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RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - Printable Version

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Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - miss ririchiyo - 09-04-2018

Yuuri, like usual, was hesitant to answer to the call of Nui's siren. She called it a siren, but her enhanced senses told her the rebellion was starting. She knew she had to stay inside, to stay safe. She couldn't see what was going on, but she could hear it.

The young borzoi merely stayed inside her and her brother's home, curled up in the dragon's bed as she tried to calm the impending feeling of doom riding up her spine. A battle would start, this was going to be bad.

She only hoped everyone would be okay.
tags :: updated 8/19:

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - Stryker - 09-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Glorious revenge.

Had Stryker made an impact finally? Were they rebelling against their masters and not turning a blind eye against the ravages around them for once? The lion knew little about their rebellion but expected one soon. Though, he must admit, he expected it earlier than this. Even so, Stryker was oblivious. With a low hum spreading across the clan, the leader took it as nothing threatening, but rather the mumbling of a hopeful victim to his innate agony. To think they had a definite chance of escape was rather hilarious to him. After all, who said the rebellion would be successful if they were to have one? Surely, he didn't. Thus he took his safety loosely. If they wanted to get to him, they would need to bowl past the rest of his Pittians.

But what was Snowbound's objective today? Of course, it was to end the rebellion, but there was much more than that. The plan went as follows: 

One... Spread the message. Keep it lowkey, make sure they don't find intel and alert Stryker of their plan, causing another outburst of torture. Speak the message of Snowbound and plead the call of the Rebellion for all Snowbounders, along with allies, to hear.

Two... Gang up. Take ahold of the Pittians, working from bottom-tier to higher up. The less replacements for leader, the better. Stryker should be the last and final target, but the priority. He will be the one to plead mercy and end the takeover. Atbash will soon rule again.

Three... Lead them. After gathering them, lead them intentionally to the Snowdrifts by having them chase after. Do not make it obvious. Let their rage fuel their movements.

Fourth and final... End them. Whatever it takes. Go in guns ablazing, claws unsheathed, and teeth bared for the clan's finest of battles. While proving Stryker's point that they could no longer be nonviolent, Snowbound's point was not to harm intentionally, but to rather stand up to the agony of their enemies. Stryker wanted violence with purpose and that's exactly what he received, though it did lack the finesse he hoped for. Little did they know it, they were falling right into his grip... Or was he falling into theirs?

A smirk spread across his maw, tail lashing and mane whipping in the wind in all their glory. Their screams were hopeful. Soon enough, at Atbash's words and Nui's rampant screams, the lion was surrounded by Snowbounders. Stryker's green gazed whipped around to each one. Lowering to the ground, a hiss left him out of frustration as he searched for a way out of here without being taken advantage of. After all, he deserved a beating. "Powder puffs," he spat underneath his breath. His ears flattened.

Stryker was looking for an exit. "You would think mommy dearest would give up eventually." Glaring, he caught an area to leave from. Near Atbash there was a gap in the crowd... "Or are you all finally standing up for one another?" An intentional gap. Once he would go through, the female would most likely trail after and lead him to his ultimate surrender. "Though, I must give it to you- The snowdrifts were expecting him. "You did try." With a sprint, the takeover leader would shoot through the gap. Outstretched claws would aim to strike at anyone nearby. Without thought, he left his colleagues to die, allowing for his sole escape and unsolicited violence to occur.

'Do as you please, Tsuyu. Get them off of my tail at all costs, but leave Atbash for me.' As he ran in the cold, hoping to make his escape, Snowbounders trailed after the quick lion. Some rerouted his movement by leading him on and causing him to attack in their direction, leading him closer to the Snowdrifts instead of the Pitt's desert. Throats were slashed, others were injected with paralyzing venom, and others managed to get away with minor wounds, but most importantly, the Snowbounder's attacks were not rage-driven violence. They were passionate, defensive attacks to defend their clan. Most were often gentle, even forgiving and pacifistic like Snowbound tended to be, and led him on with their mocking tones. Egotistic and feeling out of this world, Stryker did not happen to notice where he was heading. All that he knew was that he needed to stay alive.

