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[b]"Bounce, munchkins," Bastille commented mildly as he stopped beside Hazel, drawn by the tug of their bond alerting him to her presence as opposed to any notice that someone needed him (he was sure that someone had scrambled off to find him, likely, but they hadn't found him yet, clearly). His words were directed at Oni and Thea, and he eyed the two mouthy Fireballs as if to make sure they were making their ways out, before he turned his attention to Monroe and the accused. Huh. So they decided to come to him, then. He supposed that saved him a trip, though the hazards of bringing a suspected murderer to their border were an interesting gamble (not that Bastille had actually told anyone who the suspect was publicly; it seemed someone else had filled them in).

His ice blue stare locked on Bucky for a moment before he turned to regard Monroe instead, evidently not quite as keen as giving him the benefit of the doubt as he had been prior. "So, you bringing me someone to hang or someone to question?" Bastille drawled idly as he turned his attention to Monroe, looking almost bored with the conversation. Obviously he was interested in getting a paw on Roy's murderer — he had liked Roy — but Bast had never taken much interest in beating around the bush or stupid political maneuvering. "Unless your boy over here is frightened of answering questions, too," he added, dryly.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - rhosmari - 09-13-2018

"Not everyone is gonna be all sunshine about someone pokin in their skulls. Ain't right tae be in someone's privacy." The Helion spoke with ease as he rested his pearl colored gaze on Bastille when he came upon the scene. Someone's mind was a sacred privacy and when that was stolen from them it was rather traumatizing. He wouldn't have blamed Bucky for denying it back when everything had been going on and the tensions were definitely high. So he had been quite about it though he had to admit that it could have all been done days ago. A frown pulled at his lips before he glanced over to Bucky, making sure that the guy was okay before he took a deep breath in. He didn't think he was a murderer, and he certainly wasn't about to think it now. Then again, all animals were murderers in a sense, killing other creatures for food and what not. But it was serious business when the creature could talk back. Flicking his tail back and forth idly he turned his eyes back on Bastille, jaw set firmly. "It's up tae Bucky. But he's come here tae prove himself. If it proves that Bucky ain't the culprit ya seeing then I want a public apology for Sunhaven and for him. Especially from the little finger pointer over here and the harassment from ya own."

Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - buckingham barnes - 09-13-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Without a doubt, Bucky was certainly a little tense regarding this whole situation. And the jabs the Ascendants members were throwing at him weren't helping either. Bucky knew that they weren't going to treat him nicely, there's so much tension in the air after all. Some of them were treating him like he already pledge guilty, Thea specifically. When she began to throw words back at his face, the maine coon didn't even notice Monroe reaching out for his shoulder. His metal claws were beginning to dig into the ground, and as the Helion's paw touched his shoulder, the maine coon flinched slightly, gaze quickly snapping towards Monroe. As his ice blue eyes landed on the shark-cat, his ears pricked as Monroe spoke, blinking a few times. Calm down, Barnes, He thought to himself as he let out a sigh, metal claws relaxing. He can't possibly risk loosing control- it hasn't happened in months. If he got lost to the Asset in a wave of anger and frustration, no one would possibly see it coming. It would be a disaster. He briefly nodded at Monroe's comment, thinking to himself one more time. You're in control, stay calm.

Bucky glanced momentarily towards Hazel, but unfortunately he didn't get to focus on her for too long. While he appreciated that she was trying to get her two obnoxious clanmates in order, the one they were all waiting for finally decided to show up.

As soon as the familiar tom entered the scene, his gaze locked on Bastilleprisoner. Their gazes met each other for a few short moments, just before Bastille focused onto Monroe. "So, you bringing me someone to hang or someone to question?" If Buckingham didn't want to be questioned he wouldn't have made his way over to the Ascendants. Bucky had to keep reminding himself to stay calm, don't take the dry, cold words to heart. "Unless your boy over here is frightened of answering questions, too." Bucky's trail of thought came to a stop the moment he heard those words. Ears still pinned to his skull, the former assassin decided to open his mouth. "The last time someone got into my head, I lost everything. Sorry that me being cautious is making this difficult for you." He said smoothly without a beat, not exactly getting into full detail on what he meant.

