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FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - Printable Version

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Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - OWEN. - 11-05-2018

"Ouch, almost was late." Owen barked as he walked into the meeting, sliding in to sit beside Luciferus comfortably. His eyes focused in on Pincher, his ears angled towards the demigod to listen for announcements.


Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - rhosmari - 11-05-2018

Ah, she was a little late and that was on her. She had gotten a bit distracted and she shouldn't have allowed a small bee to keep her so busy but she had really wanted to catch it. Really. The child scampered her way over to the meeting area and she forced herself to sit down and try to at least keep still to listen to the shit that Pincher said he was going to be spewing. That was what he called it anyway and she was honesty curious of what he was going to say to them. Hopefully it wasn't something bad and she forced herself to keep calm as she focused on the leader and what words he might say soon. Flicking one of her tails she wiggled a little back and forth gaze roaming over the other Typhooners that had already showed up. Oh the suspense was killing her.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #77ceee; font-size: 24px;"]— TECHNO

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - EXODUS-- - 11-05-2018

[div style="width: 200px; overflow: auto; width: overflow: auto; font-family: timesnewroman; text-align: justify; max-height: 400px; "]track.
[align=right][glow=black,2,300]You got to see the artistry
In tearing the place apart with me, baby

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - MirrorEdge - 11-05-2018

//tracking for tomorrow

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - PINCHER - 11-07-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
As Pincher waited for his crewmates arrived, he tried his best not to dwell on the awkward emptiness he felt within his chest. The raid against the Pitt had been a success in taking most of his captured crewmates back but the injuries he had received had caused more damage than he expected. He had not expected to be struck in the same location of his body where the spear of the human had struck as well. It had brought, feelings. It brought feelings. Fear of dying all over again. To feel that way and unable to achieve the dreams he had within his mind haunted him and he felt his eyes slowly narrow to slits of ice, his mind trying to ignore the paranoia and anxiety that tended to rise when he remembered the calendar in his submarine. That calendar felt like it was mocking his death yet he knew it helped him to be motivated in doing whatever he could do while he was here...alongside his crew.

His attention seemed to finally be able to focus on reality as he watched as enough members had arrived at the underground aquarium and Pincher slowly lifted his head up, raising a pale snow white paw to brush off invisible sand off his chest to ease the tightness that had decided to blossom within the empty hole where his heart had once been. He allowed a false plastic smirk to trace the corners of his lips to rise up and the male forced himself to straighten up before deciding to bring upon what news he had decided to give this week. ”Alright let’s get this shit started. First of all, I would like for you all to welcome the new face as well as old faces of this week. Argus, Georgie, Papercutter, and Desperado have returned to our lovely family and Deval, Araneae, and Lucia had decided to join us as well. Make them feel welcome, introduce them to our traditions, don’t steal their shit. Got it?”

Deciding he should now move onto the bad sour part of meetings, demotions. He rolled his tattooed shoulders, the glowing blue hue flickering with slight unease as the muscled panthera hybrid decided to just jump on it and get it over with. ”Ragnild and Kirishima are demoted. If you can bring up your activity up again then you may return to your ranked positions but for now, just crewmates. A warning goes to Peppino and Technopaw, please be around for your duties.” It wasn’t too hard, Pincher just wasn’t fond of telling bad news especially if it affected his group. His long tail twitched lazily beside his form as he then began to focus on shoutouts and promotions. ”Shoutouts to Seamus, Keona, and Lucifer. I’ve decided to promote Caesar to Head Officer. Feliks is promoted to Privateer. CC and Owen are promoted to Striker. And I have recently decided who to make my Quartermaster...well, Quartermasters to be exact. They both are quite young and flawed, but they also carry strengths that I wish to focus on improving as they become my proteges if...when my reign ends. Goldenluxury and Bakugou are given the opportunity to rise up and become my Quartermasters. They have shown a lot of initiative, offering aid in improving our clan and despite their different ways of dealing with situations, they hold a strength that every pirate needs to ride the bitch ass waves of life. Congratulations and I hope you accept the ability to be trained by me to become better leaders than me.” He allowed his voice to become louder and clearer when given the announcements of his newly promoted Quartermasters, a proud touch to his voice. He remained silent to allow for congratulations to follow and once everything had settled down, he went to focus on the other announcements.

