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if the sky comes falling down [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - Printable Version

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Re: if the sky comes falling down [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - suvi. - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]FIACHRA THE RAVEN
[ FEE-akh-ra ].  affectionally referred to as 'Fia'
. a fledgling common raven
. often seen with Suvi, but may on accounts be spotted with Keona
. prone to mischief; may attempt to steal items and simply put them somewhere else | may purposely try the patience of certain individuals for fun
. very curious bird; may follow an individual for some time if he finds them interesting
. fiercely loyal and protective to the Ó Faoláin children; does not seem to care for adults in the family, or in general

Re: if the sky comes falling down [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - Keona. - 11-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"]Human AU - 「 Keona 」
. in her pre-teens
. long, messy, curly red hair
. pale, sea-green eyes : fully blind since birth
. oddly pointed ears
. honey beige colored skin
. dotted with freckles all over
. lean, very short girl that looks entirely too skinny
. fond of warm sweaters and loose fitting clothes : often seen in forest green colors and grays
. ripped jeans
. a talented musician but not very open about it

Re: if the sky comes falling down [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - Keona. - 12-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"]Family Tree
snap shot of  Faoláin side:
Image by Misty:

Re: if the sky comes falling down [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - Keona. - 02-03-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"]Soundtrack
TOUCH THE SKY / Be as strong as the seas are stormy, and proud as an eagle's scream
go the distance / I will find my way, if I can be strong
the song / Idir cósta, idir cléibh, Idir mé is idir mé féin, Tá mé i dtiúin
unstoppable / Keeping us down is impossible, cause we're unstoppable
on my way / Not the snow not the rain can change my mind
song of the sea / Oh won't you come with me, where the moon is made of gold, and in the morning sun, we'll be sailing
I was here / I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time
start of time / Maybe we could be the start of something, be together at the start of time
renegades / It's our time to make a move, It's our time to make amends, It's our time to break the rules
níl sé'n lá / For the fire is flaming gold, and in here the music's flowing

Re: if the sky comes falling down [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - Keona. - 02-06-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"]ó Faoláin Brothers' History
Faerie, Fae /fair-ee, faye/ noun.
(in folklore) one of a class of supernatural beings, generally conceived as having a diminutive human form and possessing magical powers with which they intervene in human affairs.
[ In the context of these fae ] An immortal creature descended of fallen angels not damned enough for hell.

Ardis /Arr-dis/ noun.
A faraway kingdom of Fae.

Kian ó Faoláin /kee-en/ noun. — brief history
. a prince of Ardis.
. commonly referred to the "Tempest Prince" due his abilities to manipulate water and his fondness of the sea and storms.
. following the War between Ardis and their mortal neighbors, became a pirate; the Captain of his own ship, known as the Illyr.
. fell in love with Haliaka, a faerie girl living in a tribe outside of Ardis.  She became fast friends with both him and his twin brother, Seamus.  He however, was the twin to marry her.
. shortly after Keona's birth, Haliaka passed.
. Kian decided that Keona ought to grow up on land, unrestricted to the Illyr and upon hearing word of a group of Pirates, sailed to the Typhoon, where he continues to reside.

Séamus ó Faoláin /shay-mus/ noun. — brief history
. a prince of Arids.
. known as the "Shadow Prince" due to his manipulative personality and fondness of (oft. literally) working in the shadows.
. served in the Royal Ardis Guard during his father's reign.  A talented spy.
. following the war, he left home as a pirate; Captain of the Scáth primarily, but oft found commanding another ship known as the Omen as well.
. during his time adventuring with Kian, befriended Haliaka and fell in love.  He did not marry her, but their relationship grew more intimate regardless.
. heard rumors of Kian's departure from Captain and grew curious; followed him to the Typhoon, where he found Haliaka's daughter, Keona. Grew curious to as whether she was truly Kian's daughter, or his own [ in the end, she proved to be both. ]

Raziel ó Faoláin /rah-zee-ehl/ noun. — brief history
. a prince of Ardis.  Heir to the Throne.  King of the Fae.
. few unofficial titles.  close friends may jokingly call him the "Book Prince" or "Book lord".  the fae and their neighbors also know him as the "Keeper" as he served as historian for a time.
. dedicated a great deal of time to creating peace between Ardis and their neighbors -- not an easy task after the assassination of his parents.
. sent his wife and children away to a safe place.  His wife, Kaisa passed while they were separated, a little while after the triplets were born.
. kept his distance from his children but visited often enough. Sailing had to be done carefully, as pirates like Séamus tended to enjoy causing him problems.
. crashed on the Typhoon's shore on route to visit his children; an attack on his ship he assumes conducted by Séamus' old crew but is uncertain.  He continues to reside there despite the unfortunate circumstances of his original arrival.

Re: if the sky comes falling down [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - SÉAMUS - 03-16-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]THE THINGS WE LOST IN THE FIRE, FIRE, FIRE && GENERAL
Embry | does not appreciate nicknames
24 moons old physically | true age: unknown | immortal | gemini
the pitt
— pittian: no titles

✧ swift fox [ reference ]
— amber eyes

the good calm, steadfast
the okay reserved, solemn
the ugly asocial, apathetic

✧ npc x npc [ deceased ]
— only child, fathered one child
✧ father of one
— will refer to her as deceased | gets unhappy on the topic very quickly
✧ slight scottish accent | fluent in english, gaelic and french
✧ a book worm | may quote at times
✧ single, not looking | bisexual
✧ will start and finish fights | unlikely to show mercy
✧ physically difficult | mentally extreme

✧ clairvoyance
✧ electricity elemental
✧ invisibility
✧ shapeshifting
✧ mental communication and manipulation
✧ mental bond with keona

