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I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - Printable Version

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Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - darci - 09-19-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Victor was not much of a fighter. Sure, he could handle himself in a playful wrestling match, but he had never fought to injure in his life. It was against the policy back home. Even so, this was not his former home and things were much different here. What he lacked in strength did he make up for in speed. While Victor could not take out anything with a single body slam, he was sure he could at least wear an opponent down. Victor lowered his head, the fur bristling on his neck. The adrenaline in the air was rather contagious. His eyes caught sight of Alexander making a move on Shigaraki before he moved in as well. As Alexander went for the tail, Victor would go for the opposite end. Pushing himself forward with his power legs did the Siberian husky [u]aim to grab a hold of Shigaraki throat in order to restrain the other from turning around in order to retaliate against Alexander.

Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - JUNJI - 09-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]a raid. he'd never experienced a raid before; he'd been attacked once, but never had he settled eyes upon ruffians bursting into their home, attacking anyone that they happened to lay eyes upon. he wasn't fond of it, looking upon the fighting mass of crewmates and pitt members.

the soothsayer stuck to the edges of the battle, crouched in the shadows of the jungle. his eyes watched his crewmates closely, prepared to rush in and provide support, though his heart pounded in his ears at the thought of running out in the midst of the battle. he wasn't keen on fighting, he never had been. junji preferred dialogue. he preferred peace over meaningless violence, though it was obvious that not many in this place shared that ideal. he hated to see so much bloodshed, and over what? petty differences? dislike for someone you did not know personally or perhaps have never even met? the angel could not understand such things, and he did not wish to.

his wings twitched slightly as he shifted through the undergrowth, ocean eyes searching the area for injured crewmates, and weighed his options with each one. junji was afraid to step in, but if any of them were on the verge of being killed, he would gladly risk his own life to save theirs.

Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - Kian. - 09-19-2018

So bring on all the monsters, That lie sleeping in the blue
I'll fight 'em all bare handed, Screaming I ain't scared of you
The pirate heard his brother's call.  As he grew closer, he tasted fire.  The rusty spotted cat skid to a halt, sea-green eyes locking on Shigaraki.  When his eyes flashed up, his blood burned in pure fury.  "You're going to regret that." He let Alexander and Victor make the first moves, as he began to pull water around him, from every nearby source.  Plants, the air... Until he had enough to slam against the tree and dose the fire.  With ice in his eyes, the faerie attempted to freeze [member=1771]Shigaraki,[/member] in place through blood bending, to further leave him defenseless against his crewmates.

No one threatened the life of his daughter.
typhoon | rusty spotted cat | #faesquad |
© madi

Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - Shigaraki. - 09-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]As he continues trying to force Keona to jump out of the tree, Shigaraki doesn't notice Alexander or Victor approaching, so he's caught off guard when he hears the vampire's voice behind him. The childish male hisses in bitter agony when he felts the other male bite his tail. He would've tried to move, but Victor manages to grab a hold of his throat before he can even try using his fire elementals against Alexander. He attempts to light himself on fire with his elementals, hoping to burn both [member=2123]VICTOR[/member]  and [member=1383]ALEXANDER[/member] in the process. Of course, he couldn't move, due to Kian freezing him in place with blood bending. Obviously, it seemed like he didn't care much if he got some nasty burns from his actions.

Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - TSUYU. - 09-20-2018

Tsuyu's legs seemed to bend a bit as she watched Shigaraki go after a hiding child, a sparkle of amusement in dead black irises at just the thought of Shigaraki even thinking he could get away with that. Well, he did what he wanted. Still, Tsuyu knew when it was her turn to step in, watching as the water-user began to use the oh-so-familiar blood bending technique that all water manipulators were known for using, including herself. Tsuyu let herself roll off of the tree, her body instinctively shifting to land on her paws as she slowly made her way over, a flick of her paw causing water to rip out of nearby plants violently. The female's frog-like tongue slipped out, moving around a bit as the water soon shifted and hardened into needles of ice, thin but still incredibly sharp as she launched them towards [member=2123]VICTOR[/member] , attempting to impale or pin the male to the ground, away from her league's leader. With shigaraki's flames helping her to control her ice's direction better (as in to not impale Shiga as well), Tsuyu was sure her attack was well-aimed now.