”The truth or dare feast will still be free to join so jump in. Prompts are being given out this week so get one if you haven’t already. Later on this week, Lucifer is planning a sparring training session with Sunhaven and Feliks with a bonfire so be ready for that wild shit. We will also be starting a new competition between the divisions within the Typhoon, more will be revealed on December. For political news, I’ve decided to drop The Rosebloods. They are selfish and conceited bitches that only really care about themselves and the Typhoon may be selfish but we actually give a shit about our allies so they are free for anyone to attack, kill, raid, and capture. However, remember we don’t deal with kids. If I see you dragging a kid into our home, I will have your ass on a platter and feed it to the sharks. If you have anything to bring up to me, feel free to find me at my submarine. I am open to any ideas and suggestions you have. Meeting dismissed and get to work.” Pincher felt relieved to finally say everything that needed to be said and hopefully everyone had listened, he was not going to be repeating himself anytime soon as the demigod stepped off the jagged throne, his figure beginning to head over towards the tunnel’s exit.

Welcome new joiners and returnees to the crew!!
[member=218]ARGUS[/member] / [member=1732]DESPERADO[/member] / [member=83]Papercutter[/member] / [member=151]georgie[/member] / [member=2052]Deval[/member] / [member=2784]Araneae[/member] / [member=2657]LUCIA[/member]
Ragnild and Kirishima are demoted
[member=2099]PEPPINO[/member] / [member=2650]TECHNOPAW[/member] get a light warning
[member=232]LUCIFER GRIMM.[/member] / @seamus / [member=265]Keona.[/member] are given Shoutouts, keep it up!
[member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] is promoted to Head Officer, [member=1654]FELIKS[/member] to Privateer, [member=2579]CCLIV.[/member] and @OWEN are promoted to Striker. [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] and [member=1637]bakugou[/member] are promoted to Quartermasters!! Congratulations!!
Rosebloods are dropped to enemies/"neutrals"/open target
Thank you everyone for being patient with me! Life has been super busy for me but it's settled down to where I can now post reguarly and I promise I will do my best to get to every thread that needs replies, love you all and have a wonderful day!

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - Grey - 11-07-2018

The movements of the pirates were chaotic. Although no one was speaking, pawsteps seemed almost like a murmur, shuffling and resonating within his ear canals. Murmurs became noise, as if for a moment the whole world had been silent but had only been noticed by Bakugou once everything began to pick up. More members were funneling in, breaths calm when he realises just how nice it felt to sit still rather than fidget in agitation, unhappy with where he was, fixated on unwelcomed thoughts. The first one he had noticed was Caesar, sitting beside the Reaver. To be honest, he felt surprised to see the Officer choosing to be so close to then but then reminded himself that the savannah probably didn't care. He was simply at the front and sooner or later, other members would have to fill around him in order to fit inside the meeting room. Bakugou had almost missed the angelic form of Junji right beside him, almost filtering the soothsayer out because the male had come in so quietly. He noticed the smell of herbs clinging to the male's coat before only just catching the angel's smile. He merely gives the other a nod, thinking it was strange that he was deserving of a smile at that very moment.

Then he begins to notice more members, faces that he had attached names to and recognising Goldenluxury sitting close to himself and Caesar. He was grateful of the fact that she had recovered some of the memories between him and her, finally a little more comfortable with her presence but still a little shaken at the fact that she didn't always seem like herself. He guessed she was still struggling to remember, finding it difficult to approach the bengal and attempt to help because it made him uncomfortable and almost...sad. Bakugou winces when he hears Owen's barks, noticing that the indominous rex was no longer an indominous rex but a german shepherd again. Just as he expected, it was always Owen who seemed to break the peace. He was only waiting for the male to destroy their Sunhaven alliance, having little hope in the other male despite the fact that Owen usually had good intentions. He simply thought the canine to be too troublesome to deal with, frequently annoyed by the other's remarks and attitude.

