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ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - Printable Version

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Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - Grey - 09-16-2018

The Typhoon, home of all sorts of ridiculous misfits. Ferals, anger-issues, liars, shitheads, must remind themselves that they are indeed pirates. They go to war, set light to territories, pillage allegiances until they were dry of any sign of living. Their wild and barbaric behaviour is to be expected in their very nature, and yet many come to them as if they were a military base open to reasoning and friendships. Owen and his raptors are a good example of some of The Typhoon's more nasty attitudes. Bakugou himself doesn't particularly tolerate the feral creatures but his fire elementals allows him to instill some sense of fear within them. Besides, he was under the impression that Lucifer would be able to take care of the venandi while Owen took care of his own raptors. From the look of it, however, Owen was just as 'feral' as his own pack.

Now, Bakugou is usually fine to allow fights such as this to continue. He doesn't like Sunhaven, was especially embarrassed when Pincher told him off for yelling at Sunhaven's leader but he doesn't want to see blood dressing their grounds just yet. He especially doesn't want the raptors to grow a taste for felines. No way in hell is Bakugou going to allow the reptiles to try and eat him. He would burn them before they had to chance. A look of displeasure meets his face, the reaver deciding to step in with his fire elementals. With a mild jet of fire, he times it to be blasted in between [member=1917]BUCKINGHAM B.[/member]  and [member=2301]- DELTA -[/member] to try and get to two imbeciles to stop attacking. Then, remembering the unintelligible screech Delta had given to the other reptile, Bakugou throws a wall of flame in front of [member=2331]CHARLIE[/member] in hopes she wouldn't join in and back off from the reaver's flames. Smoke leaves the ragdoll's parted maw, brows furrowed in vexation of the three fighting creatures. He doesn't wish to put more force into breaking up a fight. His flames should be enough. They are not hot enough to incinerate, but the heat and look of his fire is enough of a warning. It was hard enough to time his flames to be blasted in between gaps.

"OWEN, GET THEM TO STOP," the reaver roars at the canine, fur bristled in annoyance. "I'D RATHER NOT BURN ANYONE TODAY." His words end with an uncomfortable choke, blood spewing from his maw. Fuck. He doesn't have time to think, to panic about the sudden blood. It must be whatever pain he's been getting, that sensation that makes his cells rip apart and rejoin from one another. It's gotten worse it seems, much worse.

Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - PIERCE - 09-16-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — 'cause i love you's not enough, i'm lost for words
// fuCK this blew up && mobile

Pierce had no idea what the fuck to do. He was not small, nor inexperienced in combat in any way, but next to these things? What was he supposed to do, throw wildflowers at them? It wasn’t like he had any powers that could be used in a fight. Plus, weren’t dinosaurs extinct? He’d read all about them as a kid, and he was pretty sure that was the case, so he had pretty good reasoning to be in such a state. Sure, he had heard about the raptor, and knew what they were here for, but to actually see it?

He had wanted to just let Monroe speak, hoped that it would blow over and they could leave as soon as possible. However, as Owen continued speaking, it was clear he wasn’t going to make it easy for them. He was talking back, defending himself for not keeping these creatures under control. Pierce supposed you couldn’t really blame the raptor for what had happened, but that realization only made him angrier with Owen.

Pierce had opened his mouth to say something, just when Owen gave the raptors the “okay” to attack. What the fuck? The serval knew these more aggressive, war oriented groups could be kind of extreme sometiems, but to this extent? To mindlessly attack without provocation? He just didn’t get it. Pierce instinctively took a few steps backwards, leaving a light trail of assorted wildflowers behind his alarmed trail away. Oh god, Bucky was going to fucking die and there was nothing he and Monroe could do because this fathead couldn’t control his own “children”.

