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everybody knows / FIRE - Printable Version

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Re: everybody knows / FIRE - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 09-08-2018
Made a thread for people who escape, so they can keep rping the fire night without clogging this thread up.

The first four were safe, but there were still so many others, BlueRidge, Pey, Taylon, Rizer, Lucerys, Epione, Charted Stars, Deval, Kunta, Marauder, Horizon, so many others that she just couldn't account for yet. Everything she stood for, dictated that she should run headstrong through the mansion until she found everyone, only leaving the blink before it would come down, then search the territory for anyone until she was sure everyone was safe. The fight to find and protect others from the flame? Was something she could do very well, it didn't require any effort on her part, just following her instincts, well the ones that had been abused into her until that was all she had, but same difference. Jiyu was always the one to run recklessly right into the danger because that life-threatening status was where she felt comfortable, everyone else panicked but she didn't because the only thing she feared anymore was the failure of her mission. A guard was supposed to be the first one out in the morning and the last one in at night, protect everyone even if it meant risking their own life, especially if it meant that.

Prestige spoke and the flames faded away in her mind, briefly the fire changed into the shape of two very distinct felines in her past, as her eyes met with the leader, for a split second the expression in them was different from the absence normally glaringly evident there. A single paw moved forward, pushing her to brush against him briefly, muzzle moving against his shoulder. "Be safe Pres, don't question yourself for a second, not even when it's closed around, that's how you survive." she clearly didn't like it from the brief expression on her face, something rarely seen, but inside of her chest, there was something blossomed there that took it out of her control, caused her to act differently than what she should. "I won't let anything happen to them, but if you don't come back out, I'm coming back for you once everyone is safe." how was she going to keep them safe? All she knew how to do was fight, why was she doing this, Pres was the one who knew how to manage other animals, albeit he did so in a way that showed his youth and inexperience but he wasn't daft like she was! Why then, was she so sure she could do what he was asking of her, sure enough, she was willing to abandon what she saw as her post in order to follow an order she was consciously convinced she'd fail.

"This way." she didn't doubt herself a second, even though she really should have. Prestige was the leader, he was thus the one suited to keeping everyone feeling safe once they were rescued from the flames, not her. Jiyu nodded in the direction she wanted everyone to go, not wanting to run at the front and risk someone falling behind or getting cut off from her guidance. "We'll all be alright." it sounded like a lie to her, but hey with her voice unchanging as it was, maybe they'd actually believe it.

Re: everybody knows / FIRE - Luciferr - 09-08-2018

TALYN is an INDORAPTOR that stands at a height of 9FT, His species allows bipedal and quadrupedal movement, he wields bone crushing teeth and frightful strength. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were REQUIEM x BRIDGEWATER of an old site litter, with last names of Valdis, Kuchiki and HARBINGER. he is the incarnation of the RED HERALD of WAR of 4 and has amnesia of past lives.
a sudden hacking coughing noise - a call from the flames.

it was not a cry of help - but it was a rallying cry.

War called those that might still be near him - might still be trapped to him as Rizer warded the flames away from his side with water called to him and a frigid aura surrounding him whilst Talyn himself shifted the flames away.

the fire was too large and too out of control to stop entire - but they as two could control and corral a small area at least, provide a way for others to get to them and lead them away from the fire to where the others waited.

he called again - a shrill noise caught between a repetition of a twisted birds call and something more guttural of what should be an even larger predator as the fell flame scaled indoraptor shifted, following Rizer and bending the flames.

they could hear them ahead as they and whoever had joined them ran towards where safety was - with only the brief fleeting thoughts that at least they had nothing to lose to the fire.

[align=center]HYMN OF RUIN
Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums
© ceilidh

Re: everybody knows / FIRE - Luciferr - 09-08-2018

RIZER is a MANTICORE that stands at a height of 5FT, like all his kind he has a barbed tail and like some he also has WINGS , much of his form is also scaled past his mane. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were EURYDICE TARGARYEN and DOMERIC of an old site litter. he is the incarnation of the PALE HERALD of DEATH of the 4 heralds, he also has amnesia of past lives.
It was a familiar knwoing to fight and struggle beside his fellow harbinger - the pale manticore breathing a swath of ice towards the nearest flame only for it to melt an ddouse the too close portion.

neither could hope to fully corral it, but they'd created a small pocket of safety between them - and with Talyn calling for others that might be trapped, Rizer was more focused on creating an escape route whenever the extinct beast had to pause controlling small fires to call out.

just on the edge of his peripheries, small fires of souls snuffed out - but those familiar were moving to presumed safety and Rizer focused on that, wing tapping Talyn to follow as both made the progress towards safety in their general direction.

