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WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [CLOSED] - Printable Version

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Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - Beatles. - 10-22-2018

trick track

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - demeter - 10-22-2018

[size=9pt]what's better than this. guys being dudes
track for the legends

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - ASYLI - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px; font-size: 9pt"]tracking

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - Luciferr - 10-22-2018


if you wanna put in their adopted realtions to old luci through luca u can since he's HPR of typhon an a lotta old site clans oof but only if you wanna c:

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - miss ririchiyo - 10-22-2018

✧ pluto rosario | "plu","ty"
✧ physically unborn, mentally mature | unborn | scorpio
✧ cis male | he/him pronouns
✧ the typhoon | child | no titles

✧ domesticated feline (reference) | health: 100% | birth body
— sporting a more feminine build, pluto has fluffy, silver fur with black marbling all over. his eyes are defined with a sharp line of silver on the bottom waterline, along with him having soft purple eyes. his wings are batlike and black, the inside of his wings being a deep purple with a black cross-shaped pupil. his tail is long and thick with fluffy fur. his canines stick out of his mouth a little. he has black scales going up his jawline and cheeks and stopping almost up to his eyes that are nearly invisible thanks to blending in with his fur. his ears are pointed and unlike the rest of his body, isn't as fluffy. he is often seen wearing an upside down cross necklace or pentagram necklace around his neck with his choker. he has small horns sticking out of his head that are a dark purple, almost black color.
— blood/tears/sweat color (optional) blood is a bright pink color.
— accesories wears a choker around his neck with a steel ring attached to it.
— current injuries none

✧ friendly, outgoing, fierce.
✧ stubborn, blunt, protective.
✧ cocky, prideful, smart-mouthed.
— Having a fiery personality, Pluto enjoys to cause trouble and play pranks on others. He enjoys the thrill of adrenaline, running and climbing trees being his favorite past times. Sometimes known to have far more energy than one can take, he is known to be way too hyper for people to handle and can be extremely annoying. Constantly with mood changes, he can go from happy one second to angry the next, depending on the situation. Besides this, Pluto has a stern protectiveness of his siblings, refusing to let others get too fussy with them, even if they've done something wrong. He is practically the 'they're angels! they would never do such things!' type of brother who would stick up for his siblings even when he knows they've done something wrong. While he is fierce in protecting his siblings, he will also be known for his smart mouth and foul attitude around those who annoy him. He'll have a love for annoying those who make him mad, or those who pick on or bitch at his siblings. Really, once he got older, he'd be known to pick fights with people who insulted him or his siblings. When it comes to his parents, he's fiercely protective of all three of them, defending their name constantly and taking pride in the 'rosario' surname. His biggest fears is spiders or any bugs in general, but oddly doesn't mind getting down and dirty just for the fun of it. He uses slang or stupid pop culture phrases like "yess, queen!" or "yeet!", probably because he spends too much time reading about such things in books he found. He can be quite stupid at times, as well, often times doing whatever he's dared to do and ending up probably either getting hurt or getting his ass scolded. He is also known to fall in love way too easily, becoming attached to those who show him attention or praise him for his actions.

✧ luca x junji x marcellus | 3rd generation
adopted by nobody
✧ nephew of luciferus, sibling of 3.
✧ polyhyperpanromantic demipansexual | single | 1/2 of nothing
✧ no friends | no best friends | easy to befriend

✧ physically easy | mentally easy | no powers | no weapons
✧ will start/end fights, hard to provoke | will kill when older
✧ no mentor | no apprentice | not very skilled in fighting
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in UNDERLINE | mention when attacking!

✧ his faceclaim will be jeffree star, bc yes queen. his human au dresses very androgynous and often wears dresses and makeup.
— will understand latin, but prefer not to speak it unless he's extremely angry/annoyed or wants to talk shit.
— he'll probably adopt a pet dog or something, i dunno.
— most likely will gain fire elementals, mental manipulation, telekinesis, and shapeshifting.
— he loves kiddos??? but he loves his siblings more

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - emil - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]first post has been updated with the choosing date!

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - Grimm - 10-22-2018

[Image: kai-final.png]

  “bebi,” gentle breath through the gentle curve of frown, exhale upon which soft name curls, finds a home in the worried rush. upon wrist light touch dances, wondering if permitted before it lingers, settling as does weight. shift of it, slight push of them pressing into the warmth of side, within the gentle lacing of strawberry and flour, sweetness which rises from them a soft hum.

  “what is love...” uncertainty, structure not question though the want is there, present about tattered edges, tongue simply unwilling to allow it the final touch.