If Bakugou’s intervention was successful, however, Pierce would steady himself, the fur on the back of his neck bristling. "We kn-know the Typhoon doesn’t care about Sunhaven," he would speak up, trying to control the wobbliness of his voice ans the weakness in his knees. "But have you not considered what these raptors might do once they do get a good taste of dog, cat, dragon blood? That maybe they won’t stop just at groups you’re not allied with? They’re feral, and to be honest with you, sir," he turned his attention to Owen, amber eyes unusually hard, "it doesn’t seem like you have the best judgement when it comes to controlling them." Were they gonna get mad? Probably. But at this point, after those raptors just tried killing Bucky? He really didn’t care.


Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - rhosmari - 09-16-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Unfortunately Pierce was wrong with the implication that Owen had given the raptors the go ahead to attack. Owen simply wanted them to watch him and move, keep themselves around the enemy until they were released upon them. But at the quaking orders from Delta the youngest raptor disregarded such a command and instead was focused on the Sunhaveners. She knew when to attack and she would wait, sickle like claws curling and jaws slightly parted. Her posture was very aggressive, stance held low to the ground and that was a sign by itself that something was about to happen. Her target she knew would be the one with the shiny thing attached to him. The thing she wanted when she had first spotted it and she allowed a low hiss to leave her throat before suddenly the scream came. The command echoed in her head from Delta and this was where the attack started. Black stripped body would race forward as she saw Delta's tail connect with that of her own target and sending him flying back. Her thick form was agile enough to be upon the other relatively quickly.

As Bucky attempted to launch himself toward Delta in order to stop her from attack her own quarry the raptor gave a loud screech, leaping forward with the claws on her forearms stretched out. But she was not going to use those, no she intended to try and snap her jaws around the shiny part of [member=1917]BUCKINGHAM B.[/member] and if that was successful she would shake his body like it was nothing more than a ragdoll in an attempt to detach the thing from it's owner. But her own attack was very much short lived as flames sudden exploded forth and confused the raptor possibly forcing her to drop her catch if she had managed to get to him at all. A cry would leave her throat, heat forcing her to shift back and tail whipping through the air. Fear was unknown to her but concern and confusion were not. Her malignant orange gaze sharply looked around for exits in case the pack needed to escape. Though the loud vocalizations caught her attention and her head snapped to the small one that had smoke lingering from his muzzle. Her notion of powers was incomplete and she had little knowledge of them.

The creature didn't connect powers with anything in particular so the smoke didn't connect in her mind that the fire came from him. Instead the iron tang of blood was what caught her attention the moment it came from his mouth. Blood, pain, weakness. Her head tilted to the other side as she watched and claw tapping against the ground suddenly before she slowly outstretched her claws and pushed her body forward. Running was easy for such a well muscled individual such as herself, designed for sudden bursts of speed and prolonged movement. Her scream left her throat as she rushed forward and aimed to snap her jaws around [member=1637]bakugou[/member] midsection, attempting to shake him viciously before slamming his body against the ground and trying to force her large foot down hard on his body to hold him down. Prey was prey and any weakness could be exploited.

Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - rhosmari - 09-16-2018

Didn't matter what it was? That was his groupmate, their groupmate and they were supposed to be calm about something like that when one of their own was simply murdered! The Helion couldn't believe what he was hearing and he wanted to spit upon Owen's name for even telling it to him. There was no reason to have such a backwards way of thinking and no care about someone else's life but these so called 'children' of his. It was vile in the mind of the mutated shark creature and he couldn't understand it that he didn't care about someone else's life being taken from them. The family that they could have been taken from, the children who might miss their father. What was wrong with him? Though there was hardly anything to be said and he was more fixated on the now two raptors that were there. Two, there had only been one before and he was confused. There were more! They didn't need more trouble on their lands and a cold feeling tingle down the back of his throat at the quaking sound that emitted from the one that had killed one of their own.

