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RENEGADES - Horizon's Story - Printable Version

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Re: RENEGADES - Horizon's Story - MysteriouslyMaple - 11-14-2018


    The world slowly came back into focus as Horizon blinked open his eyes, groaning in pain. He felt dizzy, as if the world around him was spinning, which in turn made him just want to vomit. The tasmanian devil laid on the floor, trying to make the world stop spinning as much as he possibly could. However, his relaxation was shortly lived as yellow suddenly flashed in his vision, causing him to scramble back a few paces. Horizon blinked rapidly, looking up to see his father glaring down at him. Caesar's lips were peeled back in a snarl, his sharp teeth glinting, his ears pinned to the back of his skull. The look of pure rage on Caesar's face was horrifying and Horizon let out a terrified squeak, trying to scramble back, only to be stopped by a cold, stone wall.
    "What in the Hell do you think you were doing?" Caesar's words were laced with poison, his voice deep in a growl as he spoke. He stalked towards his son, claws scraping across the floor. Horizon's heart pounded as the savannah neared him and he flinched as Caesar moved suddenly, placing one of his paws on his throat. Horizon could feel his father's claws on his neck, although they weren't quite digging into his skin just yet. Still, the action itself was a sharp movement and scared Horizon.

    "Answer me!" Caesar snarled, spitting in Horizon's face. He pressed harder against Horizon's neck. The tasmanian devil was tense and he knew Caesar could tell, but Horizon couldn't help it. He was utterly terrified as to what was going on; his heart felt like it would burst out of his chest if he was quite honest.
    "I-I just wanted to s-see him," Horizon croaked out in response, his eyes closed as he refused to look at his father. "H-he doesn't seem like that much of a b-bad guy and I-"
    "Shut the fuck up." Sharp words made Horizon flinch, along with Caesar's claws faintly dragging down his neck. They didn't cut skin or draw blood, but the way the feline's claws felt against his neck made Horizon think he had been cut somehow. His eyes snapped open, staring in horror at Caesar.
    "What did I tell you earlier, Horizon?" Caesar went on, though his tone revealed that he was still angry at his son. The savannah's fur was bristling, his tail lashing about behind him as he glared down at Horizon. "I told you that I know what's best for my Kingdom. This is my Realm, not yours. You listened to me for months, what changed you all of the sudden? Were you conspiring with him?" His last words came out in a hiss, making Horizon bite his lip slightly.

    "N-no!" Horizon stammered out. "I-I didn't know Bruce until you-I-I saw him in The Arena," He tried explaining quickly, his words slurring together as he spoke. Was it because of the fear coursing through his body, or the numbing pain he felt on the back of his head? He didn't know. Either way, Horizon found himself just wanting to sleep despite the adrenaline he should be feeling.
    "So why are you suddenly against my words?" Caesar demanded once more, repeating the question he had originally asked.
    "It-It's not right!" Horizon replied back, absolutely bewildered at how his father didn't seem to understand. "You're hurting innocents, people who d-don't deserve to be hurt. Th-they've done nothing wrong and-and you're condemning them t-to die! I-It's wr-"

    Horizon was suddenly cut off as Caesar lashed out at him, his claws raking across the devil's face. Horizon was knocked to the floor and he stared at the ground in shock at what just happened. Bright, red blood trickled out of the small wound his father caused. At first, Horizon didn't feel any pain but soon, he could feel a slight burning sensation on the side of his face from where Caesar attacked him. The devil's mouth was agape as he laid on the ground, trying to comprehend what just happened.
    Unfortunately, Caesar did not allow him to have much time. Once again, the demon was snarling at Horizon, forcing the devil to look at him. "I don't give a damn what you think. There is only one person in this Kingdom who knows what is right and what is wrong and that is me. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear." His last words were slow, sharp, and demanding; clearly not a question as it should be. His paw hovered just above Horizon's face, his claws unsheathed. The sight made Horizon wince before he finally responded with a whine, "Y-yes, Father,"