- ̗̀  identity  ̖́-

name | kaisa
nicknames | kai, princess
— means pure in finnish

gender | female
identity | agender
— uses they/them and she/her

orientation | homoromantic asexual


- ̗̀  appearance  ̖́-

general | though it may prove difficult to pinpoint how within the youth there is hints of each man that fathered them, as simple as colouring given light shade or the markings not meant for one such as they, they are all present. standing at roughly twenty-five cementers at the shoulder they prove a slight thing all round, though given a larger look for the heavy fluff about them

in-depth | small. such fits within each stage of life for this child is such, given to a stature of only ten inches and baring little weight to a frame thin and fragile, the heavy fluff about them allowing them something more

narrow of both hips and shoulders they seem almost like glass, prone to breaking beneath the slightest pressure but are more sturdy then such, at least, they shall be as they grow. a sickly child because of a combination of premature birth and the weaknesses of the mortal portion of their being they are able to survive only because of the others, this mix of angelic and demonic suppressing the worst. all the same their growth is stunted and they grow extremely slowly, easily deemed the runt out of them all for this, though exactly why it is they are like this can not be tied to one single cause

covered in heavy fur, as befitting one of the ragdoll line, they bare touches of each parent though it is hard to tell at first. a soft cream base with somewhat darker points the areas about the legs up to the joint, the tail and the face are coloured in a lilac hue, a dilution of luca's own , but strange is the markings. where it should not be there are faint stripes upon these darker areas, this from marcel. thickest about the neck it seems sort of like a mane, fluffed up as it is and so it grows difficult to see their ears amongst all the fluff, the chest also somewhat thick though not as much. strangely they bear fetlock feathering, these little puffs of fur at the joints the longest on their legs

within the first month they bare small bumps on their back, they feel hard and seem almost to be bone, the fur over it almost downy and in truth it is, the first down of feathers. at around two months they finally begin to grow and it is clear they have wings if small ones, out of proportion to their body. while they will permit them better balance and give some lift when used there is no chance they will ever truly fly. it is not until they reach three months it becomes apparent their wings are structured oddly, the section connected to their back and around halfway down them is feathered, the pattern speckled in the same lilac as their points in a similar fashion to a snow owl, yet the lower half is similar to that of luca. clear is the structure of finger like bones and the thin membrane stretched between, as such it is easy to guess the whole wing is as such and the feathers of the top half are merely a covering that extended only so far

their blood and eyes share a colour, odd in various ways for one is meant to be crimson where the other blue, instead they are a light teal that seems washed out, almost to the point they are colourless, and their blood tastes faintly of watermelon

disabilities | primarily internal it is more the effects of such that are seen. from early on it becomes apparent they struggle with breaking down various foods, most disagreeing with their body which works against a rather weak immune system, going hand in hand with this as they lack the needed nutrients for their body simply will not accept any form of sustenance. as they age it will become somewhat easier to determine the things are are able to eat and will stay down, a diet primarily consisting of vegetation, though within childhood it is not a great time

accessories |
black pearl; found while walking the beach they received assistance in putting a hole through the middle of it so a chain may be threaded through it, with this it is worn about the right wrist, a treasured possession for they deem it a gift from the ocean, a thing that fascinates and terrifies. in times of distress they fiddle with it, moving it so the chain clinks against it softly, the sound strangely calming


- ̗̀  attitude  ̖́-

type | 2 - generous, demonstrative, people-pleasing, and possessive
alignment | neutral good - seeks to assist without bias or tie to higher power

tropes | desperately looking for a purpose in life, desperately craves affection, the empath, machine monotone, bad liar, good is not soft

overview | a quiet, composed individual what they lack within personal understanding is made up within other ways, their want to assist all and their tireless acceptance of blame for everything only part of it

+ | ( benevolent | altruistic | sincere | curious )

even from the early days when they are still growing into the person they shall be it is clear they bare no interest within things, lacking a material want and thus given to few possessions, rather they care more to see others joyful more then they wish to turn their own anguish into something better. the best way to describe them would be selfless, striving in all to assist those around them without a word to reward or the struggle they may go through to reach such a goal

so too are they genuine in all they say and think, clear as they grow fretful if their thoughts turn towards their own needs, pushing to become better always, almost a perfectionist streak though it lacks the true need to reach such an end. this has lead to them being extremely bad at lying though so too has it meant they seem almost harsh in their way of speaking, not quite taking the emotions of others into consideration for they believe sharing knowledge amongst all is the best course of action so all are upon equal ground

= | ( honest | patient | empathetic )

difficult is it for them to be accepting of others words if they are meant to praise their efforts, believing themself unworthy of such for they are here only to help others, not to strive to become more then what they are. easy is it to view them as meek for such things, keeping to themself for much of the time and easy to fluster, often tongue tied if another comments on anything about them kindly. so too does this lead into them being highly respectful of others, putting them above their own status no matter who they are and making sure they know their worth, greatly enjoying being the cause of others happiness when it is possible

though they hold little understanding or care for their own emotion, to a point it is extremely rare they have any outward reaction to anything, they are surprisingly attuned to the way others around them feel, picking up on and changing their approach as necessary. a peace keeper for the most part they seek to placate any situation and though it may lead them into danger willingly enter a situation they think is growing out of control, never wanting another to be hurt when they could do something to stop it, unfortunately this has lead to them blaming themself for any injury thinking it is because they are not enough, it is their job to keep others safe, or so they think