"I'll answer any question you'll throw at me," He meowed as his gaze didn't dare to leave Bastilleprisoner. Monroe was right- Bucky came here to prove himself. He'll be ready for whatever question gets him closer to his innocence. Even if that means he has to unwind his past. His bushy tail slowly began to swish, as he waited for questions to answer.





♦ -
"I'm staying here to watch, Bast." Onision muttered softly, scooting back to sit behind Hazel, his tail resting over his paws impatiently. As Bucky agreed to be questioned, Oni listened in seriously. This would be the first time he saw Bast use his powers to look into peoples memories. Well, shit. He remembered when Bast managed to knock him out, but didn't he just hit him? Oni couldn't understand, really. He had no special powers other than his werewolf form, a seperate entity from him.

Speaking of his werewolf side, the fucker was yelling at him internally now. "Θα εκπλαγείτε με τα αποτελέσματα." Aloysius' greek tongue rang out for the first time, and Oni's ear twitched with surprise. He was just shocked the fucker would even speak in the right language. He was a greek god, for gods sakes. Well, a trickster god. Minor god. Nothing too important.

"Μιλήστε, προσπαθώ να εστιάσω εδώ." He mumbled softly, almost inaudibly, to himself as he rested his attention back on what was going on.

1. you're going to be surprised with the results.
2.  shut up, i'm trying to focus here.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - tori - 09-14-2018

Alex was a little bit torn. On one hand, the answers needed to solve Roy's case caused desperation in a lot of them, and desperation caused people to do some questionable things. On the other hand, going through someone's mind seemed like too much. But if Bucky gave up access to his head space, then surely the problematic aspect of it was reduced slightly. Maybe.

"Are you sure you are okay with this questioning?" The dark furred boy asked with a hint of concern, keeping his eyes on Harland as the younger child explored and interacted with the visitors. If truth be told, he didn't believe Bucky was behind this. It didn't feel right, not in his gut. Maybe it all just went by so fast, he didn't have any time to properly form a conclusion for himself. Regardless, nothing about this made any sense, and he just didn't trust in the idea that someone willing to be questioned was a culprit. "It would be cruel to possibly damage the mind of someone who may or may not be innocent."


Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - Grimm - 09-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]He is a child, given to inexperience and the innocence many think rooted within the expanse of youth, thoughts turning down a predictable path for there is little to guide them elsewhere, to remove the darkness or light of something deemed wholly good or bad. But so with it comes impulse, an act of defiance as the mind finds itself clinging to ideals held tight, never quite prepared to allow them the chance to fade away.

Eyes skim over where flesh meets metal, attention taken by it. Over his head conversation flows, halting as each bicker amongst themselves or offer harsh words towards the strangers amongst them, a faint want rising. There is little to hold him back, slight weight shifting to allow him to stand, a few short steps drawing him towards the other. Buckingham. They had said he was called such but the name was lost upon him, too long for him to pronounce no matter his attentions to do so, more focused on the strange leg he had. Paw rose, dark against scuffed metal, sheen lost over time though it seemed cared for, scars upon the surface speaking of use. Upon each the tips of small claws catch, for moments lingering before the paw is moving again, feeling along each line separating the segments.

“Pretty,” faint murmur passed his lips as he found his own paw touching Bucky's, skimming over the surface of exposed claws. A dark ear flicked as conversation turned, the awaited appearance of Bast quickly turning it towards the questioning. For a time the child simply stood there, unsure on how to feel about it all for it was confusing, beyond his understanding, before Alex spoke up. Mention at harming Bucky was enough, a frown curling his lips. Quick steps drew the child around and he saw nothing wrong in climbing the Goldenblood.

