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TEMPTATION - open - Printable Version

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Re: TEMPTATION - open - rhosmari - 09-16-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]The knife trick worked indeed as the massive creature turned her head to the side and gaze shifting over the land for just a split moment. Although her attention was pulled back when a screech permeated the air. A challenge. Something to kill, to tear a part and she allowed her eyes to look down at the raptor that had come forth. Her head tilted to the side a bit and she did not see anything to noteworthy of the smaller creature. Although she was felt her hackles raise at the domineering stance, her own becoming more prominent as she shifted herself. The beast was ready for a fight over this hunting grounds, this territory and her jaws parted on a low growl as the other decided to charge at her after her initial roar toward what she had thought was prey hiding among the leaf litter. Quickly the canine like beast lifted a claw, knuckles seeming to shift under skin as she aimed to slam it against the small raptor's side and press down hard to keep the other beast beneath her grasp. Her jaws parted and embers could be seen, visible for a split moment. Her interest in this one was waning ever more and she allowed a strange rolling hiss to leave her throat before once again she was met with something else.

Another creature, born and oozing power stood before them. Lips drawn back in a snarl her large canines were visible as her head lowered just a bit. Recognizing this but also not becoming a follower. The beast was hard pressed in giving up her own claims to being of alpha status but she would respect power when it was present. Her head tilted to the side a bit although her ears were angled slightly to the side having not forgotten about the raptor that had attacked her prior. Was it a threat? The massive beast hardly thought so and so instead listed the raptor as prey. Something to be killed when she was hungry and her head whipped around to finish the job, jaws opening wide to snap down on the other when suddenly a series of clicks made her head jerk up. Swiftly she looked around for whatever it was, eyes shifting with that eerie glow and she moved, muscles rippling underneath scales and fur. Heated breath escaped a killer's jaws as she lowered her head, nostrils flared and then she saw the little creature. It partially resembled what had attacked her previously and she tilted her head, a sign of confusion but also intrigue. Her large claws lifted up, thick tail curling as the spines along her back rose just slightly and her throat undulated to produce those same clicks a question forming out of it. "Offspring. Who?

Re: TEMPTATION - open - SÉAMUS - 09-16-2018

I will not take this anymore; these words will never be ignored. you want a battle? here's a war
Séamus would not lie; whatever that creature was, he did not like it.  His sea-green eyes darkened with wariness and a preparedness to fight.  When he spotted movement in the nearby trees, his muscles tensed.  Sibéal.  Damn her.  Wrong place wrong time.  No way in hell was he letting whatever feral beast this was near her.  The small feline let out a low growl, warningly letting sparks fly off his body.  At least she seemed occupied by the two raptors, but he was not fond of taking chances.  Sooner the threat was dealt with the sooner Sibéal was safe again.

The fae knew he was not particularly threatening in appearance, but he stood his ground, prepared to shift into something larger if necessary but he was far more comfortable - and agile - as he was.  He stood beside his crewmates, crouched low for attack, tail lashing to and fro.  "Sibéal, go up higher," he barked sharply, ears flattened.  He knew she was afraid, that she liked her paws on the ground, but the higher she was the better.  She was small, nearly unnoticeable and she would blend easily with the branches.  That settled, he glanced at the others, soft huff escaping his maw.  The Captain and the raptor tamer.  "She can't fight all of us at once."
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #009E60; font-size: 15px;"]— SÉAMUS Ó FAOLÁN

Re: TEMPTATION - open - - DELTA - - 09-16-2018

female the typhoon raptor squad
At one point, Delta and her sisters had abandoned Owen, in favor of a stronger alpha who offered them more, somebody who had offered them freedom. That was the main reason that they had decided to side with the indominus all that time ago, because if they had chosen to side with Owen, it would've meant captivity. Had the circumstances been the same, she might've even considered siding with this clearly stronger creature. Her loyalty to her sisters and their alpha had shown to waver, and that was something that could always change if they ever lost respect for Owen, or Owen lost respect for them.

A cry of both frustration and pain could be heard, and the pale green utahraptor aimed to sink her sharp teeth into the foreleg holding her down, shaking her head back and forth as if it were a piece of meat from a tough carcass, hoping to either get [member=2313]MARSELLA[/member] to let her go or take a chunk of flesh out. Either worked for Delta. As long as this creature could be deemed less of a threat in any way, or let her up. If any sort of attack hit her, fire or otherwise, in this position, she would have no way to dodge it.

If she was let go, she would get up hastily, dark yellow optics burning holes into the larger creature, tail whipping back and forth as she sized Marsella up again, the clicks... somewhat making sense to her. Offspring. That tiny feathered thing?

