Beasts of Beyond
SHOT THROUGH THE HEART [transformation + feral thot] - Printable Version

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Re: SHOT THROUGH THE HEART [transformation + feral thot] - KAMA - 10-10-2018

[ooc note! permission to powerplay granted by ya girl tem! the text is kinda skewed and vague but essentially kamasutra p much just rolled up, saw the shitstorm, and broke her own seal a lot like how luca's broke and distorted into her own personal little hell beast to deal with luca's! ahh for visual reference she's just a lupine version of this bitch. sorry for the choppy writing i haven't roleplayed a dog in a long ass time!]

'How quaint.'

The stench of blood hung heavy on the air, a metallic curtain pulled tight over the mauve figure of the beast as he tore apart his clanmates. The scene laid out before her was that of a poorly scripted slasher, broken bones and battered bodies spread into an array of reactions, that of which pulled forward the only other thing rancid enough to combat the smell of gore in the air, fear.

The slim figure of the dog moved with no real haste, her gilded eyes lazily shifting from person to person as the deafening roar of the monster who was quite nearly Luca if he was as far from himself as possible split the heavy overture in the scene. So his seal was broken? That was unseemly, she hardly knew her dearest to intentionally let that happen. Either she truly wished the destruction of each and every individual hear crying out to his behalf (which was entirely unlikely, he lived for this sort of affection) or some idiot thought to break the flesh that bound the beast before them all (she had an idea that this was the case).

No matter, too late to start a witch hunt now, there were more pressing matters.

As the dragon she'd opted to ignore initially and played the martyr a frown tugged at her aureate maw the dam allowed unamusement to creep forward. Playing the martyr would certainly work, if he wasn't fighting a primal creature bent on only one desire; to eat. The scene that played out next wasn't a pretty one, but she could hardly do anything about it right now so she didn't let it bother her too much. They should be salvageable enough, the assault hadn't looked too fatalistic. But what did she know? She wasn't a doctor.

Well, it about time she wrapped this up wasn't it? Truth be told she hadn't intended to be here having just settled into this body and mind, but important tasks were at hand and now that she was certain Luca was here she could hardly leave her darling now that she was back (and to boot she could feel the steady breath of the third part deep in her subconscious). All three of them were living again, which certainly meant things were going to get complicated like they always fucking did. Oh well. Her frown deepened as the crunch of flesh and bone rattled nastily in her ears, that of which angled forward at the notion. Yes, it was about time she ended this disaster.

Not openly visible to the naked eye like Luca's was, her own seal was warded carefully and tucked away, something she would more like to die over then break (but significantly less so than her counterparts), and it was a small feat to send it into the same state of disrepair. As a matter of fact at the moment she may very well look the part of a madman, after all she'd just strolled up with little concern to a bonafide murder scene and proceeded to conjure a thin white blade that fashioned itself more as a letter opener than an actual weapon... and tear open her own flank right at the dip of her hip sending a fresh spout of blood to trickle heavily down her side.

The gentle patter of droplets hitting the ground faded into a quiet hissing as a dull white glow painted the red liquid ivory and it evaporated with a wisp of nearly ethereal flame into the air. The trail of this phenomenon pickled up, growing more aggressive as it consumed her total wound before overtaking the entirety of her slim figure. A flash of white light pulsed from her figure before her lips melded into her maw, rendering her speechless, and her own bones crackled and expanded to upsize into figure more parallel to the modern dire wolf than the domestic dog she'd resembled before. Ghastly whites and blacks made up the aggregate of her form, ethereal silks both tattered and miscellaneous draped along her figure and whisked into the air by some invisible forced. Spread across where two normal eyes once resided were several new additions, all glowing and unnatural in their presence and taloned back paws resembled a raptor more than any canine one would ever see.

The entire situation was unsightly.


The voice the rapt through the air was disembodied and wholly abnormal, only reverberating through the minds of those open to her telepathy and seeming to come from nowhere in particular. As was expected of someone with no mouth, she did not individually speak, but rather chose to target Luca ambiently. The hunger drawn steady in their connection crept into the corners of her mind, dissipating quietly as it trickled too far forward. Forcing their bond forward with her newfound capacity she pulled her awareness tight, if their minds were bound by a string she had just yanked it taut in a bold move to draw his attention to her. "It's time to sleep, come here my love." Calm and sweet, these words focused only on him, though one could likely listen in if they tried due to her lack of trying to hide it and focus only on the situation at hand.

A powerful sense of calm and fullness pressed into his mind, forcing both the boy and the beast to tip towards one new, shared target; sleep. And so with this, she sealed the beast back away and the gentle silks that adorned her form fell away into nothing as she too folded back to the simple body of a dog.