It too a few attempts, a great deal taller than Harland it took a few attempts for him to get up his leg and upon his back, but somehow he was able to manage it. Each step was careful, thought put into it before a paw found its place, until he was able to rest his forelegs and part of his upper body between Bucky's ears. “No.” The word was rather sharp, gaze hard as he turned to look towards Bast, clearly upset he wanted to hurt his new friend.

Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - buckingham barnes - 09-14-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Buckingham didn't believe that the questioning had to involve Bastilleprisoner searching through his head, unless Bastilleprisoner wasn't satisfied with Bucky's answers. Anyways, Bucky still gave the Astral Seraph a hard no back at Sunhaven's border, and if Bastilleprisoner tried to do it now- it wouldn't end well. He still doesn't have Bucky's consent until he asks the Goldenblood again, and if he were to do it without consent- who knows if Buckingham would be present anymore. "If I weren't fine with him questioning me, I wouldn't have bothered to show up." He said to Alexander, who seemed pretty neutral about the whole situation. The Ascendants member almost seemed concerned on Bucky's behalf. He kept his gaze locked on Bastilleprisoner, awaiting for questions, when he felt a little paw touch his cold, metal leg.

Breaking his gaze from Bastilleprisoner, Buckingham looked down, to see Harland mesmerized by his metal leg. "Pretty." He heard the child say, which almost made Buckingham's frown curve into a light smile. Buckingham didn't know Harland, and he was sure Harland wasn't aware of who the Ascendants are accusing Buckingham of. Harland was young, he was still an innocent child who isn't aware of how cruel the world truly is. Harland wasn't afraid to approach Buckingham, unlike his tense, older clanmates. Fuck, don't smile. Don't smile, He thought to himself as he tried to keep his face neutral, having an unbelievable soft spot for kids. And then, little Harland began to climb onto the maine coon, which Bucky made no attempts to stop him. In the tense situation, Harland was actually helping Bucky cool down- who would have thought that. Bucky stayed still as Harland climbed onto his back, and then onto his neck and head.

He felt Harland resting his forelegs and upper body on his head, right between his ears. Buckingham looked up at Harland for a moment, his lip slightly twitching as he fights the urge to lightly smile. "No." He heard Harland's sharp tone, which was certainly directed towards Alexander mentioning harm coming to Bucky. The child is worried about him, as if he's guarding Bucky from the hostile Ascendants members. "Don't worry, no harm will come to me," He said to Harland, before his gaze locked on Bastilleprisoner again, waiting for questions with Harland resting on his head.


Bastille had to stop himself from rolling his eyes at Monroe, reminded that not everyone was as accustomed to how easy mental manipulation could be. Sure, it had a certain unpleasant ring to it, but myths of brainwashing and corrupted thoughts were only half the story (arguably even less than that, if you asked him). As a host, he was obligated to uphold the dignity and integrity of other people's thoughts when trespassing; the notion that he would be clambering around in Buckingham's head, knocking shit about and harming him, was about as ridiculous as the idea of Onision ever learning to fucking behave. (Which, given that he seemed to think he was going to stick around and hide behind Hazel of all members, was still looking just as ridiculous as Bast believed.)

"While it's unfortunate that someone was less than cautious in the past," Bastille said after a moment of studying Buckingham evenly, his tone just a little dry, "I can assure you that I would do no damage if you let me access your memories." The emphasis was clear, but the sideways glance he shot Alex was even clearer. He was mildly offended that they both seemed to doubt his capability of delicacy and the fact that he would intentionally endanger this near stranger, suspect or not. "I have no interest in digging around through your privacy; you'd be entirely able to control which memories you present to me, and I'd go no farther than that."

A pause. His pale blue stare locked on Har, flecked with slight amusement. They were certainly not very intimidating, but he had to hand it to the kid for trying to uphold justice. Cute. Bastille cocked his head to the side, exposing his throat pointedly, and added, "Besides — you've got Monroe and Har right here. If I touch anything I'm not supposed to, they'll know, and one of them can stop me."

