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the snake's den || MANDATORY MEETING - Printable Version

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Re: the snake's den || MANDATORY MEETING - Stryker - 10-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Mumbles of many members met his ears, satisfying the lion. Their input was gracious to him and without their failure, he wouldn't be up on the throne. Thankfully, none were to object. His display was rather ravishing and threatening to them, perhaps even interesting to the sadists. Stryker's eyes grazed past his audience. Not everyone had shown their face yet, which was expected. He would change that. "Good," he rumbled on, "I think we all understand that anyone who objects will definitely end up in her place, now don't we?" This time it was a hypothetical question awaiting a non-existent answer. A nod would suffice. "Guru's corpse will be dropped of later after this meeting. Anyone wanting to come is not allowed, as this is my solo mission." A cocky grin met his lips. He had misdirected them hopefully. After all, what good Pittian wanted to miss out on such a brutal drama?

"Let's get to the fuckin' boring stuff," came his groan of displeasure. "I'd like to keep things consistent, but seeing that the Pitt's original views were thrown off track, I can't do that because it'd be idiotic of me." Change was nothing he was afraid of. The others he was not sure about, especially since they had to deal with it in Esklav's reign. Hopefully these changes felt a bit homey to the older members. "We're going to revert back our previous ranks during Yes Man's reign-" Slitted eyes maneuvered around the area, hoping to find him. So far there was no sign of their returning Ardent. "Ardent, Vicar, Marauder, Erudites, and Skalds are the only ranks were are keeping though..." No matter how much he enjoyed the word Barbarian for their Warlords. "So anyone will be able to gain those ranks back." A soft laugh left him. "Feel free to kiss my ass if you'd like to become my second-in-command, sweeties." After all, he wasn't objecting to it. The better someone pushed his buttons the right way, the more likely they were going to be promoted. For now though, anyone who was promoted previously would be able to retain any one of these ranks. "Quill and Benny may take up the Marauder role. Meanwhile, Eugene may take up the Skald position also..." All of these members have been fairly active, along with loyal to the group. As for the other ranks left unfilled- "Cosette and Ninazu may also take their spot within the Erudite rank, especially after their lovely display at the medical training. Ninazu, since you've been apart of this before, I'd like for you to teach Cosette what you know first and then proceed to learn more with her by your side." Seemed easy enough for him. Stryker had little experience, so he would be useless if he had to mentor them. Hopefully, the promotion suited well though.

"I would also like to address slaves," came his transition into the next topic. "Despite being your former slaver, I was never intent on using slaves, but after a recent revaluation with Goldenluxury, I have thought more on the subject." Unbeknownst to him, it was a brutal development within him. Stryker's moral values were growing skewed. Unlike before, he was still focused on justice, but was willing to take the next step to pursue his own end goal. If that meant brutality and slavery, then so be it. Soon enough, would justice be even a thing? Or would it be more like revenge? "Slaves are our lowest ranking members- fucking obviously, you Nimrod- and should be used to better our artillery, rather than watching them dance for our enjoyment." Any sadist would be upset. Still, did he care? This was his legacy, not theirs. "If we can focus on bettering them for our own purpose and having them become one of us, then we would be turning our enemies into us. Our ranks would grow, the talent within The Pitt would exceed, and we'd have an unstoppable force before us." Leering eyes ran across the area again, searching for any concerned gazes. He wouldn't be happy if he found any. "The enemy of our enemy is our best friend, but also one of us." Shitty analogy, but Stryker felt it fit the moment. "Whether you need to make that happen through physical trauma or psychological damage, I want everyone to make that their goal. Erase their past and create a new future for them. No longer are they a piece of scum on Earth, but one of the finest." A threatening smirk began to form against his face. "Anyone who does not succumb to us will be thrown to the hounds." To be specific, their corpses would be thrown into the Bloodbath river or have their heads thrown onto a spike! "We are no longer a clan that sits around." Seeing that this was Snowbound's most despised quality in his opinion, it was no surprise that this would be the focus of his reign as Ardent.

"Final thing, we're also taking back our old jungle territory to expand our area. We will need a sheltered area for the weather to come, so it'd be wise of us to reside within the temples during this time." Winter, despite being a desert, was going to be a wild one. Stryker would rather be within a stone pyramid than a city made of loose wood when the storms started. "The desert is simply considered a border as it was before. Feel free to move back into the jungle as the weather switches... I could give less of a fuck." With their growing nation, they did need more territory. Finding a new place to stay was never something he intended, nor did he want to explore that option anyways. Removing the jungle from their territory was a foolish joke. With it back, they had more area to roam and dominate.

With that said, hoping he didn't forget anything, the lion stood back and awaited their chatter. "Any cock-sucker that wants to take a pounding may speak up now."

Re: the snake's den || MANDATORY MEETING - miss ririchiyo - 10-14-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_p0gf8uROU01v0ahz0_400.png]
[div style="text-align: center;"]Dabi let a lazy grin rest over his maw as he let the soft, perverse comment go almost inaudibly. "I'll take a pounding.." Before he nodded his head in mock understanding and left. Yeah no, he'd go and wake up frog girl now.