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A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - Printable Version

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Re: A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - EROS - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]This sickened him having to see something like this going on. One would have expected him to be desensitized by it by now considering the long year he had come to know this place. Should not even phase him but that was contrary to beliefs. It bothered him greatly but he couldn't say anything about it. It wasn't his place to do so and the male couldn't only watch on with wide eyes as he heard the sound of a crack as a bone was fractured. It was disturbing to want to cause pain and even more so to watch someone who was not of the right mind to do it. Shivering a bit the tall canine like creature would step back, long ears pulled against his skull as he looked with apology to Arrow. what had she done to deserve this? Well, some would say nothing but his own mind just said she wasn't them. She wasn't a Pitt member and so her life was already forfeited at that point. Maybe he could try to help her injuries and try to get her out of her later. It would cost him greatly if he were caught but it would be worth it to get her away from such brutality.

The slave slowly sat down and he closed his eyes a little bit, gaze lowering to the ground as he drew in a shaky breath. Visible ribs extended and flexed underneath his black and pastel purple glowing form as he glanced up once more but he didn't say looking for too long. They may order him away at any moment regardless and so he merely waited to see and possibly if he could communicate with her telepathically he might be able to help her. Maybe. But reaching out to someone else was difficult for him to maintain but regardless he reached out, mind opening up in an attempt to reach Arrow's own mind timidly brushing his consciousness with her's. 'I'm sorry this is happening to you. If....if you want assistance to escape I can be your scape goat and get you out.... He could take the beating, he could as he always had and he shifted lifting a paw to bush against his collar lightly.

Re: A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - TSUYU. - 08-28-2018

//drunk posting i'm not sorry

Tsuyu glanced down once more as a bone cracked, a look of delight in her eyes. She didn't know what she wanted to do, in all honesty.  Part of her wanted to just strangle the girl, but she couldn't kill her. Nope, she had to have some fun with her. "Tongue, or paw?" She asked Arrow, tilting her head to the side. She wanted to torture the girl more, to make her scream out.

She couldn't have her skull? That was a pity. Tsuyu really was looking for more friends. Victims, friends, whatever. She didn't care, in all honesty. She could drown her if she needed, but found that to be less interesting. She was a mere slave of Strykker's, having been converted by him by his own hands. Ah, he was so attractive when he stared down at her, whispering in her ears.

Tsuyu squirmed in place, webbed paws grabbing at her face momentarily before she lifted her weight off of the icicle. With a sudden yank of her paw, Tsuyu ripped the ice out of the girls leg, the icicle melting into a puddle of bloody water once she tossed it aside.

Re: A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - arrow - 08-30-2018

She felt something, someone get through her mental barrier, something that wasn't too strong to begin with but with the shock and injury was weakened that much more. She panicked initially, concerned about the idea of mental torture as well as the physical already going on. But it...wasn't. It was just a voice, nothing less and nothing more than that. She turned her attention to Valkyr, the only one she could pick out that could have projected such a message, momentarily distracted by his glowing form. "Don't do that." She didn't know if he could read her thoughts as well, but even if he couldn't, she still refused living with guilt if he got her out and suffered for it. "Don't do that to yourself."

Her muscles twitched when the icicle was ripped out abruptly, jaw clenching. It hurt a lot less being pulled out rather than being shanked with the creative weapon straight from Mother's Nature's ass. [color=grey]"Don't lick me anymore it's so weird."


Re: A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - TSUYU. - 08-30-2018

"Then why don't I kill you instead? It's not like anyone will notice you're gone, nobody will care, ribbit." Tsuyu croaked, leaning forward as her tongue moved to gently press against Arrow's cheek. "You'll end up just like how Snowbound treated me. An outcast, useless!" Tsuyu giggled hysterically, before she used her Water Manipulation in an attempt to control the H2O in Arrow's blood, hoping to make her body go painfully still to prove her point. If this was successful, it'd be also painful for herself as well, heavy pants escaping her jaws.

"So if I break your neck here, and dump you in the Typhoon's waters, nobody will notice."

Re: A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - EROS - 08-30-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]They has taken his life so what more could they do to him? If he could help he wanted to, and if he could attempt to break the mandates that had been beaten into him then there might be a possibility... yes a very slim one but it was there on the horizon. So bright and magnificent. But then clouds came to cover it, oppression manifested in darkened thunderheads as her voice came back to him. Obey, obey, he couldn’t fight against her wishes. Even in this, in her torture she was better than he was and a slave could not disobey. An almost pained look shifted across his expression as he looked at the captured creature and what Tsuyu was doing. It was awful and he wanted to protest, large but lanky form shifting. ’No....I’m sorry....’ His telepathic voice was so soft now like a flutter filled with such sadness and regret as he pulled back from her mind. Even if the mental strain was tough for him he felt his dull claws flex in the ground as he looked over to the other before shaking his head and closing his eyes against the sight. If only this would stop. If only.

Re: A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - guts - 08-30-2018

This was definitely not a sight Cosette wanted to see. She wasn't one for violence, especially after her less than pleasant past and many experiences with it. Just the mere smell of blood brought back painful memories. So, she tried to avoid it as much as she could--but sometimes it wasn't that simple. Especially in a place like this. She wasn't fond of their violent tendencies, but she still stayed, if only because it would be difficult to traverse back through the desert. She didn't want to go out there only to die.