"While I don't care for most of my clanmates' wellbeing, please don't kill my beloved Shigaraki-sama, ribbit." Tsuyu croaked out, her tongue lashing out as she attempted to wrap her tongue around one of Victor's paws in an attempt to trip him up with a hard yank towards herself. Her eyes shone a deep, foreign, but sadistic emotion in them. Her pupils narrowed into deadly slits, something had snapped in the unstable frog-feline hybrid. "Touching my Shigaraki-sama isn't allowed.. He's all mine.." Tsu's shaky, hysterical voice was maniacal, and Tsuyu made it her mission to seperate Victor from the group assaulting Shigaraki.


Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - darci - 09-20-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Victor could feel Shigaraki's body begin to warm up extraordinarily quick, too quick for him to pull back. While he avoided getting his face completely incinerated, he was left with a piercing pain and some of his fur singed off his muzzle, the skin under neither glowing red with irritation. Stunned for a moment, he failed to dodge the needles of ice hurled in his direction. A few pierced through his skin, causing him to howl in pain in a way he never had done before. Regaining focus, the canine quickly jumped out of the direct path of the ice, saving himself from any disabling injuries. The wounds began to bleed rather heavily, but the adrenaline pumping through his veins kept him from noticing it. It seemed he did not have much luck as before he could do anything, [member=1262]Tsuyu's[/member] tongue, much to his disgust, succeeded in wrapping around his leg. Within a split second did the dog lung forward, aiming to sink his fangs as deep and as hard as he could into Tsuyu's tongue as he was dragged towards her. In another attempt to free himself, Victor began to spin like he had suddenly gone mad, hoping to twist up Tsuyu's tongue.

Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - TSUYU. - 09-20-2018

Oh, my. Not exactly the best idea, but as long as the male didn't injest her blood, he wouldn't be paralyzed temporarily. Good luck to him, she slightly hoped he'd be able to spit out the foul-tasting blood once he got the taste of how bitter and sour her own igor was. Tsuyu could taste the bitter tang of Tsu's own blood, but it wasn't unfamiliar to her. If she got too much inside of her, she'd just gag it up and secrete the toxic fluids back out later on.

"Ribbit!" Tsuyu croaked out in surprise as the canine twisted, causing her tongue to get a bit more flexible, then a pain started to ebb into the twisting feeling. Oh, was this pain? Tsuyu yanked on her tongue roughly, attempting to tear her tongue out of the dog's mouth, letting him go. If this worked, she'd carelessly rip off a chunk of her tongue, but Tsu didn't really care. She could get it stitched up when she got back. Adrenaline rushed through her own veins as sticky red blood dripped onto the ground from her open wound if it worked, her tongue hanging limply from her jaws. For now, her tongue was pretty useless. Still, she was glad she got some wounds on this guy. She really was tempted to take him with her right then and there, but she had priorities.

"Stay down, ribbit. Don't make me use blood bending." She croaked out, biting her lip. She knew if she did that, she'd get dizzy just from one use after a minute, and then not be able to use it again. She'd be stuck just using her water manipulation and ice control. Not that she had a problem with doing so.


Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - Luca - 09-20-2018

Ah, he hated raids. Sure he loved fighting and watching pretty people's faces twist with pain, but they were such a chore when they caught him off guard. He had been working on a batch of muffins, so the sudden noises of battle outside had honestly managed to surprise him. When he was focused on things like his baking, it was easy for things to slip past even his enhanced senses. The hellhound sighed and brushed flour from his fur, covering his batter with a towel to stop the flies from getting to it and exiting out his quaint little door. The smell of blood hit him like a hammer, and he found himself frowning at the aggressive scent. Smell was the one sense that he almost constantly wished he didn't have extra of. Oh well, may as well dig in, right? At least the violence would make his goddess happy for the time being.

