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Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Printable Version

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Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Aelios S. - 10-24-2018

Oof so Leona was alive, which made it one deceased body and another alive. That should at least spare Fin from any kind of serious punishment.  Stepping back away from the mutant, clearly remembering what her blood tasted like.

They knew if they ran, they were handsomely screwed. "Sorry." they murmured softly feeling more abashed at their sudden incident. 

This will not abide well.

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Luciferr - 10-24-2018

CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angeli Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeleon - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven and is considered 'fallen' by his divine brethren for his renegade status as their once ex-general. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
Vampires held little fondness to him - but he could say the same of daemoni, at the end of the day, they had often been just another threat for the Dark Star to put down when they got in the way - the infernal's often recruited the night children, but most tended to stay out of the battle, content to feast on the mortal corpses left as collateral when divine and daemonic spilled over the boundary worlds.

some had tried for Angeli or Daemoni - but often realised the folly too late when they burned in bright agony or choked as their throats and innards dissolved from taint - a reinforcement that either cadre was emphatically not compatible.

eerie azure eyes traced between the three as Cryptic made way upon the scene - on the brighter side Infirmary seemed cognisant, not berserk and mad, so there was a plus and Leona was alive.

there was a whole enemy clan - or even the ferals - and perhaps donators if they were to speak up as options in long term - and perhaps it was considered evil to inflict on enemies or bystanders, but this was only practical and with far less moral dubiousness than feasting on friends.

"hm, might need to work on control if conflict is going to become the norm - you'll be seeing far more bodies in such case" and they couldn't have the night child becoming unhinged each time.
[align=center][glow=grey,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
© ceilidh

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Hope Arcanium - 10-24-2018

Leona took the opportunity to move and make a mad dash for the large angelic Crypticwhisper's leg, hoping to hide behind it and peep out with a nervous yet angered expression. How dare they? Infirmaryward would have to learn to control their vampirism, as Sunhaven couldn't have bodies upon bodies and eventually end up killing an ally.

Her bleeding wound was beginning to sting, and she felt slightly faint from blood loss, but she remained standing. Fatigue would not claim her, not right now. This situation was out of hand, and punishment needed to be dealt.

Hopefully Marina would arrive soon. If she did, that is. For now, the mutant feline tried to stay beside Cryptic's legs, feeling a strong urge to lean on him for support. Something about the huge creature was comforting, and she needed that right now. She hoped he would allow her to continue being next to him.

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Aelios S. - 10-24-2018

Aye they were the monster, a freak. This is why they wore a mouth mask. This is the exact reason why for it. The feline gritted their teeth slightly, growing more and more annoyed with each look that was either plotting their demise or wanting them gone. 

As of right now they want to shrink into themselves and hide. But no they caused this mess and they were going have to man up and see that nothing went a miss.

Punishment, heaven's sake of mercy. What kind of punishment would this be? Death? Flogging? Forced isolation?

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - rhosmari - 10-24-2018

This wasn't something she was happy to have been notified about. The harsh opposite to be exact and her anger could almost be seen in the air as she came forward. The woman's eyes seemed to be darker, body tense as she slowly made her way toward the scene after had come forth to tell her of the incident with Fin and one of their own now dead. They'd said that he'd died of fright but this reminded her all too well of the murders that had been done by the Ascendants as far as she knew. The last one had been killed by fright because of whoever had killed their partner and she was livid really at the idea that this had happened again. They had enough problems without their own attacking and eating each other. They were supposed to be a group who was strong in their bonds and this looked less and less like that was true. Her massive form slowly prowled forward and by the time she had emerged from the thick growth of leaves and foliage her eyes were almost noticeably a more solid black in color. She hadn't even noticed such a change and she allowed herself to try and push back the anger that was boiling in her gut. Some could say that it wasn't his fault, that he didn't have control of himself but she still couldn't let this slide. Attacking and killing were offenses that just wouldn't be passed up and she allowed a heated breath to leave her form as ice slipped against the grass from her body.

"Fin." Her tone was stern and slightly heated as she allowed her body to slowly sit down, keeping her gaze away from the dead form of someone she could have possibly known. Her tails shifted aggressively against the ground before she narrowed her gaze as she looked upon the vampire. She'd met other vampires and while she didn't wholly trust them she also knew some that could control themselves and didn't feed on sentient beings. This was not the case and she was disappointed and so her trust had snapped in half. "We've had enough trouble with our members dyin'. Ya ain't helping with the situation by losin' yaself and not eatin' when ya should. Ya need tae keep ya eating habits in control or I'll be forced tae exile ya from Sunhaven. As punishment for ya crimes ya will be confided tae camp. Ya consult with me if ya are going huntin' or if ya want to visit a clan as I'll be watchin' over ya from now on till I can think I can trust ya again."

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Aelios S. - 10-24-2018

Confidement to the camp? They were getting off somewhat easy, if it was anywhere else they would have silver stabbed in various other places or even worse.  The feline forced themselves to stare at their blood stained paws. " Understood... And I'm sorry.  Sorry for all of this.. I am truly." they spoke softly tail slowly curling over their paws as their ears slightly flatten against their skull, no amount of apologizing could make the damage go way it seems.

