Beasts of Beyond
between the houses / family intro - Printable Version

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Re: between the houses / family intro - PEPPINO - 11-10-2018

Poor thing was soaked to the bone, wasn't he? He would be all right, of course, and would continue to be considering Junji, but his siblings had more or less deserted him for the ocean and other related antics. Were their positions reversed, Pip might have felt stung, though as far as he could tell, the ragdoll didn't appear upset over the situation. A bit flustered, maybe, which was to be expected. The ocean was fairly disarming the first time, and then all the times after until one grew accustomed to its incessant tugging. He doubted this would deter the boy any. So many of the people here were connected to the water in some way. It had seemed frightening to Pip in the beginning, but now, he knew it to be a marker of home, as he was certain the whole litter would. He could admit to some awkwardness on his own side, however, since these were his mentor's children.

Despite his reservations, the young canine nonetheless smiled, mismatched eyes light. "All right, Elijah. The sand is a bit tricky." Balance was helpful to traverse the beach, especially when in reach of the tide. The first time could feel a bit terrifying when the ground was shifting, but he was more worried about sand ingestion than the falling. He couldn't immediately tell whether Eli did swallow any, which was why he asked, except the boy was clearly distracted by something. "You must have gotten sand in your ears, too," he commented breezily, amused, though quickly disarmed by a cut off remark he was...entirely capable of interpreting. "Oh, that is- my name is Peppino. Or Pip." The mix cleared his throat, and shifted a bit to rummage in his satchel, withdrawing a small towel, which he folded over Eli. "I'm no knight, though. Ser Pip doesn't sound very valiant. Would you like some water?"

He was fidgeting, he knew, still recovering from the startling comment. Pip assumed it was the eyes- this seemed to be one of their first outings, so he didn't think Eli could have seen anyone else besides his parents and siblings' eyes, though theirs were ringed instead of halved. Besides, some younger children had filter difficulties. It wasn't anything to fixate on.


Re: between the houses / family intro - Keona. - 11-10-2018

✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
The little striker approached slowly.  The bay was her domain.  Familiar.  Home.  Although her broken ribs still bothered her, they were healing well and quickly enough, and the child could hardly be deterred from the shore.  The other children were younger, yet older than her -- a strange concept.  The little fae had barely grown over the moons since she and her father had arrived, but she had not put much thought to it before, until she remembered she could remember Junji being pregnant.

Her pale sea-green hues flickered around, bouncing towards the direction of each voice.  Five.  New names and voices for each of them.  Now, she ought to tell them her own name.  She hung back for others, aware of Pip and Lucifer's presence.  The latter of whom did not seem interested in speaking.  The steady observer.  The tiny kitten took another step forward.

"Aloha," her soft voice offered the greeting quietly, but steady.  Curiousity rested in her sightless eyes, though her heart thrummed with anxiety.  In all her time with the Typhoon, it was rare to see Keona spend too much time with the other youngsters, aside from one young friend.  Other children frightened her more than adults.  More energetic, less sensitive. "I'm Keona Sibéal ó Faoláin.  Just Keona, or Sibi is fine."
tá mé i dtiúin — ✯

Re: between the houses / family intro - MARCELLUS - 11-11-2018

Marcellus had known a few months now about Junji's birthing of the children and while he still reserved about them, he felt a warmth in his heart whenever he would think of them. An undeniable desire to want to be close to them and protect them from the evils of the word. To do what his parents could not manage to do. Along with this, there was no denying it that these children shared his blood (or Luca's colored and flavored blood more like) in the sense that one of them had been born with his gene, piebald, and the rest with stripes just like his Toyger body in contrast to spots like in his King Cheetah body. He couldn't deny that when he saw Elijah with comparisons to his appearance that he nearly had a heart attack from loving too much. These children were his, Luca's, and Junji's and though it would take some time for him to grow close to them and be a proper father, he would enjoy the wait and wait patiently for that day.

The day came for when they were old enough to be shown to the harsh world and upon being told that he could feel a little pain in his heart. He didn't want them to be exposed to the murder, the drugs or alcohol. No, he wanted them to be exposed to nothing but happiness and nothing that would ever make them sad. He would fight anyone or anything that dared to hurt them or make them feel in such a way that they felt even the slightest tinge of being uncomfortable or depressed.

