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Deals are a deal| [ introduction| - Printable Version

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Re: Deals are a deal| [ introduction| - teef - 08-25-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

the witch's eyes closed in thought, [color=#151B54]"the varnish off carpentry? that sounds good. not asking for recipes, those are trade secrets, but what have you seen in reaction?" he asked as he looked at matt before cutting his eyes away. something wasn't correct with the demi-human, he had yet to identify that the scent was that of a deity. really, he should pay attention to these things.

he hummed thoughtfully, wondering to himself what it could be, distracting himself from the current situation where they seemed to be annoying and freaking out the poor merchant. resting his hand on chat's head he remained silent, eyes traveling to matt again before seeming to click and his spine grew stiff. oh hells, what if the diety that matt was, had been one he had pissed off in the past?

shaking off the thought he settled in more tensely, wanting to ask but knowing better, "What ceremonies and sacrifices have you seen wine used in?" make no mistake, a diety could and would listen to many questions and summonings, and they tended to favor such in their favour, but even then they would listen to others.

Re: Deals are a deal| [ introduction| - Dionysus - 08-25-2018

What had he seen in regards of the varnish been removed from piece of carpentry? Well that was a hard question, since most wood markers would prefer not having any kind of substance in regards of removing the original varnish or stain that is intended for the said item.  “ Offense,”  that was the first word that Matt said without much thought.  “That I have the gall to do such a thing, that’s why I usually use pieces that I made myself not someone else's.  No one would want their work altered, even if it is to restore or non.  My wine can be used for medical purpose was well when other methods of keeping a person unconscious is out of the question, people have reported that my wine keeps them out for two days or so if they take it full strength.”

Ceremonies were something that was in regards as for himself, hm.  Matt wasn’t exactly sure, but he was pretty sure that people used wine, when they could afford the substance the stronger the wine was usually given to the gods, while the cheaper mostly watered down stuff was for the commoners, and a bit stronger for royals and high ranking officials. “ Depends on the god,” Matt responded with a shrug of his shoulders.  As for the other part of Jikal’s question,  something flashed, something more leaning towards the definition of mania.  Easy there Matt, no need to scare off your customers,  there is no need to dwell back into your musing.  “Mostly merriment, loose drinking, the random occurance of someone getting torn to pieces, but that is usually in hyper literal senses.  As for one, one assume it was for occult reasons.  Again depends on the god, who knows what happens in those gatherings.”

Everyone had that darker side, that dark side that usually fed off dark things, and that exact dark thing was peaked on why Jikal was asking such questions, what was his purpose, Matt himself wasn’t aware that he was of course a deity,  all he knew that he was damn good at making wine.  There was that, even if his wine should be considered rocket fuel, or something close to it.

Re: Deals are a deal| [ introduction| - teef - 08-26-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

the young man's eyes took on a different light when the two of them spoke, jikai had noticed. hmm, interested in the topic at hand? smiling sweetly he nodded, [color=#151B54]"Offense hey? Not quite a poison, but if swapped with one's drink, definitely a danger, even more so when the victim's drink is spiked. Lovely. Apologies, I have my interests in those kinds of things." he chuckled, running thoughts through his head. particularly difficult wounds could be cleansed with the wine perhaps or the patient doused with the wine when it came to cleaning the injury.

When it came to the ceremonies it had been used in he hummed thoughtfully. "it appears than, that I would need to buy a cask from you for ... making things. alcohol found in town is painfully weak for ceremonies and offerings. the only good alcohol to use, that is strong enough at least, is vodka or rubbing alcohol. the vodka is never clear enough to be safe ... not that it matters of course." he chortled as he relaxed. Matt couldn't scare him off. in his many long years, he had seen many things and few things possessed the ability to scare him truly.

