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MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - Printable Version

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Gordon felt guilty for leaving The Ascendants like she did. She just stepped down, overwhelmed with the clan's size and bustling activity, packed up and just... left. Without any warning or goodbyes. If she was honest, she was almost afraid of saying goodbye because she was afraid of hurting Bastille's, Suiteheart's, or Margaery's - or all three - feelings. But slowly, Gordon had come to terms with her departure from The Ascendants and decided it was best if she didn't dwell on them.

So to say she was panicking whenever she scented them was an understatement. Still, the scent of Bastilleprisoner specifically lured her over and Gordon came to stand next to Monroe, her eyes wide at Bast. Luckily, she had been in earshot to get what was going on, although she was still confused, and so did Bucky, whom was being accused of... whatever. "Bast?" Gordon called out to her former leader, frowning at him. He usually wasn't so... easy to accuse things like this, was he? Sure, she's seem him upset at things but never angry. Not to say that he couldn't get angry. "Wh-what did he do?" Of course, Bucky had already questioned why Thea (whose name she didn't know) had accused him, but she wanted to see if Bastille would be less... harsh with his wording.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - Verdigris - 09-05-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]For all of her chastisements to Roy for letting revenge get in the way of his beliefs, in the end, they were more similar in that regard than she liked to admit.

  The situation was different, but their responses were the same. Actually, perhaps what she intended for Roy's murderer was worse than what Roy had intended for Jacob. At least, had Jacob been able to offer the information that Roy wanted, he might have left unscathed- and she had been able to talk Roy down, after picking him up and carrying him away.

  The culprit, in this case, had no hope of escaping alive. She knew exactly what she would do to them once she caught them; it would not be quick, and it would not be pleasant. Their home clan, whichever clan it may have been, would not risk war by refusing to extradite them, and even if they did, the war would be one-sided. She had no intention of starting a genocide, and she suspected the rest of the Ascendants didn't either, but it did not take that much to force an enemy to submit.

  With that said, Sunhaven was an ally. If they housed the culprit, she doubted they would give the Ascendants any trouble. Part of her almost hoped they did- that way she would have to waste no time.

  In spite of the murderous intent raging through her veins, Riza had maintained enough presence of mind to adopt a calm expression as the three of them approached Sunhaven's borders, though her eyes remained frigid. As Bastille and Thea began negotiating with the other members, she dipped her head, shut her eyes and inhaled deeply, preparing to put on the stoic mask that had served her so well for the years following the Ishvalan war. They would likely ask her to explain. To enumerate just how Roy had been slaughtered.

  "Him. That's who I saw."

  Her eyes snapped open, claws instinctively unsheathing, head lifting to face the subject of the accusation. Before her stood a feline who matched Thea's description perfectly. A steel limb gleaming in the light, dark brown fur with lighter highlights, and a growing sense of confusion- or was it terror?- making itself clear on his face... this was him.

  She was a trained killer. This would be easy.

  Without hesitation, Riza lunged for the smaller feline, aiming to hook her claws into his neck, tackle him to the ground, and pin him there. He was acting the fool, pretending he didn't know what they were talking about. He was not going to explain himself; she did not need to give him the chance. "She saw him murder one of our members," she snarled, more out of a need to keep the execution from turning into a dogpile than out of anger. Now that she had told them why, they would understand, and the culprit was going to die- there was nothing to be angry about. She could let herself break down later, but not now.

  Justice left no room for emotions.

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - rhosmari - 09-05-2018

It was sudden, the reaction that happened and he wasn't aware of the situation but that didn't mean he was going to allow for someone to come in and immediately attack his clanmates. Despite being harmed himself he was a fighter and he had no issues with trying to protect his home. If anything he would damage himself over and over again before he allowed for someone to harm anyone else. His opinion was lowering of their possible friend and when the woman attacked his eyes widened, pupils turning into slits. Claws were outstretched and he didn't miss a beat as he forced himself to stand up but he didn't lift a paw to move. He was too hurt to do that and instead he concentrated his own strength into another attack. One that happened within the body instead of out of it. Eerily his head slowly turned to the side as he attempted to blood bend, shifting the water in the female's blood to force her body to harshly hit the ground where she would remain until he decided to let her up. Though what he was doing would probably cause her immense pain, though there was no regret within his pained filled eyes. He'd been a pushover too long and it was time for someone else to hurt. His muzzle curled, cracked lips beginning to ooze blood as he presented those serrated teeth of his. "On what other proof do ya have that he did any of that beside someone 'saw' him? Was Sunhaven scent on the scene, did ya see any of his fur there?" His tone was heated and he looked to Bucky for a moment before he turned to look back at the Ascendant members that had brought a hostile party to their environment, no way would Quantum stand for something like this and he wouldn't either.

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - buckingham barnes - 09-05-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
When Buckingham expected to hear an explanation of what he's being accused of, the exact opposite occurred. It happened all so quickly, the lioness who was standing there was a stoic expression on her face suddenly shifted. That stoic, serious expression turned to rage, lips curling into a snarl. Bucky didn't even have time to process what was about to happen.

As before he knew it, the very much larger cat was lunging at him, claws outstretched. Bucky didn't have the chance to dart out of the way, by the time his paws remembered how to move, Riza's claws made contact with his neck. And then without a minute passing by, he was pinned on the ground, Riza's big paws on his neck- beginning to block his airway. Buckingham could feel her sharp claws against his neck, she just had to apply a little more pressure for her to get through his thick fur, and rip his delicate skin to shreds. Buckingham squirmed desperately under her grip, attempting to sink his metal claws into her front, extended leg, hoping to get her to release him.

