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as we fall [ explosion/injury ] - Printable Version

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Re: as we fall [ joining/explosion/injury ] - BUBONICPLAGUE - 09-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]the sound and vibrations of something crashing into the earth was not very pleasant for him. the rumbling beneath the ground sent waves up his legs and left him trembling for a brief moment, and as he padded over the plains to figure out what had happened, a jumble of noises filled his ears. two of  the most annoying voices seemed to be bickering back and forth; it wasn't much of a surprise to him that one of them was moon's, but the second was almost more annoying. loud and pretentious, with a hint of that annoying ass "pity me" tone lying underneath.

it was a shame this guy smelled somewhat like lirim. bubonicplague wasn't too keen on having him as a stepson. "oh, quit your bitching. you're lucky help is even being offered to you." the dire wolf spat out as he approached, though stopped a generous distance away from the arguing two, stepping to the side as moon passed by. he offered no snarky comment to the lion, and though he'd never admit it, he actually agreed with him. "if you were going to leave in the first place then you might as fucking well. no point in sticking around and pissing off more and more people that happen to be enemies with the crew that you just came from." he twitched his tail in mild annoyance, sightless eyes narrowing to desperado after a moment.

the demon fell quiet after that and simply seated himself in the grass, and though he didn't quite care for anyone in this group aside from a few of the children, he opted to play security rather than leave as moon had. bubonicplague curled his lip slightly in disgust and muttered something profane under his breath.

Re: as we fall [ joining/explosion/injury ] - GABRIEL - 09-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]The bickering was endless. Each continually swiped at each other, heated tempers cracking into each other as ram's horns, and at first, the way the sound grated was manageable. He had some patience- he could deal with squabbling, though typically it was much easier to intervene because he actually had some damn authority that he'd earned. Some semblance of respect, yet here they were, picking at each other's open wounds like vultures, as though he wasn't standing right here. 

"Dissension breeds so easily. He is a weak link high on the ladder. He is discontent with his rung and I could make him fall with the right push. Make it look inevitable." Sharp, bright, eviscerating pain split through his skull, ricocheting, and the hybrid turned from the still-feuding pair, reaching up with one set of talons to dig deep into the side of his head. He felt it, but he didn't, the sensation far, far away as the blinding shearing ebbed back with the heavy pound of his heartbeat. Gabe pried the claws out of his flesh, taking a shuddering breath, and when he turned back, Moon had evidently left, and someone else had come to feed on the friction, a rat come to pick at the bones. Shadows crept into his vision from both sides, snaking tendrils, and he fought them back through sheer stubbornness, dark eyes narrowing into an obsidian glower settled solely on Bubonicplague.

It glanced over to Des, whose proposal had him snapping his beak, both wings drawing up despite the intense soreness in the one still healing. "Shut up. You're not dying here," Gabe growled, voice low and gravelly, as though scraped across sheets of sandpaper, and from the dragon, his stare returned to the dire wolf. "The rat." "And you can fuck right off. Go play useful somewhere else. Un putero de pinche idiotas," the last bit was muttered, beak clacking sharply at the end, before he made his way down the side of the crater to Des' side, exhaling heavily.

His fucking head hurt, but whatever that was didn't matter right now. Apparently The Ascendants had been infested with asshole attitudes since the last time he was here. Maybe it was something in the air, or they'd all lost it. "Think you can stand? I don't want to leave you here looking for Peri if a certain loomer doesn't fuck off like I said to. Peri'll take care of you, though, unless she joined Moon in losing her mind." He swiped absently at the bit of blood drying on his head, grumbling.

Re: as we fall [ joining/explosion/injury ] - ONISION. - 09-13-2018




♦ -
Bedside manners. Oni snorted softly at the shitty joke, shaking his head as he watched Desperado and Moonmade bitch back and forth. "If we wanted drama, all we need is to put Moon in a room with this guy. I'm for it." Snickered Onision, standing up and shaking out his fur to trot after the medic. While Moon pissed Oni off, he didn't know Desperado enough to defend him from Moon's antics. Besides, Oni felt like Moon had a right to be a dick this time.

"She'll probably come soon, might want to dig your grave beforehand!" Oni called over his shoulder, his single blue eye holding a glitter of cocky amusement in it.

//mobile + rushed
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: as we fall [ joining/explosion/injury ] - adomania - 09-13-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Bubonicplague was a real bad judge of character, then, if he figured that any of Des' words wanted anyone to pity him. Everyone here thought that they knew everything, that their own experiences were somehow the truth because they simple said it. For a clan that was supposed to be the good guys, all of them seemed more suited to a place full of murderers and jerks. It was too close to what he had before, with every person coming and twisting his words into things he never said and never meant. "Fuck off. No one asked you to be here, the situation is under control without your ass on the scene as well tryin'a pass clever comments over before you were even here," Bubonicplague hadn't even arrived to hear half of what was going on, but once again he thought himself somehow more special and he instantly thought he knew everything that had happened.

The anger under his skin seared into him, gaze growing dark, and for half a second he wanted nothing more than to kill everyone there. It was a primal rage that had filled him once before, a long time ago, the kind of anger that filled a feral animal who was wounded and cornered and could take nothing more that life threw at him. Everyone there deserved to die. That's what his mind told him.