The other seemed to react rather sharply to it and was now focused on Buckingham and he didn't know what to think. He heard Owen speak something but it didn't seem to have an effect on the raptors. And then all hell broke lose. The one from before raced forward and sent Bucky flying through the air. The Helion whipped around and he hissed sharply, a pained sound as claws tore into his skin, splitting it open and all he could think of was Stryker. Claws digging in and cutting him open, that baking sun. Panic began to take over the leader as blood welled up from the gashes and leaked down his side. But Bucky was coming again to get the raptor off and he couldn't think. He couldn't breathe. His chest heaved for breath and his vision swam. The odd scar on his shoulder was itching itching, and then burning. Cold. He was so cold and he squeezed his silvering eyes closed tightly as ice started to accumulate on the ground before suddenly water surged up from the ocean in a sudden wave before it swept between the differing groups and it swiftly turned into jagged spikes of ice to attempt to block off the Typhoon creatures from his own.

Such a feat caused his eyes to roll back in his skull but all he could think of was protection. Keep them away from his friends. He was a leader but so terrified and he stumbled on his paws and fell over, fin curling around himself. The pain of new wounds was forgotten as pain ebbed in his head and he choked on air that wouldn't stop leaving his lungs. But he knew that he couldn't stay here. They couldn't stay here and he gasped out, voice strained. "Pierce, B-bucky! Ge-Get home!"

Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - Luciferr - 09-16-2018

//track atm.

Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - OWEN. - 09-16-2018

They're wrong. Bakugou is so wrong, and his own attacks only made this worse. "Don't attack them, idiot! They'll think you're an enemy!" Owen snapped towards Bakugou, eyes widening when Charlie lunged for him. He shot forward, standing in between Bakugou and the utahraptor and letting out the loudest, most vicious snarl he'd ever heard. "STAND DOWN." He ordered, taking on that same stance that he had when they had first rebelled against him. "NOT. FOOD." He babbled angrily, eyes narrowing as his tail curled in on Bakugou's form. "Mine." He snapped, saliva dripping from his fangs. He never took his eyes off of them, but from the fire's affects, he was directing his domineering act towards his two girls. They were acting up, and it looked bad. While Owen didn't care if they went after the Sunhaven members, they should never touch a Typhooner.

When the wall of ice shot up, Owen angled his head towards it. "Threat. Escaped." He babbled to the two, eyes narrowing in disappointment. His eyes never settled on Bakugou, but the instilled rage inside of him wasn't pointed at him either. "Why did you put yourself at risk like that?" Owen snarled to the feline, still using his body to block Bakugou from Charlie's path.

"DELTA!" Owen called to the other utahraptor, a roar of her name he was unfamiliar with. Why was he so angry with the Sunhavenners? He pulled out a rabbit from his back, keeping his dominant, calm but fuming posture in place and tossing the rabbit out.


Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - buckingham barnes - 09-16-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Buckingham never reached Delta. Bucky was snatched mid leap, by the other utahraptor. Bucky was honestly lucky that Charlie was interested in his metal leg, thanks to it gleaming sunlight. If Charlie bit him anywhere else, Bucky would have became yet another snack. But, Bucky still wasn't pleased that his advanced prosthetic limb was in the jaws of Charlie. Charlie had a nasty grip on his leg, the former assassin barely being able to twitch his metal claws under the grasp. "Fuck, let go!" He hissed, right before Charlie began to shake him around like a ragdoll. Despite Charlie's powerful jaws, his metal limb didn't budge- thankfully in Buckingham's favor. It wouldn't have been good if he lost his prosthetic leg- hell, that would probably reopen the wound he received months ago. And then, there would be blood spewing everywhere, and Delta and Charlie would surely have their eyes set on him for dinner.

