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CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - Printable Version

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Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - MOONMADE - 10-06-2018

[size=9pt]Moon watches with no small amount of humor as Gabriel steps forward, listens to his psuedo-professional bullshit and struggles to bite down on the laugh that bubbles up his throat. For a moment, his lips part and bare glistening white fangs, multicolored with various flowers as they always are, and he beams, because, see-- this is funny, and as much as Feathers is a fucker, Moon feels a brief spark of what some would call -- but what he wouldn't be caught dead calling -- affection for the hybrid.

That is until the Sunhaven Leader flickers her beady eyes at him and his laugh dies quick in his throat. He realizes that this might not be such a joking matter for everyone involved, and though, truthfully, he does not fucking care, he feigns that he does. For the sake of democracy. Or something. "Alright, alright," Says Moon in a chiding voice, glancing to the sky as if it might give him strength to deal with this steaming pile of bullshit. "Take it easy, gills." He steps up beside Gabe, making a show of shouldering past Thea on the way. "I'm not looking to ruin any alliances here. What happened that time was a misunderstanding. Thea will be dealt with and the same goes for whoever it was who attacked--" Don't call him Buckaroo.' "Buckingham." His voice takes on something more serious, and a far away part of his brain realizes he sounds something alike a receptionist that wants to die. "But, listen, sweetheart-- This is a two way street. From what I've heard, your pet robot jumped Bast." That was what he'd heard. And it was from a reliable source. If a magpie that'd happened to be enjoying a worm on a branch nearby counted as a reliable source. "I'm not asking for any apologies on your part, all I'm saying is we're even. An eye for an eye. Bast for a Buck."

Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - buckingham barnes - 10-06-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
If Onision, or Aloysius, was attempting to intimdate Buckingham, it wasn't going to work. Bucky remembered Onision was one of the members Bastilleprisoner told to leave along with Thea back when Bastilleprisoner was suppose to question Bucky. Onision didn't listen, much like Thea- they both disobeyed their leader, and when things got tense with the Asset, they both got involved when the Soldier was stopped by Monroe. If anything, it looked bad on Bastilleprisoner, when the two refused to leave, the former Astral Seraph didn't bother to command them again with a punishment. Bucky knew this one meant trouble too, he wasn't going to let them bother him.

When Moonmade made his way over, Bucky was hoping that the situation would be handled quickly. He was tired of Thea's manipulative, disrespectful attitude- she was making this far worse than it had to be. He was hoping to hear Moonmade shut her down, and give Bucky the apology he deserves to hear, but that didn't happen. Rather instead, Moonmade entered with insults, first at him getting upset with Thea and then processed to call him an 'aggressive little bitch'. Bucky was taken back at the words spewing out of Moonmade's mouth. He was appalled, shocked at the 'apology' they were receiving. Bucky assumed the 'aggressive little bitch' was directed at the Soldier, but the Soldier never would have made an appearance if Buckingham wasn't framed. He initially said no to Bastilleprisoner with his mental manipulation, insisted he could prove his innocence with questions. When they arrived for the questions, Bastilleprisoner brought up mental manipulation again, not even bothering to question Bucky like he was suppose to. Bucky felt like he had no choice but to say yes the second time. Bastilleprisoner made it clear that he didn't want to bother with questions, mental manipulation was the only way to clear his name. If Bastilleprisoner questioned him like they planned, that 'aggressive little bitch' never would have made an appearance.

He didn't even know what to say regarding to the part about 'solving' the problem. What Moonmade suggested sounded like killing him. Something funny about that, when Bucky was originally accused, Riza nearly killed him. If Monroe didn't stop Riza, he would have died. If he died under her paws, the whole murder situation would have been shoved under a rug. In their eyes, the problem would have been solved and Roy got the 'justice he deserved'. The Sunhaven Warden would have been remembered as a murderer(while that is true, he is a murderer, he just isn't Roy's murderer). Moonmade was suggesting practically the same thing- just kill Bucky, the falsely accused, and we won't have to deal with this problem anymore.

With each passing moment, the more anger gleamed in his eyes. Originally, he was upset at Thea. Now, he's feeling pissed at Moonmade- who is the Astral Seraph, who should be handling this with respect. Not acting like this is an entire joke. While Bucky appreciated Gabriel for taking the matter seriously, it didn't seem like Moonmade got the memo. Even after his clanmate tried to re-direct him in the right direction. Moonmade's attempt to save his ass was pitiful- the maine coon felt the frustration as Moonmade continued to disrespectfully address Monroe, who is suppose to be their ally. Even when he said Thea will be punished accordingly, and as well for Riza(who he doesn't even know the name of), it didn't make Bucky feel any better. If Moonmade just said that in the beginning, rather than insult him and half ass an apology, Bucky wouldn't be so livid.

Bucky knew that they weren't happy with the Asset- he wasn't happy about it either. If anything, it left him terrified- it's been months since he had an incident. He didn't want to hurt anyone, it left him in fear the Asset can take over again. He wanted to apologize, he nearly came here himself to do it. But oh the nickname, the nickname. Bucky knew that the Soldier thought Monroe was it's handler, he got the idea of that when he found out the Soldier stopped it's attack on Bastilleprisoner. If the Soldier decided that Monroe wasn't a handler, it would have continued it's attack. Pet robot sounded like Moonmade was indicating that Buckingham belonged to Monroe. Bucky isn't property, he doesn't belong to anyone despite what the Asset believes. The pet name Moonmade used made his metal claws dig into ground.

