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( I WONDER WHY : VISITINGish? ) - Printable Version

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Re: ( I WONDER WHY : VISITINGish? ) - WANDERER - 10-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Everything happens too quickly for him to keep up. There's a little kid in the middle of all this tension, a small little thing with a fur color sort of like his and some sort of attitude. It makes him smile, a warm, familiar expression that hasn't brightened his face for a few months now. He claims to be his friend, and although it's a lie, Val feels connected to him more than anyone else here. He can work with a lie, though he does have every intention of turning tail and getting out of this place as quickly as he can, before his heart gets any bitterer. But he let himself think that another minute's conversation with someone as kind as this kid couldn't do any harm. As usual, he'd been wrong. The blistering fireball he'd started to duck only singed some fur on the side of his face, the smell of burnt hair disgusting but much, much more palatable than the sudden realization that something had happened. His eyes open quickly from how they'd been scrunched closed to avoid the heat, and they fell immediately to the small body that had shielded him from the worst of it. His heart stops.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he shouts, not to Peppino but to Caesar, golden eyes only momentarily darting to the Savannah before he's twisting to fumble with the satchel he carried with him. That was where the smell of herbs came from, the thing that made this child decide he was trustworthy. His supplies dump haphazardly to the ground in his haste — now don't panic, his dad used to soothe, you'll start to shake. It's too late to stop that, but the German Shepherd takes a steadying breath anyway. "Hey, can you hear me? It's alright, it's just a little burn." He noses through his remaining herbs in search of honey or aloe, whatever came first. This time it was aloe. Val manages to get the lid off of the jar he kept it in and some of it onto the burned areas, the pad of his paws a little sticky as he smooths it over hot skin.

"It's just aloe, alright? It'll help you heal. Anti-inflammatory, helps circulation. You'll be alright." He's always had a habit of babbling when he's concerned and this time's no different, spouting off whatever facts he has in his head until he calms down, which hasn't quite happened yet. "Can you talk to me a bit? How's the pain?" Anger bubbles up in his chest again, teeth bared as he finally stands and stares at the fucked up person who'd caused this, but his expression softens all at once when he sees black blood on the ground. "You're hurt too." Part of him wants to be vindictive, spit out good and focus solely on Peppino, but the rest of him is still a doctor. He bites down on the anger and swallows his misgivings. "I have honey, if you want it." Everything he owns is already spilled out of his satchel, but Val doesn't dare turn his back on everyone to search for the jar that held one specific thing. The most he spares is a tense glance around him before looking back at the stranger.

Re: ( I WONDER WHY : VISITINGish? ) - Grey - 10-26-2018

He would have done the same, he too would have unleashed a jet of fire in that stranger's direction. The Pitt. It's a mistake to mention the very name within the confines of the island but, at the same time, it was a choice that gave a lot of insight. Bakugou wasn't quite sure if he believed Peppino's words, raising his ears when he hears the boy speak. The Reaver, whether it be a knack or a simple case of his mistrust in peoples' motives, always found it difficult to believe the kindness of others. Something about it made him crave the brutality of honest tones, sanguine eyes burning over their forms. Fire was dangerous and difficult to control. He knows that, but he wonders if Caesar too feels the thrill of using it, the sensation of being strong because his heart was so weak. Forget it. His mind has a tendency to wander, drift into the unknown, throw him into the sensation of being amidst a hurricane. He was afraid of letting his thoughts get too close because he knew it was in that mind that he felt most vulnerable, unsettled because he knew the kinds of emotions that will begin to overflow the moment his mind locks onto said path.

Observe. He's observed enough but his head remains unsure if he wants to diffuse the situation or ignite it further. Peppino was already hurt, trying to help the male visit the The Typhoon at the cost of blisters, imperfect skin. Diffusing it was not a part of his nature either but he knew it would continue to get out of hand if they kept acting with force, especially with Pincher's child acting against what the rest of them thought was best. Caesar and Goldenluxury, however, were both his superiors, the ragdoll anxious for their reactions. "He says he's from that shithole, Pipsqueak. No one's gonna trust him no matter what you say," Bakugou says. There's no growl that leaves his maw. Perhaps all the negative energy was being drained by him after watching all the aggression which was enveloping the other pirates. He wouldn't be fond to see the Captain's reaction when he saw that his son had been burned in the process of a careless attempt at removing a Pittian. "Pipsqueak," the ragdoll begins again, thoughts gathering, "As much as you want him the stay, you've seen how everyone's reacted and it's goin' to stay that way for a while. No one wants anythin' to do with The Pitt after all those captures and especially after what they did to Goldie. He ain't gettin' any peace and quiet here."

His eyes waft towards the stranger yet again, name unknown to the Reaver. A shuddered sigh escapes his lips. "If this had been under different circumstances, I might 'ave backed you up because no spy would openly admit themselves a Pittian after what happened between us. But I can't bring myself to want to tolerate your presence here either because it turns out they have a big enough brain to be manipulative bastards. Even if you're tellin' the truth, your still goin' to continue to be unwelcomed if let in and chased out," he says, trying not to tangle his words. His own chest felt tight, uncomfortable because he didn't like trying to act in a civil manner. This, however, was necessary. He needed to balance. To be frank, he wished Luciferus was here to calm things down while still getting the job done. "And if you truly care about that boy than you'll know that it's best you fuck off before he gets any more hurt than he already is." Bakugou bites his lip, seeing the way the male was rummaging his belongings for the child. He remembers aloe vera, the name of the plant for burns - it had such a distinctive sound that he couldn't just forget it.

