Beasts of Beyond
JAWBREAKERS — MEETING 10.05 - Printable Version

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Re: JAWBREAKERS — MEETING 10.05 - JUNJI - 10-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]another sleepless night, startled from dozing by the harsh call for a meeting. junji was slow to rise, slow to limp from his hut, ever so slow to join the others gathered before pincher. he settled toward the back of the group and curled his wings around him; a soft breath slipped from busted lips as he finally turned his soft gaze upward to the captain, awaiting the announcements so he could simply go back home, perhaps find luca so he could finally rest.

Re: JAWBREAKERS — MEETING 10.05 - PINCHER - 10-09-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher watched with distilled silence as his crewmates arrived for the meeting announcements, his half-lidded cyan blue gaze rolled at the commentary of being too loud but remained silent as Linux was right. He had a lot to announce and a lot to state as the hybrid gave a nod at seeing enough members, forcing himself to now go through what he had to say. "First of all, we have joiners from all corners of the world. Welcome Mariana, Pandora, Ragnild, Alek, Two-Bit, Jiro, Alexander, Suvi, Victor, Boy, Kazbiel, Latterday, and Deadboy. Some returning faces are Cronas, Jacob, Silus, Rocky, Candia, and Junji. Welcome to the crew, try not to get punched." A light joke wasn't so bad...or was it a warning? In the Typhoon, one could never be too sure. Pincher rolled his forked tongue around as he was glad that he had not gotten tongue-tied with all the names that had he had spilled out but hopefully he had managed to get all of them, if not then he wouldn't mind greeting the joiner or returner right here.

Now it was time to get to the gritty part of the meeting, warnings and demotions. Usually, he tended to be very strict on his high positions making sure they were around and frankly was ready to scold them for not being around as much but he knew that moments like these were busy for everyone. He made a mental note to pick up activity himself, he needed to show his face around more and get out of the damn submarine to see others. "No warnings for anyone except a slight one towards Keona (retro)." He had decided to be lax for now but if they mistook his patience for weakness then he would prove them dead wrong. "The only demotion I have is for Captainpaw, got nobody else in the chopping block." He shrugged his tattooed shoulders as the panthera hybrid had not seen the male for quite a while and had to take him off as great power came great responsibility and all that shit. He allowed for a moment of respectful silence to hang before he shifted to the important rank changes he was going to give with members he saw with potential. "Shoutouts to Feliks, Kian, Luca, Lucifer, and Caesar. Good job this week, folks." Pincher gave a slight nod towards the general crowd before straightening his towering dark head to now shift to promotions that needed to be stated.

"I've decided to promote quite of you after seeing you trying your best in improving Typhoon. Lucifer, you are free to step up to be an Officer alongside Caesar if you wish. Luca, you are promoted to Reaver while Kirishima can step up as a Privateer. Feliks, Linux, Victor, and Ragnild are promoted to Strikers. Congratulations to all of you for your hard work and don't make me regret these decisions. Is that understood?" The demigod raised a fictional eyebrow in a questioning manner although a faint ghost of a proud smirk flashed onto his muzzle before the jaguar-leopard mix decided to roll towards important announcements that he needed to make.

"Alright let's get to the news. I am giving out OOC prompts so if you want one, get your ass into gear for one. A raid on the Pitt is happening so beat a fucker up. Sunhaven has recently requested an alliance with us but we need to vote first so please state yes or no on the alliance. Meet and greet is also happening for newbies and oldies to get to know each other." Luckily, he would be able to catch up with everything he wanted to do later on. He had a lot of ideas going on and hopefully he would be able to have them set to stone. However, one troubling thought burned inside his head as the immortal wildcat growled "There has been some weird ghost activity shit going on, I don't really know why or how but be cautious. Not all ghosts are friendly like good ol' Casper. Other than that, the meeting is dismissed." Pincher was worried about the ghosts but he knew that avoiding it was inevitable and that all one could really do is try to get through it. However, if things grew worse then he might have to find a possible solution for him to offer to his crew as their safety was the most important in his eyes.

