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lets go native ;; raid! - Printable Version

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Re: lets go native ;; raid! - rhosmari - 09-05-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]They wanted to call this a raid. This was no raid but a jumbled up mistake that was going to haunt the Pitt for some time to come. They didn't even seem to have any sort of strategy nor where they a collective front against any of the Roseblood members. The only one that seemed to be doing anything was a green eyesore and she was going after the one Typhoon member that was here. The soldier snorted heatedly and she disengaged her own assault to moved across the stagnant battlezone. Her head tilted up just a bit as she watched Kunta come on to the field, making their own numbers just that greater. Twisting around the female would turn and look at the three Pitt members that were hardly making a stand for what they thought was a good raid. At one point she thought the Pitt was a problem but after seeing this it was more of a disappointment then anything else. "This is such a waste of time. Pitt members! I suggest you retreat now and live to fight another day. This is a disgrace especially on the group that you hold loyalty to. What ever so called 'raid' this was supposed to be it's clearly over and we outnumber you so flee." Sparks started to crackle from her paws as she spoke, light blue in color. She had no problem with electrocuting any of them to death.

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - Shigaraki. - 09-06-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]A raid. The perfect opportunity for Shigaraki to use his newfound power in this new world. He followed his groupmates, rather eagerly, as if he was a child who had recently eaten a whole bunch of sugar. He did not wear the hand that he normally wears to hide most of his face. Instead, he left it back in the Pitt's territory. A grin on his capped maw, he walks up and he searches the battlefield for a opponent. He spots [member=2032]BLUERIDGE[/member] and he immediately flings himself in the female's direction.

With a flick of his paws, he attempts to summon fire from his paws and he attempts to jump on the female's back. If he's successful, he tries to place his front paws on her shoulders and hope to burn her severely.

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - rhosmari - 09-06-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]She was ready for someone to try her. Why wouldn't she be in the middle of this supposed battlefield? There would always be someone who thought they were cocky enough to win and in the end they would be slammed right on their asses. Her head jerked to the side as some male flung himself onto her and she allowed it to happen. If the sparks had not been warning enough then she would make sure that he understood his place in this over exaggerated fight. Fire seared through her fur and into her flesh, a pain that made her grit her jaw and would most likely leave a branding but he was about to be rather surprised at her own tactics as she aimed to roll, jerking her body around underneath his. Once she was on her back and looking up at him her reinforced claws would jerk up and aim to latch deeply into his shoulders, jerking him down against her own body if successful. "You want to play hardball. Let's play then." Her voice was cool and neutral as she jerked her hind legs forward to aim to hit him hard in the stomach as she suddenly let loose a harsh electric voltage from her own body. One that would burn and most likely leave a spider webbing of a burn along the underside of his stomach where the electricity entered his own form. Simultaneously she would have let go of him to aim to fling him away from her and stand back up, blood leaking from the harshly burned and branded skin on her shoulder but a soldier like herself didn't allow for pain to stop her.


Re: lets go native ;; raid! - Shigaraki. - 09-06-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]As Blueridge rolled and jerked her body so she would end up beneath him, Shigaraki blinks before he grits his teeth at the pain he felt from her reinforced claws entering his shoulders and dragging him down. He would open his mouth to respond to her words, but she jabbed him in the stomach before he could. He turns his head to the side and he hisses in agony when the electricity leaves her body and enters his own, mainly burning his stomach.

When she finishes her electricity attack and despite the pain searing through his body, he attempts to place a paw on her neck, where her windpipes happen to be and he attempts to summon his flames once more, trying to burn her neck in the process. If he succeeds in doing this, he stares down at the female.

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - rhosmari - 09-06-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Seemed she didn't fling him away after all but she didn't much care about that. The close proximity was all that was necessary really and she would enjoy spilling his blood. Her eyes widened a bit and she breathed out slowly as he attempted to place his paw onto her throat, something she wouldn't allow to happen and she detached one of her paws from his flesh to easily aim to slam his paw away from her against his own form and unbalance him. If that worked she would then aim to slam the other leg out from underneath him and roll sharply so that she was on top of him. Her gaze was livid as she stood there before she aimed to rake her overly large claws down the side of his face rather roughly. Countless lives and countless battles had served her well and she would jump away from his form, jaws slightly parted to allow more air flow through her body. It took time to build up electric shocks and she was waiting for her moment to unleash another just as unpredictable as the first, though she wouldn't speak to him and instead she readied herself for a counter attack. Lowering her body into a defensive stance and rolling her shoulders, jaw slightly twitching from the pain of the motion.