Charlie's attack on Bucky didn't last very long. As soon as Bucky became it's chew toy, Charlie's powerful jaws released his leg- just when Bakugou's flames came into play. Bucky landed roughly on the ground, gasping slightly at the heat of the flames. The male quickly got up on all fours again, relieved that his metal leg still worked. Charlie could have really damaged it, the former assassin's lucky. Bucky only got to glance over towards Monroe and Pierce for a moment before fire clashed with water. The water surged up right before Bucky's eyes, and quickly turned to jagged ice to separate them from the Typhooners. That should keep the raptors away from them, the ice looked thick enough that they shouldn't break through. Bucky's gaze snapped back over to Monroe as their leader gasped out, noticing the shark feline down on the ground, tail curled around. "We aren't leaving without you, Monroe." The former assassin meowed, as he quickly headed over to the shark feline, ready to help Monroe get up/someone to lean on.

Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - - DELTA - - 09-16-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
Screams. Blood. Food. For too long, it had been too quiet here, with not being allowed to hunt down their so-called 'allies', it was a bit nice to start up some chaos from time to time. She lived for this. Not polite talks to resolve things, but acts of dominance and brute strength to fix things, even if it only made it worse. Metal claws had pricked rough skin, not making it very far into her hide, and she found this to be more of an annoyance more than anything, yet before she could shake Buckingham off her back, it seemed Charlie had taken an interest in the male, maybe due to the shiny leg, and proceeded to rip him off Delta herself, the pale green utahraptor paying no mind to the pinpricks of pain she felt. The mild jet of fire was much more worrying, with Delta quickly flinging [member=1806]MONROE[/member]  away in order to escape the sudden searing heat. Due to her fast reaction and her choice to give up her prey over her own survival, she managed to escape with only a few burns, but a cry of frustration could be heard as she turned to the culprit, tail whipping back and forth in anger as she was ready to babble something at Owen. Her argument for why he should give Bakugou up to them or something such as that. It was clear from the blood that he wasn't doing too well, and that he was weak. Weakness could all too easily be exploited.

This was the opening that Monroe most likely used to separate the Sunhaveners from the raptors, and Delta quickly latched onto a chunk of ice, snapping it off, in an attempt to break through and finish what she started. Yet Owen's words finally reached her, and she looked back, a bit of partially-dried blood on her claws, tilting her head. 'Hunt. Threat. Prey.' She simply babbled, unsure what was wrong with this.
© madi

Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - OWEN. - 09-16-2018

"Hunt threat soon." It was a promise. He would let them go after the three again, without him to stop anything. "Remember scent." Owen ordered, filing the scent of Bucky, Pierce, and Monroe into his brain for later. They thought they could come and get his raptors punished? They'd regret it.



Re: ISN'T IT COMPLICATED - open; sunhaven - buckingham barnes - 09-16-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Bucky wasn't liking the looks of this, not one bit. Both he and Monroe were attacked by raptors, Owen proved to them that he's just as out of control as his 'children', Typhooners themselves had to fight the raptors, and Monroe is currently collapsed on the ground after using a large amount of power to protect himself, Bucky and Pierce. Bucky stayed near Monroe, quickly looking up with widened eyes as Delta latched onto a patch of ice. The ice began to break at the spot she kept biting at, his fur bristling as he realized she was attempting to break through. The sounds Delta made sounded like nonsense, and Bucky had a bad feeling in his gut when Owen made a similar sound in return. Were they fucking communicating somehow? Bucky doesn't really want to know, and he thinks they shouldn't wait here any longer to find out. The Goldenblood looked back over at Monroe, who still clearly looked drained- the Helion just used a lot of energy, it wasn't going to come back in an instant. They all have to get out of here, and he has to think fast.

Without another thought running through his mind, the maine coon moved closer to Monroe. Without even warning the Helion, the former assassin picked up the shark feline, placing Monroe onto his back. The two were similar in size, but Bucky could handle the extra weight. He couldn't possibly allow himself to fail in this situation. Bucky felt Monroe's rough skin against his long fur, the former assassin looking over at at Pierce. "Let's go, now!" Buckingham instructed, before he began to run with Monroe on his back, hoping Pierce is following behind.

[ permission given to powerplay & out! ]