Bucky began to gasp for air- he was beginning to suffocate. If Riza doesn't release him, or someone manages to get her off, he'll be dead real soon. He glanced momentarily at Monroe, who was trying to help Bucky get released from Riza's death grip, but his gaze was quickly torn away from him. Riza's snarl is what caught his attention. "She saw him murder one of our members." His light blue eyes widened with shock at the words, panic surging through his veins in an instant.

"I... didn't kill... anyone!" He gasped out, as his attempts to dig his metal claws into Riza began to grow weak.

Well, that was sort of a lie. Buckingham has killed before- considering he's a former assassin and an asset. But, he hasn't killed anyone since he arrived to Sunhaven! With every minute that passes by, the panic gets worse. Bucky has no idea if this lioness is believing Thea without further proof- like fur. That would petrify Bucky even more- as then, it would look like he did it, while in reality- he's innocent for once. Bucky thought he was finally at peace, that he didn't have to worry about his past life anymore. What a lie that turned out to be, somehow his past managed to come crawling back to him in the worst of ways.

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - miss ririchiyo - 09-05-2018

coma baby
"Gordon, behind me." Persephone told the feline, ears twitching as she heard the scuffle begin. She moved in front of Gordon protectively, jaws parted in a snarl. If a fight started here because of an accusation, she would have to take Gordon and run. Intelligent blue eyes searched the group as she stepped out of character for one split time. Now wasn't time to act scared or innocent. She had to protect Gordon. She saw Gordon as her friend, after all.

"Before you come to our borders and attack someone, give us all of the evidence, as Monroe says." She spoke with a level head, a worried look on her face as she glanced at Bucky. He looked ruffled, she wished she could comfort him. She wished she could tell him it'll be okay, but her heart told her to let things happen. To see how things would play out.
tags :: updated 8/26:

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - Owlie - 09-06-2018

As she lunged at his companion, a primal part of him started to scream, whoop and holler as he jumped to the nearest object.
What am I doing? Not a time for riddles, Ed. Whatever this was about, it was serious. They don't care.
Look Ed, you're acting like an animal. He froze, watching the scene below.
Are these people killers as well? He squinted, the scene blurry under him.
Do I need glasses?

Oh good! You can talk to them about your problems then! Are you ready to talk about Ms. Kringle? Shut your fucking mouth.

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - MirrorEdge - 09-07-2018

"That's the thing. We have evidence, miss. A big chunk of brown and cream fur." She finally spoke, doing nothing to stop Riza's attack, and so far, none of the other Ascendents seemed willing to step in either. For their own health, and because they probably felt he deserved it.

//rushed and tired
Template by Quill

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - rhosmari - 09-07-2018

There was a claim to having evidence and it was the fur. In a world like their own it could be inreliable as others could have cream and brown fur. Still they did have some type of evidence but the Warden was not gonna relent and his muzzle curled lightly as he dug his claws into the ground. His tense muscles were straining the gashes along his form and he wanted them to just leave and get away from them. ”I’m not takin ya word on this till I see it and the crime scene ya saw. Now I’ll ask ya again was there Sunhaven scent at the scene?” His eyes cut to the lion then and he moved toward her, finned tail lashing back and forth as he aimed to slap her face with his shark fin, more of an insult then anything. ”Ya don’t have a righ’ tae him unless Quantum says so now get off of him or I’ll make ya get off of him.” Turning around he looked to Bastille then and he wondered at why he let this one even come to Sunhaven if she wasn’t going to try and be civil about things. Death was harsh but attacking another group could cause more harm than the justice they were seeking.

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - buckingham barnes - 09-07-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
They have evidence? The male thought to himself as he felt his heart race, widened eyes glancing at Thea momentarily. During his quick glance towards the Snow Leopard, the male's eyes scanned her- finding no bag of evidence to backup her claim. Even with the evidence not being here, just the claim of a mass chunk of brown and cream fur terrified him. What if the claim is true? If the fur they have matches his, how will he get out of this? Perhaps they mixed him up for another tom, but that Snow Leopard insisted it was him. Bucky wondered if they'd even need Sunhaven's scent, if the fur matches. Unless the murder was just committed a few hours prior, Bucky knows that scents don't last forever. If the murder was days ago, the scent would be faded away.

The former assassin couldn't focus on the apparent evidence for very long. For the very moments he was looking over at Thea, Bucky was pulled back to reality. That's right- he's currently pinned to the ground by a lioness, with her big paws firmly on his neck. He's loosing more and more air with every passing second. He has to get released, or he will die! And then with him dead, they'll brush this murder off to the side, not even bothering to wonder if the male was framed all along. "Let me go," He gasped as his lungs screamed for air, vision beginning to cloud up, "You're going to kill me!" It certainly seemed that was Riza's intention, but maybe his plead can grab Bastilleprisoner's attention. He should be controlling his warriors after all!

Re: MURDER MURDER & BLACK CONVERTIBLES | ascendants - Tena M. - 09-08-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
"Let him go you sleemo, it's not like he's the only guy with brown and cream fur in the world," Tena was not entirely sure what she just walked into, but it was not cool.  Her blue eyes flared with fury.  The petite sand cat did not really trust 'eye witnesses'.  You could get a lot wrong with just your eyes.  Back home, it was usually enough, and it'd pissed her off more than once.  The wrong culprit was often taken and killed.  She was not going to let that happen to her clanmates.  Even if she was rather new.  It was not right.

"Eye witness testimony is the most unreliable form of evidence," she spat, long tail lashing to and fro.  Unless your stupid.  "So how about you control your kriffing temper and take a step back." Or I'll make you.  The former desert dweller bared her teeth, little specks of sand beginning to lift around her.  A potential storm on the horizon.  She would not hold back if it came to it.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free