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Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - Printable Version

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Re: Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - Luca - 10-24-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Perhaps it was his demonic blood encouraging his negative emotions, or maybe he'd just been feeling tense lately, but Luca didn't react well to the low hiss that Masie shot in his direction. That rose eye of his narrowed and pink flames flared up around his paws. In his eyes, the raptor was only proving his point, reacting to his words with what he could only view as anger. In reality it was probably something closer to indigence, but he had no time for analysing the emotions of something he viewed as a lesser creature, something that only mimicked emotions for the sake of tricking food and shelter out of real animals. Junji's presence was the only thing that stopped him from lunging at the raptor, fangs sharp and prepped to do what Delta had done to him all those months ago. It was for the sake of the angel that the fire around his paws slowly receded into nothing more than a couple glowing embers, all of his rage stored in the subtle shake of his legs.

He had to be better, he knew that, but it was so hard with Owen just sitting here. He leaned into Junji's touch once the soothsayer was done with tending to Masie's wound, and he was silent for one second. Two. But then he couldn't hold it back anymore. "It hurts," he said as he pulled away from the feline, voice soft but definitely not kind. "I was weak and vulnerable, but instead of attacking someone that was actually doing something, you ordered one of those scaly bitches to kill me! I just wanted to see Shine. What's the big deal if i regenerated, huh? I still had to feel my body being torn apart, and then feel it pull itself together, and you haven't even said sorry! Why would I not hold a grudge?" Truthfully, he was mad that Owen was allowed in the Typhoon in the first place. He cared not for the hurt in those amber eyes, for it could never compare to what he had felt. From Luca's perspective, Owen wouldn't understand the pain, the exhaustion, of what he had made the hellhound go through, and the fact that he thought it was justified brought enraged tears to the corners of the coffee coloured canine's eyes. "Fuck off and die, Owen."

He had come so that he could stay close to Junji, but he knew nothing good would come of him hanging around. His lips curled in a snarl that didn't fit his features, and then he turned tail and abandoned the whole situation. He'd no doubt regret his anger later, but that didn't help the present whatsoever.

Re: Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - Grey - 10-25-2018

He never liked the raptors. He wanted them gone, dead. Things were so much quieter, much more peaceful, with those feral scums away. He doesn't regret hurting Masie but it wasn't intentional. He didn't even think he could burn to touch but the more he thought about it, the more he realises that perhaps Masie wasn't the first case. He remembers one time going out on the beach, annoyed that Victor was so cheerfully watching a group of children play tag. It annoyed him. He's never been too fond of kids but Victor pulled him into the game, infuriating the Reaver so much that his pride got the best of him. He chased that sled dog around and, he guesses he didn't look too much into it, but Victor looked a little hurt when he finally caught him. He thought it was from the swat but it was possible that his body temperature had been hot enough to be uncomfortable, not enough to burn like Masie, but it should have been an indicator that his awfully high temperature was not just something Bakugou thought he was feeling but something that was real and actually happening. He could hurt others by a mere touch. He never wanted that to happen, never really thought about how he would feel if he hurt someone unintentionally. Normally it was on purpose.

Bakugou scrunches his nose, seeing how Junji appeared to try and treat the small creature. He was, perhaps, far enough not to be immediately noticed. The fire that usually surrounded his tail had died out, the male too tired to radiate any more heat from his body. He was still warm from the initial burst of heat but he couldn't use his fire elementals from their subconscious overuse, now only ashes that were becoming cold. He twitches an ear at Luca, flinching a little but slowly relaxing when he heard what the other Reaver was saying. He agreed. It was best they just killed off the young thing, knowing that she would become yet another nuisance to deal with. They were only...pets. He didn't view them the same as other members. Surely, he thinks, they can be killed without consequence. The worse of it would be to deal with Owen and the rest of the raptors but he doesn't feel so afraid of them. If he kills one raptor, he may as well kill off the rest. He wouldn't stop at one.

To be honest, he appreciated that Owen claimed that the injury on the girl's muzzle wasn't his fault. His mind refused to let him think that way but now he understood that he was dangerous. He couldn't touch anyone and it was only elevating his problem to become worse. And yet the heated argument from Luca and Owen was beginning to turn his mind away, heart beginning to thud because he wanted to join in. He couldn't help himself, hating to watch the way the situation was turning sour, hating to let words be left alone. Although Luca had given his own valid reason for continuing to dislike Owen, Bakugou couldn't hold himself back at one of things that Owen had said to justify why it was okay for him to continue existing the way he did.

The ragdoll's own aggression begins to appear upon his face, growling at Owen the same rumble that the indominous rex had given him when Masie so foolishly touched him. "He ain't allowed to hate you and the raptors because he's immortal? And you're sayin' you knew Luca was immortal the whole time? Fuckin' bullshit," Bakugou speaks up, not caring that Owen had a bone to pick with him when he openly walks out with a hiss. "Now I don't know what the fuck the tiny details were but what I'm gettin' at is that you're gonna kill who you want with those disgustin' pets of yours without carin' about the consequences. So what if Luca's immortal? What if ya killed someone mortal, what do ya say to that? 'Oh my fuckin' bad they're dead - thought they'd regenerate'?!" Leave it to Bakugou to continue exploding a situation, igniting it further. He wasn't one to be on Luca's side but he sure as hell didn't like Owen more. It was enough to pull all his anxieties of the demon away for just one moment.

