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took the razor in my hand / joining - Printable Version

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Re: took the razor in my hand / joining - emil - 10-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]hell. hm. the panther furrowed his brow upon the arrival of gabe, mind trying to wrap around the... warning he had just been given. he was silent for a few moments, merely watching the man come and go, if only to say that one cryptid message and leave him reevaluating his whole decision to come here in the first place. "that's the thing," loverboy mused, to no one in particular, as gabe had already disappeared from sight. "where i came from is kind of... gone." he cleared his throat somewhat awkwardly, then turned his gaze to agathe.

"i'm just looking for a place to stay, if you'll have me." he spoke softly, offering the snow leopard a sweet smile before he looked to the child padding forth. to harland he simply grinned, tail curling lightly in delight; he'd always loved children. they were so tiny and cute, and all the personality they held was rather amusing. though this one seemed quiet, almost shy. love wouldn't press him for conversation. stranger danger, right?

another look of confusion to moon at the remark about his name being hilarious; a slight pang in his heart, something of a mixture between hurt and embarrassment. was it really that bad? he chose to keep quiet, only perking up when the lion introduced himself. "that's a nice name." love cooed out. "i've always loved the moon. i used to dream of what it would be like up there." he shifted slightly where he sat, casting a quick glance up to the darkening sky.

his lips twitched to a smile as he listened to the other speak, uttering a small laugh at the remark about a casper up his ass. "would he at least take me on a date first?" the boy paused then, looking to the next two to arrive. another child, and a girl just younger than him. he offered a grin to isabelle. "thank you, i think your name is nice as well." love practically purred to her. a laugh escaped him as he turned to eleanor, or nelly, as she'd stated. "i've never seen a ghost, actually, but i wouldn't mind it. think they'll haunt me?"

Re: took the razor in my hand / joining - MARIANNA - 10-24-2018

Maria generally had little interest in visiting the border; it wasn’t nearly as exciting as the other aesthetics the little slice of territory had to offer: sunsets, cliffs, stars, safety...supposedly. The only possible thing that might draw the young feline out to the border would be a large gathering of clanmates crowded around one particular boy - and, oh - look at that.

Half-hearted apologies and complaints fell from her lips as she made contact with the mass of people, trying to keep the sparks that popped at her paws under control. “Jeez, can you let a girl through? Sorry - ‘scuse me -”

Her ideals on large crowds weren’t great, seeing as they often overwhelmed her and there was no possible way she could address everything going on at once. However, this crowd was easy to slip through, her attention narrowed down to one Loverboy and one song by Queen.

Green optics curious, the Somali looked the boy up and down, hummingThat's because I'm a good old-fashioned lover boy, under her breath. He didn’t look like anything super special - except those dark eyes were rather nice. Maria supposed he could grow into a heartbreaker, but for right now, he was friendly and open. She liked that, too. People who hid away their wants and feelings frustrated her, because they got mad when she skipped over something that was “blatantly obvious, Maria.” Clearly, it wasn’t obvious if she missed it!

“Your name might be the only one I actually remember.” Maria observed, a grin dancing on her lips. “But that might be because it’s a Queen song, too.” Nevertheless, he’d be remembered, and there was statement enough in that. “Nice t’meet you, Loverboy - wow, rolls right off the tongue - I’m Marianna. Call me Maria, please, I can’t stand my full name; it’s ugly -” - maybe she should just start introducing herself as Maria - “ -  and we’d love to have you stick around. Some people here can be a stick in the mud, but we’re working on it.” The auburn feline shrugged.

Re: took the razor in my hand / joining - ROSEWAR - 10-24-2018

Rosie liked to consider herself an expert in love. Not because she actually felt it, per se, but because she was a modern Aphrodite and knew what it looked like to make others worship and adore her. As far as she was concerned, her credentials were impeccable. On these grounds she could claim to be justified in the judgment of love in others, and at the forefront of her tidy requirements for the embodiment of love came being pretty. Love was beautiful. Lovers must be beautiful.

