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oh wonder ☀ private - Printable Version

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Re: oh wonder ☀ private - arcy - 04-16-2018

Unlike Aizawa, Izuku had never gotten the chance to take 'baby steps' when he first woke up. It'd just been -- try and survive from the minute he woke up, until the point he found his old group. He'd generally been fine since then, aside from a small handful of incidents. Some part of him is at least glad his, ah, teacher, was off to a better start than Izuku had been. Even so, Izuku is just ... impatient. The lion's roar had been awfully loud after all, and though, again, people generally stayed away from Snowbound, he wasn't willing to take his chances. His wounds only serve as a reminder, flashes of sharp pain hitting him as they pull.
Still, Izuku remains as patient as he can. Izuku can't help but fidget and pace as he gives the lion time to figure out how to move. He's not quite sure what to say, really -- Izuku had moved mostly on instinct and adrenaline for the first while, and that had at least helped him get the basics down. For that matter, Aizawa was ... awfully bulky in comparison, it wouldn't translate well.
"Yeah, but nobody's given me any reason to, lately," Izuku replies, innocent. Most of the adults he's met lately have been inconsistent and some, kind of ... bloodthirsty. So he'd kind of fallen out of that habit. Not that there were a whole lot of adults, come to think of it -- most of everyone were at least under two years. Izuku doesn't say anything more, however, watching cautiously as the lion gets up. Aizawa only manages a few steps, though, and Izuku jolts as he goes crashing to the ground.
"Ah ..." Izuku says softly, wandering a bit closer. The maine coon's face is twisted in worry, and maybe a bit of understanding. Because regardless of why Aizawa fell, it'd mean that walking was just too hard. As it was, Aizawa had looked a little off balance -- maybe walking was a little bit much to do first thing?
"Okay, so maybe not walking. Your balance was definitely off," He states softly, once again hesitant as he walks around the lion. Izuku's not sure what to say, or do to help. He feels -- guilty, that whenever somebody needs help, be it through input or healing, Izuku just ... can't do anything.


Re: oh wonder ☀ private - guts - 04-17-2018

Aizawa isn't really embarrassed--just feels like he should be doing better at this, considering he was the elder one here, not to mention a Pro Hero. Yet here he was, fumbling around like a fool. But he tries to give himself the least bit of slack, since this is a new body, and he had been used to walking on two legs instead of four. Plus he was still tired after all the stress. Or maybe he was just tired like he usually was. He couldn't decipher the difference much anymore.

He huffs where he lays on the ground, annoyed but not discouraged. He knows that they need to get to somewhere safer, and after all these years, he knew better than to give up. Instead of replying, he focuses his energy on standing again, which is probably the easiest part. Now, if only he could walk without falling again.

They didn't really have much time to be slow, considering the noise he had made, but he still continues at a considerable pace. One foot--er, paw--in front of the other. He's careful in his movements, managing to get slightly farther than last time before he falters, though this time he manages to catch himself. Pleased with this development, he turns back to Izuku. "Alright, let's find this stream, Midoriya,"


Re: oh wonder ☀ private - arcy - 04-17-2018

Izuku can't help but feel a little flash of delight, seeing Aizawa actually manage to move, this time. He can't help but twitch as a little as Aizawa stumbles. He knows he can't help, because Izuku would probably just be crushed, but that doesn't really make him feel better. At least Aizawa didn't ... actually fall, this time. That was a better track record than Izuku had. He still stumbled sometimes, and he'd been here for months.
"It shouldn't be far!" Izuku assures with a chirp, briefly recalling having seen it earlier. He should probably look into conjuring a coat or something though. He could occasionally conjure stuff that he didn't actually own, just so long as nobody else was gonna use it again. It was very finicky, though. "The water will probably be really cold, though." Izuku finds fit to warn, rather obviously. To be fair, the water had been like, twice as cold as he'd expected it to be, when he dipped his paw into it. He's not sure why it isn't completely frozen over, to be honest.
With this, Izuku begins to trot over to the hill. It leaves a big gap between him and Aizawa, but he has no plans to leave the other in the dust. He just wants to scout the area out. With this, Izuku dashes up the length of the hill. His paws slip on the snow in some places, but it doesn't really even slow him. In another moment, Izuku was at the top. His ears perk up as he catches a little sliver of water. It takes a second to notice, what with the distance and height, but he at least knows now.
"Down here, then!" Izuku spins on his paws and turns to shout at Aizawa. Then he falters, hesitant. Snowy hills weren't ideal for climbing when you were so unused to walking like this. It was rocky enough the other would have pawholds to hang onto, but ... Izuku doesn't say anything, but even at a distance, the hesitance on the feline's face is clear.

