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WONDROUS // meeting 4/15 - Printable Version

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Re: WONDROUS // meeting 4/15 - Suiteheart - 04-20-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart, better known as Hotelsuites listened to her new leader as she settled into a more relaxed position. She allowed a small breath to escape her maw as she did so, for she felt at ease. This felt like home. It felt like her old leader was hosting a meeting. Without meaning to, a small frown formed on her lips. She missed home, but that was nothing new.

The news of Luna's disappearance was worrying, even if she didn't know who this was. The sudden absence of anyone frightened her to her very core. However, she was please Starrynight was enlisting search parties to locate her. It made her feel safer. And she noted this place was tight-knit, which felt nice. "I'd be happy to help with one of the search parties," Suiteheart called, suddenly forgetting the fact that she wanted to lay low. Besides, maybe this was she could search for her children.

She continued to listen as he spoke of their new alliance with the Typhoon. She didn't know anything about this group, but she would make sure to ask about them soon. They seemed interesting. She simply nodded at this new information.

As he continued, her eyes lit up at the mention of weekly tasks. Back home, she was the queen of them. She love, love, loved hosting them. It was a good way to bring up activity in any group, and it also helped members meet one another. There were no downsides to weekly tasks in her opinion. "I'd love to host weekly tasks, if that's okay?" She wasn't sure if he needed volunteers right this moment, but she was too excited to care.

Suite felt a smile grow across her face at Starry's next words. She didn't know ImmortalHD, but she did know Bastillepaw. Though she had only known Basty for a short period of time, she felt some sort of motherly pride at his promotion. She cheered her congratulations for both her fellow members, and admittedly, she did hold out her cheer a tad longer for Bast.

"I have a suggestion," the ivory feline meowed. [color=#73B1B7][b]"It's not anything that needs to be done right this moment, but I think it'd be a good idea to send some sort of thank you or something to the Typhoon. Back home, we had ambassadors who would send stuff to allies and check on them an' whatnot. I'd be a good way to make sure things are always a-okay between us.

"And I think some sort of allied event would be great! Like maybe we could have a mixer or something? Each group could get to know one another better, and it would form a stronger bond."

Re: WONDROUS // meeting 4/15 - BASTILLEPAW - 04-22-2018

the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
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Bastille stilled as Starry mentioned Luna, torn — on one hand, he was relieved to see that people were actually taking notice for once (he’d been frustrated for weeks about the lack of action). On the other, however, there was the minor fact that Bast had already gone to interrogate their neighbors about Luna’s disappearance. He hadn’t exactly mentioned it to Starry yet, thought. Or asked to go in the first place.

Distracted, he almost missed that the Seraph was speaking to him, until he realized with a cringe that his absolute fool of a leader was making a horrible mistake (again). ”Fuck, uh, okay,” he said awkwardly, looking a bit sullen before he switched subjects quickly, ”Look, I already went and questioned everyone about Luna, uh, a few days ago. No one has seen her.” He scowled, and added irritably, ”Pretty sure Beck was lying, though. Those shady fucks probably have her, if you wanna check in closer on them, I guess.” He looked bitter about it, as if regretting that he didn’t push harder about Luna’s whereabouts.

He glanced at Suite as she spoke, and nodded absently. ”If Tanglewood does have Luna, Typhoon might help us. They’re on shitty fucking terms with them at the moment.” He felt a brief pang of sympathy for Fish. He liked Fish, actually. ”It’d be good to establish a better bond with them. I think those ideas.”

Re: WONDROUS // meeting 4/15 - Starrynight ! - 04-22-2018


A paw lifted to scratch at his ear, eyes flickering over the Ascendants. Some NPCs had gotten up and left, having stayed for the important bits. He waited for anyone to call out, maybe with a concern, and looked over at Hotelsuites as she spoke up. Despite his tired slump, he listened carefully. Starrynight offered a thankful nod at the volunteer to help- and volunteer tasks! That was two in one. His head then tipped to the side. The charms tied between his horns swayed gently from side to side. Ambassadors? He'd never considered such a thing before. It sounded interesting. A good idea, too. An event didn't sound like a bad idea either. It could be fun. Maybe he could go visit Pincher and ask about it. Or just come up with something and surprise them with an invite. He would figure it out later.

Nodding again, he rubbed his nose with a snowy white paw before addressing Suite. "Yeah, thanks- for both of those. And uh, the ambassadors thing sounds cool! If any of you are interested in visiting the Typhoon and seeing how they're doing, just make a thread and ask me. Maybe visit once every two weeks or so. Offer some gifts every now and then. I'm sure it'd make them happy." He, personally, would be thrilled to be surprised with gifts. "An event sounds cool, too. I'll think on that and maybe make a thread in the OOC area for suggestions." Right. His attention then switched to Bastillepaw, who was speaking out rather awkwardly. Wait, what? When did he even leave to do that? Was he really that ignorant? Starrynight shook himself. "Right, uh... I'll... I'll go have a word with Beck, then. If they really do have her, then I'll just bring her back." If she wanted to come back, that is. For all they knew, she left to go stay in Tanglewood. Maybe she had a friend there. "Again, if that's all, then we're done here."