With a trail of crimson blood stains and death in his path, the formerly exiled Snowbounder ran. Soon they would catch up to him... but for now, he was optimistic on his escape.

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - TSUYU. - 09-04-2018

It took merely a second for Tsuyu to react to Stryker's command, long back legs tensing as the frog hybrid hopped out of the tree, a grin on her face. It was unusual for her to act like this, she used to be so calm in tough situations. But this was a challenge. She loved challenges.

He told her to get everyone off his tail. That meant pave a path for him. So, without a second thought, she used her water manipulation to slowly begin to soak in the water from the snow, her grin getting wider. "Oh, Izukuu~" Sang out the hybrid, firing a shot of ice at a snowbound which had rushed past her to chase after Stryker. He had managed to shoo off the other fools, but Tsuyu was eager to continue fighting. "Hey, Midoriya, what's my name?" Tsu called out, using the gathered water to form a large icicle and fire it at [member=2168]VALINOR[/member] 's shoulder in attempt to get him off balance long enough for her remaining groupmates to be able to escape.
[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - rhosmari - 09-04-2018

It was peculiar to see a creature using water and ice against something like himself. With his high vantage point in the air he could see the attack coming before it would connect with the hard scales of his form. Though something with a sharp point would be able to penetrate his scales he wasn't sure how deep and there was no way he was going to wait to find out. His attention had been on his child but he didn't have the time to go to him and make sure he was okay and so instead his massive jaws parted and he released a torrent of white and intensely hot flames in a narrow jet. It seared and melted the icicle aimed at him in an instant and continued forth, aiming to burn Tsuyu alive if she didn't move out of the way. Was this all that the Pitt had to offer? One male who was running away right into their trap and a small creature willing to die for him? There was an edge of humor to this situation that the dragon could see and then he dove, aiming to grab up the creature that had attempted to spear him with ice and hold her fast in his grasp. Though he had no intentions of killing her yet he would just keep her locked in a vice grip if he had managed to grab here at all.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #C5B358; font-size: 24px;"]— VALINOR

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - TSUYU. - 09-05-2018

//Post deleted. Will be removing Tsuyu from the fight in the next post when I have time.

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - Dimitri - 09-05-2018

Traitor! The tiger leapt from cover, snarling and heading right for [member=1262]TSUYU.[/member] . If it was up to her, she would have exiled her for turning on them.
For giving in like that. Disgusting.
The tiger leaped while the cat was preoccupied with the dragon, and aimed to bite down on her shoulders, theme start shaking her around like a ragdoll.


Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - ATBASH CIPHER. - 09-05-2018

is someone else in me,
waiting to break free?
There. Stryker revealed himself and immediately took off, desperate to escape his former tribemate's claws and teeth. Briefly glancing at Izuku, Atbash dashed off as quick as she could, following after Stryker. She completely disregarded everything about being careful in where she put her paws, determination and rage fueling her as she ran. Stryker would pay for what he had done to her, what he had done to Snowbound. Unfortunately, no matter how hard she pelted after the male, he was of a much bigger body, therefore his strides were bigger than hers and she couldn't catch up to him no matter how hard she tried.

But that didn't mean there wasn't a way to stop him. Atbash skidded to a halt from perusing Stryker, catching her breath for a few moments before she raised a paw, aiming to bowl STRYKER over with a strong gust of wind. Regardless if she was able to knock him over or not, Atbash would still try to force the air into his lungs in an attempt to try and choke him. Hopefully the latter attack would stop him in his tracks if her first attempt didn't, assuming either one of them worked in the first place.

If not then, well... She would just have to run faster.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - trojan g. - 09-05-2018

[[ tracking for when I have the time later today Wink ]]

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - toboggan - 09-05-2018

//comeback track c:

Re: RHYTHM OF THE WAR DRUMS | rebellion - Ikanaide - 09-05-2018

// oh shit it's getting real. Will respond after I get some homework done.