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SMOKE & MIRRORS — MEETING 08.27 - Printable Version

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Re: SMOKE & MIRRORS — MEETING 08.27 - PEPPINO - 08-28-2018

Maybe it would have been better for Pip to remain with the crowd, like his siblings, but sitting so far from his father when he was unwell and in pain was not something he was capable of. He attempted it, at least, and managed a small smile when his father welcomed Pip and his siblings, but in the pause, the pup slipped his way closer, toward the throne where Pincher sat. Pip stretched up to nudge his father's cheek with his nose, multicolored eyes liquid-soft. He wasn't certain he was allowed to do this, and he knew he was disrupting, but sitting on a throne looked terribly lonely, even more so with the sadness and ache haunting Pincher's face. "I hope you feel better, father," Pip murmured, before adding, in a voice even more lowered than before, "It's okay if you can't." He dropped down, but did not move back to the audience, preferring to stay where he was unless Pincher told him otherwise.


Re: SMOKE & MIRRORS — MEETING 08.27 - Verdigris - 08-28-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]First Pincher was sick for a meeting, and now he was in the throes of grief. They could not seem to catch a break, least of all him. Though Paper had not known Jacob that well, he found himself wishing the ex-Snowbounder would return from the grave if only so that their captain would be okay again.

  At Feliks’ complaints (jesting or otherwise), Paper shot him a weary glance. ”Ease up, it’s been a hard week and there were a lot of people to remember,” he said, twitching his good ear. ”But welcome.” Even if Feliks was joking, it would do them no good for Pincher to feel even worse than he already did.

  With a sigh, he turned back to listen to Pincher, a solemn look on his face. By now, there was little he could do but give the captain space and cut him some slack.

Re: SMOKE & MIRRORS — MEETING 08.27 - ROSEMARY - 08-28-2018

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
Pincher never seemed in the best of moods when meetings rolled around - she remembered when he shapeshifted constantly throughout one, and she felt sure the loss of Jacob probably stung worse than any of his other disastrous meeting days. Plopping down on the edges of the group, the witch twitched her ears as she waited for her brother to speak the news.

Re: SMOKE & MIRRORS — MEETING 08.27 - Character Graveyard. - 08-28-2018

There's a change in Pincher's behavior. He can tell it, by the way Pincher was speaking and how he had his ears pinned to the back of his skull. Kirishima hadn't known Jacob that well, so he wasn't completely aware of how the Captain was feeling on the inside, but he'd heard word that Pincher's husband was gone. Quietly, the Beta would settle down on the ground beside Bakugou and he would focus on the leader. "Noted." He would murmur, waiting to hear what else he had to say.
tags :: updated 8/23:

Re: SMOKE & MIRRORS — MEETING 08.27 - beck. - 08-29-2018

    Throughout the full week he had been leeching off a group he may or may not have forgotten the name of, there was something familiar on the tip of his tongue that he simply failed to comprehend. The ranks they functioned in, the apparent meeting from time to time, the constant flow of strange faces just like his at the edges of the horizon -- maybe it was just déjà vu. A common experience for an entity with an overworked memory. But the noise, the noise was different. Too different. He didn't like it. It took a moment of confusion for him to recognize that people were approaching the source, purpose in their step no matter how begrudging a few were. The scrawny feline clambered to catch up, trailing after the strangers with an old limp slowing his gait.

    Even if his blurred eyes failed to notice the clear exhaustion settled on the so-called captain's form, Beck paused and tilted his head to the side in assumed concern. There was the faint scent of disease tinging the air in the stuffy room, but a scratchy voice choked by either heartbreak or mucus pinned the blame on Pincher -- that was his name, right? Well, it wouldn't matter too much. He wordlessly flopped onto his belly far from any other person present, giving a ragged wheeze as he was immediately reminded of the sore incision criss-crossing his torso. Scrunching his face to distract from the flare-up of pain, his notched ear twitched as names were listed off and a disgruntled fellow was quick to complain. But, quite frankly, Beck had no interest in any announcement. He just didn't want to be excluded.

Re: SMOKE & MIRRORS — MEETING 08.27 - no more - 08-31-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]The news of Jacob's passing was not one freely shared, rather it was something kept amongst those who had held a connection to him, the children he had taken beneath his wing though no blood of his was present in their veins, those he had brought into this world, and the husband who now seemed a fragile shell. It might have been to spare the rest of the crew for though many seemed to have taken to the mixed canine well some harboured ill feelings for his ways or it might simply have been deemed a family matter, one no other should be privy to. Either way it seemed not to matter, any care once felt towards him fading as time wore on, little more than a ghost as his own mother had become. Yet something within the child longed to draw those memories back, to hold them tight and never allow time to steal away their colour and emotion, but his energy was at a low point and he held no extra to give to such a trivial task.

