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AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - Printable Version

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Re: AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - jacob w.c. - 04-07-2018

Jacob listened to what Killua had to say, his heart twisting uncomfortably in his chest. While he understood the anger, he also found himself agreeing with Leigh. Jacob wasn't an aggressive individual and he'd much rather wait all this mess out and sort things out with the Typhoon before jumping into things. It had only been one member, not a full attack. It was possible it'd been a misunderstanding or the whole of the Typhoon didn't stand against them. One person and a whole clan were two very different things and Jacob preferred the idea that they only had one person terrorizing them currently. To enter a fight right away didn't appeal much to the canine. After all, he'd left the city to get away from such things.

As the discussion came to an end, he simply nodded his agreement with Leigh but he stayed quiet for now. There was nothing he thought that hadn't been said. His eyes widened slightly when he heard his own name mentioned. A Frosthealer? A doctor. He'd be a doctor. Pride swelled in his chest and he felt tears already pricking his eyes. He couldn't cry. But this was it. This was what he'd wanted for as long as he could remember. He wasn't the son of Vito Corleone or Harrison Wickliff, heir to two criminal empires. He was just Jacob, a doctor in a little place that no one from the city had ever even heard of, in the middle of nowhere. It was perfect. "I- uh, thank you. I'll do my best," he called, his voice crackling slightly before he cleared it and listened to the rest of what was said. His eyes drifted to Killua and he smiled. He'd be good as Snowseeker. He was a little scary and aggressive but Jacob believed he was good. He'd already protected London and Jacob had started to grow fond of his company. Not only that, but clearly he was willing to speak against Leigh when necessary. Those were all good things. He listened as the others were listed off and nodded along with them before speaking up once again, "Congrats ta' everyone n' yeah, I'll get together a plan for some tryouts." 

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━


There were many reasons why Killua often scrutinized leaders. Most of this reasoning was that most of the leaders were self centered and not quick enough to take risks that could help the group as a whole. But what did he know? He was only a startegist after all when it came to something like this right now. Killua wasn't really fond of leaders, as it reminded him partially of his family that was trying to control him. Meaning that he was bound to go against the rules of any of the groups that he was with at the time. Snowbound wasn't all that different to what he planned on doing, as if they got in his way then that was their own fault. He wasn't just going to sit back while his life was being set up for him, as he wanted to be able to live a regular life. The only reason why he was around as much as he was, was simply because he needed to gather information. If someone was an intruder and bound to come in looking for a fight, he probably wouldn't even stop them immediately, to see exactly what they would end up doing. What would be the point of kiling them after all? There would be no fun in that. He didn't live here out of respect for the place that he barely knew. The only creature he knew here was Amorette, and she was in the form of a robot that he couldn't even really understand. It was harsh yet, but it was Killua's viewpoint on the world around him and nothing could change his mind. If he gained ranks over the course of the time that he was in the clan, which he had done several times prior to visiting this clan, then that would only be to his benefit, and not to the benefit of the other groups. It would allow him the chance to use the allias as a coverup and say that he was somewhere for clan business and needed information. He would be able to get away with a lot more stuff.

He had never mentioned to the group that he was in that he had been demoted for behavior in the last group he had been in. But that was because he had challenged the leader that had decided to take them over and everyone followed him around like mutants. But it was also the mixture of a fact that he said that he pretty much hated everyone in the group except for his adopted sister. He wasn't going to lay his life down on the line for a group like this at all. Either way, the facade that he had put up may end up backfiring if he wasn't careful, and this was one of those instances. Killua had initially thought that Leigh wasn't going to end up taking innitiative about what had happened to London. Killua didn't care about avenging London for the wounds that she had received. Those that saw that didn't see the true nature of what he actually was. He wanted to kill the female that had done that to her, because the other had mocked and underestimated him. He couldn't have that. He would prove the female that had done it wrong what he was really capable of. Fear was a great motivator. The albino serval simply let out a huff from his mouth at the other's words. He promised. Which didn't really hold much to Killua since no one really kept a promise nowadays. If the other wouldn't handle it, then he would certainly handle it himself it he got the chance. Having his answer for what the other was going to do, Killua moved himself to the back of the group. Thinking that he would just be able to drown out whatever was being said. Killua had laid himself down on the cold ground, opening his mouth to conjure up a lollipop. Now he was bored. At least Leigh didn't end up yelling out at him for speaking his own word, even when he had done a disrespectful tone. But how long would that kindness last? He blinked his sapphire blue optics as the other continued to talk, not really paying attention until hs name was called. The hell did he want? He raised his head from where he was looking at the ground and looked up at the unicorn. Wait, he was being promoted again? A hint of deva ju hit Killua like a truck, and he just seemed to look at Leigh for a couple seconds. Was he surprised? A little bit. However, he didn't think it would be a smart decision to promote the likes of him to such an important position. An important position that he wouldn't do his job and wasn't qualified to do. He flicked one of his large white ears. "Oh uhh sure. I guess." Killua mumbled the words, but it would be easier for everyone to hear. This would probably make his job a little bit more complicated, but he could work around this. He had done it before after all. While the rest of the group wasn't about violence, Killua was most certainly was.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - PIERCE - 04-08-2018

☀ ☀ ☀
The dappled feline hadn't heard of the attack on London, which was no surprise, since he'd hardly left his new den since he joined. He'd welcomed a joiner or two, sure, but that was about it. However, he felt his features form a small scowl at the mention of it. He'd encountered "bad guys" before. Enemies of his old clan, even clanmates who had seemed completely normal, had hurt people he loved. Even friends of his, people he had trusted, had harmed others, done things he never could have imagined. He'd seen - and experienced -  such things first-hand, knew the pain it brought to the victim and the victim's loved ones. Pierce had had such issues overlooked and shoved aside countless times in the past, and the thought of that happening again, to anyone, was sickening. Because, he'd learned, sometimes, leaders just didn't care. As long as they were safe, nothing mattered. But Leigh wasn't like that, was he? Pierce didn't really know him, but he seemed trustworthy. Then again, people weren't always what they seemed.

