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CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - Printable Version

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Re: CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - FELIKS - 10-11-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Loyalty was such an easy thing to claim, it was upsetting that less creatures weren't surprised when someone turned out to be a 'traitor'. Patriotism to a group was an impossible thing to claim, for animals were naturally selfish in nature, and if something happened to their precious group they loved, they'd move on without second thought. It was at least what creatures like Feliks would do, too world wise to bother hanging up all other possibilities of a good life by relying on one place at a time. The Typhoon was good for now, perhaps it'd grow better or worse through time, but the hybrid wished he'd made it even clearer that he was hard to please. Saying 'I was apart of Snowbound and Ascendants for less than a month each before leaving because I didn't like them' should've been a big enough clue, but here he was now, taking up a semi-high position slot. Memory sure was a fickle thing, wasn't it? The lion-sized being approached slowly, chortle escaping from a near-closed beak as Thea felt up a palm tree. Poor thing, the tree he meant, it probably hadn't been expecting a stargazer's paws up and down it.

"It's called a palm, they produce things called coconuts, look like a mixture between a hairball and a bowling ball. Apparently taste nice though, I wouldn't know," he rasped, staring up to see if any leftover coconuts were still hanging about. Not that he was interested in finally consuming one though, he'd leave that to the omnivores. "You were around when I was in the Ascendants. We didn't talk much, interacted for a split second over a boar you maimed. Name's Feliks, since I don't remember saying it back then,". Showing off his memory and knowledge, a sense of pride and accomplishment came from the mammal as he recalled over the details of that day. For such a dull place, he was rather surprised in himself that he recalled the odd interaction or two, but oh well, the impact they had would probably fade in time. Even now some things about his joining were hazy. "You're probably sick of the interrogation but too bad, I'm giving you one more question to ask since I'm bored and curious. Why'd you leave?". Might as well keep the new blood on their toes, stop them from slacking off.

Re: CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - MirrorEdge - 10-11-2018

Feliks' words had the former Fireball beaming, and she took a moment to glance up, curious to see if there were any coconuts as he said, a bit disappointed there were none. "Yeah! You were! I remember." She paused for a second again, going over the question carefully, before deciding that honesty was the best way to go.

"Exile. It was a lot of little things that ended up, uh, snowballing into one big thing. Stuff such as me going too far in a spar and maiming somebody, attacking Bast, and it eventually got to the point where somebody was killed." By my claws. For now, she chose not to mention who, or that she had pinned it on Bucky and failed, since she wasn't quite sure what alliances this group held. Thea never really had paid attention to other groups, and it was coming back to bite her in the ass now. "So I figured the best way to rub salt in the wound was to join here, a place that'd be fine with me the way I was. I'm not really one for peace and happiness, and staring at stars and memorizing stuff such as zodiac signs. Plus, being a pirate sounds cool."
Template by Quill

Re: CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - FELIKS - 10-11-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]An invisible brow was raised at the female's admission, the other one shortly following as she so openly explained her reasons. He'd expected things such as 'it didn't suit me', or 'they were mean to me', but to straight up admit to murder and maiming was rather bold. Smart in some ways, he supposed, for it'd lessen suspicions later on down the line, but still an odd thing to say to strangers who had already proved to be blunt when dealing with her. His gaze sharply shifted towards his clanmate's, hoping to see their own reactions to this news. Would they rejoice that her actions had weakened an enemy, or treat her with wariness? "We still have rules as pirates, for example: no severely maiming each other, killing each other or assaulting our captain, but do that shit to an enemy and we'll turn the other cheek. Ascendants and the Pitt are our go to punching bags at the moment if you're feeling pissed and wanna let off some steam,". The way she tore up that boar back in the day suggested she had a few things to get off her chest, and whilst Feliks wouldn't lend a shoulder, undesirables would have no choice but to be her comfort.

Though there was clearly a sense of conflict within the gryphon's gaze as he was left to wander whether it was a good or bad thing to be so truthful, eventually a smirk appeared on his beak again. Others wouldn't be so chill about it, that was for certain, but others hadn't seen half of the things that Feliks had. He'd walked in the youngster's shoes before, yet he'd never had someone to empathise with. Monster his old clanmates would yell at him, and he'd be inclined to agree. Stretching his wings, a shrill sigh would escape the semi-high position. "Someone here pisses you off, gimme a call and I'll spectate to make sure nothing goes too far. It sucks to be held back I know, but you got guts and it'd be shame for you to lose your literal ones because you couldn't control yourself. You get me? Whatever happened in that old clan's old news, just gotta make sure it doesn't happen here if you're serious about joining,".

Re: CRUEL FATES (open, joining) - Grey - 10-12-2018

His eyes look at her rather skeptically when she asks if it would be a problem, her nonchalance bothering him to an extent. Perhaps it was because she asked him if it was a problem, encouraging him to actually think about it. Most joinings, when it came to those leaving enemy clans, they usually said something along the lines of needing a change of scenery or disliking the group but seeing as Goldenluxury spoke up first, Bakugou releases a breath of hot air in an attempt to relax himself. He simply doesn't like it when joiners are ridiculously calm, perhaps used to the fact that most joiners were usually tense or amused in some way. It was actually because of Bakugou. The Reaver was overbearing at times, threatening just about any foreigner with his crackling flames. How they responded usually determined the type of personality they had and how well the ragdoll would get along with them in future. His ear twitches when the wild dog appears, a fem he has never met before speaking up and asking Thea what The Ascendants was like.

Colder, plainer, starry - sounds about right. It was definitely how Bakugou would have imagined The Ascendants to be like. All he knew about the place was that they liked their stars and constellations...and that they were the enemy. He looks at her idiotically point as a palm tree, unimpressed and about to insult her had he not been butted in again, this time by Feliks who rather simply explains what it is. The Reaver himself has never eaten or drank from the coconuts on this island but he knows he has had them before, just never in this body. He never minded them before flicking an ear in curiosity to the gryphon who continues to speak, noting that he had met her before and asking her why exactly she had left. A good question, he thinks. Most joiners from The Ascendants usually explained their reasonings, it had always been something that was just given for them to determine whether they were a force of good or bad. He would blame their rather lax and calm atmosphere on the fact that the three greeters before him had been Alek, Luca and Goldenluxury - members that approached things far more civilly than he ever would.

His ears press against his cranium at Thea's answer. Exile and death. Although the former Ascendants member left out the piece of information, he can gather that the death of this 'somebody' was likely the result of Thea's doing but whether or not she was responsible for the killing herself, he does not know. Bakugou doesn't particularly like jumping to conclusions. Being a pirate, he echoes in his mind, sounds cool. He doesn't really know if spending time around drunkards and cigarette-smelling creatures was something to encourage and look forward to. And it wasn't as if they were allowed to kill each other too. If that were the case, there would be far too much blood on his paws. He nods along to Feliks' explanation that they had simple and very obvious rules before watching the gryphon shift his wings and conclude his welcome to Thea. The Reaver looks at her again. "Hmph, well just to add what Feliks said about rules is that we do 'ave punishments for breakin' 'em and I won't 'ave your back if you get exiled from 'ere too."

After all, Thea was exiled for dramas that could get her exiled from The Typhoon. Seeing little point in staying around, he turns around and leaves without another word - not bothering to say goodbye because he'd likely see her lurking around somewhere.