- | ( distant | dependent | gullible | timid )

strange is the way they hold themself, almost hidden beneath the timid little smile upon their gentle features though they seem open with others in the way they speak and act, freely giving information on all but themself. it might simply be a want to not be within the spotlight, hidden in the shadows where they feel they belong, or it could simply be they hold no idea how to put into words what goes on in their head. a disorganised, uneasy place their thoughts hold little structure and yet the careful way they speak hints at it being differently, full control over it all present, but it is a facade to not worry others

naive to a high degree they readily swallow any lie or story they are told, never thinking another would have reason to do any such thing as they care not for lying, even white lies to help protect another from the full truth. heavy is their dependency on others, which only elevates how easily they trust others no matter what they do or say, wanting to see the best in them, their minimal sight making learning how to navigate the world at first difficult. with time they will learn to not so readily trust but through childhood it becomes almost necessary

conditions | from early on it becomes apparent they suffer from infrequent but horrific nightmares, to a point they wake in the night screaming though are unable to speak of it after, thankfully they do not happen a great deal, once every few months, but has lead to insomnia. prone to bouts of social anxiety, the root of this is unknown


- ̗̀ extras  ̖́-

— demi-angel of love and demi-demon of hate, it is suspected this is the root cause of their ability to sense and understanding the emotions of others to such a high degree and yet lack suck personal knowledge
— mock immortal, while their life may extend beyond a normal mortal they may die as any other though the strange makeup of their genetics, this mix of holy and demonic, has given them a unique chance. for a limited number of times they are permitted to rise once more, though the process is often painful as the body is forcefully healed so they may inhabit it once more
— curious healer, given interest in the art of healing as they learn more of their father's work and their own troubles it does not extend all that far, the drive to become a traditional healer missing in a way. rather they seek to work with the mind, learn more of how it ticks and what may cause differences or disorders
— will follow eli, if both are chosen will go with him to sunhaven though will continue to visit regularly
— greatly loves birds and snakes, within childhood it seems almost a fixation as they enjoy spending time with junji's birds, possibly to a point one of their fathers ends up giving them their own bird, and later in life will find an abandoned corn snake they will take in called noodle
— somewhere down the line will discovery water elementals, primarily used for defence and healing it is rare for them to harm another but within time they may be pushed to do such

voiceclaim | jenessa grant / faith seed
board | link
playlist | link
[i]i want to learn how to love in kind.

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - spacey - 10-22-2018

Mmm hits y'all with that mf track

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - drachen - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]hits this with a hot ass track

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - impy. - 10-23-2018

wip for now

name: nubyal
nickname(s): nubby, nubs, nubbins

gender: afab, will eventually Discover non-binary shtuff and use they/them
sexuality: will develop icly

appearance: kitten, apprentice, young adult, adult
not necessarily the runt, nubyal is on the shorter side compared to their siblings. a darker seal mink with white paws, chest, stomach and chin. when they're born, their eyes are blue but it slowly fades and morphs into a paler shade and the faintest color of pink.

personality: stubborn, irrational, protective, devoted,

future plots:
- looks up to their parents equally; tends to mimic luca's movements when young, finds solace and comfort beneath junji's wings, likes to tail marcel to the edges of the island or to the mainland to explore to the point where they walk into his backend multiple times because they spaced out while on a tangent.

- nubyal has attributes from all of their parents, but takes after junji the most in being more nephilim than anything in spirituality. this will likely lead to nubyal asking questions of junji's angel status/why he has (feathered) wings but luca and marcel don't. or why nubyal feels more of a connection to junji through grace alone than to their other parents. eventually grows closest to junji maybe

- despite nubyal being more nephilim, they take after luca in appearance more. their connection to junji is spiritual/angelic, where nuby sees the physical similarities between themselves and luca, causing them to begin to mimic him. likely tries to breathe fire but only ends up trying to hack up a lung (maybe develops Fire abilities when a sibling or parent is threatened).

- alternatively, instead of breathing fire, holy/hell fire encases them whenever a family member is threatened/injured. blacks out, loses consciousness, and doesn't remember anything from before the fire spread. the fire doesn't hurt nubyal, but it is dangerous to others.

- develops a fear of fire when really young by accidentally getting burned by something (or someone). once fire elementals begin to develop, it only worsens the phobia despite their own fire not being harmful to them. (severe panic episodes convinced the fire is burning them alive when it's not). through mainly luca's help, they learn that it's not something to be afraid of but rather own and take control of.

notes: - either a sibling or a parent starts the nickname 'nubby', maybe a close sibling? idk its so fuckin cute tho
- inspo; jack kline from supernatural
- inspo; audrey jensen from mtv's scream
- inspo; guinevere from bbc's merlin