    Caesar relaxed, moving backwards and sheathing his claws. "Good." His tone was still dark, not at all the loving sound Horizon had been used to. His tail flicked and soon Dante revealed himself from the shadows. Horizon sharply looked over at the shark-cat in surprise, eyes wide with fear as the creature started to near him.
    "Keep him locked up in his room." Horizon heard Caesar growl, not even bothering to hide his words. Dante gave a grunt of response before he picked Horizon up by the tail. Horizon hung limply from the large feline's jaws, too exhausted and in shock to really fight back. Dante carried him off towards his room without saying a word, soon throwing Horizon into it before slamming the door behind him.

    Horizon decided to stay on the ground after being thrown, breathing heavily as he tried to calm himself down. There was pain in his chest, a pressure that was made worse by the way he was breathing. The devil was trembling, slowly lowering his head to lay on his paws. He was vaguely aware of the sun rising, though he didn't feel hopeful as he usually did in the mornings. Things weren't like they used to be, when he was younger and still had his mother with him. He wasn't going to be greeted cheerfully by his father, his mother wasn't going to hold him in a strange, protective way like she used to whenever Caesar visited. If Horizon had clear thoughts right now, perhaps he would have read more into the memory of his mother practically guarding him during Caesar's visits, but instead the devil just laid on the ground, trying to calm his pounding heart and ringing ears. Tears streamed from his eyes and he blinked them away, soon finding himself falling asleep. Horizon welcomed the darkness once more, wanting to get away from the pain and fear he was currently feeling.

Re: RENEGADES - Horizon's Story - MysteriouslyMaple - 11-25-2018


    The sound of his door slamming open made Horizon jerk awake, scrambling backwards in his daze. The scent of blood was strong in front of him and Horizon blinked away sleepiness as he slowly looked up at the person who had so viciously opened his door. Despite him still feeling so tired, Horizon could feel his heart pounding in his chest, clearly still spooked over the noise the door made when it was slammed against the wall.
    Dante stood before him, glaring down past his fangs at the tasmanian devil. His green eyes were cold, his pupils in slits and Horizon looked down at his paws, wanting to get away from the sight. Memories of what happened a couple months ago, which started this whole mess of Dante standing guard at his door, started flooding back to the devil and the tension in the air made his fur prickle.
    "What has your father said when one of us have come to get you, Prince?" Dante's voice was mocking, his words drawn out as he spoke towards Horizon. The devil slowly looked back towards the shark-cat hybrid, forcing himself to sit up straight. What would happen if I didn't? Was that even a question he even had to ask at this point? Although the wound Caesar had given him on his face had healed long ago, Horizon still remembered vividly the burning sensation he felt from the cuts. Luckily, the wound wasn't deep enough to scar, but Horizon couldn't help but feel worried over what could have happened.
    "Good." Though it was supposed to be a praise, Horizon couldn't help but feel as if this comment was condescending. After all, there was a pleased smirk on Dante's face as Horizon fixed his posture. "Emperor Caesar requests your presence."

    "What for?" Horizon demanded suddenly, finding that his words came out before he had time to comprehend them. After realizing what he said, Horizon winced a bit, biting his lip as Dante took a threatening step forward.
    "Don't make me carry you." The hybrid growled in response, turning around quickly. His long tail whipped across the room as he moved, smacking Horizon a bit. The devil shook his head, pinning his ears against his head before he slowly got to his paws and followed after Dante. The silence between him and his father's Champion was normal, though now it seemed practically ominous. Whatever Caesar wanted him for, it was clearly something bad. Or at least, that's what Horizon felt, with how tense the air was. Maybe you're just imagining things. To be truthful, these past couple of months have seemed like a nightmare. His father seemed terribly frightening lately, something Horizon never would have imagined.

