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◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - Printable Version

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Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - FUBUKI - 10-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Within a moment's breath, hell had broken loose upon the two clans. A lone Sunhavener acting on their aggressive ambitions had been the catalyst for this, where insults were being thrown back and forth and Ren was left in the dust once again. Teeth gritted, a sharp pain began to throb once more in the sides of his cranium. It reminded him of his state when he first joined the Ascendants, yet this time it felt... different. Murmurs bubbled up from passive thoughts inside his brain, for just a second he swore he heard an inner voice that wasn't his own talking back to him. For the moment of peace he was given, he purely focused in on what was being communicated to him... a flash of movement physically snapped away all hopes of getting to the bottom of his pain. Blood rushed to his ears, with movements more fluid that water he rushed forwards to help.

Instinctively his eyes fixated on Onision and Bucky. Titan could probably handle himself against the female but Oni... he was going against some rotten adult who couldn't control his temper. Ren couldn't sit around and pretend that his own clanmate was an angel, but some things could be solved without trying to punch them. Though [member=1917]BUCKINGHAM B.[/member]  may have almost been twice the size of the domestic cat, Ren aimed to barrel into his side, hoping to mess up his lunge towards a peer. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, with arrogance seen in the first raid replaced with determination. "A murderer's first instincts may be to kill, but please, think about what you're doing. This fight does nothing," he stated under an exerted breath, clearly feeling the effects of trying to move a weight a bit too big for him.

Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - toboggan - 10-19-2018

Condoning violence was never in his code. A pacifist, the mustelid fancied nothing to do in regards to the Sunhaven/Ascendants conflict, though the enemy’s ignorance, and his tribe’s impatience, molded the fray into a contest of bloodshed, one too great to be evaded. Why was it not possible for the two to talk it out maturely? If anyone was in need of a sensible voice, Wendell was forever there - though, he understood that the wazzocks involved cared more for compulsion over peace. To say that it was upsetting to see once-neutral factions wage illogical war on each other would be an understatement; he’d witnessed the deaths of many innocents at the disgusting grasp of the Pitt, and heard of Snowbound’s triumphant comeback, and here you had a trivial struggle that had the potential to be solved in a matter of minutes, with an apology coming from both parties. Such an event would never happen, such is the reason why the wolverine gave up on staying quiet. Yeah, he was going to get vocal about this. It mattered not his clanmates’ opinions on him afterwards, this bad blood shared by Sunhaven and the Ascendants had already claimed enough lives, and harmed more. 

Round ears jazzed up out of grit, Wendell entered the scene latter to Rebecca’s debut, chocolate eyes widened in a gutted reaction to the kerfuffle’s brutality. Things were already out of hand. "Fockoff, you guys! Can everybody jus’ stop for a sec? Can we all take a while to discuss what we hate about each other, instead of fighting over it like a bunch o’ fuckin’ kids?!". This was directly against Marina’s wishes, and he did not care. If anything, and no offense to the Helion, the hellbeast was boiling the two groups’ hot water beyond necessary levels by steering Sunhavenfolk into killing others. It was an impulsive decision, putting her people into more danger than before, and if she held a problem with it, then Wendell would gladly discuss her decisions with her at a later date.

He had left a group because of war before, and he did not want to repeat his actions again.

He would if he had to.

Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - ONISION. - 10-19-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

"Maybe if your clanmate didn't jump the border and attack us while we were minding our business and patrolling, we wouldn't be fighting like this!" Aloysius snarled, grunting when Bucky had pinned him to the ground, using his long legs to push up on the male, attempting to kick him off of him with Ren's help so he could stand up again. Shaking out his thick fur, the wolf glared back at the tabby, fangs bared as saliva dripped from his jaws.

"Ren, do me a favor and tell me how stupid I'm being." Oni spoke through Aloy's body, the familiar snickering of the male coming through before Aloysius shoved him back into the corner of blackness in their mind. "'Cause right now, we've got these sunasses on us and I'm not in the mood to fight, I'm in the mood to patrol." He mumbled, another snarl ripping out of his maw as he moved to stand next to Ren, a look of thanks in his ghoulish eyes.