Welcome everyone!! Hope you love the Typhoon and if you need anything, feel free to pm me! <3
[member=2475]mariana[/member] / [member=2449]PANDORA[/member] / [member=2464]RAGNILD[/member] / [member=2376]ALEK.[/member] / [member=2405]two-bit[/member] / [member=1813]Jiro,[/member] / [member=1383]ALEXANDER[/member] / [member=2344]suvi.[/member] / @VICTOR / @boy / @KAZBIEL / @LATTERDAY / @DEADBOY
Welcome back returners !!
[member=885]cronas[/member] / [member=112]jacob r.w.c.[/member] / [member=1504]SIL ?[/member] / [member=1180]Rocky.[/member] / [member=2511]candia.[/member] / @JUNJI
Warning to [member=265]Keona.[/member]
[member=1599]CAPTAINJACK ![/member] is demoted
[member=232]LUCIFER GRIMM.[/member] is promoted to Officer / [member=1517]Luca[/member] is promoted to Reaver / [member=1530]Kirishima[/member] is promoted to Privateer / [member=1654]FELIKS[/member] , [member=2095]linux[/member] , @VICTOR , [member=2464]RAGNILD[/member] are promoted to Strikers and Congratulations!! You're all doing wonderful!

Re: JAWBREAKERS — MEETING 10.05 - FELIKS - 10-09-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Yada yada news here, yada yada news there. Even if listening to someone he genuinely felt no ill will towards, the content of meetings seemed so repetitive that Feliks swore he'd go crazy one day if he heard another promotion or demotion at a bad time. Even as the gryphon added little quips, eyelids felt heavy with a burning desire to remove himself from the bustling meeting place. "He's right to warn ya, I bite," was a response to one comment, "Damn straight," was another one as his name was called out - it was a good participation trophy at least. A promotion causing his ear tufts to straighten a little however, the male's surprise was a difficult thing to mask as he let that sink in. Really? Months ago, one with the guts to say what needed to be said wouldn't have been rewarded for it... heh, guess he'd found a decent place after all then. Completely neglecting a reply to the week's events as his chest puffed out in pride, the newly recruited Striker would huff a "Thanks," in a subdued tone. Climbing up a ladder he didn't care to climb wasn't wise but heck, he'd do it for the sake of getting some credit around this place. Last thing he wanted was to be at the bottom of the pile because his ambition had walked the plank.

Re: JAWBREAKERS — MEETING 10.05 - Felibri - 10-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Holy mother of god, did she hear that right? Ragnild’s ear twitched and she stiffened in surprise. She had moved up a rank? Without having to fight her way to the top? So this was how things were run in sophisticated Clans. Sad to say she did not recognize any of the names, and she tried to look around to put faces to names ... ah, she’ll learn that later. For now, she was still shocked speechless at her good fortune.

Re: JAWBREAKERS — MEETING 10.05 - darci - 10-10-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]A promotion? Hell yeah! A grin swept across the husky's muzzle before he turned and gave a quick high-four to a NPC sitting right next to him. Victor had yet to actually learn what each rank did, but he supposed not he better look into it. "Thank you so much Pincher! And, congrats to everyone else." With a final wag of his tail, he reigned in his excitement and sat his rear back down. While he was still happy about his new title, Victor had to shift gears as to hear what else was next. Raid, meet and greet, ghosts, and so on and so forth. He would make sure he got around to those, but the entire ghost thing was a bit odd to him. Victor believed in ghosts, but had never really seen any before. He was a bit saddened to hear that they were not friendly ghosts, but he would still try his best to befriend one.

Re: JAWBREAKERS — MEETING 10.05 - Luciferr - 10-10-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"Thank you and congratulations" an officer now eh? guess that means ceasar couldn't laud his rank over him when the two inevitably disagreed on how to approach a situation - like how to treat children or people dealing with emotional trauma for one - he sought out the others promoted with a nod to Victor and Feliks, a smile for his little brother when his gaze inevitably landed on him and a nod to Ragnild - the wild dog having proven herself as soon as she'd joined was heartening to see.

/ayyyy ty! and congrats everyone!

Re: JAWBREAKERS — MEETING 10.05 - Luciferr - 10-10-2018

Alek was towards the back of the meeting, Nyfyl curled up behind him and watching the entourage with beady red eyes - as for the sith lord? he was rather intrigued by all the different species that seemed to have their own hierarchy despite all signs pointing towards feral animals, it seemed they were more sapient like than they'd seem.

there seemed to be all sorts from the mundane to what seemed to be a more myth-lore type of dragon - he'd seen reliefs of similar on Zakuul and in ancient temples or the ginats of old Krayt's, creatures thought long extinct with the only 'dragons' being the hssiss still around to their knowledge of the known - and they were rare.

he inclined his head at Pincher's words - the captain, and it amused him somewhat to think these beasts had piracy it was all so strange, having been one of the first to meet him on his force expulsion to these lands.

Nyfyl snorted behind him when the raid came up - a raid against slavers hm? well he'd yet to test himself in thsi form, mayhaps this was a prime opportunity.