Small dark paws proved hesitant as they drew him closer, the small stature he held making it easy to slip through the crowd though as his gaze found Bakugo he found his momentum stopped for a time. The cream toned tabby was one prone to outbursts of extreme emotion and had been true to his nature, speaking at the previous meeting in a fashion Silus had not cared for. But then was he not trying to be better about such himself, to allow his true nature to come through even if he feared the reaction? Some part of him thought somewhat kindly of the other, held him at a place one might hold an idol, but he never cared to admit he looked up to the Privateer, not at this point in time at least.

Moving closer he came to stop by Cleo, offering both her and Goldie a tentative smile, clearly uncomfortable within being here. He had no love for crowds and didn't seek to put himself in this position unless it was necessary but his father's declining health was worrying, one of the few points drawing him here. None of it showed in the single dark eye upon Pincher, however, hooded and seemingly dark with something akin to anger. It seemed better to allow another to do this, get away from it for a time and permit himself time to grieve, but then when had his father been intelligent in the matter of his own well being.

Re: SMOKE & MIRRORS — MEETING 08.27 - EXODUS-- - 09-01-2018

♦ -- she knew her way to their secret place by heart now. slid into the hallowed walls with nary a whisper. no longer paused to stare in the shadows of the tunnel within the water.

as much as she had grown used to the presence of the island-dwelling crowd amongst her, she was no less wild or unused to such concentrated presences in one area. she opted to linger in the edges of the tunnel. not fully stepping way into the room of the dome, yet her interest for these odd proceedings cloyed the recesses of her mind.

// museless trash post!

Re: SMOKE & MIRRORS — MEETING 08.27 - PINCHER - 09-04-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
He hated this. He hated how his emotions were easily breaking through his facade, the grief that was drowning him leaking out through the cracks. The expressions that settled on other members faces because of him. He didn't want them to sympathize for him, he didn't want anything to do with finding a shoulder to cry on because it was a waste of time. Work. Work was all that mattered, the only outlet he could settle in without breaking through his comfort zone. Frustration bubbled inside his empty hollow chest as his faded ice blue colored gaze snapped to glare at the ground, fictional eyebrows furrowing as enough members began to arrive for him to state the second part of the meeting though he grimaced at Feliks' comment about not mentioning him. Fuck, was he really that dense? Couldn't he remember the names of newcomers anymore? Doubt was a silver needle stabbing into his head but he forced himself to let out a small sigh and mumble "I apologize for forgetting. I'll ensure not to next time." Pincher noticed that Peppino had come towards him, his son's soft touch comforting but Pincher simply nodded with a locked lower jaw as he watched his son get down before turning to straighten his form and allow himself to focus on what was needed to be said.

"Nobody is demoted nor gets warning but that does not mean you are allowed to slack off if you have a high position here. I don't need you to be everywhere or doing everything as we are a team but I do need you to make sure you do your duties as best as you can even if you believe it's not much. Shoutouts go to Feliks, Linux, Silus, and Beck for showing some decent ass potential around, keep it up. I've decided to promote some of you here so listen up." Pincher glanced down at the cups filled with the ceremonial kava tea that was bitter yet relaxing. He had never personally tried it due to being the leader and founder but he wondered if one day he would. "Lucifer and Bakugou to Reavers while Luca and Marcellus are promoted to Privateers. I believe that Junji has also shown a lot of progress since he became a Sage and that he is promoted to a Soothsayer alongside Rosemary. Kirishima is promoted to Striker. Congratulations and drink up." Pincher forced himself to offer a light smirk but it was a struggle as the second it flickered on his muzzle, it disappeared and never found itself the courage to appear again. Personally, he would have promoted Silus to Soothsayer as well but his son was young and he didn't want to burden him too quickly — a mistake he had done to Goldie when he had seen her potential but had overlooked her health. The last thing he wanted was to cause more pain for those around him as the muscular wildcat pressed his back softly against the throne while waiting for the others to finish so he could go on about the rest of the announcements that were to be made.