    Dante led him towards The Arena, quickly shoving the door behind the two of them. Horizon's heart stopped for a second when he realized that Dante was practically locking him up here, but he had no time to call out to the much bigger feline whenever he heard the sound of Caesar's voice.
    "Horizon, my boy!" Despite his father sounding cheerful, these words hurt Horizon. They gave him a sense of fear, almost as if Caesar was purposely using these words to make him afraid or using them to be condescending. At first, Horizon didn't move towards the savannah whom was out in the field, though he was soon shoved forward by Dante. Slowly, Horizon continued on, swallowing the fear that was rising in his throat as he closed the space between him and his father.
    "Yes, Father?" Horizon knew he sounded tired, he knew his words sounded flat. He honestly couldn't help it; he was dreading what his father was asking him here for. Slowly, Horizon allowed his gaze to travel to whatever Caesar was hiding from him and immediately regretted doing so.

    Cowering in front of both of them was a kitten, her blue eyes wide. Her cream fur was puffed out, both in fear and an attempt to look threatening. Despite that, her entire body shook and Horizon looked over and glared at Caesar.
    "What do you want?" Horizon snapped at the savannah, pinning his ears back as he stared at his father. He was angry, already having a feeling of what Caesar wanted him to do. The feline's ear flicked at the sound of his voice, clearly displeased by being talked back to.
    "I want you to kill her." Caesar's voice was just as flat as his son's now, looking Horizon in the eye as he spoke. There was a serious frown on the cat's face, which only made Horizon more angry. He has no remorse over this! The devil realized.
    "She's a child!" Horizon shot back, narrowing his eyes. "What has she done to you?"

    "She trespassed onto my territory," Caesar replied with a shrug. He slowly moved one of his paws to pin the kitten down, who let out a terrified squeak. "You know the rules, Horizon."
    "She's a child." Horizon repeated with a growl. "Dad, you know that it took me forever to realize the extent of your boundaries." He went on, trying to explain his thought process in a calmer manner upon seeing Caesar's lips start to peel back. "She doesn't know any better."
    Caesar sighed, shaking his head in what was clear disappointment. He made no response, though whenever the kitten underneath his paw let out a pained squeal, Horizon instinctively jumped forward. He tried to move Caesar away from the kitten, and he was able to get his father to release her, and she immediately took off.

    "Horizon!" Caesar snarled at the tasmanian devil, shoving Horizon away from him. Quickly, Horizon got to his paws and took off, trying to catch up to the little kitten, whom had collapsed onto the sand by now. Horizon stood over her, his hackles raised and bristling as he watched both his father and Dante nearing him. Caesar signaled something to Dante with his tail, making the hybrid stop in his tracks. The savannah continued to make his way towards Horizon, who bared his teeth at his father.
    "Don't touch her." Horizon snarled, digging his claws into the sand beneath him. The look Caesar was giving him was pure rage, his eyes practically on fire as he peered down at the devil. Suddenly though, the demon halted in his steps and moved one arm up and Horizon felt himself being lifted into the air. Whatever Caesar was doing, he blocked Horizon from being able to take in air and the devil instinctively kicked at the empty space between him, almost as if he was trying to fight some invisible force off.
    Horizon was flung towards the edges of The Arena, though he hit the ground just before reaching the walls. Still, the impact hurt and the young male was wracked with pain as he hit the ground. The devil was faintly aware of the snap he heard from under his body, filling him with excruciating pain. It was almost like an electrical shock, followed by some sort of numbness. Though Horizon wasn't sure if that was from the paw itself, or if it was because he just wanted to pass out at this point. If he was conscious enough, perhaps he would have realized how much damage Caesar had done and could realize how hard his heart was beating, but unfortunately Horizon wasn't. He was dizzy, the world blurry, and he just wanted to give in and pass out. You can't. He mentally willed at himself, forcing himself to try and get to his paws. His body shook as he tried moving, his broken paw brought up close to his chest. However, his attempt was quickly intercepted, with Caesar pinning him down.

    Horizon could feel the demon's claws dig into his skin, though he felt no pain. His father's paw was on his neck, trying to suffocate the devil. He put pressure onto Horizon's neck and the devil eventually allowed himself to give into the darkness.