A quick scan of the battlefield left his gaze lingering on [member=1262]TSUYU.[/member] and Victor, the joiner that had almost been sent away the other day. Pretty bad start to life in the Typhoon, Luca thought with a halfhearted smirk, swiftly deciding that he should help the new guy out. After all, he was lazy at heart, and the fact that he'd gone through all the effort to vouch for the canine's joining meant that he couldn't just let the guy get captured or die so soon afterwards. Luca's claws flexed briefly in excitement before he stalked towards the half-familiar girl, using the time she was taking to threaten Victor to close the distance between him. A prompt lowering of his torso, a sudden bunching of the muscles of his legs, and he was leaping towards her with claws outstretched. He aimed to push her away from the canine and pin her beneath him, ember-coated paws pressing into her body. "If you're gonna attack someone, at least choose someone not as attractive, hah," Luca said lowly, managing to find time despite everyone to indirectly flirt with the husky.

Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - Luciferr - 09-20-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

well this was a surprise, so the slavers come out the woodwork to try their luck ey?

how quaint

an sky shattering roar as the dark shadow descended from the skies, winging his way down towards the battlefield, greater black wings hiking up behind him to hold him aloft as a gut of black flames torched the ground down below in a furious bloom - toasting any unfortunate no name pittians in his path before the great beast ceased, wings pumping upwards as he circled for another volley or rather,

a landing impact and a bellowing roar, tail whipping out and striking one trying to sneak up on him.

//the first of m'boys here whooo


Re: I DESERVE THE BEST // The Pitt raid - FELIKS - 09-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]A raid hmm? How quaint, the perfect way to introduce himself back into the clan. Sluggishly the lion-sized creature approached the scene of battle, talons digging into the earth in anticipation. Normally he'd be all for these sorts of things, especially when his opponents were a couple of freedom-hating assclowns, but Feliks would be the first to admit that his resolve wasn't quite on its normal level today. He'd been absent for some time, especially from combat, whilst even the proudest creature would admit that they gathered rust after a while, it wasn't the reason for the male's hesitance. Instead, he was observing them all, emerald eyes twinkling with wonder as the enemy revealed information about themselves. He saw different mannerisms, different styles, different reactions to giant 'fuck-off' dinosaurs, unless the slavers didn't have tails tucked between their legs and didn't get their property to fight for them (would've been a good idea if it was dictators under his shoe instead of the innocent), he wasn't too worried about being attacked. Feliks whipped his head up, a magnificent but dry caw escaping from his maw in excitement. Rearing like a horse, chest puffed out like a proud songbird, when all four feet made contact with the soft ground again the final topping on the cake was his smirk. Heh, maybe he wanted to be attacked, if so it'd be easy peasy. Old bones would surely fall back to muscle memory if his adrenaline was tested... everything would be fine. "Quite a feud eh? Authority vs Chaos, Evil vs Good, The slimeballs who live in the armpitt of this Continent against the Clan with the Choo Choo Tracks,".

Walking forwards now that his monologue had begun, Feliks made himself seem as big as he could do to attract more attention. Even if this got him no where, the ecstasy he got from badmouthing groups and getting away with it would outweigh his disappointment at their idleness. The gryphon was far too used to having a fugitive's mindset to not feel a little giddy when he turned out to be the second coming of Houdini. Now, as chaos roared around him and he was sure his clanmates were in danger, his heart beat staccato, feeling like a king without really doing much. Arrogance wasn't a good look for the male, but god damn it if he didn't know any better he wouldn't search for self-improvement. As was life, those who didn't learn from history were doomed to repeat it... Feliks supposed that was why another civilisation had managed to got away with imprisoning those who had done nothing wrong. "I think I speak for the majority of the scurvy dogs around here when I say that this attempted display of power isn't impressive. I'd feel bad raising my claws against a couple o' scrawny bastards,". Look who's talking. "Yo, anyone else without an opponent wanna help me think of some jokes against these scrubs? The brain bank's depleted of energy just looking at these boring sycophants," he called out hoarsely, ruffling his cranium's feathers in self-made amusement. Nice to know he was taking this seriously.