"Sage tryouts are open for anyone that is interested in the position. Goldie has created a party for the Typhoon and Rosebloods so go out and mingle with our ally and try not to steal anything from them, please. Caesar will be doing weekly tasks for this week so go grab one if you need something to do but I do need volunteers for upcoming weeks." Pincher mused with his mind running around to make sure he had covered generally everything that needed to be said to his crewmates. He just hoped they didn't see him weak, the pain he felt was irritating and he wanted it to go away but it clung to him like a plague that refused to slip away. Maybe if he worked more, his mind would eventually just shove it all away. The idea was tempting and Pincher gave a small nod to himself as he stated "Meeting is done and over with. Got shit to say, do so now." With that, he stepped down from the throne with his glazed eyes narrowed with forced focus.

Shoutout to [member=67]beck.[/member] / [member=1654]FELIKS[/member] / [member=1504]Silus R.[/member] / [member=2095]linux[/member] ! Keep up the good work!
[member=232]LUCIFER GRIMM.[/member] / [member=1637]bakugou[/member] are promoted to Reavers!
[member=1517]Luca[/member] / [member=1489]MARCELLUS[/member] are promoted to Privateers!
[member=1530]Kirishima[/member] is promoted to Striker!
[member=1660]JUNJI[/member] is promoted to Soothsayer!
Congratulations to all of the promoted, awesome job guys!
apologies for the delay guys! been very busy but thank you for being patient with me! a reminder that i hope you have a wonderful day and that you know you are loved! for those who have started school, best of luck and don't stress too much about roleplaying for it's meant to be enjoyable and never stressful ❤️


Re: SMOKE & MIRRORS — MEETING 08.27 - JUNJI - 09-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]ah... how long had it been since he'd attended a meeting? a few weeks now; he was slacking quite a bit, wasn't he? though the stress of, well, everything had been getting to him; so much had happened, and while he was trying so desperately not to let it get to him, it was becoming damn hard.

the feline approached a bit late, wings dragging in the sand at his sides as he moved along. he came to pause beside luca within the crowd gathered, greeting the hellhound with a soft touch to his side with one golden-tipped wing. junji settled his gaze upon pincher as the captain spoke, announcing various things. the words seemed to blur together; was he falling asleep? the angel's head bobbed once, twice, and...

junji... shown a lot of... became a sage... promoted to a soothsayer...

junji's head snapped up at his name, taking a long moment to process the words that had come from pincher. soothsayer? him? he felt himself bristle slightly, from both excitement and anxiety. was he really deserving of it? he hadn't been around much, prohibited by his previous injuries... he wasn't doing very well as a healer cooped up in his hut, but if pincher believed he was doing well, then perhaps he was exaggerating. the angel shifted slightly where he sat. "thank you, i'll do my best." he murmured softly. ocean blue eyes drifted to luca, offering him a sweet smile. "congrats."

Re: SMOKE & MIRRORS — MEETING 08.27 - Luca - 09-05-2018

Admittedly, Luca had found himself zoning out quickly. His eyes fluttered closed as he focused on enjoying the closeness of those around him, the occasional brush of a pelt against his filling him with small wisps of energy. He sighed a cloud of steam and allowed his mind to go blank, banishing his concern for Pincher's expression and the tense atmosphere from his mind. It was only when one of the nudges against his body felt awfully familiar that his eyes blinked open, revealing the form of Junji beside him. Warmth melted away the stressed chill that had momentarily encased his insides, presenting itself in a relaxed smile in the angel's direction.

Now that he had been brought back to the real world, he managed to catch bits and pieces of the announcements. Something about no demotions, shoutouts, but then Pincher moved on to promotions and Luca's attention was caught by his own name within the mix. He did quite enjoy holding power over others, but he enjoyed the responsibilities that came with it less. Still, he found himself smiling briefly, his tail coiling around his paws and giving them a gentle squeeze in something reminiscent of a self hug. Of all the clans to be loyal to, the Typhoon definitely wasn't the worst one out there. Perhaps he could stand to put a little work in, if it was for Pincher's sake.

He didn't offer any words of thanks, but he did turn to give Junji a friendly nuzzle. "Congrats to you too," he said softly, a playful light glimmering in his rose eyes. He was glad that the now-soothsayer had been promoted; even after everything that had happened to him he hadn't given up on his duties, something that Luca could definitely admire. He glanced back at Pincher to hear the rest of the meeting, although most of the news flew over his head. He'd probably be seen at the party and the weekly tasks, but the sage tryouts weren't his cup of tea. Not anymore.