Re: if the sky comes falling down [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - SÉAMUS - 03-16-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]embry sig
[align=center][div style="font-size:13pt;line-height:.9;font-family:arial; color:#007a99; padding:8px;letter-spacing:.6px"]「 [i]and we sure as hell have nothing now[/i] 」
[div style="width:340px;font-size:6.5pt;line-height:1.2;font-family:arial;margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:5px;letter-spacing:1px;margin-left:0px;text-align:center"][b][abbr=SÉAMUS Ó FAOLÁN]EMBRY[/abbr] / [abbr=THE TYPHOON]THE PITT[/abbr] / [abbr=STRIKER]PITTIAN[/abbr] / [url=][color=#007a99]TAGS[/color][/url] / PENNED BY SPEK[/b]

seamus sig
[align=center][div style="font-size:13pt;line-height:.9;font-family:arial; color:seagreen; padding:8px;letter-spacing:.6px"]「 [i]and if I seem dangerous, would you be scared?[/i] 」
[div style="width:340px;font-size:6.5pt;line-height:1.2;font-family:arial;margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:5px;letter-spacing:.2px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify"][b]SÉAMUS Ó FAOLÁN / THE TYPHOON / STRIKER / [url=][color=seagreen]TAGS[/color][/url] / [url=][color=seagreen]PLAYLIST[/color][/url][/b] [color=transparent]﷽﷽

Re: if the sky comes falling down [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - raziel - 03-16-2019

[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Raziel's Library
Books included in Raziel Ó Faoláin's collection
... owns braille copy

The Chronicles of Narnia ...
The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe ...
Le Petite Prince [ in the original French and an English copy ] ...
The Hobbit ...
The Lord of the Rings
Watership Down
Let the Great World Spin
Turtles All The Way Down
Fahrenheit 451 ...
Treasure Island ...
The Golden Compass
[align=center]— ✦ —

Re: if the sky comes falling down [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - conrí - 04-08-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: heiti sc; font-size: 8pt;"]BASIC INFO >
Full Name. Conrí Ó Faoláin
> "cun-ree". Con. Ri-ri.
Name origin. Gaelic. Wolf king.
Gender. Male.
> he/him pronouns.
Age. Immortal. Appears 10 moons.
> ages at roleplayer's discretion.
Sexuality. Demiromantic bisexual.
Current partners. n/a.
Previous partners. n/a.

Residence. Elysium.
> loyal to individuals.
Groups. ⅓ of Ó Faoláin triplets
> Parents. Raziel Ó Faoláin x Kaisa
> Brothers. Art, Lonân [ triplet ]
> Sisters. Lilja, Suvi [ triplet ]

Adjectives. Lean, muscular, soft-furred, sometimes scruffy-looking.
> Species. Dire wolf.
> Reference. Here.

Positive traits. Active, earnest, loyal.
Neutral traits. Outspoken, self-conscious, stubborn.
Negative traits. Careless, impulsive, naive.
— Conrí is a boy playing soldier; good-natured but impulsive and naive, lacking a broad understanding of the world beyond his family.  On the outside, he stands a self-assured, confident boy prepared to lead any charge -- oft times he comes across brash, or impulsive, only seeing one direction in front of him.  Digging deeper, Conrí is a boy playing hero, hiding a deep ocean of insecurities self-inflected by his own high expectations.

[Image: zgR219p.png]
Experience. Rigorous self-inflected training; lacks true refinement. Requires further practice and instruction.
Difficulty. Moderate physically and mentally.

[align=right]some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold

Re: if the sky comes falling down [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - beatae - 05-07-2019

✧ lilja Ó faoláin | lil
icelandic/finnish for lily
✧ approx. a century | birth date unknown | zodiac unknown
ages realistically
✧ female | she/her
✧ elysium | elysite | no titles
as of now, lilja is loyal only to her family and friends. she will protect those who need it, but if the decision comes to choose, her family is always first.

✧ dire wolf (ref.) | health: 100% | birth/current body
— smells of spices and cinnamon
— holds a white lily behind her left ear
— no current injuries

✧ compassionate, studious, socially independent, dependable
✧ cautious, mischievous, punctual, reserved
✧ bossy, self-reliant, abrasive, rigid
— lilja is an ambivert, typically meaning she is an outgoing gal at times, while also being drained in certain social situations. her willing to socialize is in a flux dependent on her moods. when lilja is in a comfortable place, she is easygoing and joyful to speak to. often she speaks of her interests and her passion for botany and can ramble about the plant types she is caring for in that season. though as much as lilja speaks of her interests and seems to share, she is careful with how much. she rarely mentions her origins, extended family, or current ambitions to strangers and acquaintances. this information is only available to those that have gained her trust. when she is uncomfortable or drained, she secludes herself to her studies or visits her family to recuperate and feel better.

with such a big family, lilja is very family-oriented. she enjoys being around children and has clear maternal instincts when it comes to those younger than her. much of lilja wants to vainly protect their innocence.

her drive to protect and be dependable can make her come off as bossy and curt which she pays no mind to. lilja has no issue barking orders and demands if in the end it could save someone or prevent a disaster. she often thinks too far ahead of herself and always sees the unfortunate possibilities in situations before the good, causing her to act tense and cautious until proven wrong.

✧ raziel x kaisa | related to the o'faoláin family
oldest sister to the triplets
has multiple cousins and uncles who she loves dearly
✧ bisexual | single, not looking | no ship names
✧ friends tba | best friends tba | cautious with trust

✧ physically hard | mentally moderate | earth elementals - undiscovered | no weapons
✧ will start/end fights, difficult to provoke | will kill
✧ no mentor | no apprentice |
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded #981E32 | mention @/ when attacking