Before he could think anymore, the Captain's voice raised above the shuffles of movement. All of a sudden, the murmurs and white noise had stopped, ceasing immediately to heed the demigod's call. Even though the male wasn't the most formal in his address to the island, Bakugou knew that Pincher was greatly respected, power simply radiated and lingered from his grand form. He was intimidating because his eyes were unreadable, glass-like and only reflecting the image of the ones he was looking at. The ragdoll didn't react to the leader's smile, distracted by his thoughts that he almost missed the number of names the Captain called out. From the looks of it, they had more returners than joiners. He didn't mind this, however, because he would rather deal with someone who was familiar with the ropes of The Typhoon than speak to someone who didn't know left from right, walking like a mindless zombie to find a home. It was far too annoying to keep up and check that they were okay. That being said, Bakugou never even extended to welcome others in a polite way. In what universe would he think to lend a paw?

He bites his lip when Kirishima's name is mentioned but his gaze was stone-hard. He hadn't seen the male for a while, wondering if the other had gone off somewhere without his attention. Maybe it was for the better. The more classmates he saw, the more the memories of his past flashed at him like a signal, invading his emotions for as long as it needed. It was cold to think that he might be better off without Kirishima but he couldn't help but feel betrayed by the male not having told him anything. Then again, it might have been Bakugou's own fault for not trying to look for the dragon. Then, drawing his attention away from the demotions and warnings, were the shout-outs and promotions. When it came to Luciferus' shout-out, he couldn't help but understand. It felt that the positions of Dealer, Soothsayer and Officer was where it all stood still. After all, Bakugou couldn't imagine anyone being next in line to rule after Pincher. As far as he was concerned, the Captain was irreplaceable, the heart of The Typhoon. To even dare imagine that he would one day disappear, leave their island for good, was a despicable thought.

The next promotions weren't all that surprising. Caesar had been Officer since Bakugou had first joined so he wasn't surprised to hear that he was made head of the division, superior to that of Luciferus simply because the dragon had only been Officer for a short while. Feliks, he understood. The male had recently caught one of the rats that came from The Pitt and had recently been through quite a lot. It was fair enough to give the griffon a promotion. In terms of CC, the ragdoll was still unsure of what to think. It seemed that the child wasn't quite able to communicate but considering Pincher had promoted Exodus to striker once, he was willing to accept it. When it came to Owen, however, the male snorted. Well, he would admit the male had an active presence around the island but he thought it was more of an...annoying presence in The Typhoon. But considering his recent change of heart, he wondered if Owen would come to take better care of what he did. Of course, this was coming from Bakugou - Bakugou who was always worrisome when it came to politics because one never quite knew when he'd explode and set fire to a good relationship.

The next part, however, was different. Upon hearing the little spiel of the Captain's words, leading up to something important, he found himself paying extra attention. It made him nervous to hear that the male was looking for a Quartermaster, wondering who out of the assistant deputies would receive it. Goldenluxury, to him, was quite young. She had amnesia and was still recovering, always injured and worrying the ragdoll. Junji, on the other hand, was so busy. He wasn't sure if the other could have it on his plate. Caesar...well, he was sure the island would be in ruins if the male got any closer to leadership and, at the same time, he had just been promoted to Head Officer. Then again, it was entirely possible. Bakugou also didn't think Luciferus was an option either because then there would be no need to have a Head Officer. His brows furrow slightly, weighing the options quickly in his mind until he heard Pincher say Quartermasters. Two? His ears twitch, his initial thoughts flying out of his mind as he wondered what exactly the leader was thinking, puzzled by the other's very words because, to Bakugou, he realised that all his thoughts were now invalid.

Young and flawed. The male huffs in his own amusement at Pincher calling the future Quartermasters flawed but before he can continue making fun of them in his mind, his tail twitches irritably at Pincher's ominous comment regarding his reign. He didn't want to think about the idea of the male leaving them, vanishing, becoming one with the sea. At the name Goldenluxury, his own sanguine eyes sweep towards the bengal, offering her a grin. If he put aside his feelings of attachment in keeping their current Captain, he didn't mind the idea of the girl being next-in-line. She put in a lot of hard work and effort into keeping the island together, the yang to everyone's yin. At the same time, she wasn't stupid, able to reject those who sided with Pittians. To be honest, for the next name, he was genuinely expecting the names of one of the other assistant deputies only to choke at when he heard his name. Bakugou? Quartermaster? His own lips parted from each other, eyes wide and staring at the Captain as if he were serious. He was trying real hard to think of who else had a name similar to him, wondering if he had misheard because he always viewed himself as a horrible choice for anything.