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - Grey - 09-07-2018

The first few weeks of his life in this world had been filled with anguish. The memories of his past, his death, was an intoxicating fume that he breathed nightly. He couldn't really eat properly. Beneath his masses of striped, cream fur was the frame of his skeleton protruding from his pale, sheltered skin. He remembers how much it hurt but he couldn't dare to bring himself to move on. Instead he watched on in jealousy of everyone and everything. They all just dealt and continued life as though nothing had happened, breathed in this world's atmosphere like they were natives. This place formed into their homeland. But the only air he wished to breathe was the scent of embers from what looked like a war, illuminated through the misty fog of recollection to sting at the pain of loss. Nowadays, it seems that Bakugou has gotten over the past. It still feels awkward for him to interact with Kirishima but some days he'll wake up and think his human life had all been a dream. It was like this world was seeping away all those times, the precious moments, the accomplishments he had made. Sometimes he wakes up unnecessarily angry because he blames this world for trying to make him forget. To move on, to remember. It seems as if they simply cannot coexist.

Anything that reminds him of the days that once were makes him very...very angry. His eyes widen in fury, ablaze like the crackling of a blacksmith's hearst when he hears a creature's voice, nostrils flaring a jet of blackened smoke. He's been so caught up with the sight of a pointless war that he hadn't realised the sound of feet landing close to him. Tsuyu...that batshit crazy bitch. The male growls, seeing no interest in engaging the fem vocally. He can't forgive her, he won't forgive her. He'll hold a grudge against her for all eternity, for every life he must relive, in whatever universe he may encounter next. At her attack, Bakugou tries to quickly sidestep but, from the speed at which it came from, his fire elementals took over on instinct. A wall of flame is raised in front of him, as though trying to block the attack from sheer heat and burning alone. It might not hit Tsuyu on her arrival to bitch-slapping his face, but at least there will be the fire to deal with. Besides, there was his exceptionally high body temperature the fem would have to deal with. It hurt to touch him for any longer than second because usually by then the sensation of heat would be felt.

Next was Bakugou's own attack. He heaves in a breath, lighting up the coals of his stomach and allowing his body heat to collect within his base. The energy begins to focus at a single point, concentrated with a searing centre as he holds his fire for a moment. When the time was right, heat beginning to bake the walls of his lungs, Bakugou unleashes a jet of flames through his mouth towards Tsuyu, not particularly caring if it hurt anyone else or thinking of the consequences of unleashing such a difficult to control attack which seemed to almost 'flood' the environment around him.

[ engaging with [member=1262]TSUYU.[/member] ]

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - TSUYU. - 09-07-2018

A soft wince left Tsuyu's body as she felt fire flash in front of her face, backing away soon enough to move back from the wall that had shot up. Fire, hm? "We used to be classmates and here we are, fighting, ribbit. How cute!" Tsuyu croaked, a flick of her paw bringing up her own wall of water, the fire hitting it, steam exploding everywhere. The heat from the steam made Tsuyu wince in reflex, but nothing too bad. "You're pretty useless, Bakugou. You always got in the way of our missions, always putting everyone at risk with your Quirk. What do you think you're going to do now, save everyone with it?" Tsuyu growled for the first time, a sound of rumbling anger as she ripped water from the ground nearby, eyes narrowing towards her former classmate. "And you're probably useless in this world to. We're not fit to be heroes, saving other people. We're meant to be villains, ribbit." She meowed, bobbed tail twitching in annoyance as she formed the water she collected into needle-like bullets, shooting them towards Bakugou in an attempt to hit him anywhere.

[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - melantha - 09-10-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"]Very rarely does Melantha engages in direct combat. Aside from the occasional scuffle between herself and idiots who don't possess knowledge of personal space, the solitary huntress tends to keep to herself. She prefers a life lived from the shadows: watching and waiting, striking only when necessary. But there lies a particular sense of exhilaration in raids. Heart thundering with anticipation, adrenaline pumping through an interconnected network of veins and arteries. Thus far, the crusader has gone unnoticed. She keeps herself low, slinking through the undergrowth as she carefully makes her way towards the Mansion. Inside there are stores of herbs and food--Mel is no thief, but she knows that her people need it. People like Valkyr and Cosette, people who deserve it.

Re: lets go native ;; raid! - Luciferr - 09-14-2018

TALYN is an INDORAPTOR that stands at a height of 9FT, His species allows bipedal and quadrupedal movement, he wields bone crushing teeth and frightful strength. He resides within the ROSEBLOODS. his parents were REQUIEM x BRIDGEWATER of an old site litter, with last names of Valdis, Kuchiki and HARBINGER. he is the RED ASPECT of WAR of 4 and has amnesia of any past lives after the merging.
sadly this low profile would not go unnoticed for long as a sudden towering form makes to stand between [member=321]melantha[/member] and her goal.

"I would advise against that" is the slow hummed threat in the indoraptr's words as Talyn's eyes dance with the banked fire he holds in check for now - through claws or fire would he rend this target asunder if she did not heed war's words.

//idk if this is still open but eyy i threw one of me boys in.

[align=center]HYMN OF RUIN
Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums
© ceilidh