Delta held little to no motherly instincts in her body, barely tolerating the other pack's presence as it was, only letting them live because she was quite aware of the fact they were under the protection of Lucifer, though with Charlie, here, she was reconsidering this option to continue to let them live. Charlie would probably go along with killing them. As far as she was aware, they weren't hers, or any of her sisters. She wasn't even aware if they were able to reproduce, or if Ingen had made them sterile, as a precaution, or the genetic modifications just prevented them from doing so. Still, she understood what the word meant, but due to not fully understanding the creature's words, let out a babble, one that said, 'No. Under protection.' By Lucifer, of course, not her. She'd already been toying with the idea of making Ament and his siblings a meal.
© madi

Re: TEMPTATION - open - AMUNET - 09-16-2018

Ament is not suprised by the sign of delta, though she dies startle him. Where Owen is, his raptors are not far behind, the pack will always be bear their alpha, and while aren't is more independant- his pack more independent, they are all the more loyal. He does not feel jealous of their alpha, and knows how easily the bigger pack is swayed, how fragile their bonds with one another is. He feels stronger than them with his pack, with his clan even. They do not need an outside force to control them, but maybe they can get the stranger to join their own pack. Make them all the more stronger.

Already Delta has attacked the stranger. Not like them but still similar enough. Embers burn deep in it's maw and it holds a strong power that even ament can respect. He catches her attention and she chirps in their common tongue. Offspring? Ament means to speak over Delta his own voice corrcting. "Food-giver. Mother." his own voice is smaller but, well he did catch her attention admist the battle. So he may hold it still. "Big protector." he amends, aware that it is one of the reasons he is secure in his own group, secure with the older one too. His mother is big and threatening, luciferus would certainly kill anyone in retailiation for hurting him, hurting pack. He is a doteing presence, and spoils then greatly. His own babble is less insistent but all the more inviting to the stranger, trusting niave little thing he is. Going behind his sister's back to aid the security of their own pack's footing. A stronger ally. An interest.

Curious, insistent little ament.
ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛᴏᴏᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʟᴀᴡ ᴀɴᴅ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅʏ ᴍᴀᴡ // ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄᴀᴛᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜ- ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛ ɪᴛ.

Re: TEMPTATION - open - Luciferr - 09-16-2018

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of [i]horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart[/i]

Luciferus is an old old creature - not even a creature, an entity, eldritch and unfathomable that learned from it's mother god-horror how to fold and shape itself - himself - into his form, a swath of black shadows and too many teeth - white eyes, red eyes - his skeleton under the woven form of scaled black is red red red of his sire-father and a killing thing, anathaema to existence but safe trapped and swathed in his shadows - this dual nature of existence and void.

so when he looks and sees these mortals and immortals, so small and fragile to an unending amount of eyed shadows - he holds them precious, finite and burning so brightly - they remind him of Varkoryan then, his brother, a million tiny shards of that same blinding light.

so when he has those few shards he calls 'his' and labels with 'family' and 'friend' - despite not being the same overwhelming presences of his sister-siblings and brother-siblings or his mother, hid uncle or his children - he clutches at them and holds them close,

Lucifer is a hungry thing perhaps, a hoarder - like the dragon's his mother spun into existence and they find a namesake in, or were they the namesake to that same instinct? to hoard the fragile ones that burned so bright and quick.

but he hoards them in his way - watching after them, caring, being there but reluctant to leave them in distress - and when there is a threat to those small lights the darkness protects? it's a thin line to oblivion.

but the ancient darkness doesn't pounce forth - instead the winged shadow's silhouette hovers above ament, curious child that he is and his own series of clicking "child is mine" and the half spread wings rise up as a threat - if this one views his child as food,

it wouldn't end well for them.

Re: TEMPTATION - open - Kian. - 09-16-2018

So bring on all the monsters, That lie sleeping in the blue
I'll fight 'em all bare handed, Screaming I ain't scared of you
It would be considered smart to go the opposite direction of a massive roar.  Kian liked defying the simple logic of such things.  The rusty spotted cat went towards the sound.  He sped up a nearby tree, then bounded through the branches with the nimbleness of a squirrel.  When he reached the proper location, it seemed some course of events were in motion.  Yet the feline faltered when he spotted a smaller figure up a nearby tree.  What the hell is Keona doing here?  Kian shook his head and quickly leapt to her tree, scrambling up the trunk.  "Sorry a leanbh," he murmured gently, before aiming to gently scoop her up by the scruff and bring her up to a higher branch.  "I'm going to go to Séamus," he explained softly, brow creasing in thought.  "Please don't go anywhere."

Satisified that his daughter was farther out of reach, Kian dropped out of the tree and promptly disappeared.  The same trick of the warhound.  He reappeared quietly beside his twin brother, a statue of withheld eagerness.  He'd fight the likes of Lucifer if it meant defending his family, his crew.  "She gonna be a problem?" The irishman inquired, glancing at said dragon.
typhoon | rusty spotted cat | #faesquad |
© madi