Beasts of Beyond
.:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - Printable Version

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Re: .:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - guts - 10-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Despite her raging thoughts, she had already done it, already dragged the medic here and blinded her. No backing down now--she was almost there. She couldn't get cold feet already. A stone in her stomach that felt like it weighed a ton, she tried to think of what to do next, what she could do to induce even more pain for her. Then she remembered what Ninazu had taught her about cauterizing wounds. Maybe she could do something like that.

Flagging down a nearby slave, Cosette couldn't feel the odd misplaced feeling as she gave them orders, instructing them to bring her something hot to brand her with. It was something she'd have to get used to, she supposed, giving orders to others. Once they returned, a red hot branding iron in their jaws, she took it from them with a nod. At the end was a skull, which glowed red from being heated up. It was a good symbol for the clan, if she said so.

Then she stood off to the side of her, the slave holding her still while she hovered the iron over her fur, taking a breath before pressing it down. It sizzled as it met skin, the irony smell of blood hitting her nose. She couldn't help the smile crossing her face, eyes fading away to blankness again.

It wasn't the blood or the pain she enjoyed; it was the control. Having someone like Delilah cowering at her every move made her blood run. It was something she had never experienced before now, and she was eating it up.

Re: .:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - Dragon- - 10-28-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]get a load of this monster, he doesn't know how to communicate — 。+゚.[/glow]
Torture was something that Leopard was conflicted about. He had often witnessed slaves being hurt and tortured for the smallest of things and it greatly confused him. Why would you bring harm to a valuable resource? It only meant that you had to use precious medical supplies to treat them and they would be less productive because of the injuries and low morale. It was much better to keep slaves healthy and happy, as happy as can be anyways, in the long run.

Prisoners were something different. Prisoners tended to be POW's and there was indeed sometimes reasoning behind their torture and, although not always the best, it was better to get your anger out on a prisoner than a slave. That was Leopards opinion anyways, he knew others thought differently.

The large cloaked tom would be observing the proceedings with a neutral expression, although a slight smile was there if you looked close enough. He was rather proud of his younger sister at the moment.
The upset statement of someone would capture his attention and the Savannah would cast his gaze onto the form of the wolf, laughter bubbling up from his chest and spilling out of his maw.
"There is no difference in gender, nor is there difference in position within a group. If something happens to her, she will be replaced by another and the cycle will yet again repeat. In the grand scheme of things, insignificance will persist. Why should it make a difference if she is female and a medic? she is an enemy, plain and simple."

Not the best speech ever but it was simple enough. The gender and position made no difference. This feline was one of the enemies and she would be punished as such. A smile would only grow upon his maw at the branding and the look upon Cosette's face. Leo was so proud of her.

Re: .:*☆ NOTHING TO LOSE — TORTURE - ; albion - 10-30-2018

baby blue eyes glowered in rozovsky's direction, his lip curled into a threatening smirk. reading as 'you really did not just fucking say that, right? did he forget where he was? did he forget that they had traditions and rules to follow? their purpose was slave trade and bringers of chaos. they did not decide specifically who would or would not be a victim to their ways unless from a personal vendetta. benny knew his place in the pitt, coming to it almost fully now. it was only time before rozovsky knew his as well.

"would you like to join her by the end of the day, chief?" the marauder taunted, though more of a threat in his voice. "as he said," the fox turned his chin in leopard's direction. "we don't give a fuck. this is cozy's first capture and torture, we treat it as such and celebrate, yeah? be a good sport kiddo." benny rolled his eyes before turning back to the two girls. delilah's shriek had thrown him off at first, then finally processed the blood from her eyes and stained fur on cosette's paws. he doesn't know how, or why, but by maria was it... arousing.

she's committing a sin. a voice whimpered in his head, and an image of a woman flashed in his mind.

she could learn... he protested back. there was no response, but benny would seem as if zoning out while having the mental argument. he focused back onto delilah and took a step back to avoid the heat of the iron and watched cosette with a wide, almost loving gaze.

"you are platinum baby." he practically purred.