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A single blue eye seemed to snap open when he noticed the emergency lights turned on in the observatory, his sleeping form now awake and curious.

Ascendants, we've got visitors!

Moon's voice was clear through the yelling in the hallways, and Oni found himself curling just a bit closer to Alex in the bed. He had to go help, he was sure Thea was out there.

"Someones raiding, stay in here, love." Oni's voice was soft as he brushed his muzzle against the black wolf's own, before sliding out of bed, bones cracking and muscles shifting as Aloysius took over. A soft growl ripped from the direwolf's jaws as he raced down the hall, the sound of his claws clicking against the floor loud and obnoxious. Catching sight of Thea talking more shit, Aloysius shifted down to attempt to swat her in the head playfully.

"Fight thy enemies, young Thea." Aloysius rumbled, muscles rippling under his pelt as he dipped his head to Moonmade as he fought, not bothering to pull the female off of him. Gabe or whoever could deal with it.

"Since you're so small, go after that bitch over there! Oni's telepathic voice reached out to Thea mentally as Aloysius' head turned towards [member=2398]YMIR[/member] . She could pick fights with people, and Aloysius knew such things.

But Oni wasn't after just any regular member. Oni wanted his brother. Oni wanted his fellow Mikaelson back. Aloysius' ears twitched, listening for the familiar sound of metal on metal, a sign of Bucky nearby. Inside? How did he miss him?

"You are not welcome here, leave." Aloysius' deep voice rumbled as he finally, finally fucking located the source of all of this bullshit. Then, then he caught sight of Harland, tucked tight underneath Buckingham. Hiding, but from who? Oni couldn't understand. He didn't understand why one would hide underneath an enemy, he hadn't experienced such yet. But he did know how he felt currently.


"Young Harland. Come hither." Aloysius' voice was strained, it was obvious now that Oni controlled his emotions. Oni was angry, furious. Did all Mikaelson's betray each other? Was this a curse? First his mothers, then his siblings? Is this how he was fated to live, a pile of betrayals?

Without a second thought, Aloysius launched himself at [member=1917]BUCKINGHAM B.[/member] , attempting to swipe his claws across Bucky's eyes with the objective of blinding him either temporarily or permanently.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh


[size=9pt]What the Hell had Feathers just called him? "I'm tryna' be fuckin' Diplo--" Begins Moon, because when has he not had a quip in response to anything Gabe has said? But his words die in his throat when he glances behind him and sees Harland creeping through the halls, and something in his stomach curls up tight and constricts. What the fuck was he doing? Moon's distraught by the sight as it is, but then the kitten crawls under Buckingham and, absolutely fucking not. "I said, Dwarf Stars," He repeats, louder, pointedly, "get into your rooms and lock your d--"

That's when he gets his paw dragged out from him, pulling violently away from his body so he hits the ground hard, lands on his side and, for a moment, is winded. He sucks a breath into his emptied lungs, and it's ragged and painful as it seeps down his throat, but he doesn't have a moment to recover. Marina speaks, and, of course it's that bitch, she just has it out for him, doesn't she? One massive leg strikes out on instinct and aims to kick against her skull, hopefully dislodging her teeth from his shoulder. From there, he scrambles upwards, backing away from the bizarre creature. He spots Gabriel and, yeah, that makes sense. No way was he strong enough to get her off him himself. "Fuckin' Guardian Angel," he mutters under his breath, shoulder dripping blood as he steps away and then looks back to Marina. He makes a point of not retaliating. "Yea need to cool your fuckin' jets and explain what the fuck this is about. You all bite, no bark, or you got the means to stop and communicate in that dogfish brain of yours?"

Re: A WARNING TO THE PEOPLE // SUNHAVEN RAID - MirrorEdge - 10-09-2018

"Wait!" Shit. I wanted to fight Buckingham. I had questions. Like who those dead people were in her memories, and why she immediately associated him with them, and their deaths. She wanted to know why those darker essences pushed her as far as to frame him for a murder, and him specifically.

