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HHHHHHH [ ♡ ] kicks's chat! - Printable Version

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Re: HHHHHHH [ ♡ ] kicks's chat! - Kicksie - 04-14-2018

i still need to watch season 7 of parks & rec shhhhh

but yeah i might try to make posts tonight
or just procrastinate more who knows

Re: HHHHHHH [ ♡ ] kicks's chat! - Orion - 04-14-2018

get on it, it's just wonderful

i'm procrastinating big time this week and it's really bad of me to do jrwsfdbdfg

Re: HHHHHHH [ ♡ ] kicks's chat! - Kicksie - 04-14-2018

hhh okay i might do that tonight then
i literally watched all the other seasons 3 days straight because i was home alone and bored
i haven't touched it since but i need to finish aaaaahhhh

i always procrastinate
i'm procrastinating on hw and posting rn xD

Re: HHHHHHH [ ♡ ] kicks's chat! - Orion - 04-14-2018

me w/ the office, so i feel
aka i cried when it ended and regretted binging it so fast

luckily i finished my college discussion forums earlier
so thank god

Re: HHHHHHH [ ♡ ] kicks's chat! - rakue - 04-15-2018

i?? have not seen much of the office tbh im Bad at dedicating myself to watching a show like that
i started rewatching teen titans last night though and hOh i still love that show even if it was never fully concluded

y i k e s i need to finish my homework but Alas
im gonna try to post for once wOw what a first

Re: HHHHHHH [ ♡ ] kicks's chat! - Orion - 04-15-2018

hnnng dude i never watched teen titans ahjhh


Re: HHHHHHH [ ♡ ] kicks's chat! - Kicksie - 04-15-2018

i tried watching the office but couldn't get into it oops

i've never watch teen titans either tbh
and wow that really is a mood tho
i have a hw assignment i need to get done but i'm putting it off xD

Re: HHHHHHH [ ♡ ] kicks's chat! - Orion - 04-15-2018

ehh yeah
just like parks and rec, the first season is slow so i feel
it look me awhile to get past it

i just turned in my rough draft bc i was too lazy to rewrite

Re: HHHHHHH [ ♡ ] kicks's chat! - Kicksie - 05-01-2018

♡ — how dare i let my own chat die

but yeahhh
i might give it another shot at some point
... maybe.

that's me all the time tho

Re: HHHHHHH [ ♡ ] kicks's chat! - Orion - 05-02-2018

pls do
ben wyatt is my child
and literally me at the same time
so i birthed myself