[member=1917]BUCKINGHAM B.[/member]
all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - buckingham barnes - 10-19-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Luckily for Onision, Ren's intervention helped them get Bucky off of the Lunar Lieutenant. The maine coon was kicked off, and he quickly twisted his body in order to land on his paws.

His paws made contact, metal claws raking up the ground. Once he came to a stop, the former assassin lifted his metal paw, dirt and grass stuck between his toes. His metal claws twitched, dirt & blades of grass gently descending. His gaze would turn to Ren, eyes still blazing with anger. It was funny, after his innocence was proven to the Ascendants, they all collectively decide to call him a murderer. None of them truly know him, they have no idea that they are right. Though, he still hasn't killed an Ascendants member, and they continue to shove humiliation and nicknames in his face, as if he did. "I wasn't going to kill him." He said with a low snarl, staring Ren down with eyes that burned with fury and annoyance. "As I said before, get away from our border."

Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - venus - 10-20-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —

what was this?

sounds of explosive arguments and scuffles sounded out beyond the borders towards the more interior parts of sunhaven, catching the attention of the silver-toned teen tending to their garden located on the outskirts. the lush environment provided soil better suited for growth. with heavy eyes scouring over the plant-life that still needed to be tended to, the kitsune tried arduously to ignore the shouts intermingled with hissing remarks. so annoying. instead silvery paws kept on working, watering, pruning and planting the herbs vital to the guild's supplies and the group's survival with ears lain flat - a last ditch attempt to block out the horrendous noises emanating from the border. surely sooner rather than later they would all just tire themselves out.

wishful thinking got nowhere, and as venus tended to the wild strawberries with their leaves growing erratically the tips of their pruning sheers nicked the tip of their soft and fleshy paw in response to a particualrly loud shout from the fighting groups. the final push for the kitsune, before they made their way on over to the scrabbling group. what would venus do? probably not much - they were a weaker link withing the group's warfare power, but couldn't stand the retched noises. maybe it would prove best to go fetch marina first. "don't engage with them, you should remain civilised and calm bucky. keep yourself under control - even if that's difficult for you. you're the warden." but venus didn't ever come off as the intelligent type.

"if you've come here to make my life miserable and put so much uneccesary work on me then congratulations, you've injured my group members far more than enough for one day's of work to be wasted. but i'd suggest running along now with your tails between your legs before we make life hell for your medics too." hissing at the ascendants members, venus scowled at the state clove had gotten herself into. the girl seemed strong and valiant from the first time venus had met her, but hated to see that pride get in the way of her self-preservation; it would kill her. "clove, please stop this madness."

Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - FUBUKI - 10-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Satisfaction showed in his eyes as his shove was successful, looking back to make sure that Onision was ok. Tell him how stupid he was being? Such a request went against his normal politeness, but he'd go along with it anyways. "You're uh... you're being stupid,". Was that good enough? Surely not, a reason would have to be given for calling the wolf out on his insolence. "This is an unjust fight. We'd be eaten alive,". Too many Sunhaveners could come from their camp, and the three musketeers could only fight for so long. Before having a chance to reply to the gratitude, a snarl broke him away from 'casual' conversation, Ren whipping his head back towards Bucky. How was he supposed to know that a clanmate wasn't going to be killed? With accusations proving more and more truthful with every violent action the other performed, he figured it was only smart to be careful when the chance of such escalation arrived.

You don't kill. I agree it's not necessary, but don't you feel a little... outsized here? The voice, echo-y as it was was much clearer now. Pain erupted in his cranium again and he let out an audible sound of pain, lowering his head. Your resolve speaks for you. Very well, have this gift, may you accomplish all you set out to do, though thou be chained to... Realisation hit him as it suddenly cut off, this was his own voice speaking to him, distorted it may be. He lifted his cranium, smirking at all those who sent taunts their way. Out of nowhere the feline shapeshifted, all white patches across his body disappearing to be replaced with rosettes patterns. When complete, he'd taken the form of a black panther, and whilst it may not have been the thing to stop him from being 'outsized', a renewed confidence appeared in the male. His boundaries felt few and far between, to the point where in a rare show of emotion he was showing off a couple of teeth in his arrogant smile.