With this, the kitsune shifted, the form of a wolf quickly appearing as she attempted to barrel into [member=2398]YMIR[/member] , hoping to force her away Her kitsune form wouldn't do, and in this case, a dragon would've been a bit too much, unless she fought multiple foes at once. If this was successful, lips would curl back to show teeth in a wicked smile, a low growl coming from her throat. "To be honest, I kinda wanted to fight Buckingham, but you'll have to do, miss."
Template by Quill


[Image: YQyYjWt.jpg]
// mobile

Mass chaos had erupted in the dead of night. He had awoken from his slumber to a chorus of shrill yowls and shrieks coming from outside of his room. An attack; it had been so long since Titan had participated in a full-blown battle. The kind where once side was inevitably crowned the victor... or perhaps they both lost in the end.

The lion was up in a matter of seconds, his eyes narrowed into slits and his senses honing onto the scene so that he could gauge his opponents and act quickly.

Suddenly, teeth and claws dug into his backside and he let out a grunt in alarm. He lurched forward and tumbled onto his back, effectively squeezing the air from his assailant and leaving them wheezing on the ground. Titan got to his paws, icily staring down the Sunhavener, and he reached down and yanked him by their scruff before proceeding to launch them against a wall.

He shook out his mane, sharply inhaling and scanning his surroundings for any oncoming attacks.


[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:7.9pt;line-height:1.2;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]It mattered not the want, words a sharp crack through head already building with pressure, pain working through temples and curling about the forehead, lost as eyes sought him. Brief moment, gold finding its match, lips trembling as they part with want to speak. If only there were a voice, a chance to call some warning. If only he was not a useless child wrapped up in problems, nothing but dead weight dragging those around him down.

Moon! Teeth snapped together, blood dancing across tongue as the scream tore through his mind, exploded from him with a sudden force. Unknowingly he tapped into a vein of power deep within, uncovered as his heart rate increased and panic set about him, vision blurring about the edges, his face all the Guardian could see. Har as moving once more, half dragging himself along the ground, behind left a trail of crimson as leg hit the ground too hard, splitting the skin once more.

Hiccuping breath escaping, head falling until it hits solid ground, last words mumbling as his mind fades. Please, mama promised. Feeble words, barely leaving within the wake of strength that ebbed away, nothing more than faint tatters as Har lay there. All he had wanted was his family, drawn together no matter the differences that left them separate islands, but the framework burned before him, actions of another destroying frail hope.

Re: A WARNING TO THE PEOPLE // SUNHAVEN RAID - buckingham barnes - 10-09-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
The male's ice blue eyes landed on Gabe, the first Ascendants member to discover them inside their observatory. At the hybrid's comments, the maine coon couldn't help it but scoff. Oh no, Sunhaven was completely fine with being neutrals- the whole damn point of it was to lay low. The Ascendants didn't get the memo when they murdered two of their clanmates- one that they ate. Now they're acting like they don't know what happened- he wasn't surprised by that. The Ascendants have proven to them that they don't take shit seriously- they treated the murder situation like a joke when they asked for an apology. The Ascendants have built a reputation that they will never own up to their mistakes, and will take outcomes out of portion. Just like how they decided to tell Sunhaven they didn't like the drop to neutrality through cold blood murder. Bucky's lip began to curl up into a snarl, fur standing up to it's ends. Bucky lifted his metal leg up, with the intentions to move forward and lunge- when he felt something, or someone under his legs.

His attack on Gabriel was forgotten the moment the maine coon looked down. His eyes quickly landed on Harland, who was just small enough to hide under his legs. Even though the two have only interacted a few times, those interactions alone were enough to form an unbreakable bond. It didn't matter that they are in different clans, and now are most likely enemies, nothing will be able to keep them apart. They were like brothers- no, they are brothers. They look out and care for each other, they don't have to be blood related to be family.

"You are not welcome here, leave."

The voice of Aloysius reached his ears, pulling him away from his attention on Harland. His head snapped up, ears picking up on hard paw steps coming his way. Were they really going to attack him with Harland underneath him? It was probably a good strategy to get him down- as he probably won't be able to move as easily with a child under his legs. But, they were risking inflicting harm on Harland, that's the problem with this! Thankfully, his thoughts were answered when Harland listened to the Ascendants members who yelled to him. Harland moved away from his legs, and just in time too. Aloysius was lunging for him, with claws out stretched- and with Harland scrambling out of the way, the former assassin was able to quickly dodge Aloysius's attack.