Re: oh wonder ☀ private - guts - 04-17-2018

Aizawa watches him scamper off as he trails behind, still advancing slowly. He feels like he's gradually getting the hang of it, but it'll probably take him a while to truly get used to it, especially with all this snow around. He does his best, leaving an indent in the white clumps on the ground as he trudges through, the end of his scarf dragging behind him. Then he pauses at the base of the hill and looks up at Izuku's concerned expression.

He frowns at the feline's uncertainty, though he shares it himself. The terrain wasn't fit for someone just adjusting to a new body. Still, he didn't have much choice, it seemed. Going around would just delay them, and at his speed, anyone could find them in no time. He isn't exactly sure what to expect, as his companion hadn't gone into much detail about what laid in the land they had found themselves in. But he could paint a pretty colorful picture of his own.

The ascend is slow, the snow often sliding out from under his paws as he climbs. Still, he's determined, or at least enough to get to the top. By the time he gets there, he has large clouds of fog appearing in front of his face as he breathes, an ugly streak of red left on the side of the hill. He's suddenly aware of just how much he missed his old sleeping bag.

The lion pauses, studying the landscape while he has somewhat of a view. Then his eyes travel down towards the other side of the hill they stood on. Taking in all the white that coated the ground, an idea suddenly popped into his mind. He slides towards the edge, allowing himself to slide forward before flopping down onto the ground, purposefully rolling down. Puffs of white are kicked up as he falls down the slope. It doesn't take him nearly as long to reach the bottom, where he lays in the collected snow pile, simply waiting for Izuku to come after him.

Until then, he's fine with laying there.


Re: oh wonder ☀ private - arcy - 04-18-2018

Izuku would say it twice, he would say it a million times, but he was really exaggerating the danger of the situation. The chances of running into someone truly dangerous, like someone with way too many powers, was very low. At most it might just be another tiger of something. Malfunctioning quirk or no, Vega had taught him a few tips and tricks to fighting someone so much larger. Still, it would result in a few bloody wounds and Izuku just wasn't ready to deal with that.
"Oh, good!" Izuku finds himself chirping as Aizawa finds his way up to the top of the hill. The little feline beams, thick tail waving behind him, and has a moment to feel concerned about the blood streak his teacher had made on the hill. Izuku doesn't think Aizawa is really hurt, but it's disconcerting to see and smell anyways. No, really, his head is still spinning, and he's still having to suppress all of those nasty death memories.
And while Aizawa pauses to take in the view, Izuku has already starting making his way down the hill. And by 'making his way down', he means that he's fallen prey to the allure of trying out his wings once again, finds a rock, and leaps off of it. Izuku hasn't really done anything with his wings due to the risk, but it's not like he could really hurt himself on a hill. It wasn't that steep. And, luckily for Izuku, he doesn't just plummet like a rock. He is pretty much falling, but it's also a very weak sort of gliding, and that's good enough for Izuku. Until he loses his balance and falls face-first into the snow with a squeal. He does kind of roll the last while down the hill, and finds himself covered in snow just from those few seconds.
Quickly, Izuku pulls himself to his paws and shakes out his fur, and his wings, to an extent. They ... aren't very flexible yet. Despite his exercises. When he half-folds them back in(there's still too much snow for him to fully fold them), he finds Aizawa lying in a pile of snow, evidently having been waiting for him. And ... a streak of flattened, slightly bloody snow, going down the hill. Had ... Had Aizawa ... rolled down the hill? Izuku can't help but giggle slightly. That was probably a deliberate choice, and that's the greatest thing Izuku's seen. He's not even sure what he expected.
"W-Well, let's go," Izuku prompts with a motion of his wing, deliberately not mentioning either of their tumbles down the hill. It would have been more fun if Izuku had willingly done it, and if it weren't for his wings, honestly. And with this, Izuku spins on his paw and takes a step or two, waiting for Aizawa to take the time to right himself before continuing.