Re: Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - OWEN. - 10-25-2018

Owen knew it- in the back of his mind, his demented brain, that his girls were all dangerous. Still, he would defend them no matter the price. It was wrong of him to think this way, it was wrong to put the lives of his raptors over his own clanmates, but it was just how he was. He would choose his children over people who treated him terribly- If they killed one of his girls, they couldn't come back. They didn't understand- If he lost his children, Owen wouldn't be Owen. He would be an empty, broken shell of a man. His raptors had become his life the moment he met them, and Masie was no exception to that.

So when he heard Bakugou come over, putting in his input where it wasn't needed, Owen snapped his gaze around to meet the ragdoll's own. The dramatics about immortality was ignored, but Owen wouldn't ignore the comments made about how he wanted to 'talk' to someone. "How do you expect to come to a raid and not be attacked?! A raid isn't a time to socialize, Bakugou! He had it coming for him the moment he stepped into Ascendants territory. The territory I was sworn to protect, just like how now, I'm sworn to protect this one!" He snapped back, not waiting for Masie to get back up onto him and merely standing up with her on his snout or on his head. He'd catch her, keep her stable on him, but Owen was done with them at this point. "If you want someone to blame for Luca's death in his old body, then blame me, damn it! Delta was only following the command that I gave to her! She was ordered to do it, and she didn't hesitate! So blame me, the one who gave the order in the first place!" Owen roared out towards Luca as he left, puffs of air leaving his nostrils in an angry bout of air before he stood up onto two feet, his maximum height at this point.

Turning to Junji, Owen shifted his body to give one last, vicious warning growl to Ament before his eyes hardened. He was angry, but he knew when to thank those who did something for him and his children. "Thank you again, Junji, for helping Masie. I'll be going now." Owen rumbled, before turning to leave, his footsteps rattling the ground as he headed back to his nest- his family's nest.


Re: Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - Grey - 10-25-2018

It's easy to let anger cloud your judgement, allow words to become twisted. This was the thrill of arguing, adding fuel to a fire that just needed a little more to explode. His eyes narrow in amusement towards Owen's response, the fury that boiled within him. He tries not to grin but he knows his smug face is coming, beginning to form around his features, lips curling at the mention of his name. Ah, he had really gotten him, he'd touched the other's temper. "My issue was towards you saying that you can't be blamed because Luca's immortal and should therefore forgive you, not the fact that you were fightin' to protect your stupid home," the Reaver replies, curling his tail behind him. He knew there was no way Owen would have known that Luca would regenerate from dying unless he had met the demon before, in circumstances that didn't involve bloodshed. He was mad. He wanted Owen to be crushed beneath the weight of everything, to realise how badly Bakugou hated those feral creatures. He doesn't blame Luca for maintaining a grudge. "You attacked Luca with the intent to kill, not carin' at the time if he was going to bloody regenerate, so of fuckin' course he's going to hold grudges."

The ragdoll snorts when he sees the indominous rex leave, feeling his shoulders loosen. Truthfully, he doesn't have the energy to keep arguing. He just wanted to see the raptor trainer crushed beneath his words because he didn't like the other male. He does, however, believe there to be a truth in his words. If this had been Luciferus or Feliks speaking, he was pretty sure that the way sentences were chained together would be less aggressive and more or less like a correction of the other's character, a way to clear up the fire. All Bakugou has ever known was to make things worse, sanguine eyes burning in Owen's direction as he left before huffing with a snort. As far as he was concerned, he had gotten the last laugh and oh boy did that feel good.

Re: Can't Come To The Phone;; Healer Needed. - MirrorEdge - 10-25-2018

"Sorry, but I kinda have to agree with Bakugou and the others. What would you have done if Luca hadn't come back to life, mister?" Pupiless eyes settled on Owen, an unreadable expression in her eyes. "Would you be able to live the same way with blood staining your paws? Would you really be that much of a monster?"

That was guilt she felt everyday, even if Roy was back now. And yet it seemed that Owen wasn't all too bothered, since Luca had come back to life. Even if he had only given the order, it was the same as if he had carried out the deed. Before, she probably wouldn't have given much thought to it. That was what greatly bothered her now, was that Owen had a mentality similar to what hers had been, except instead of as long as she remained victorious, the world could burn, as long as him and his raptors were fine, then nothing else would matter. It was that thinking that had made her so dangerous to be around other people. That had gotten her exiled. "He'll end up in the same boat as me, if he keeps it up. And I'll push him out of the boat because with that body, he'll be taking up too much space." She muttered, trying to add in a somewhat ill-timed joke in an attempt to lighten the mood.
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