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every day a little death / rosebloods requesting help/healer and pincher - Printable Version

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Re: every day a little death / rosebloods requesting help/healer and pincher - PINCHER - 10-23-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
"No. Goldie you are not traveling anywhere." The usual warm loving tone he had for his daughter had become encased in a state of suspended ice, frozen and freezing. An order. Clearly there wasn't any room for mercy or being convinced to let his daughter go especially in the current state that she was in. He wanted her to recover and the idea of her traveling and straining herself began to light a slight frustrated fire inside his empty shell of a chest. He knew why she was pushing herself so hard but he just wished that she would heed to his advice, to take a step back and not let herself become wrapped up in the idea of being perfect when in his eyes, she already was. He needed her to realize she didn't need to overachieve for it would burn her out like a shooting star, especially when he didn't have enough time...he needed to leave her with a state that she was all he could ask in a child. His voice broke through, deep and rumbling, as the towering figure arrived with half-lidded glacier blue eyes, clearly not pleased.

His lower jaw was locked, his jet black tail-tip twitched quickly side to side, and his blue tattoos glowed with a slight brightness that temporarily flashed with a hint of ghostly white. He halted beside the other pirates, his onyx ear twitching slightly as he turned his attention towards Sephiroth. "To be brutally honest, Sephiroth, I'm not entirely pleased with the committment you are placing with us. Your ambassadors have not visited any time soon, not even with the news of you gaining the role of leadership. It's been dead mute in your side of the alliance. You say you will repay us but when will that happen? It's been a while now. I'm not a very patient man." Pincher's fictional eyebrows furrowed, clearly not fond of the absense between the two. He would've recently sent his envoys out to see Rosebloods but Pincher wasn't going to risk the lives of his traveling envoys for nothing but silence in return.

Re: every day a little death / rosebloods requesting help/healer and pincher - JUNJI - 10-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]no, goldie, you aren't traveling anywhere.

ah... at least pincher still had his sense. the soothsayer breathed out a small sigh, casting a narrowed gaze to sephiroth for accepting the girl's offer, before he returned his gaze to the dealer. "not with everything that's happened, not with the shape you're in." junji murmured. he stretched out a hesitant wing to her before looking to the captain. as he spoke, voicing his disappointments with the rosebloods leader, he thought it best to keep silent. he would only speak now if they spoke to him; politics were not his expertise, and he had no desire to step in where he wasn't needed.

Re: every day a little death / rosebloods requesting help/healer and pincher - sephiroth - 10-24-2018

[Image: tumblr_ozd4i8XHVk1w7x7wyo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Lord Sephiroth's head would turn towards Pincher as the Captain showed up, iced eyes still and focused.  He wasn't going to lie, or grovel, or beg for pity and understanding from the other leader.  His face remained stony as his eyes glanced between Pincher to Goldenluxiry and then back to Pincher.  Frost was in his eyes, though it did not spill into his voice or body language.  "You have not requested our help."  His statement was simple and firm, his body eerily still.  If anything his lack of emotion was the most unsettling thing about him, not even surpassed by his cold fury he showed very rarely.  "I cannot read minds, Pincher.  At least, not without your permission."  Oh yes he could very well chip his way into the mind of anybody here, but he didn't see the purpose right now.

The silvery creature would hum thoughtfully as his eyes flickered off to the side, to the land beyond the group that had gathered about to address him.  "I am a cat of my word, Pincher, and I have not heard communication on your end either.  If you do not come to me asking for any sort of service...I assume you do not need it."  Sephiroth's smooth voice purred smooth like honey coated silk.  His tone was unreadable, his emotions not betrayed by his voice.  "I will admit that I am at fault for not keeping up with your group.  The transfer of power was sudden and I was left a small group in shambles without a proper and numerous council of higher ups to assist with such work.  Membership in general is lacking and my own duties take up a majority of my time.  I needed to work with cleaning up the utter mess that was shoved into my lap and some traditions had to be set to the side in the process.  For that I do sincerely apologize, and if you wish to keep us as allies I will get to setting up ambassadors as soon as I am able too and begin working closer with you."

Sephiroth would lift his chin, his otherworldly eyes lidded and his jaws turned into a neutral frown.  His original intention for coming here was seemingly forgotten, and it seemed like he wouldn't be going back with help at this point.  Fine by him, he was sure he could figure something out.  "I understand if you do not wish to continue the relationship because of this.  If I was in your position I wouldn't.  All I ask is an answer now, Pincher.  Stand by my side and you will have my group's strength as we regain our presence.  I am more than willing to be at your beck and call, and have my clan follow me in that.  Or we can break it off here, simple.  However we are going to proceed from here, I want it stated clear to me."  The Lord of the Rosebloods was a blunt and direct creature who wouldn't dance around issues, and he demanded the same straightness from those he did dealing with.  Sephiroth didn't play games or beat around the bush, clearly.  It was not in his nature to do so, clearly.  However this encounter was going to go down, he wanted it presented to him plain and simple.

Re: every day a little death / rosebloods requesting help/healer and pincher - ROSEMARY - 10-24-2018

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
The ocelot's ear twitched irritably at Junji's words -- she felt forgotten by Goldie's lack of memory towards her, compounded with the disappearances of most of her nieces, and she increasingly felt like a stranger in a place she thought ought to feel like her home. She supposed shutting herself in her treehouse with only her crocodile for company helped matters little, but she still felt annoyed by it.

"I used to be the head soothsayer here," she spoke, her raspy voice low and quiet. She looked at Sephiroth as she spoke, though she felt she needed to remind her fellow clanmates about her presence as much as tell him. "I would be willing to train your future medics," she spoke, quietly adding as I trained Junji and Silas... wherever he went, I suppose. Perhaps she needed time away from Goldie's colder eyes and the shadow of her past success looming over her.

The larger of her pair of eyes looked to Pincher, as she thought carefully before she spoke. She wanted her home to stay strong and capable -- part of that meant having strong allies, and she spoke in favor of the Roseblood alliance when they first popped up. "I suggest giving the Lord a trial month to see if he can do what he claims. To keep good faith, I'm willing to go there and train his healers. And tell you what I think after that trial time has passed, once I return home," Rosemary said, thinking her suggestion might work as a compromise.

After all, the Typhoon knew little to nothing about the new Roseblood's leader -- or the Rosebloods themselves, for that matter. She didn't even know what territory they called home. But the Typhoon's best interest was to have strong, dependable allies. If she could help make the Rosebloods so, then both groups would prosper for it.