[align=center]FIRE AND BLOOD
But what is this that I can't see, With ice cold hands taking hold of me?
© ceilidh

Re: everybody knows / FIRE - miss ririchiyo - 09-09-2018

male | 19 months | the rosebloods | member

A loud crying screech echoed from the flames of the burning territory, the sight of the large griffon's wings flapping as he tried to keep the flames away from his home. Where was his sister? "Epione! Skoriot issi ao?!" He shrieked out, beak snapping closed in a wince as he felt flames lap at his back paws.

He couldn't leave without Epione. She couldn't fly. She'd die. "Epione!" Lucerys called again, coughing as smoke make its way closer to the mythical beast. Golden feathers seemed to darken from the smoke, but Lucy never walked away. He had to find his little sister.

if you find this u are awesome

Re: everybody knows / FIRE - EPIONE VELARYON - 09-09-2018

✯ — having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness
she hadn’t known about the fire until it was too late. she never head the warning of the pharaoh, nor the screams of panic. not until she was stuck.

a gryphon who couldn’t fly is the same as a horse with a broken leg. they were not destined to survive long. her wings had battered her sides desperately, trying to get air under them instead of smoke blowing out. while she bat the flames away, the force of her wings were not helping out it out.

the view was gorgeous, despite the life threatening situation. the orange flames licking everywhere around her. epione, caught in the flames. fearful clicks had escaped her beak as the fires had crawled closer.

she wanted her mother. her father. her brother. lucerys. she needed lucerys. but it was too dangerous for him to dive in headfirst for her. he was too self-sacrificing when it came to her. epione would rather burn than see a singe upon her brother’s royal feathers.

her heart beat wildly, pushing painfully against her as she had breathed for fresher air. smoke had swirled in her lungs, rasp coughs tearing at her throat as tears had swelled in her eyes. her limbs had tried to take her to every exit she could find, but fire had swallowed up her chances. the heat scorched her paw pads and her talons had tore at anything she could to get out.

epione was always weak. she could not fight, nor fly, and had lacked enough vision. she was the runt, not destined for survival. this was all too apparent now. where her brother could not reach her is where she could feel death’s hot breath against her neck.

she couldn’t stand this. with every second caught in the flames had brought her closer to the ground. her body had been flush to the hot floor, limp and tired. awake, but only sadly so. her wings still beat pitifully against her body, like a weakened butterfly who knew their time was up. the powder from their wings floating in the air, like little stars falling from their wings. had her wings leaked their stars? 
✯ — blossomed by the lovely stars, the forget-me-not of the angels

Re: everybody knows / FIRE - miss ririchiyo - 09-09-2018

male | 19 months | the rosebloods | member

Maybe he was the self-sacrificing twit that his sister believed he was, but he loved his family too much to just let the last of the Velaryon bloodline die. Himself and his sister were the last remaining Velaryons, they had to survive together.

The royal gryffon listened fearfully for the sound of his little sister's voice, ears swiveling eagerly as he heard the snapping of a beak and fluttering of wings. She was trapped. She was enclosed, and Lucerys was about to make a mistake. He was about to risk his own fur for this, but he would do anything for his sister. Anything.

"I'm coming, Epione! Hold still, little sun!" He called out to the younger gryffon, wings flapping open as dust flew all around, Lucy lifting himself into the air for flight before he glanced around the structure in which his sister had been trapped. Shit.

Once Lucerys dived back onto the ground, he made the split second decision to just.. Barge in. Sure, he might singe a few of his feathers, but he was going to protect Epione. With a loud grunt, the gryffon bashed through one of the exists, wincing as fire scorched up his back legs, fur falling to the ground in ashes as he clicked his beak. He saw the sight of his sister on the ground, her wings lashing about as if trying to get her into the sky again.

"Come on, little sister. We've.. Gotta go." He grunted as splinters of firey wood began to fall upon his spread wings, but he remained still, jaw clenched as he grabbed onto his sister's sides, attempting to toss her onto his back before trying to rush out of the flames, the fire licking at his paws. If this was successful, he'd then stretch his wings, flapping them harshly as he shot into the air, talons gripping his sister's front legs to keep her still.

if you find this u are awesome