As she padded through the oasis they called their camp, she stopped at the sight of the people gathered, unsure what was going on. Curiosity spurred her on, though she quickly regretted it. At first she didn't understand what was going on. Then she noticed and her stomach sank. A lump formed in her throat. Flashes of her past hit her, screaming and pain the only thing she could think of as she looked down at the female being tortured. She couldn't take it.

She managed to keep the tears stinging her eyes at bay as she turned, hurrying away from the scene. She didn't want to show weakness in front of them. They would eat her up if she did.

Re: A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - arrow - 09-01-2018

// me? responding late? it's more likely than you think

[color=grey]"You've got me there." She managed a small, albeit pained smile. She wasn't even trying to be sarcastic she just....didn't have an argument. Tsuyu was right, Tanglewood was probably already in the process of wiping her existence from their minds. But hey, that was fair. They were strong, smart, supported each other. She didn't. Maybe it was good to purge the swamp of the weaklings. [color=grey]"Bold of you to assume I'm not already the most useless outcast to disgrace the swamp's radioactive waters." Bitterness seeped into her tone, the slick and blood matted fur of her back leg being as fuel for her own fire. She tried to push her upper body up, trying to make some progress so she wouldn't seem so violently pathetic, but found a moment after she had succeeded her body just...gave out. She collapsed, going jaw first into the ground, not being able to get back up again. And it felt disturbing, she didn't know what it was, but she wanted to pick at her flesh and remove that feeling. It felt....internal. Was that a thing?

[color=grey]"This isn't anything new." Arrow frowned. Damn, this chick was the living embodiment of her self esteem, huh? It was like listening to an echo, but an echo that broke your legs and beat the shit out of you. She managed to roll over onto her side, cheek pressed against the ground and mutilated leg laid out to the side. [color=grey]"What, did you think I expect some sorta rescue? Ha, they probably think I got snatched by a gator finally or some shit. Fucking congrats, you managed to beat the weakest one out of them all. D'ya feel tough yet?"


Re: A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - TSUYU. - 09-01-2018

It was like seeing a mirror of herself as well, except she wasn't the same anymore. She was useful here, powerful, beautiful. This woman was pitiful, but Tsuyu showed nothing like such things towards her. Weakness caused people to die, and Tsuyu wanted this girl to suffer, not die. Not yet.

"Find something to make yourself useful, then." tsuyu croaked, a look of disgust in her eyes as she watched the injured femme fall to the ground once more, charcoal eyes sparkling with sadistic glee. She loved this, she loved this, she loved this!-

Does she feel tough yet? Tsuyu shrugged her shoulders, sitting down and releasing her blood control. A frown crossed the hybrid's face, her tongue outstretching to attempt to roughly slap the girl across her face.
"Tsuyu is tough already. If your groupmates don't come for you, I'll keep you here as a slave. We'll see soon, won't we, ribbit?" She croaked, long back legs stretching as she turned back to [member=2031]VALKYR[/member] . "I need rope, ribbit. A rope and a stake. I'm tying her to a tree and keeping her here until her clanmates come back for her." She meowed, ear twitching slightly in amusement at how afraid the idiotic slave was acting.

Re: A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - EROS - 09-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]An order from a slave to another slave. The option to refuse was there and he was glad to accept it after all he was not like them in any sense. There was no point to something as senseless as this and when the words had come to him to get items she needed to help her in what she as doing the beast just stared at Tsuyu. He was consciously aware of what he was about to do and if anyone asked him that was someone higher he would have no choice but to do it. But for now he could refuse and his jaws parted, thick glowing tongue visible for a second as he snapped, mildly heated. "No, I'm not going to enable you to further harm her... It's not like it's helping anything to keep her and you'll just bring trouble here." In his mind trouble they didn't need but the again when did the Pitt ever have any sense of self preservation. They all thought they were tough and unbreakable till the chair was knocked out from underneath them. It was bound to happen and he wanted no part of it, not even with this sort of thing and instead he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in before he curled his forked tail against his own body. It was as shame really that violence wrecked havoc and he marginally opened his eyes for a short moment. " should just let her go.."

Re: A LIE I DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL && capture. - TSUYU. - 09-03-2018

Tsuyu wasn't expecting the fellow slave to follow her command, to be honest. She was still shocked when he rejected her demand, though. When he began rambling about how he wouldn't help her, a loud bout of laughter escape her jaws. "You've got a lot of balls, don't you? Well, I could always just drag her to my cave and chain her there.. Yeah, that sounds better, ribbit." Sneered Tsuyu, charcoal eyes narrowing as she turned to Arrow once more, jaws parting as her tongue snapped out, attempting to quickly wrap around Arrow's neck in a rough, quick attempt to suffocate her to the point of losing consciousness but not killing her. She didn't care what the Sha creature did, but she had a mission. "Her clanmates haven't come for her, she's obviously useless. I'll keep her for myself. We'll be best friends, ribbit." Meowed the frog-manx hybrid, attempting to drag Arrow by her throat back to her cave if her previous attempt to knock her out worked.
[b]★ミ[glow=black,2,300]– 君は できない  できない できない子[/glow] ミ★