But Gabriel's words seemed to ground him yet again, bringing him back to a reality that wasn't shrouded in fear, anger, pain and darkness... and with a steadying breath he decided to respond, ignoring everyone else lest the hole he had created by accident would purposefully grow to devour them all.

"Half wish I would," he muttered in reply, wincing as he shifted again, far more than eager to fuck off from here, everything from his pride to his body aching in a way he hadn't felt before. He promised himself he'd never be the dog again, never bow down to others to give them an opening to pick at. He had succeeded, but yet again he had made more enemies than he had wanted.

It wasn't his fault he was running. Out of the frying pan and into the oven, as they said. And this was supposed to be the good clan. "You're surrounded by assholes. Shoulda just stayed in the Typhoon, at least those assholes were tolerable," they weren't quite family, not people he had cared enough to form bonds with... but they didn't come and pick you to your very bones from day one. It reminded him too much of the gang. It reminded him too much of Lirim. A shudder that was unrelated to the pain passed through him, and he flinched back when Gabriel suddenly appeared by his side, the only damn person who seemed to care that he wasn't here because he wanted to be.

His paw still ached, his heart even more, and the headache that was always somewhere around the corner now pounded into his head in time with his heartbeat, just as hot and heavy as the flames dying down around them. "Shouldn'ta come 'ere," he muttered under his breath as a response to Gabriel's question, wincing when he tried to stand up but finding he could at least manage to keep himself upright this time. "Chose the worst place I could for a crash landing," but at least he was there. He didn't know what savior from above decided to place Gabriel right smack into the middle of this entire fiasco, but if he didn't believe in some higher power before he sure as hell was close to starting to. Fitting that Gabriel's name was Gabriel.

"I... I think I can walk. The spite'll keep me going," there was no grin on his face to match the words, but at least he was trying to calm down and banter.

But the moment he was better, he was out. There was nothing for him in a place that was worse than anti clans claimed to be.

Re: as we fall [ explosion/injury ] - BASTILLEPAW - 09-13-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille rarely encountered Moon retreating from a border meeting in a shitty state, and yet that was certainly one lion in particular heading moodily towards the Observatory in the distance. He supposed that meant that he should be doing his patriotic duty by going to see what the fuck was going on up there, and after taking a moment to consider whether or not he really cared, the seraph turned and set off for the border. Hopefully it wasn't too much bullshit to deal with in one afternoon.

(It was too much bullshit to deal with in one afternoon.)

His pale blue stare flickered first over Gabe before it appraised the stranger Gabe was supporting as he stopped a few paces away. Bast was clearly late to the fucking party, given the sour auras all around, and he only caught a bit of the tail end of their conversation. A lot of context was missing here, but the guy smelled like pirate fuckers, Moon was pissed, someone was injured, and no one here seemed too happy. Gabe's commentary on Peri seemed to imply that Moon was refusing to help said stranger, which was... interesting. Out of character for him. Which likely meant someone was being an asshole.

[b]"Hm. Nah," Bastille commented dryly, making no move to get out of their way (give that, presumable, Gabe intended to take this guy back to the Observatory). His attention flickered up from their wounded guest to Gabe as he arched a brow, continuing on mildly, "I take it that if Moon refused to heal him, Peri will likely have good reason to do so, too." A sidelong glance at Bub and Oni, before he added, [b]"I'm going to go ahead and assume that this pirate friend of yours was just as mouthy to Moon as he was to Bub. Which, for the record, pirate friend, you have no right to come onto my territory and tell my people to fuck off. It's their home, not yours — particularly coming from an enemy. So how about before you go along being a dick to more of my people, you tell me what your fucking problem is and why Moon is refusing to heal you? Because until I know what the fuck is going on, Peri isn't going to be laying a paw on you. It makes no difference to me in some random asshole Typhooner bleeds out on the border."
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: as we fall [ explosion/injury ] - tori - 09-13-2018

Things went south just as soon as they seemed to be picking up a normal pace, the usual cleric attendance and transfer. He'd leave Moon to his thing and then leave, taking his place back in solitude. But looks like that wasn't going to be happening, and running for it would only serve to present a sense of weakness to add to the assholery currently going on. His ears lowered slightly towards his head, attempting twice to make himself speak but found himself as useless as ever in that department.

"Is no one else concerned about someone crash landing? that normal around here?" He didn't address anyone in particular, but quietly made his concerns known, even if no one actually listened to him. Wouldn't have shocked him, especially with the much louder bickering among all the boys of the new crash site. Which now included Bast. Literally the worst person to be involved with crankiness. He let out a soft sigh, chewing on the inside of his cheek until it got sore, a typical reaction for him in anxious situations.

"I know it''s none of my business but..." He couldn't get a proper word out without feeling shaky, too many people, too loud. "He doesn't want to talk about the...the Typhoon. Just happened to crash here, just a coincidence. No one should be lucky to receive medical attention. Except maybe a serial killer." He was gonna keel over and faint any moment now from the anxiety, which was visible enough with the shaky muscles and strained voice. "Can we drop it...maybe? There's a big hole, a small fire, and broken bones. A bit of snark is the least of our worries." Oh, he shouldn't have been getting involved in the slightest, he was but a baby compared to them all, and fellow baby Oni just left him by himself. "Sorry...sorry about your wing, must've hurt to get moved. It's heavy."