Initiative, different, strength. Although they were compliments, the male reinforcing his decision to make him and Goldenluxury his successors, his emotions felt cheated. His ears were burning, hot from the stress of not knowing what exactly to think and feel. For once, the thoughts that were running in his mind had stopped. Better leaders. The Captain was talking to them all as if he was going to die, as if he knew when exactly his time would come because of how ominous his words came off. He was comfortable with knowing there was no deputy because he didn't, for a moment, stop to think of the demigod one day leaving them. His own heart was pounding, unable to think straight while Pincher was going through the other announcements of events in The Typhoon and the fact that the Rosebloods had been dropped to neutrals, now available for them to harass at any time. If he had been in a normal state of mind, he would have thought good riddance. He didn't like the group for their stuck-up personalities, the formalities of their words and their lack of presence in helping The Typhoon as if they were spoilt brats. And yet he felt his own mind to be blank, spinning as if he were about to be sick because of what the Captain had just told him. He never thought anyone would think him as worthy for anything. Bakugou didn't even feel himself to be worthy.

Even when the meeting was dismissed, he couldn't move. He simply sat there, furrowing his brows. Quartermaster Bakugou. It didn't sound right, it sounded awful. He still couldn't help but feel empty at the thought, as if the universe had been inverted. He wasn't worthy, he kept thinking. No one in The Typhoon even cared about him. No one. He was starting to feel disgusted, sick of the churning in his stomach, the butterflies that wanted to fly out of his maw. It was like a smack in his face, a smack telling him that all his worries had been wrong.

Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - no more - 11-07-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 360px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"][ ] ;; – Difficult is it to place within the simplistic structure of syllable risen from the curl of tongue what course of time may do, changes wrought as on it continues, ever shifting and moving – a river.

Gentle the graze of warmth, touch of heat along curved spine, tingling as it finds root within toes, dancing upon the ends of each nerve as it finds an end. Almost is longing within the slow beat of heart, this thing of muscle and blood yet, within the confinements of the mind, something all together different. Beneath the touch of hatred, searing a heat as fingers wound about heavy marble, forcing within the hard material a shape it bore no want to conform to. Or might it be something more akin to ice, delicate jewel as it may be, finery woven within thin strands that begged to feel the brush of love yet within lingered the ever present worry it may simply melt if one grew too close.

Wishful may such thinking be, nothing but want to explain the ache caught beneath the cage of ribs when another reached, sought anything meaningful from one of such youth. False were the smiles upon pale lips, twist baring teeth in jagged a shape, the laughter uttered a strained sound hinting at cracks about a facade they knew not was fixed to stiff features gentle with its padding of baby fat. Here there was no need for such ad about those lips played not a smile seeped within falsehood but the soft curl of a frown, eyes tracking the shift of paw along surface of fabric. Never were the words there, echoing want to be around him, one of few counted amongst those who bore something, unknown this oddity which set them apart and drew closer the lost child.

Lift of head was slow though loud was the sudden shrill cry of horn, flick of ear all that marked response to such intrusion of sound. Pooled about shoulders the fabric contained into loose the structure of a nest, heavy a presence giving with it a warmth, drawn about small body until almost suffocating was it. And yet it never seemed such, more a comfort. Curl of thought, slow its rise though no such precaution is necessary as about it mind encircles, thinks well of it. Press of nose further into the fabric gathered about them, breath exhaled into it, warmth raising in a short exhale of steam. Heavy grow lids, murmur of breath escaping – shuffle of paws across wood that had seen all too many before, grown thin and the veneer painted atop was worn away, tired the sound of voices as conversation rose amongst those few contained in these walls. Difficult was it to shut out such intrusion, walls proven thin as paper given little in way of privacy until it rose, coalescing into a sharp sound driven into the centre of their mind.

Begrudging were actions, marked with displeased sound bound about sharp exhale. Rough was the shove to remove that which wound about them, pushed into a heap atop the pillow almost swallowed amongst it all. There would be time enough later if the want to organise struck them – such was laughable for the state of their room was one speaking of disorder – the creaking protest of old hinges bringing with it a pale wash of light. Upon pale lips settled a frown, displeasure apparent as fictional brow found itself drawn down, shadowing eyes of earthen tones. One for climates given to higher temperatures apparent was the youth's displeasure in the faint chill about the wind, tugging upon the golden cinnamon strands that adorned their body, all too thin to fend much of it off. Preoccupied with their comfort it took a few seconds for CCLIV to realise those they had trailed, unfamiliar faces that bore no names though they held no care to learn of them, possibly later when sour mood lightened, uneven the pace which drew them forward once more.