"You should listen to him," he gestured towards Wendell, normally just suggesting that they'd leave. Feeling as if he could rightfully call Sunhaven out now, there was no holding back. "You're provoking us, attacking our clanmates, kidnapping children, it'd be enough for anyone to get revenge, but we're trying to be reasonable here. We'll continue our patrol soon as you all back away, 'Clove' included,". It felt natural trying to take control of the situation, even if he had no rank nor credentials to back up his words. The leopard hoped they'd understand, it wasn't like they'd planned for madness after all. "My back's too pretty for a knife in it,".

Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - Luciferr - 10-20-2018

CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angelus Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeline (which range from 4 to 6ft) - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven and is considered 'fallen' by his divine brethren for his renegade status. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
ah mortal conflict.

Cryptic stands apart from the fighting, off as a silent watcher to the fight, having only recently joined - taken refuge here for awhile before wandering the cosmos again - he isn't attached to this conflict and feels no particular need to wade in himself.

the black cloth along his shoulder armour flutters around him, seemingly alive themselves as eerie eyes watch on quietly - so these are the ascendants? an ambition name for a group of mortal races that seemed unable to hold up to the title of ascending, certainly not above a conflict

or above certain morals if that casual threat of brainwashing was thrown out - and momentarily his face darkened at that, despicable atrocity to take away an individuals identity - he while having said abilities never sought to erase another.

he'd forgotten mortals had such capacity for casual cruelty upon each other if given even an inkling of power.

he sneered idly, content to stay a watcher, but by no means defenceless - if he was attacked, well then it was their misfortune.

[align=center][glow=purple,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
© ceilidh

Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - ONISION. - 10-20-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

With a nod of his head, Aloysius silently agreed with Ren's words before he turned his head to glance back at Titan. He hoped Clove was done with her pissing match right now, because Aloysius was close to wanting to just make her back off. Silently, of course. Yeah, he didn't want Host getting mad at him.

"We continuing our patrol or heading back to the Observatory, patrol leader Titan?" Aloysius asked calmly, his ear twitching. It was up to Titan, really, if they left or not. He was the one who was leading the patrol, and his rank really meant nothing right now unless Titan didn't know what else to do.

Aloysius was confident that the male knew what he was doing, so he merely patiently waited.

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ascendants patrol . ◞ - miss ririchiyo - 10-21-2018


really, lucerys just wanted to be able to rest for two seconds. good gods, did this clan always start trouble with them?

the griffon had heard all the yelling from a short distance, and had flown that same short distance with large wings, the feathers ruffling as he folded his wings in at landing. "we gonna fuck 'em up?" lucerys whispered to bucky softly, a joke, however it was probably a bad time to joke. the ascendants had murdered one of their own, maybe lucerys should have been a bit more lenient on the whole joke thing.

So, the large griffin merely waited for anything to happen, his beak chittering closed with a loud snap.


Re: ◜ . mountain sound ┊ ascendants patrol . ◞ - BABY — - 10-21-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
The lion had quickly gotten to his paws after Clove's attack on him, and his attempt to crush her had seemed to ward her off for now. His lungs heaved in-and-out, his jaws parted as he replenished his lungs with air. Eventually he had grit his teeth, his head slightly lowered as he recovered from the stinging pain in the back of his neck and his armpit. His amber eyes scanned the quickly-spiraling chaos; a familiar metal-armed cat had jumped for Onision and Ren had reacted, halting his attack in its tracks.

His eyes shifted now to the spectators ━ Sunhaveners and Ascendants alike, either [i]egging[/i] the fight on or urging for it to cease. This was absolute madness, all because a Sunhavener had decided to attack their patrol on their side of the border. They came in peace, had no business with them, and would've quickly been on their way. Now, they were warning them to get away from their own border when all they were doing was enforcing it?

The audacity.

His patrol was looking to him for direction, and so Titan decided to put his foot down. "My patrol," The lion looked towards his clanmates, a grim gaze complimenting hardened features. "We're finished here." Titan turned to look at the pathetic excuse of a clan. With deep, flat tone of voice, he remarked, "It seems that we can't patrol our own border because certain people lack self-control." Signaling them with a cock of his head, he removed his icy-cold gaze from the crowd of Sunhaveners and turned his back on them.

// out!