"Drop the alliance." The male said with all seriousness, light blue eyes meeting Marina's livid gaze- his nearly matched hers. "Time after time, we've been treated with disrespect when we tried to solve this problem. I'm nearly murdered, Bastilleprisoner insists I allow him into my head when he was suppose to question me. I originally told him no to mental manipulation for a reason. He didn't seem to care enough to listen. And now, with my name cleared, rather than receiving an expected apology- we get insults left and right, along with a half ass apology."

"This isn't even worth it anymore," He finished up with a lash of his tail, hoping he and Marina will leave relatively soon. He was pissed beyond belief, he wanted to get away from the Ascendants as quickly as he could. He'd only be willing to see Harland, his adopted brother, everyone else better leave him alone.

Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - ONISION. - 10-06-2018




♦ -
"He's dropping the alliance. Huh." Onision remarked softly, the Lieutenant tipping his head towards Moonmade momentarily. At moments like these, he wished he could just lunge and get a meal out of this fucker, that imbecile. Bucky was a threat to everyone in the Ascendants, and Oni wasn't pleased with that.

"So, do I escort them out, Moon?" Oni's telepathic voice was soft, calm, as he focused on communicating mentally with his leader. While Oni didn't like Moon much, he still respected him as the Astral Seraph. He had a duty to do, and Oni wasn't going to let these two get out of the Ascendants without him saying something about it. Call Oni a pot-stirrer, but he wanted a fight to go down. He wanted to get into his first real battle, he wanted to rip some skin.

Soon, Oni noticed that his fangs had began to elongate, vampirism coming into play as the thirst for blood grew more intense. He wanted to feed, he needed to feed. All he could smell was blood, all he could hear was thumping hearts. It made his blood boil backwards, as if Aloysius was begging to be let loose.

He hasn't fed for a long time, Oni noticed.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - rhosmari - 10-06-2018

"Do not 'listen sweetheart' me. Nor gills. My name is Marina or Monroe. Use it." She no longer wore the guise of her sickly mutated body. Her voice was jagged as she looked down upon Moonmade, the lion in her mind was full of incompetence and she couldn't believe that Bastille left the group to him. But then again the other leader didn't seem to wear responsibility that well on his shoulders but at least he knew when he was wrong. At least he had come to her and told her the truth of the matter instead of keeping it to himself. That was why she respected Bastille because he knew what it took to bare responsibility to a degree. The woman couldn't help but snort at the fact that he believed this was a two way street and she allowed a breath to push from her throat. It was far from that and she narrowed her gaze just slightly as she looked at the male. "Ain't a two way street. Buckingham wouldn't have attempted tae try and attack Bastille if it hadn't been for the guy going intae his head. But guess who stopped the attack from even happenin'. That's right, me. Guess who had claws digging into her shoulder from protectin' Bastille from what he had caused. Oh yeah, me. I was there and getting secondhand information doesn't validate that you are entitled to something. Especially not a situation that ya started."

Her words dripped with anger now, expression showing the annoyance and irritation she had for the situation as a whole. Her tails lashed against the ground and the massive canine turned to look toward Buckingham as the male began speaking. He claimed to drop the alliance and she had the same notion as he did. If they would have just accepted that they were wrong for a false accusation that almost ended up in Buckingham's unjust death that would have been one thing. But to try and act like they would get something out of this situation just floored the dame. Her gaze shifted suddenly back to the Ascendants before she finally deflated. No, being angry at them was a waste of time as was the need and notion that they could salvage whatever this alliance had become. Instead she merely gave her Warden a singular nod of her head as she rose to her paws, her form shifting just slightly. "I agree Bucky. It's not worth keepin' an alliance with those not willing tae show respect for their allies or own up. Getting an apology, as half assed as it was was like pullin' teeth. So we ain't allies with them anymore, not till they clean up their act. Ascendants will be neutral to us." She was definitely already tired of this situation and longed to just be home. Her gaze looked away from Moonmade and his own as she beckoned to Buckingham with one of her tails before turning away from the border.

"Let's go home, Buckingham. We have things tae do."

Then she turned and left, feeling heavy of heart but things happened for a reason and she couldn't just ignore the reasonings and actions today.

-- out

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - MOONMADE - 10-06-2018

[size=9pt]It was with a painful lack of remorse  that Moon watched them leave.

The lion stood, completely unfazed, and let Onision's words slip into his head unanswered because, from the spiel this chick was on, it didn't look like they'd be needing any escorting. Literally fuming, the two were so easy to tick off it genuinely surprised Moon; the only person he'd even known to be so sensitive was Bub. And he was about a gazillion years old-- that guy had an excuse. All these two had was some weird mutations and, like, high blood pressure, probably. As they disappeared into the undergrowth of the border, Moon stood and stared at the space they left behind, and in the pregnant silence, loudly smacked his lips. "Guess we won't be going on no shopping trips any time soon."

A moment more of just the wind rustling through the fields, and then, "Think Bast'd be proud of me?"

Re: CRY ME A RIVER - open; sunhaven leader - buckingham barnes - 10-06-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Great minds think alike.

Bucky was glad to hear that Marina agreed with his opinion, dropping them to neutrals is the best option. If the Ascendants aren't going to treat them like an ally, then they're getting their wish. Of course in the future, if the Ascendants learn to pick up their act, maybe the alliance will be reconsidered. With a curt nod, the former assassin follow his leader, not daring to look back at the Ascendants members. His ears stayed firmly pinned to his skull, trying to distract his mind from the frustration as he padded towards home with Monroe.

[ out yeet ]