Buckingham nearly lunged back at the direwolf, when he glanced back over in Harland's direction. Bucky didn't like that Harland ran out into the battle- the young bombay risked his safety to just get to him. While Bucky is pissed with the Ascendants, he agreed that Harland should be somewhere safe.

He didn't specifically describe what somewhere safe meant. An impulsive thought came to mind, a light bulb lighting in his head. Bring Harland to Sunhaven, he will be safe there. Almost immediately, the male abandoned his fight with Aloysius, bolting right towards his unconscious brother. His paws moved as quick as they could, his eyes locking on the limp bombay. Get Har, get him! He told himself as he got closer and closer, ears flattening to his cranium once again.

When Bucky finally reached Harland, the male barely stopped for a second. In a quick manner, the former assassin crouched, opened his mouth and gently grabbed Harland by his back. Buckingham was holding Harland in his mouth like a lioness with her cub- his grip was strong enough to keep Harland safe and secure, but not strong enough for his teeth to dig into Har's fur. Bucky practically scoped Harland up, and continued to run. Buckingham's gaze was locked on the observatory entrance, hoping no one would get in his way.

[ permission given to powerplay! ]

Re: A WARNING TO THE PEOPLE // SUNHAVEN RAID - rhosmari - 10-09-2018

Talons tore into flesh of her shoulders, blood slipping down to drop along her forelegs and a snarl ripped through flesh filled lips. A paw came and shoved her head harshly away tearing the skin from her and she spat out what remained with herself. It tasted disgusting and she licked her muzzle though her movements had not stopped as there was a problem that was resting on top of her. "Get. Off. Of. Me." Even as her jaw ached and throbbed with the pain from the leader's harsh movements against her she launched herself forward and rose up on hindlegs, twisting her body to attempt to slam [member=1479]GABRIEL[/member] body and all against the wall, smothering the creature rather harshly to force him off of her form. It would damage her as well because of his talons but she had no other choice in the matter. After all he wasn't her intended target and if she had to rip and tear herself through every creature here she damn well would. Her blood covered teeth were visible as she set her eyes back on Moonmade as he brought up the action of talking.

Talking, just as they had tried to do before. The change that Sunhaven had offered for them to correct their misdeeds only to be spat back at with insults and half back attempts to fix the situation. Her throat almost seemed to chock up and she couldn't believe he would even try it. "I'm done talkin'. I tried tae talk..." Her claws scrapped against hard concrete floor as she glared at the lion then. Her chest swelled with breath then and then her vertical pupil suddenly expanded, eating up the vivid green in her eyes as she attempted to bend [member=1549]moonmade[/member]'s blood, force his body harshly against the ground before dragging him toward her. Such an action would most likely cause him a horrendous about of pain but she didn't care, she couldn't care. Even as blood began to drip from her own nostrils and the tears that fell from her eyes as the sighs of the horror of that house flashed in her mind's eye. The half eaten corpse of one of her own, the dead and paralyzed look of terror on the other's face. Why would they do this to them? Her paw lifted up and she attempted to slap her paw cross Moonmade's face, repeatedly before attempting to grab it then and pull it close to her own. Her breath was ragged as she strangled her own sobs in her throat. "Ya a rotten creature. Nothing but a lily livered fiend that ain't worth the throne he was given. I tried.....and ya spat it all back in my face!"

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡





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Onision wasn't happy with Bucky having rushed past him, taking Harland with him. Soon, Aloysius switched places with Onision, and the small felidae had raced after Bucky. Harland, he was taking Harland! 

It didn't take long for Buck to disappear from his sight, but he did. Oni slapped his paw against a tree angrily, silently fuming over his loss. Once again, he let another family member disappear.