Re: Deals are a deal| [ introduction| - Dionysus - 08-26-2018

An entire cask?  Considering that Matt had loads of casks in his basement, it was the image of him struggling to haul such a heavy thing up the stairs that already made his back ache.  Oh well the things he did for a profit, the demi human nodded, although it struck him curious of what sort of things that the witchling was referring too.  There wasn’t much you could do with wine unless you were planning to transmute it or something.  But that wasn’t his business after all he just delivered or gave his wine to those who were willing to offer to take a cask or so from him.  He liked it that way, minding his own business, it kept him out of trouble until it became his business.  That only happened in very rare occasions.

“ Where do you want the cask?  And I should ask when?” Matt asked only having his bottles with him, mostly ranging in the larger spectrum of how the bottles went.  He should really consider getting the slimmer ones, but again he didn’t want to since it seemed it was a huge insult to his craftsmanship.

Re: Deals are a deal| [ introduction| - Rialto - 08-27-2018

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 70px; height:70px; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: top;"][/td][td][div style="width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 7pt; color: #8A8A8A; line-height: 100%; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 10px; opacity: 0.75; text-transform: lowercase"]Secrets on Broadway to the freeway, you're a keeper of crimes; Fear no conviction, grapes of wrath can only sweeten your wine

Rialto didn't even hiss anymore when his hair was aimed at, but he returned Alex's pinch of his arm with his hand going for their ear. 'Holding all my wares makes every day arm day,' he said dismissively, not even bothering to deny it. The panther's sinuous leap caught his eyes only if because the news of a big cat in this decrepit coastal town hadn't made the rounds; to be fair, the population didn't so much talk about each other as what they had for dinner last night, or something about the cute soul they'd managed to devour. Other nasty gossip.

Oh, but he knew that face. All was restored.

On the other hand Rialto startled at Jikai's voice, hand falling free of Alex and immediately affixing on the ball python's eyes already on his. He didn't fancy himself a snake charmer when he'd been in contact with reptiles all of three times, particularly only in his reckless youth, each time ending with him creeping out of the way with his tail between his legs because he had carelessly infringed on numerous caves - but the attention, even if only a single sentence, had Rialto averting his eyes, for some reason smoothing out the hem of his shirt. Brushing off his shoulder. You know. Because. 'Well. If she wants,' he said, brief and with a nonchalance that was convincing if you didn't see his expression. Validation changed a man.

His face actually paled at Matt's words. This encounter was surely turning his own notions of a poker face to dust, but it was hard not to react like that when you had one (1) oesophagus and you had taken one (1) large drink of it in the past. The merchant wasn't joking. 'That'll be a surprise,' he murmured, cooling over with his hands running over the ends of his own hair and only listening in to his elaboration. Note to self: drinks from Jikai were prohibited. Hazardous material.

As for Matt's devil drinks themselves, Rialto supposes he can let it be. The man's told them what his wine can do.

'I could help carry it back,' he offered. Rather, finding out what Jikai was going to do with a barrel gnawed at his mind.

Re: Deals are a deal| [ introduction| - teef - 08-27-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

jikai's face split into a kind smile, the witch calmly letting xiaoxiao swirl herself about his arm, stepping towards rialto and casually poking his shoulder while xiaoxiao unraveled herself to claim her high and mighty perch on rialto's shoulder, her head laying on his clavicle, tongue flickering in and out in satisfaction with her temporary home. her scales were cold but the way her tail slowly curled about rialto's upper arm with a small possessiveness caught her owner's attention and made him chortle as he leaned into rialto and murmured, [color=#151B54]"She fancies you a noble steed, and one she intends to keep."

humming as he thought he tapped his chin, "Where? Hmm. considering the city is too far of a jaunt for one as well as you, perhaps halfway between the city and your cellars. When? matters not to me. hopefully before the middle of winter. and most definitely not during the transition of fall to winter for I will be otherwise ... indisposed of. whenever travel is easiest for you, wine-maker. ah thank you, rialto. I have need for strong attractive men after all, what without the leg to carry a barrel myself." he purred, tone light and cheery. if he could compliment rialto and get under alex's skin by yes, flirting blatantly, then it was a considerate score for him.