What Marcellus didn't know was that Junji was going to be showing them off today though the father knew that it was a thing coming up. His paws carried him down the shore of Barracuda Bay as the former Privateer looked out from the shoreline in lost thought, all other voices around him being drowned out and faded into the background. It wasn't Junji's voice that captured his attention but rather the angelic figure of Junji, an angel so bright that the sun couldn't even compare. For a moment Marcel allowed his eyes to remain on Junji's face until they trailed down to reveal the five little figures sticking out from his wings. There was a mix of shock, confusion, fear, but what overpowered it all was the amusement and warmth that came from the sight of five little children poking out from their angelic fathers wing. He had already met these children more than once, becoming a regular sight to their differently colored eyes, though all interactions could easily be deemed as awkward with how he tries to act towards them.

In a haste, the domestic feline was already racing down the shoreline to meet with his newly made family, his eyes glancing over each figure of his children. It was Stella who stepped out from the wings first, his eyes widening as warmth swelled in his chest and for a moment all he could do was wonder how he got so lucky to have such amazing children. How they all got so lucky to have amazing and beautiful children like these. It was almost unreal, a fantasy right before his eyes and he so badly wished for it not to be.

Marcellus took a step forwards to press his nose to Junji's shoulder in a sweet greeting before diverting his attention completely to Stella. He didn't know what to say or do but rather marvel at the being that was his daughter, finally emitting a few words from his throat. "W-Welcome to the world, Stella, te amo." What laced his tone was nothing more than genuine happiness, tears threatening to leave his eyes as he spoke the words. When he looked over them he could feel the threat grow stronger as he tried to conceal back the droplets of water in his ducts, raising a paw to run it swiftly across his face in an effort to get rid of them. This was their family and it kept dawning on him that these were now his blood as they shared it. He could feel unease at that statement but at the same time feel the ridiculous amount of warmth overpower it. No, he wouldn't abandon them. He will always be there for them even if he didn't know how to yet.

Next were the other children, Kaisa and Elijah. For a moment he was ready to race up to them and force them into a tight embrace until he realized that Elijah was getting pulled in by the shore. He froze, fear striking his heart as terror ripped through his very being and overpowered the warmth that he formerly felt at the sight of his children. Marcellus bunched his muscles together, the Toyger ready to run for Elijah at whatever speed he could manage with a limp leg until Peppino had arrived and saved the child. A relieved sigh left his jaws as he slowly felt a calming feeling trickle through his body, eyes watching the two as they got back to the steady shore. Beginning to walk towards them, his eyes caught the figures of Priscilla and Eris, warmth once more restoring itself in his heart.

"Kids!" He called to them, trying to get their attention. "Away from the water. We don't need anyone to drown." He was trying desperately to get them away from the harsh giant that was known as the bay, his eyes drawing over every one of his children until finally he realized that they were beginning to attract a bit of a crowd. He was a bit weary at them interacting with other members of the Typhoon but slowly he calmed down, looking to Keona and Lucifer with a nod of acknowledgement in their direction. Another person was Peppino, whom he would pad over to. "Thank you for helping Elijah."

With that out of the way, Marcellus made his way towards his children and curled his tail around them, a relaxed sigh leaving his jaws.

Re: between the houses / family intro - ikaia - 11-11-2018

IKAIA | current track ♪ | current shape: oncilla | engaging. . . | [Image: zgR219p.png]
Parents introducing children.  A sharp pang in his chest made the boy pause.  Had he ever known such a thing?  He can't remember.  All alone in that meadow he grew up in, no one but the trees, flowers and him.  Home but not home.  Home was supposed to belong to the heart and his heart had not belonged in that meadow all by himself. Where are my parents?  The oncilla tried to grasp a memory of either of them, but nothing came to mind.  A brief frown marked his maw before the young pirate bounded to Keona's side.

Unlike his friend, Ikaia quite liked the prospect of more children running about.  It meant the number of potential playmates had just increased.  Although, like Keona, he felt a little perplexed at his own age.  He was older than her at least, but not by much, but he should be much older than these five.  Huh.  Must be the mixed blood in his veins.  Faerie and demon alike.

A grin flashed across his face.  "I'm Ikaia, it's nice to meet you all."
( you are the dawn of a new day that's waking, a masterpiece still in the making )