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - | ICHIGO KUROSAKI | - 10-24-2018

i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
Ichigo knew that death happened. He had to deal with it every single day. He didn't know why there was so much death in one area. Well, he knew about the war now, but he only knew of a couple of corpses that were caused by what had been happening. The Shinigami had to look at the corpses of those that he came across and listened to the strangled screams of the spirits as they tried to figure out what had just happened to them. Were they dead? No, they couldn't be dead. They were just having such a normal day. There was no way something like this could happen to them. They deserved a second chance, at least to be able to say goodbye to the ones that they loved. But they would never get that chance. The Shinigami didn't have the power of bringing back life, and most of the time mortals weren't capable of seeing the spirits that were around them every day. There were a couple of signs that did play out to give hints to mortals that couldn't see them, but other than that they didn't know there were spirits around them. It was his job to make sure those that were spirits got the message that they were indeed dead and that there was nothing that could be done. They could always meet their loved ones when they passed into the afterlife, how long that would be he wouldn't know. He wasn't a Grim Reaper, he didn't go out looking for people to kill from a day to day basis. Although, Grim Reaper was one name that others considered him to be. Just because he dealt with death all of the time didn't mean that he wanted to. He would much rather prevent death, but at the same time, he wasn't a miracle worker despite how much he wanted to be. He knew what it felt like to lose family friends. Hell, he knew what it felt like to lose an entire family in the span of a couple years and be the only one left.

This meant that those that were killed no doubt had a family that was looking and waiting for them. Ichigo knew the importance of family and would never sacrifice it for anyone. He tried not to seek revenge for those that had done his family wrong, but at this point, he wasn't really to the point of caring either. The Shinigami was obviously upset about the entire thing, and when Infirmaryward spoke, the whites of his eye on his right eye slowly began to drift more toward a black color. His lips peeled themselves over his fangs in a soundless snarl at her works. They were just sitting there, cleaning themselves. As if this was a normal thing. His yellow and brown eyes would look down at the corpse again, the fur along his body immediately beginning to bristle. He knew from the wound and the way the other was acting what they had done. "No shit I know what you are. But that doesn't excuse what the hell you just did. You just killed a clanmate! Someone that has a family, someone that was willing to probably protect this place too. I don't give a shit if they suddenly dropped over, it was because you were there in the first place that they had died anyway!" Were they trying to shift the blame?! They were covered in the domestic cat's blood. He wasn't an idiot, and on top of that, he was pissed. Then they said that they felt bad for what they did, and this made blue flames start to flicker off of portions of his body. They were sorry huh? It didn't seem like they didn't care all that much considering their current reaction. Ichigo's head seemed to lower in a predatory manner. "Yeah well, you seemed to be leaking remorse from every aspect of your body as you're busy cleaning yourself." Ichigo seemed to spit the words that he spoke, his claws flexing into the earth below him.

His bi-colored eyes soon turned to attention to a domestic cat that he didn't recognize and seemed to be bleeding from the arm. It was there that the Shinigami began to stride toward Infirmaryward, his eyes dark and feeling no sympathy for the vampire. At least the one vampire that he had encountered had tried to get him away when he panicked. If the other had asked, others could have donated blood and that would have been the end of that. Ichigo stopped around three feet away from the fellow Sunhavener, and it looked almost like he was about to attack them. The voice in the back of his head like it usually was, was egging him on to do just that. They killed someone, it would seem appropriate that he would do just that. Then the strange being appeared on the scene, the Shinigami still not knowing the others name. The other didn't really seem to care all that much, but that wasn't a surprise to Ichigo, especially if the other was a supernatural being. Most didn't. If there was another Shinigami that had appeared on the scene, they would have kept walking, but he had spent the majority of his life as a mortal more than a Shinigami, so he reacted differently.

"You will remain right here until we get whoever is in charge here to deal with you." Ichigo said with a low growl, his voice distorting slightly in the process. As if on cue, he noticed another presence was making their way toward them, and he kept himself from attacking the vampire. He looked over his shoulder to see a familiar figure. Marina. He now knew her name but didn't know what the other was capable of doing, and from the looks of it, she was just as pissed as he was. Ichigo didn't move where he was standing and listened to the punishment that was going to be given out. Stuck in camp?! That was it?! That wasn't even remotely a punishment, and the words made a growl escape his jaws as he shook his head. He could think for himself and didn't need the damn voices to tell him something. "That's it? At least make them go explain to the family of the one that they killed what happened! The family at least deserves that." Ichigo protested, his tail lashing angrily behind him. The family needed to know, and it should be the one that murdered their family member that did it. Of course, this was only the case if they actually had a family in Sunhaven.

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Hope Arcanium - 10-25-2018

"Ichigo! Please..." Leona was visibly shaken, frozen behind the limb of the Angelic being she took cover behind. Her eyes blinked several times, trying to to shake the scene from their view, trying to forget what was happening. But the Shinigami's tone triggered the mutated feline further, causing her to shrink into herself.

"I-I'm sorry..." Soft crying would be audible as she tried leaning on Crypticwhisper for support. She was back... somewhere she did not want to be. She was trapped in that place within her mind, trembling.

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Aelios S. - 10-25-2018

Fin had caused so much death and destoryed so many families that at this point, Fin had hated what they were on a daily basis hence why they went at such lenghts to keep their apperance down to a hidden minimum.  The feline's head snapped up in response to what Ichigo, yes the words were true but damn that cougar they didnt have to about eating whatever self esteem that was already painfully tiny and on the verge of been ruined.

" Oh aye, maybe I should go about apologzing to the family.  I've been doing that for each and every single body that dropped because of what I am. Ya think that makes it any more the difference?  To look at the person in they eye and tell 'em you're the last thing they say before they expired? Terrified?" Fin had no idea where this anger was coming from.

" It's an endless bloody fucking cycle I have to go through each time I fucking relaspe.  The only way I know is not giving in to the urges.  Pretending everything a picnic and no one will get hurt.  Do me a favor and get stuffed."   Ah that was probably not the last thing to end on, for everything they just said could spark a fight, Ichigo was at least four or five times their own size, and judging on how roaring pissed he was could snap Fin's spine in 0.2 seconds.