Beasts of Beyond
the riveting skies / intruder - Printable Version

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Re: the riveting skies / intruder - darci - 08-26-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]"I've had worse done to me." No threat fazed him for Nos could not die. He could feel pain and the feeling of dying, yes, but he could not die. It was his curse, a nasty one at that. Nonetheless, he had come to terms with it after hundreds of years. All he had to do was to just keep pushing through each day. It seemed he was a hot topic of being a slave now. To be frank, Nosferatu would have been the worse choice for a slave. He was no the average joe who kept trying to run away or fight someone. No, he would just annoy someone to the point that they would toss him off a cliff. In comes immortality. He would get a new body, and his freedom. His eyes shifted towards Esklav as the other approached. A party-pooper, and the worst kind. The demon enjoyed picking on these types. Much to his dismay, he was far too tired to keep up these shenanigans. A different day, perhaps. "Fine. I'll 'join' for a day and be on my way." A free meal ticket and a free hotel - Jackpot!

Re: the riveting skies / intruder - Stryker - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  His craned to the side. No snack then? With an unpleased frown, the lion offered a small shrug but continued with his rambling. "That's disappointing," he mentioned back. How dearly he wished for his offer to be taken up by the hellspawn, but then again, he wasn't actively looking. Just in need of someone to keep him busy. As of right now, Snowbound was his main toy, but some side bitches wouldn't be horrible. "I figured you'd be hungry though, sweets. All that time alone is rather displeasing." Shut up, Stryker.

With threats being thrown left and right, the male sharply huffed. "Ridiculous," he lowly muttered under his breath. Truly, he could not comment. It was not his business to go against Esklav's code or Hope's utter thirst for unneeded violence. Thankfully, reassuring words came soon enough.

"One day is good enough," the lion quickly snapped before anyone else did, hoping that his groupmates wouldn't protest against the black tom joining them. More animals, the better. Even if it was for 'a day.'  "Welcome to the Pitt, Nosferatu." He intentionally rolled the newer member's name as he spoke. What an exquisite name! "My name is Stryker, a skald here within Hotel California-" He highly doubted partial stay. Even loners didn't fake join. "-but the rest of these bufoons are capable of introducing themselves, so I won't bother."