Re: Deals are a deal| [ introduction| - alexander - 08-28-2018

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 70px; height:70px; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: top;"][/td][td][div style="width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 7pt; color: #ff0000; line-height: 100%; padding-top: 6px; padding-left: 6px; opacity: 0.75; text-transform: lowercase;"]my brother's friends explain to me, with breathless words and bloody knees; it's a black eyed trust, respect the pain.

Alex glances behind them at the sound of Chat's voice, doing a double-take when they see a panther in the man's place. They were not expecting that. They instinctively step away from the big cat, watching as he slipped through Jikai's legs before turning back into a human. Well, that was strange. They didn't know the kid could do that. They poke up their tongue at the hybrid's words, shaking their head, a small smile lifting their lips. "He's all yours, buddy. I don't think I'm his type, anyways." Matt might have offhandedly called them pretty, but Alex was into men that complimented them without threatening them with a bat. Relationships went smoother that way. 

They tense up when Jikai turns toward Rialto, his snake making it's way towards their friend's shoulders. They yelp when Rialto pinches their arm, turning away from the reptile to throw a playful glare at him. They nearly jump when Xiaoxiao slides in front of their face on their way to the vampire beside them, teeth baring at Jikai's little stunt. They would nip at his arm if they weren't in the presence of a merchant. They step away from the pair, their fear of the ball python stronger than their need to strangle the witch.

Alexander turns their attention back to the merchant, finding interest in the ceremonies his wine was used in, the effects it had on people. It sounded like a wild ride - one that they would rather not get on. They shake their head at the witch's little speak, tongue poking between their teeth, hands coming up to play with their bangs. "That sounds like too much work. Why don't we just take it back to town? He'd get better business there, and I'm sure the minimart could lend him some space to store his alcohol." They try not to act surprised when Jikai flirts with Rialto, eyes flicking to their friend, eyebrow raised. Strong, attractive men? Alex would not put the vampire in that category. They can't help but grin, slapping a hand over their mouth. They push at Rialto's shoulder, away from Xiaoxiao, burgundy eyes alight with amusement. "C'mon, strong, attractive man! Help 'em out." They giggle.

Re: Deals are a deal| [ introduction| - miss ririchiyo - 08-28-2018

18 Y/O

Chat felt that unfamiliar tang in his chest, toxic green eyes staring between the two flirting idiots before he waved over to Alexander. "We can drink together later? I can catch something to pour some blood into a wine glass, if you're more into that." He asked them, black ears twitching before he momentarily glanced away from Alexander to look at Jikai. No, he wasn't his. God, he could flirt with whoever he wanted!

Chat chose to ignore the conversations going on, after all. He wasn't interested in magic, he was already a magic being as it was.

Re: Deals are a deal| [ introduction| - teef - 08-29-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

maybe he was able to feel some shame after all, considering that his face was a bright cherry red. he was flushed, golden eyes lighting with a strangled mirth. so, he had been able to agitate alexander. all in a day's work! he could safely feel proud of himself now, let them dig at him if they felt better for it.

yeah, maybe you should call jikai childish in regards to his interactions with the vampire. sighing slightly he tousled his own hair, eyes half-closed as he did his best to ignore the sudden spike in scent rolling off of chat noir like a thick perfume. breathing through his mouth he snorted eyes falling onto rialto, adding in, [color=#151B54]"I promise I reward well. whatever you so want in return, rialto, dearest."
he batted his eyelashes in a pathetic way as he clasped his hands under his chin.

sighing through his nose quietly he smiled, making it an obvious jest at the long haired vampire before turning back to matt in intrigue, "would you be interested in setting up a shop in the city? it could be through another that you own it. one of us could be the face of the business in town, and we bring you the orders by bird?" he asked him, tapping his jaw in thought.

he didn't do anything at the feelings in chat's scent even though his eyes slid over in interest and slight confusion. why was he giving off such a strange scent? feeling the slightest tickle in his mind he sneezed, the witch looking around distrustfully. why was he picking up on ... jealousy? he couldn't make heads or tails of it, who was jealous in the group? was it ... chat?