This boy looked like he'd dragged himself out of a trashcan to take a bath in the gutter.

"You aren't nearly pretty enough to be a loverboy," she said, wrinkly her dainty nose as she stopped beside the others. Her baby blue stare was critical as it raked over this stranger briefly, before she looked away in clear dismissal, "I think I'll call you gutterboy instead. Hi, gutterboy. I'm Rosewar Darling, but I answer to princess and Rosie." Chrysanthemums curled from the ground at her paws, as if punctuating her sentence, and moments later Pandora — her hummingbird spirit — popped up over her shoulder. "Who would want to haunt you, gutterboy? I think you'll be fine."

Re: took the razor in my hand / joining - charlotte. - 10-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Commotion never fails to garner the attention of a predator. In this case, distant sounds of voices overlapping one another reaches the ears of one Charlotte Mikaelson-Folie. Intrigued, the immense wildcat rises to her paws and sets off towards the origin. Lean muscles ripple beneath a brilliant ginger pelt, drawing attention to the unusual array of cream stripes partitioning sections of her body. In spite of her considerable size and the brittle state of the dry grass, Charlie makes a stealthy approach. No one seems to notice her presence among the chaotic throng of people; just another face among many.

The former loner is plenty happy to remain silent until to clamor dies down so not to contribute to the noise, but Rosewar's comment seems to strike a chord. Ginger ears flatten against her skull as a snarl peels from black lips. "If only it were possible for your mam ta return a baby, then maybe we wouldn't have'ta listen to ya talk. Maybe we'd have someone who contributes somethin' beneficial to the conversation." Suffice to say Charlotte endured her fair share of taunts due to her, uh, vampiric nature. Kids hate what they don't understand, and a peer who only drinks the blood of the living falls under that umbrella. Back in her day, at least. She considers insulting Rosewar further, but decides it would be unwise to do so.

Instead, the golden tigress fixates stormy grey eyes upon Loverboy. Poor kid just can't catch a break, huh? She gives him a pointed once-over before flashing a smirk. "Can't see nothin' a bath and a good meal can't fix." Some people just need a little TLC. Not a bunch of people makin' fun of their looks or their name. Fuckasses. Charlotte might look amused, but she has half a mind to box someone in the mouth.

Re: took the razor in my hand / joining - emil - 10-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]the sound of a voice humming out his mother's favorite song had the panther sitting up almost immediately. deep brown eyes settled on a somali girl pushing through the crowd, and a loud purr erupted from his chest. "ooh love, ooh lover boy," he sang out in response, a wide gin spreading upon his face.

loverboy's attention was immediately focused on maria as she spoke to him, warm brown eyes glittering; he shuffled slightly closer to her and gave a quiet laugh to her remark about remembering his name. "that was mom's favorite. she sang it to me a lot and always called me loverboy." he told her sweetly. "nice to meet you too, maria. i don't think a few sticks in the mud will be much of a problem."

the next to arrive, what a surprise, was in fact a stick in the mud. if he had to say so himself, this stick was too deep in it to even think of being pulled out anytime soon. love set his eyes on her and fell silent, smile dropping from his lips upon being called 'gutterboy.' he lifted a paw and scrubbed a bit at the dirt on his face; sure, he'd missed a few baths, but he wasn't that bad. the boy simply held her gaze for a moment longer before his brow furrowed slightly. "...rrright. rosewar it is, then." he glanced then to charlotte, relieved to hear someone defending him.

love breathed out a small laugh. "a bath sounds great," he purred in response, a smile once more lighting up his face. a nice bath sounded heavenly, as did a good meal; he felt almost bad though, to waltz in and ask for food, shelter, and a bath. the boy sat still for a moment before he cleared his throat. "i can work, if you need me to. i don't wanna intrude or anything." he offered them, shuffling slightly in his seat.