Re: oh wonder ☀ private - guts - 04-19-2018

Aizawa isn't certain of his own powers just yet. His own powers may or may not have transferred over, but he isn't too intent on finding out yet. Right now, he's more focused on other things. Like following Izuku around like a lost puppy, which he kind of is at the moment. He's in a new world, in a new body, so it's not unwelcome to have a guide. At least it's someone familiar.

He looks up at said feline as he lands nearby, his eyes catching his wings. So he knew how to use them somewhat. That would definitely be helpful later on. Begrudgingly, he climbs up onto his paws, wishing he could just continue to lay there for a bit longer. But he's been convinced that he's in a lot more trouble than he actually is, so he's in a slight rush. Thanks, Izuku.

The lion follows after him as he leads the way to the stream. As they're walking, he thinks back on everything that had happened. He remembered most things, but things got blurry around the time he died. He knows that he died to villains, as Izuku and Todoki had, but anything else is still trapped in the back of his mind. The fact that, despite his status as a hero, he died to evil-doers got under his skin. Not only did he expect a lot of his students, but he also expected a lot from himself. He was supposed to be better than that.

He tries not to think about how he failed to save his students at least three times now. Instead, he puts a bit too much concentration in his steps, prompting himself to pick up the pace a bit. He's pleased when he doesn't faceplant into the snow. He lifts his gaze and realizes that they had reached the stream, the water gurgling as it ran over the rocks. He did find it a bit odd it wasn't frozen over, but was grateful either way, padding over and bending down to lap at the currents before he ruined it with the blood stuck in his fur.


Re: oh wonder ☀ private - arcy - 04-19-2018

Izuku, in general, definitely wasn't a great person to have as a guide. He tended to be a little dramatic, or get distracted, or go on long tangents about nothing in particular. He's not even sure why Aizawa is still following him blindly, aside from the obvious. Like ... if Aizawa really wanted to, he could take charge. Izuku was used to being bossed around enough that he probably wouldn't even bat an eye. Or he probably would, actually -- he'd had a few months worth of sweet, sweet freedom, where even high ranking figures only tell him what to do when it came to politics or whatever. There weren't even that many rules, and the ones that were in place were just kind of -- 'listen to your leader, and try not to hurt people', which is really kind of what Izuku was doing, anyways.
There's a long stretch of silence, during the rest of the walk. It kind of ... agitates him. Not the silence itself, but because there's nothing to distract him. Unlike Aizawa, Izuku could remember everything about his death, crystal clear. He didn't like to think about it -- honestly, he'd suppressed it so bad at some point that Todoroki even mentioning it had caused him to vomit. It'd been ... a very gruesome, long thing, his death. There was a reason he was so hesitant around weapons, and also blood. People had only showed up to help towards the very end, and honestly, everyone's expressions would haunt him in his sleep.
Luckily, before his thoughts can get much farther down the rabbit hole, they're there. Izuku hadn't registered how the pace had picked up, and blinks a few times as he registers the stream coming into sight, and in another moment, the whole 'doom and gloom' tone of his posture had just vanished like smoke. It was a very pretty stream, though very very cold. It was a shame they(aizawa) would be bloodying it. In the meantime, Izuku hops, and leaps onto a stone sticking out of the water. He nearly slips, but with a panicked flip of the wing, he manages to right himself. His paws are .... probably going to get frostbite or something, but standing on/over streams was pretty nice.. And, come to think of it, Izuku really had no idea where they were gonna sleep that night. Izuku himself probably would have chosen to climb a tree, but most of them were pretty twiggy and would probably snap under Aizawa's weight. Plus asking him to climb a tree would be asking way too much of him. A cave? A snow cave? Hm. Questionable.


