Beasts of Beyond
WHEN THE WORLD GIVES YOU A WRONG DEAL | (dual)joining - Printable Version

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Re: WHEN THE WORLD GIVES YOU A WRONG DEAL | (dual)joining - FUBUKI - 10-11-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]So the one was called John - Jawn, he meant, judging by the accent - as opposed to Watson. Strange, for the two names brought about a sense of familiarity to the male when combined together. An old novella perhaps? Regardless, as soon as he figured out that the other one's name, Ren found himself approaching, legs tense with what seemed like nervousness. Normally so calm and collected, it was hard to belief that a plethora of youth could make him uncomfortable with sticking out like a sore thumb, but admittedly even with the Ascendant's high kitten count it was hard to like so many of them rushing at his feet. Even if the feline wasn't particularly old, his own age given away by a sleek and bright form, the maturity levels between a kit and a one year old were night and day in most situations. In other, simpler to describe words, Ren felt rather lonely and out of place padding onto this scene, but he tried not to think about it too much. "Welcome, Ollie and Jawn," he imitated the more temperamental of the two, hardly able to conceal his teasing expression as he dipped his head in greetings.

The felidae presumed they were a-ok to join. Who would turn down a couple of youngsters anyways? Monsters, maybe, but the Ascendants were no monsters. Most weren't at least, though some were rather hotblooded in comparison to what he was adjusted to. There was not much else that could be said on his part. They could be offered a tour if they wished, they could be shown to their quarters if need be, perhaps offered a surrogate guardian to make sure they weren't gonna grow up alone in the world. Speaking of which... "You two alone?". He'd gritted his teeth long before he'd greeted them, now he understand why something had been wrong with the image of two youngsters alone. No way they'd be able to hunt or care for themselves, were they left alone like Azazel had been? Damn, what was wrong with his generation's adults? Or was he jumping to conclusions? A little shake of a scruffy head, Ren chose not to delve too deep into his thoughts without knowing the truth. "Name's Ren," he introduced himself bluntly, hoping they'd trust him a little more now despite his prying.

Re: WHEN THE WORLD GIVES YOU A WRONG DEAL | (dual)joining - Felibri - 10-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]The bobtailed kitten released a sigh of relief, his eyes brightening as Vani responded. He opened his mouth, about to enthusiastically answer, when his comrade piped up indignantly. ”Will you stop being so childish?” John hissed, his ginger fur fluffing up in embarassment. ”Can’t you just say ‘hi’ and ‘thank you’?” Though perhaps Watson was only a few weeks older than Ollie, he certainly had a clearer understanding of how to act like those around him. Perhaps that was why he didn’t mind dropping his name Watson altogether ... because it sounded adult-ish. Watson’s maturity was mainly due to the fact of his mother dying young and having to live after himself ... but then again, he was luckier than his friend because of being weaned before facing the world on his own.

The next Ascendant to appear was the eldest that John had seen so far, and he took a step back. He glanced at Ollie, but took the hint that his friend may not answer, so it was up to the pale kitten to respond to Ren. ”Yes. We lost our mothers and siblings.” Though certainly the loss of Ollie’s mother must be more traumatic in some ways ... John could not believe that such a self-centered mother could exist. And, due to his sympathy for the skinny black kitten, Watson would allow himself to be called Jawn.

Re: WHEN THE WORLD GIVES YOU A WRONG DEAL | (dual)joining - sweetheart - 10-11-2018

[div style="font-size:13pt;line-height:.9;color:#000;text-align:left;font-family:georgia;padding:8px;letter-spacing:.7px;margin-bottom:-7px"] i don’t have friends ] —————————————
—— ♡ Ollie debated as to why should he even stop acting childish. He is a child, after all, and he couldn’t understand what was wrong since if he was a child, he still should act like one for now. It is acceptable to have this behavior for now. So, he looked at each of the individuals that came, disgrunted, but he rolled his eyes ”hello, hello, an’ hello.” he said to each of the three that came, before looking back at John ” ‘M still a child.” Ollie grumbled, and that was when a new stranger came in.

He was older than all the people that came by thus far, but not mature, seeing as he copied Ollie’s wordings, and in his defense, he was still learning words. He has to get a dictionary or a reading guide, a pronunciation guide because he was looking to be an idiot- like everyone around here. Still, it was somewhat... Good to have people looking out for them for now. He couldn’f even care less to deduce all these people because what use were his skills if he could not articulate his words properly? So, he nodded at his John’s words dutifully, and hoped that soon they’ll be led to camp so Ollie can see what more of this Clan would be like. ♡ INFORMATION
[div style="font-size:13pt;line-height:.9;color:#000;text-align:right;font-family:georgia;padding:8px;letter-spacing:.7px;margin-top:-17px;margin-right:2px"]————————————————— [ i have one