He doesn't say anything about the foreigner's desire to treat the wound on Peppino, deciding not to step in and tell the male 'no'. His brain...hurt. He would rather the decision to be left to someone else because he knew that Junji was overworked but was plagued by his distrust of the other, unsure if the man would only cause further harm to the child or leave Pip better off. "You should hurry up."

Re: ( I WONDER WHY : VISITINGish? ) - FELIKS - 10-26-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Wanted to talk... just wanted to talk. How privileged must one be to think that's acceptable? The explanation did nothing to remove the sour feeling on Feliks' tongue, even as one talked of not being 'one of them'. Even the story caused skepticism within the creature, who would so openly admit to not having loyalties unless they were lying or just didn't care? Clearly this fellow had something to care about, if they did capture his friend. "You're a goddamn donkey if you're telling the truth. All it takes are two roaming ears for your plans to go out the window, telling it to strangers who couldn't give a toss about you..." he stopped, for another donkey had taken the realm and pushed himself in the way of fire. It's a child, you shouldn't say such things. Lest he wanted history to repeat itself, Feliks figured he should listen to his conscience.

Something was wrong with it recently though, and his sympathy for one blindly rushing into things had disappeared regardless of age. "Join him in the Pitt then. Watch as dozens starve serving under vicious rule, hear their cries as they're tortured for pleasure and become just as hopeless if you don't agree with everything a megalomaniac of a leader has to say. No one who willingly contributes to them pieces of shit is gonna have anything decent to say unless they're apologising, whether they're pretending to be a hero or not,". Harsh words towards someone who'd already learnt some sort of lesson through fire, but Feliks figured it was better to get the point across whilst pain was rushing through the other. They might not be so keen to listen when fear had subsided.

His pacing stopped, the gryphon taking several steps forwards, eyeing the medication as if he was trying to burn a hole through it. Sometimes situations were too similar to events of his own life for him to be comfortable, recalling how one who caused his agony had then healed him... his talons flexed, agitated. Caesar couldn't be blamed for casting out a Pittian who shouldn't be around in the first place. Not one of those monsters, hah! His steps forwards continued past Val and his new medical subject, coming finally to a standstill some distance behind the pair. Last thing they wanted was another kidnapped youngster.

Re: ( I WONDER WHY : VISITINGish? ) - WANDERER - 10-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]oops this is rushed sorry if it's a mess

It was a little bit funny, that his first experience with people claiming to be decent is this. A kid on the floor and everyone else speaking up like they were preaching at a sermon. Pointed ears pin back and he takes one firm step closer to them, sticky aloe-covered paws picking up dirt on the pads. Because the truth was, Feliks was right — he didn't care. These people could hurt him, The Pitt could hurt him. Hell, he could die tomorrow from some random spider bite for all it fucking mattered. The only thing that mattered was Butch, and his dad if he was even alive. "There's no plan," he almost laughs at Feliks, sounding bitter. "Everyone knows I'm there for him, everyone knows I can't do anything about it. I wasn't here to talk about that, I came here to talk about the fucking weather." A break from cruelty, why was that too much to ask? He glances back at Bakugou and his lip curls — even if he was right and nobody would trust him, how far they were willing to go to deny this is... something else, really. "I wasn't asking to be let in anywhere. You're all just —" He exhales sharply.

Whether or not they decide to attack him now that his back's turned, Val doesn't care. He turns around to start picking up pieces of his medical equipment. Bundles of comfrey and marigold, poppy seeds. It had all been tucked away in a very specific manner, and he knows he's not going to get it again, not without hours of frustration like that which already weighs down on him. To help alleviate some of it, he twists a bit more and pulls out something heavy, clamped gently between his teeth. After a moment's consideration, he leaves it by Peppino's small form. "You wanted to learn, right? This book was my dad's. Keep it. Give it to someone else when you're done with it, alright? Keep it going." Now everything fit pretty well, with room to spare, but he leaves the honey and aloe by the book. Just in case. "Keep it clean, don't use ice on it. No cotton balls. You —" he looks at Caesar "— honey would help. Or gargle with salt water." The words are rushed and angry as he finishes packing up and puts his satchel back over his body.

"Don't talk like what happened to him was my fault. Your — fucking — assumptions —" each word is punctuated by another sharp movement of the bag "— and inability to see past a foot in front of your face got him hurt." Golden eyes are cold on Feliks's face now, as he turns away to head back down the tracks. "Do yourself a favor and stop pretending you're looking out for anyone, talking to a kid like that." He slips past the small crowd without a glance backwards, shaking out his paws in the cool water and keeping his pace at a steady trot even though all he wants to do is run back to Butch. (And he'd thought being outside of the vault would be an adventure.)

/ out !

Re: ( I WONDER WHY : VISITINGish? ) - OWEN. - 10-26-2018

"Masie, follow." Owen rumbled to the tiny raptor, before standing up once more and dipping his head to Goldie and Caesar. "I'll wait and see if he comes back later, Masie'll chase him out." Owen grumbled as his feet carried him onward, the ground rattling beneath him. The form of someone swimming was out there, but Owen wasn't sure if he was going to try again or not. He hoped not.