Re: READY OR NOT | SUNHAVEN, BAST NEEDED - buckingham barnes - 09-17-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
So, Bastilleprisoner decided to skip over the questions. Bucky was expecting to hear some, but clearly he thought wrong. His ear flicked as Bastilleprisoner continued to speak, directly addressing him. While mental manipulation was not only brainwashing and corrupting minds, Bucky just managed to fall into both of those. It probably doesn't occur often, as why it seems like a small aspect of the ability. Bucky hasn't met anyone else who got their memories stolen and brainwashed, and he wouldn't be surprised if Bastilleprisoner didn't automatically think Bucky is a brainwashing victim. His explanation on how he "lost everything" can probably be taken in multiple ways- brainwashing probably won't be the first assumption.

When Bastilleprisoner began to explain that he has no ill intentions when looking through his mind, and that Bucky would be providing the memories himself, he had to close his eyes for a moment and exhale a sigh. He doesn't use mental manipulation like Ximen did. He told himself, having to fight the urge to say no, I'll be fine. He opened his light blue eyes, making his decision. "Fine. I will allow you into my head," He said, voice quivering ever so slightly, as his paws began to shake. The shaking was minimal, but it will certainly increase when he acknowledges Bastilleprisoner's presence in his head.

Think about how I patrolled the mountain that day. I came close to the summit but decided to head down, He began to repeat to himself in his head, so when Bastilleprisoner went in, he'd see the correct memory Bucky would project. But coincidentally, another thing was on Buckingham's mind. He was thinking to himself, subconsciously: Bastilleprisoner is not Ximen. This isn't a situation like the Asset! The original, correct memory would fade into an old memory, the maine coon having no idea that he's projecting an extra memory to Bastilleprisoner as well.

"Ah, you've arrived Soldier."

"Ready to comply."

"I have a mission for you, Soldier. There's a member in our clan who I believe is double crossing us. I want you to track them down and test their loyalty. Make sure there are no witnesses, Asset. Do not kill them, even if they seem like a traitor."

"Who is the target?"

"Their name is Angeldust. Come back with results so we can discuss if you can go ahead with assassinating them."


And then, the memory began to fade, as the Asset got up and left the chamber to fulfill his mission, leaving a pleased, ram horned cheetah smirking.


There is a tension there. He can feel the resistance, the reluctance — he knows that he is treading on tentative waters here and can sense the reservations radiating off of Bucky like a tangible blanket settling over his back. Still, though. Roy was dead, and he couldn't simply let things go just because one individual had a bad history with his head. It was unfortunate but necessary, and Bastille could only be relieved that Bucky was willing to cooperate now. There was a beat where he studied the other male, before he nodded and pushed into his thoughts idly, keeping the invasion surface level; just lurking on the surface, letting the thoughts that came to the forefront wash over him without dragging them forward himself.

This isn't a situation like the Asset! Bastille closed his eyes after a moment as Bucky's thoughts flickered across the line, fading in and out as he paid half attention to them, instead choosing to concentrate on the filtering out his thoughts to get to the memories that were steadily rising. He got glimpses of the day, of the patrol, coming through the thoughts, but that one piercing thought seemed to mark the point where things grew hazy. He scowled slightly, stalling, uncertain where this path was leading him; he could feel Bucky's aura shifting, his thoughts growing tense and dark, the memory slipping away and vanishing, something else rising.

"What are you—" he started to say aloud, swearing slightly under his breathe as he realized that he was losing Bucky; the memory was cluttered and confused translating through the mental link as Bastille took a step back, pale blue eyes opening as he shook his head slightly, as if to dislodge the flashes of voices in his head. He almost pulled on Bucky, contemplated breaking into his thoughts just a bit more to yank him out of his own memory's clutches, but knew better than to push; instead he focused on extracting himself, muttering, "You chased the rabbit, dude; come back to us, you're drifting." His voice was low, even; not too urgent or panicked, because he knew better than to start yelling as someone who was lost in their own thoughts.