er,, sheltered.

Re: a lack thereof ☆☆ joining - | ICHIGO KUROSAKI | - 11-11-2018

i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
Weather usually never bothered the cougar. His species was resilient with most climates, and he had moved with the clan that he had lived with for most of his life to other territories and that meant different environments. Storms never scarred him, it was what hid inside of the storms that would concern him. Not every storm that happened was created by the likes of nature, but instead could be created by animals that had elemental powers itself. Ichigo wasn't the type to create storms with the elemental powers that he had, but there were several instances of where his elemental powers just really did whatever the hell they wanted to. The wildcat had no reason to control the weather because if the water was bad he could just find shelter, or at least teleport away from most of the danger that he would end up coming across. Everything happened for a reason, but it didn't mean that he had to like said reasons either. He would much rather have a nice snowy day without a blizzard, and a nice cloudy day without the aspect of rain. The rain also didn't bring very good memories for him, but the mountains were worse. Combining the two was basically asking for trouble. Ichigo would lash his tail once while he was moving, not because he was angry, but just to get more rain off of his body despite it already being drenched and the only way he was going to get dry was to find shelter of some sort. Ichigo shrugged his shoulders at the mention of the other's home and how it seemed to constantly rain. "I grew up in blizzards. I've gotten used to bad weather at this point." Ichigo stated calmly.

It was good that the female wasn't complaining about the rain like a couple had been before when they had arrived at the border. At the mention, if there had been any injured, the wildcat let a small frown spread across his jaws. "I'm not... exactly sure. I haven't seen any major cases. I'm not around the camp much." Ichigo tried to explain. He didn't know everything that happened in this place. He avoided the houses because the majority of them were around water and he was terrified of the ocean expanse that covered the territory. He was able to catch the glance that the other shot him toward the water soaked bandages. The wounds underneath them weren't that bad, but the last thing he needed was some sort of infection. "These injuries aren't from the flood." He reassured her, but made sure to keep the details vague as he didn't want her to know the real reason why he had gotten hurt. Everyone in Sunhaven would eventually get used to seeing the cougar with constant scrapes and bruises, eventually. Ichigo stopped walking when the domestic cat stopped to what seems like a bow. Oh.

That was certainly unexpected in the factor that he wasn't used to other's being so formal to him at all. In his sudden panic, Ichigo bowed his head in common Japanese culture fashion toward the female. "Hajimemashite" Ichigo would say, not having realized that he had just spoken in Japanese. "But there's no need to bow or anything like that." From his culture, bowing was extreme respect to those that they spoke to. He wasn't sure what it meant in other groups or cultures, but he had never been one to formal. Which often times led him to get into trouble. It was there while he was stopped that he felt a familiar presence, and he had to keep from growling. He hadn't seen Infirmaryward at all really, the last time he had seen them, was when they murdered one of their own. Something that the Shinigami obviously hadn't forgotten and didn't trust the other either. If anything when the other domestic cat approached, Ichigo moved slightly closer toward Finnloch as if it was for protection. He didn't interrupt their conversation though, and the Shinigami made sure to shoot the other a distrustful glance when the other had looked at him. "Yeah, let's get out of his damn rain." Ichigo stated with a flick of his tail as he continued moving forward. He wanted off of this damn mountain before he had to punch something.

1: nice to meet you]

Re: a lack thereof ☆☆ joining - teef - 11-12-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


finnloch looked up at ichigo, smiling, "just a habit, sorry dear." she chuckled as she took in the rest of his words. she beamed as she recognized a different tongue, reveling in the roll of his accent. "japanese?" she asked, comparing what little she had heard of the language in her travels to his accent and his own words.

shaking herself out once more she sent a look to the other three, "okay, okay, now it's getting a bit chilly. let's go!" she chirped, already feeling at home. she didn't miss the tension thickening the air between fin and ichigo, her tail tip flicking. hmm, something she might be able to help soothe? she also caught when ichigo shifted closer to her. being brazen, she stepped closer to fin, going as far as to gently bump their leg, "c'mon you slowpokes! any more rain and i'll turn into a puddle!" she snorted, taking off down the mountain towards the foot, her tail upright and perky, finding her footing very quickly even though she had never been in the territory before.