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cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - Printable Version

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Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - Feyre - 09-09-2018

☽  ☽  ☽
[color=#205d7a]"Dogs... obviously."

Feyre sported a smile as she joined Moon and the others, curly hair pulled back into something that she had intended to look like a ponytail but instead, resembled some sort of awkward poof underneath the pointed hat she wore. Yes, yes, the teenager knew that witch's hats were terribly outdated and often times made the focal point of many inaccurate Halloween costumes, but she absolutely adored the comedic effect that it added to her own status as a practicing witch, something that others merely raised eyebrows at and never stopped to wonder if she indeed could use magic. [color=#205d7a]"I'm high energy, dogs are high energy. Listen, cats are cool and all but all they do is sit there! Who wants a pet that's just going to actively defy you by staring at you when you try to make it do something?!" She continued, sounding dramatic as ever as she practically dropped into a squat. Standing was overrated. [color=#205d7a]"So yeah... Give me a dog, I want one."

Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - rhosmari - 09-09-2018

Her gaze flicked to Moon and she gave him an easy smile before she settled down in a chair, leaning back a little bit. Yeah, it was just a tit for tat situation in her mind she didn't want to have to deal with the back and forth. But this next question was pretty fun and a good one. Shifting she looked over to Thea and rolled her eyes after a moment. "You must not have met a lot of dogs." Though another one answered before she did she enjoyed the example that was given out. Casually she crossed her legs, trailing her fingers against the inside of her own wrist lightly. "Definitely dogs. I don't want to have to deal with a little shit that doesn't listen and scratches me for no reason. Also, who wants a pet that has a bitchfit when you try to rub their belly. I'd rather have animal that actually listens to me and I can train it with ease plus dogs just make better companions when you need them."

Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - BASTILLEPAW - 09-09-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
[b]"Do you even have the authority to demote the medical team?" Bastille drawled lazily, materializing at Moon's shoulder with not even the faintest trace of apology in his expression for the potential scare. He arched a brow as he propped an arm up on said shoulder, though it was almost like he was genuinely asking the question. Sure, the General in charge of the medical team had a great deal of jurisdiction with said team. Did he get to promote or demote at will? Did he want to? The inquiry was half Bast giving him shit and half daring him to take that authority for himself, because the odds were Bast would let him. Choose your own adventure and that shit. No one had served in this specialization before, so it was more or less up to Moon to craft it.

His pale stare flickered to the others gathered, and he seemed to catch up with the rest of their... debate. "Cats have been sacred to many cultures," he pointed out, with a hint of a shit-eating grin, "When's a dog ever been worshipped? Besides, the only good dogs are big dogs. I've never seen a single bad cat." A pause. His gaze lingered on the newer members, who he had only seen a bit in passing. Had he ever introduced himself? Probably not. "'M Bast." Full name? Never. Title? Over his dead body. They'd have to make due with his very informal form of introductions.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - ONISION. - 09-09-2018




♦ -
"Of course it's fuckin' cats, Moon. Cats are so much cooler." Snorted Onision as the asshole arrived, tail swishing behind him as he distanced himself from Thea, merely settling down beside Bastilleprisoner instead.

"My name is Onision, call me Oni." He quickly introduced himself, the familiar voice in his head begging him to be let out so he could introduce himself as well.
No, you damn God. You're going to stay inside, Aloysius.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - Grimm - 09-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Crowds had never been something the child took enjoyment within, though he proved social and found a great deal of conversation interesting it tired him a great deal, the constant presence of so many offering only a sense of panic as he felt enclosed. Yet the words, fading into silence as all waited for the next to speak, drew him forward, curious for the line of talk was strange. Such was not to say he was prepared for the scene before him, one which gave Harland momentary pause.

Set above them all Moon proved the cause of this, though such was unsurprising for he had a way about him, drawing together many with strange events such as this, Bast comfortable by him, arm about him in a manner that seemed friendly. The matter of cats and dogs, something the child had never thought on for he liked both, was not one he wanted to speak up on but then those words were uttered.

Moving closer Har reached up to gentle tap Bast on the leg, an attempt to get his attention, before he began to sign, rather clumsily for he was still learning himself, yet at the very least what he was meant to convey came through. Dogs guard Heaven. Dog head God help dead.

Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - ★ HAZEL - 09-09-2018

as love filled night gives way to day
Did Hazel want to be at this event? No, not particularly. She didn't want to be anywhere near all these people and their strange, foreign faces. The unperturbed expressions of the newcomers were a sore reminder of the world's lack of sympathy, to which Hazel despised. For once, she needed the world to stop and let her catch up. For once, she needed something to hold onto so the world's apathy didn't fling her off her axis.

Arms folded across her thinning body, the girl's dimly lit optics sought out Bastille, only to find him at Moon's shoulder, a feet feet above the rest of the group. Immediately, any sort of want to participate vanished. The two most familiar people here, and...she couldn't even reach them. Despair clogged her throat, and she hung back, straying to the fringes of the group. She could sit beside Thea, but there was something in that girl's aura that unnerved her; something that pushed her away. Idly, she watched Onision and Harland, tracking them for a moment and deeming both of them unworthy of her pathetic want for an anchor. She really only wanted Bastille, but...anything to make the ground stop spinning underneath her bare feet.

So Hazel sunk into her sweater, wrapping the large sleeves around herself to listen to the conversation at hand and force her part in it. "Cats," She mumbled after a moment. "Cats are soft and quiet." There was more reasoning behind her answer, but Hazel gave no indication of wanting to share more. Her voice was hoarse after days of solitude, and she didn't care about the situation enough to offer her name.

Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - BASTILLEPAW - 09-09-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
The stirring of something warm and golden had his gaze flickering away from the group, absently skimming over their heads to seek out the source and finding her almost instantly as she slunk towards their group with silent steps. The despair in her aura was still there, lurking with a profound sense of misery; she hadn't given Margy and Suite up yet, and once again he felt that flicker of guilt, the knowledge that he was keeping from her the peace he had in knowing exactly where those two had ended up. You cannot tell them, was the thought that met him every time, and he was increasingly uncertain if it came from himself or from Grimm.

His attention was torn away from her by Harland's soft tapping, and he grinned as he took abandoned Moon on his exalted stand and stepped down to Har, instead (and maybe he was trying to bring himself closer to Hazel, too). [b]"Slow, slow," he teased as he tried to track the fluid movements of their fingers, piecing together some of the words by mimicking the gestures himself. "Har says... Dogs help Heavan? Dogs protect Heaven, and... uhh..." A cock of his head to the side, messy curls looking somehow even more disastrous at an angle. "Dog head... Dog God? And the dead?" A blank stare at Har as he tried to process, before he grinned suddenly. "Wait, you mean Anubis? I think that's a jackal head or somethin', but you're right, he's a worshipped dog. Egyptians worshipped cats, too, though." A flicker of his gaze to Haze, and he added, amused, "Prob' cause they're soft and quiet."
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - ONISION. - 09-09-2018




♦ -
Onision tipped his head to the side as he watched Harland sign, a frown on his face. While he himself had known sign language, it was a bit hard to understand the fumbly signs of the younger male. Then, Bast explained the translation a bit more. "So you like dogs more?" Onision both signed and asked verbally, tilting his head to the side. Who even liked dogs? They slobbered and were disgusting. Cats were much more regal and beautiful.
[align=center]YOU'RE HARD TO HUG
tough to talk to, and i never fall asleep!
© ceilidh

Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - Grimm - 09-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Hands stilled some, a slight tremor clear as fingers curled, before he picked it up once more at a slower pace. Yet still the tremor lingered, making it hard to form the correct shapes, growing a bit faster once more as he grew unsure. It was slightly easier now, having some around willing to learn with him or otherwise holding prior knowledge, but the edge was clear as he proved unsure of each gesture. Faint was the huff of breath as Bast seemed to get what he meant, a shaky smile curling his lips and he gave a quick nod as he spoke the God's name, yet it quickly became a shake as he spoke further.

Is dog. Type of. Curling into fists he hit a hand against his thigh in agitation, clear the agitation as he tried his best to put the thoughts within his head into proper words but the minimal he knew at that point couldn't quite convey what he wanted it to. Another voice rose, familiar to him though the way he spoke was different, given no real bite as Harland had grown accustomed, his attention moving towards the other. Like both. He took a bit more time, allowing himself a few seconds to think before lifting his hands again. In truth he had some small preference for cats, something about them was more appealing than dogs at times.

Re: cinderella wears skechers + mass m&g / debate - MOONMADE - 09-10-2018

[size=9pt]Moon navigates the crowd like an auctioneer, pointing at individuals and repeating their opinions louder for the crowd, wildly agreeing with anyone siding with dogs. To Fey, he nods, "I knew I liked you for a reason." , and to Oni, he wrinkles his nose in a look of thinly veiled disgust. "Why am I not surprised you're a cat person?" says Moon, and leaves it at that.

Something weighs on his shoulder and-- Speak of the devil. Moon turns, meets the boys gaze, and is equally as languid in his challenge as he raises one brow. He chews his gum, cocksure. "No. But give me 20 minutes in a locked room and I'll convince you to give it to me." Was he taking the phrase 'pulling a Bast' to a whole new level? Only if the Astral Seraph was up for it.

If you ask Moon, Bast stepping down to Har was more Moon shoving Bast off his little podium, but to each their own. He'd spotted Hazel in the outskirts, and her thinning face brought reality threatening to invade the little bubble they'd created with this strange event. But the more he looked at Hazel the more he remembered just who Margaery and Suite were. They would have found this dog discussion fucking delightful. He wasn't gonna' sit down here, moping, and have them suffer through watching that from their Cloud 9. He'd give them a good fucking show. "What's that I hear?" Says Moon, shark-like grin having molded into a smile, instead. "An alternate opinion? From Nuts? Damn. Your compelling argument is convincing and complex. I'm gonna' have to send out the troops." Golden eyes wink warmly at the girl, and he reaches behind him and shoves at Laika. Though Hazel may be immune to Moon's antics in her current state, no one's immune to Laika's.

The brown dog lifts her head and fixes Moon which a look that speaks, you're fucking insufferable, can't you let me rest, boy, but Moon quirks his head in the curly-haired girl's direction and Laika instantly stands, shakes out her pelt, and slips off the podium. Massive and yet oddly wholesome, the ancient street dog loops herself around Hazel, though only in spirit, because she sits leaving the slightest of gaps between them. Her huge tail circles Hazel's feet, no forced contact, but an offer of an anchor, if she wants it.

Moon's sure Bast will be heading Hazel's way soon, anyway, so for now, he turns away from her, resting his chin on his hand as he frowns down at the shapes Har makes with his hands. He's desperate to figure them out, but Bast seems to be just that one step ahead of him, and every time Moon thinks he's got a word down, Bast's already spoken it into existence. But whatever. He's too proud of Har to care, anyway. "Bast, shut up, Jackals are basically dogs. Har, congrats; you're absolutely right and your logic has touched us all." He shuffles to the side and taps the space beside him, a silent invitation for the boy to join him, before turning to the group and clapping his hands together, once. "That brings an end to the debate. Dogs win. If you like cats, get some help. Or fuck off to the Typhoon. Unless you're Har. He's free to like what he wants.

"Next question. Nemo or The Lion King?"