Damn it, he was being paranoid. Shaking his head, the slender young man glanced over to Leigh as he responded, chewing his lower lip. London was "fine". Snowbound was fine. Everything was fine. Pierce nodded quietly to himself, shifting his weight slightly as he waited for the meeting to continue- all of a sudden, things were a little uncomfortable. Promotions. Jacob was a medic now, apparently, which was cool - he was nice - and Killua was... Snowseeker? Second-in-command; so, deputy, Pierce supposed. Something about the kid gave him bad vibes, but he wouldn't say anything, of course. It was just him being weird. And then there were three more promotions, only one being familiar to him- Ivy. Still, he was happy for them, and a faint smile found its way to his lips. [color=#F5CA72]"Oh- congrats, everyone! Good job,"
he called, glancing over to his right as if he would have a companion sitting beside him to lead away from the group. He did not. Lovely.



[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Politics, promotions, blah blah. Stuff Jerseyboy didn't necessarily care for. It wasn't like he really considered himself apart of this place anyways. It was just a place to rest his head while he traveled around. While he noted Jacob's promotion, nothing else was important to him. What caught him off-guard, however, was that his own name being mentioned. Him? Being welcoming and keeping the peace? Jersey was calling bullshit. What kind of drugs was this guy on?

After Leigh had finished speaking, the tuxedo tom spoke up, "Ey Pony-Boy, thanks for the offer," He gave a flick of his tail, nonchalantly examining his claws for a moment before continuing, "But I ain't interested." Responsibility? No thanks. It was cool that he was noticed or whatever, but Jerseyboy didn't want to do more than he had to.

However, he did send a glance to Jacob before teasing with a small smirk, "Look at you, mister big-shot." Jacob had a job now, apparently. Huh, good luck to him, he supposed. He'd need it.

Re: AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - london r. - 04-08-2018

As more and more people gathered, London couldn't help but feel a little bit of excitement. It was great to see everyone coming together like this, like a clan was supposed to, she presumed. Though those light and airy feelings inside her soon disappeared, as Killua spoke up about the unfortunate events that had befallen her previously. It was rather kind of him to defend her like that, although the girl somehow doubted that he was speaking up because of her specifically. No, the boy was probably trying to protect the whole clan from something like what had happened to her ever happening again. Cautious, not defensive. Though it was still rather nice to hear, London couldn't help but agree more with Leigh than Killua. They should be more defensive around Typhoon members in her opinion, but retaliating by lowering them to enemies may prove to be unwise. She wasn't worth it, even if it wasn't technically about her.

The meeting continued civilly, much to the girl's relief. Promotions were announced, the most major being those of Killua and Jacob. Snowseeker and Frosthealer. Both seemed to be rather suiting of their positions, in her opinion at least. It made her happy that she was acquainted with both of these talented boys, and she did hope that they conduct do their duties well. As for the promotions of Jerseyboy, Ivylee, and Cry, London was happy for them as well. She had yet to meet Ivylee, but Cry had been one to defend her when she was attacked, which she was grateful for. Jersey she'd seen before too, although her first encounter with the guy had been rather flustering. It was peculiar that he turned the position down, but she supposed responsibility was not for everyone. "Noted, and congrats, guys!" the girl would say, words laced in her ever present British accent. A smile shone upon the albino's features, and she was overall quite happy with how her first meeting had turned out.

Re: AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - cry - 04-08-2018

So she was finally accepted was she? She was no longer a prisoner or slave? Why? She hasn't done anything. What has she done to earn this village's trust. For that matter... how do they know her name? ... She huffed. She bet They told them. Probably subconsciously. Cry huffed. She did not need to stay here. The raven stood up and walked away from the people congratulating her. There was nothing to congratulate her on. As soon as she could fly, she was out of here.

// thx! : D


Re: AND MY TIME IS A PIECE OF WAX || MEETING APRIL 6th, 2018 - Ivylee - 04-10-2018

[Image: id39N8W.png]!

Wait... what were these promotion things? Why were others' names being called out? Why was her name being called out now? What did all of this mean? Ivylee didn't know, honestly, but she was loving it. She couldn't help but beam up as several of her clanmates congratulated her, along with the others who had been promoted as well. The little samoyed glance around, smiling at everyone. So she was a lionheart now? Wow, that sounded special! Ivylee was more than thrilled to be considered special. "Oh, wow!" She exclaimed, now gleaming happily up at Leigh, her tail wagging faster than it ever had before. "Thanks!" She didn't proceed to say anything else, but it was clear enough just from the look in her eyes that she was excited to have been promoted, even if she didn't quite understand the full meaning of it. Surely she would... soon enough.

Ivy also managed to hear all the other promotions. The one that stood out to her most was Jacob, and how he was now Snowbound's medic. Ivy was young, but she knew enough to realize that Jacob seemed to be the best possible choice for medic. That made her feel comfortable. As for the others, she had seen Killua around a lot, and Cry around some, and even though she didn't know much about them yet she was still happy for them. "And uh, congrats to everyone else!" The pup added, as everyone else seemed to be saying the same thing, so it only seemed like the polite thing to do.