Re: oh wonder ☀ private - guts - 04-19-2018

It was a blessing that Aizawa couldn't remember his own end. He could recall bits and pieces, but most of it was a blur. It wasn't pleasant, of course. Death usually wasn't a very nice experience. Maybe if you were dying from old age, that was peaceful, knowing you had a full life. But so far, all of them had been fairly young, and they had died painfully. It definitely wasn't something he was eager to recall.

As he finished drinking, he hesitantly placed a paw into the stream, the hard chill that hit him making him pull it back abruptly. He casts a look over at Izuku, unable to believe he thought that he would submerge himself in such cold water. But either way, he would, because he could feel the blood hardening on his pelt and it was definitely not comfortable. Not to mention that it didn't matter if they went and found another water source, as it'd just be as cold as this one.

He grumbles under his breath, bracing himself as he steps into the currents fully. He inhales sharply but keeps going until all of his paws are in. Then he crouches down, letting the water run through his fur. It's dyed red as it rushes past him, easing him a bit. He doesn't feel quite as stiff now that his fur is clean, but now he's freezing. Shaking off the urge to tremble, he quickly steps out once the last of it is washed away by the stream, taking a moment to shake himself off. The water droplets dripping off him is probably just as uncomfortable as the blood was.


Re: oh wonder ☀ private - arcy - 04-19-2018

When Izuku sees Aizawa place his paw in the river, he decides it's time to get out. The flow isn't moving his way, so he should be fine, but his paws are cold anyways. With this, the little feline hops back onto stable ground. He stumbles a little, but promptly rights himself, tail twitching as he notes all of the blood in the river, now that Aizawa is soaked. And probably very cold. He should ... probably try and conjure a towel or something, to dry off with, and hopefully not get hypothermia.
Hesitantly, Izuku seats himself. He doesn't ... own anything that would work, though. He has a sweater, but that's in his own size. He's not very good at conjuring stuff that he owns himself, and conjuring stuff that isn't specifically his is hell. He's not sure what the difference between them is, aside from a mental block, maybe. Still, he reaches out and -- comes back with a dishrag. Izuku gives the little blue cloth an insulted look, and then concentrates on returning it to its old spot. He hasn't practiced with this power a lot yet -- he already has(had) a quirk, and it'd even upgraded to actual electricity, so having a power, on top of that had just felt like ... cheating.
After a few tries, Izuku does manage to come back with something of use. It's not a towel, but it is a big blanket. A shame it'll probably get too wet to be of much use. He sighs and puts it aside regardless. He's only conjured a few items, but his head already has a nasty ache coming on from just those few items, and he has a minor nosebleed. Better stop while he's ahead, then.
So when Aizawa exits from the water, Izuku jumps to his paws, blanket clenched between his teeth. It's -- probably five times his size, so it's a slightly odd sight, and also hard to carry. Regardless of this, however, the feline attempts to waddle over and offer the cloth, nearly tripping over it in the process. Come to think of it, though, Aizawa doesn't know about conjuration. So the blanket seems like it came from nowhere. And it definitely, absolutely did, but he's just not sure he wants to explain it right now. He'd already gotten used to this stuff being normal, he's not ready to re-question anything and everything about powers and how they're different from quirks, and why he has some.


Re: oh wonder ☀ private - guts - 04-20-2018

Aizawa watches the feline shuffle over, a large blanket grasped between his teeth. He's a bit puzzled, unsure where he had gotten it. But he's also not complaining. He thinks about asking, his mouth opening for a split second, then closing as he decides against it. He isn't sure why, but he has an aching suspicion that even Izuku didn't know. If he didn't know how to use his quirk before, then he probably didn't understand whatever this was, either. Maybe his power had changed somehow upon being brought back? He doesn't think on it very long before dipping down, allowing him to throw the sheet over his back.

It helps a bit, soaking up the water that still clung to his body. It doesn't do a lot against the cold, but it's good enough, so he isn't about to bitch about it. He turns his head, glancing over the landscape. Now that he was cleaned off, he doesn't see much else use in following him around. As much as he wanted to go off and do his own thing, it's probably best to stick with his former student, as he knows more than he does (albeit not much). But even so, he still ends up stalking off in a random direction, simply following wherever his paws took him. He didn't care if Izuku ended up coming along or not.

//srry for the short response aslsksh