Within some ways time was a healer though the roll of weight, shifting in hopes to never allow it to settle within its entirety upon leg held differently from the rest, spoke of ill done practices. Minimal was their hope of keeping pace with those before them, languid the way they moved and yet all the quicker for it, given no need for brief a stop allowing the pain within muscles to subside some. No real surprise was there when at last unsteady steps drew them closer, amongst those gathered in loose knit circles though the press of bodies, their heat joined together into heavy a presence atop bony shoulders, grew almost too much.

Tips of small claws clicked softly, scraped and worried at the ground beneath before, all at once, movement was paused. Hitch to breath, uneasy an exhale as once more it began. Striker. The word was unfamiliar to child, nothing behind it though the way it was spoken, almost after thought as it was slide amongst others yet something with it, enough to catch in the mind.


As usual, the meeting started with newcomers and joiners, followed quickly by demotions. Caesar paid no mind to those announcements, only snapping to attention whenever Pincher started going on about promotions. The demon's tail flicked as Pincher announced that he was officially promoted to Head Officer, his jaw clenching a bit at the Captain's words. Like I wasn't already? He thought to himself bitterly. Whenever Pincher got to his decision over the position of Quartermaster, the demon let out a growl.

Goldenluxury was somebody he could understand being a Quartermaster, as much as he hated her. She was born here, native to the island, and had been here longer than himself. Bakugou, however, was not. "Wait just a damned minute, Pincher." Caesar called out in a growl towards the Captain, standing up and turning around to face the leader as he left. "I don't give a damn about Golden being promoted, but why the hell was Bakugou promoted instead of me?" It was no secret that he wanted to be leader, at least not to Pincher or Goldenluxury. But that still didn't mean Pincher could completely disregard his ass to favor somebody knew. "I've been here much longer than he has. Hell - when he joined, I was just an Officer." The demon was beyond pissed, quite honestly. His claws dug at the ground as he fought the urge to just set himself on fire and shoot it at anybody who came near him.


Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - OWEN. - 11-07-2018

Everything seemed to be going great- a few welcomes, demotions, promotions. Ah, he had gotten promoted himself, how nice. Amber eyes seemed to narrow when Bakugou was made a Quartermaster, but he made no comment on it. Then, Caesar snapped. Rather suddenly, might I add. A soft, nearly inaudible whistle left the canine's jaws as his ears laid back against his head. "Ooh.. Someone's pissed." Owen rumbled softly, eyes flicking from Bakugou to Pincher, then from Pincher to Caesar.


Re: FERRARI LOVER — MEETING 11.02 - FELIKS - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]A privateer eh? It seemed like The Typhoon's standards for their high positions was much lower than other groups he'd been apart of. Then again, they were smaller, and most likely recognised that for all of his flaws Feliks was a rather knowing being. A smirk appeared on his maw at a self-inflated ego, letting it fade as more news started to come their way. The decision to have two Quartermasters was a risky one - two leaders were always worse than one from the gryphon's experience (he had become leader in faraway lands just because the two bosses couldn't work together), had it been a choice between Golden or Baku he would've picked the latter out of involvement and personal bias... others seemed to disagree though. Caesar piped in, seething and envious - perhaps rightfully so.

Or, perhaps not. There was no denying that Feliks wasn't keeping a good eye on the Typhoon despite his police-like duties, he simply wasn't lawful enough to try and keep the peace and make sure everyone did what they was told. Caring about promotions was hard, but the drama was rather interesting. Shame he couldn't form a better opinion on it, maybe then he could've agreed or disagreed with Caesar's fury with more confidence. Only just become a Head Officer when Bakugou's managed to climb the entire pyramid... oh what I'd say if I didn't like ya kid he looked towards the new Quartermasters before flickering an emerald gaze back towards Pincher. "Three Quartermasters might be pushing it," he spoke, seldom serious.

The Privateer highly doubted Pincher would treat Caesar kindly for such insolence but hey, he'd just have to stick around to find out. Hopefully the other wouldn't get punished for feeling mistreated though, else a whole new can of worms would be opened up.