Beasts of Beyond
SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - Printable Version

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Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - Character Graveyard. - 04-23-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
When Beck put his frigid paw on the rope that kept Luna hanging from the tree, she couldn't help but flinch and grit her teeth, preparing herself if the enemy would attempt to do anything with the rope. As the electricity ran through the entire rope and her body- the female groaned softly from the sudden pain.

After the pain was over and Beck had finished putting electricity into the rope, she narrowed her eyes and as best as she could- she shot a somewhat small blast of wind at Beck in her hope to distract the male.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - Morgan - 04-24-2018

Morgan growled and barked at the apparition, yelling for an end to the onslaught. Even if the hanging animal was prey, doing so much to it would ruin it.


In a split second the samoyed finally realized what was happening. Torture, a concept that was foreign to it up until that point. Beck was injuring the animal for personal reasons - reasons that the samoyed could not care less about. Morgan wanted none of it. It wanted no more of the madness. It knew that what its comrade was doing was absolutely wrong, and it had to put an end to it.

The dog howled as it pulled its anklets and mask apart, gathering the seawater together until it saw the feline hesitate. Morgan stomped on the ground once, commanding the liquid to move. The salty water blasted upward into a spear of ice aiming to impale Beck's trembling paw.


Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - beck. - 04-26-2018

    Trances were not uncommon for the demonic entity, his glazed eyes staring off beyond the fringes of the reality he so stubbornly clung to. His mind chose to shut down at the worst of times more often than not, a computer overheating and shutting down to protect itself from further damage. Don't just stand there, kill her -- The commandeering voice was ignored; he wasn't listening nor paying much attention to anything. An eternity spent in a blank state was only a moment to their living realm, and it only took one small action to wrench him back from beneath the surface.

    Morgan's bark failed to stir Beck, but the icicle impaling through his paw pad and jutting out from the back of his wrist in an inky mess of severed tendons did. Lucky for him, saltwater was far too diluted to truly scar him as badly as the burn marring his snout. Yet that didn't deter the pain from searing into his otherwise numbed nerves. A shocked yelp announced to the audience that the icicle met its target, the scrawny feline blindly stumbling backwards. Panic flashed in his amber eyes as his vision mistook the shard of ice for an arrow fired by an unseen archer -- was he being shot at? No, no, no, not again. He couldn't go through it again. Tripping over the rope holding Luna up and landing hard on his back, Beck skittered back to his feet and bolted towards the shadowed treeline, leaving rustling brambles in his wake, forgetting entirely about the dagger tethering the rope to the ground in his hysteric flight.

Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - Morgan - 04-27-2018

Morgan stopped itself from flinching as its target yelled out. It kept eye contact as much as possible as Beck struggled away, holding its ground as it could. It picked up the dagger in its mouth, then tossed it off toward the group of Tanglers for someone else to pick up.

The samoyed redirected its ice into a liquid state once more before forming it into yet another spear. This time, it used the icicle to cut through the rope, intending to let the captive down. After use, the ice fell back onto the dog, who reformed it into a set of armor and anklets. It stopped itself from recreating its mask, instead making larger rings around its legs.

It hoped that the stranger was at least friendly enough to leave without trouble, though it could not be sure.

Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - Character Graveyard. - 04-28-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
As Beck's paw was impaled by the sudden spear of ice created by Morgan, slight satisfaction filled her blue-eyes but she still wasn't down from the rope in the tree. So she would blast a strong gust of wind from both of her paws, in her attempt to get the rope to swing quickly so she could escape- even if that meant injuring herself.

The rope almost immediately snapped after the samoyed grabbed the knife and with a huff, she quickly got to her paws. "Thank you." Luna would said to Morgan before she headed off in the direction of Tanglewood's main camp, not sure where she was headed.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: SHE SPUTTERS PISTOL SHOTS / o, public humiliation - Morgan - 04-30-2018

Morgan nodded in response to the stranger, reforming its mask from its anklets. It had no idea where the outlander was headed, but it took solace in observing that it was in a different direction from where Beck had fled. The samoyed sat down and stared up into the sky, conflicted about the day's events. Why had the poltergeist hung up and attacked the unfamiliar animal? Was it right in attacking him back? Who was the stranger?