[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh


[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:7.9pt;line-height:1.2;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]A small portion of their mind, a place hidden within the depths where the excitement touching the steady thrum of their heart may never reach, gentle murmur speaking faint lines. Familiar ground tread a great deal before, worn until they may recite each passage without the need for aid, little more than a drone passing lips that have grown numb to the message it bears. Once might there have been a time there was strength behind each, reverence in words uttered into willing ear, tugging at the heart until it stills, given to the faint tremor of fear they keep at bay, if only barely.

Nothing may have prepared, given hint to what was present in walls topped with a wide dome, spill of harsh light breaking the night huddled close about the structure. They seemed almost puppets, white broken with shifting bodies as they moved about on another, mind supplying memory of dance, yet nothing so elegant and deliberate is present in these actions. Rather it is rugged and wild, movement made with little prompt from thought for better is it to follow the voice of instinct, seeking only to bring them through such an encounter. All too clear is it, with such thoughts swirling about a mind struggling to grasp the very concept of events transpiring before them, their status as a stranger within this place.

“I should not have come...” Words rise yet no conviction is present, pace chosen slow, paws pressing into the earth as Esma moves closer. Of a small stature they find it easy to slip within, dark gaze moving across those present, finding few familiar to them. Idiotic had the idea been, their numbers all too small to offer anything beyond momentary distraction, chance to ruin what few they have. “What are you doing?” Teeth grit, tone one of annoyance more than anything, as attention settles upon the Warden. Close by does he pass, carrying with him the limp frame of one not theirs, nothing more than a child by how small the body appears.

There is no time to question the other further, though want is there entangled within the desire to tear the child from him, smash its skull against the wall, pain more than the mere taking of it, turning from Bucky. Into the fray they find themself caught, many paired off and of a height above their own, little muscle upon them making the fox barely a target to a great many. And then they find one, left aside with no dance partner. Running towards [member=2350]REN[/member] they leapt, jaws open in an attempt to clamp their teeth around his neck.


[size=9pt]"Once." Says Moon, his voice harsh, gruff. He's coming to the end of his fuse, and it's clear. Head hanging low, the lion stands now with his legs parted, haunches braced for attack, because Marina's intentions are clear, and there's only so long he'll stand and take it. He watches her rear up, and Gabriel disappears behind her, and for a moment his throat closes up tight and he feels a jolt of panic for the hybrid. It's replaced quickly with something hot, something molten. "You tried talking once. What the fuck kinda' scum raids over a border spat--"

Moon's speech being cut off seems to be a common trend throughout this raid, and it happens again. His throat stops working, and so does his brain, and so does every partical of his body as something takes hold of his entire being and drags him, hard, against the ground. A pain so searing and powerful takes over and he can simultaneously feel nothing and everything. From his mouth rips a sound so small and pained it's almost silent, and he wonders if he's dying but then he sees Harland being picked up in Bucky's jaws and he can't find it in himself to care. Golden eyes stretch wide and desperate, and against the will of the paralysis that's taken hold of his body, he reaches out with one paw towards Buckingham's retreating figure, and he roars. "Har!"

He's only thinking of massive, glistening eyes and that ribcage so tiny it's sure to be made of toothpics when Marina's staring him in the face and spilling a blur of words he's not listening to. Toothpics snap so easily. Ya rotten creature-- His son. Ain't worth the throne he-- She took his fucking son.

Mid-spiel, Moon brings his head back and snaps it forward, aiming to smash his skull into the Sunhaven Leader’s. Something would shatter, and whether it's his own skull, Marina's, or the release of her hold on him, he doesn't know. He can feel blood welling in his mouth, and the contraction of his body slipping away. From there, he rips himself from her hold and steps back, heaving breaths in an attempt to make his body feel like a body again, but it's all in vain. Whatever. He doesn't fucking care. He takes a moment to recover and then, with a shocking amount of power, the lion aimed to collide his body with Marina's so brutally and violently it's sure to knock the wind from her lungs. Again, and then he aims to lift one arm and pin her neck, hoping to hold her to the wall. His voice is sickly damp, sloppy with blood when he speaks. "Take your manic ass and the rest of your sorry excuse of a Clan get the fuck out of our Camp."