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IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - Printable Version

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Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - axiom - 08-25-2018

© lexasperated
[ oof i'm gonna be lazy and say this takes place after quantum ascends to leadership, disregard jericho comin' ]

The tigress watches the pirates as they move in front of her, their varying degrees of maturity and aggression causing one corner of her mouth to quirk up in a lopsided grin. She dislikes plenty of groups for their homogeneous atmosphere; she likes to live in groups where individuality thrives. She knows, in her bones, that if she still listened to that aching need inside her head - the same need that still pushes her down the path of violence and reckless adrenaline stunts - the Typhoon would have made a good home. But she likes to think she's reformed. She likes to hope she's reformed.

"Nice to see I got all of your attention," the psuedo-melanistic feline spoke, taking a moment to allow some of the tension to dissipate from the air. She certainly saw the officer's rather aggressive display, but she cared little to react towards it; after all, she might've done the same shit if some asshole wandered over to Sunhaven, though she likes to think it'd take more than yapping about seeing the leader for her to get shooketh like that. Her vermilion eyes focused on Pincher as she gave the captain a nod, remembering him from their last encounter and pleased to see he still held firm control over his crew.

"I remember you denied my appeal for an alliance last time due to Jericho's twinkletoe nature - but that's changed," she stated firmly, going straight for the guts of the issue while her lopsided grin widened. Quantum hated wasting time and bullshit niceties; like hell she needed to sit here and babble about the weather or some other nonsense before introducing her points. "Now that I'm leader of Sunhaven, care for an alliance?" she asked, in an playfully forward manner.

Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - Grey - 08-26-2018

Bakugou himself has never really been interested in alliances. He doesn't care who and who didn't have ties with The Typhoon because he believed in their own strength as pirates. What he does care about, however, is avoiding anything that is inconvenient. His main reason for siding on the idea of allowing The Rosebloods as their allies was that he sees no benefit in going to war against such a waste-of-his-time group. To have them on The Typhoon's side, to say the least, was to avoid watching their pointless attempts to raid them or lose out to the groups they planned to terrorise. Bakugou wasn't afraid of losing in fighting power. They were strong enough as they were and besides, he inwardly monologues with a smug, they had a dragon. Luciferus could be frightening if he wanted to and Bakugou was no idiot to try and oppose him. If that beast truly wanted something, he was more than certain he'd be crushed the very moment he thought of something related to mutiny. Bakugou is no fool.

When it comes to merchants and traders, however, he finds himself intensely uninterested in their shenanigans. Sure, he can see their potential use of trading resources but merchants usually only cared about the money they made and that, for a fact, makes him deeply annoyed at their attempts to cosy up to a group such as The Typhoon. Connections are important but, as Bakugou's come to convince himself, a group like Sunhaven probably sought alliances so that no one would raid and run them down, so that their businesses could keep going without any loss. He can see an imbalance of benefits with the merchants coming out on top should an alliance ever be formed. These thoughts, however, remained as Bakugou's thoughts. The only thing the ragdoll revealed was his reveling distaste for the tigeress' request, narrowing his blood-like hues. "Care for an alliance," he repeats with a huff, but doesn't add any more attitude to his mockery of the woman. He doesn't plan on getting a death glare from the Captain but he's clearly unamused by Quantum's abrupt questions. She must have had a sheer lack of respect to have spoken those words as if she were the one who held the power.

He'd be happy to remind her that it was she who was standing on Typhoon territory, a place isolated enough that it would be hard for her to escape should she dawdle their time for long enough. After all, Bakugou too was interested in being 'straight to the point'. He loathes squandering and simply asking if Pincher 'cared for an alliance' wasn't good enough to the privateer's eyes. "And tell us who you happen to be allies with this time?" Relationships with other clans were always changing and as time must have passed since their last attempt, Bakugou assumes that this is something The Typhoon should know. As for asking what The Typhoon would benefit from Sunhaven, the male leaves this for the other high positions who must have been present the last time they were visited. He wouldn't know and he doesn't want to sit there making assumptions. Instead he goes with what held more relevancy with changing times: current standings and alliances.

Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - PINCHER - 08-27-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher enjoyed difference which was why he allowed anyone to join — killers or healers all coming together under the name of the Typhoon. He supposed it was his biggest retaliation to his father's wishes of him leading a group that were under the same mind. Archer had believed it was a way to make everyone listen to what he had to say without any trouble which was a gang full of self-fulfilled criminals had been what his father had wanted for Pincher to lead. But alas, Pincher didn't want to be like his father because frankly, he didn't like there to be peace in everything. If one needed to learn, to develop and adapt, there needed to be a challenge and that was why he didn't mind butting heads with anyone in his crew because they were all civil yet confident enough about their opinions to not feel oppressed by it. He knew when to put his foot down but they were usually in times when there needed to be complete demand for his decision as a leader but things were generally lax.

Pincher's attention slowly bounded around as Quantum spoke, the tigress speaking in a tone of security and sensibility that he guessed was why she had arrived. She seemed to hold a more confident air to her and he guessed within his head that she had been promoted to become the head of Sunhaven's community. Rather interesting shift in power and Pincher wondered who would take up his spot when time came for him to either die or retire from the spot of Captain. But for now, he was glued to his duties and as he listened, the demigod's thoughts tangled themselves in what he believed was pros and cons of having an alliance with Sunhaven. He wasn't an idiot, Pincher knew why Quantum most likely wanted the Typhoon to be an ally. Safety. Security. Not having to look over their shoulder and expect to see a pirate sinking their knife into one's back. It was a strategic sense of seeing it and Pincher had to admit, he was rather impressed since they were considered the most warbound with their raiding and destructive behavior towards one that were not considered allies. It seemed Bakugou held the same suspicion as the frigid gaze of the wildcat flickered over to Bakugou with a fictional eyebrow quirking up.

"Like Bakugou said. Who are you buddy-buddy with and what can Sunhaven offer the Typhoon?" Pincher stated after a few moments of Bakugou's inquiry towards the ruby eyed female. He didn't see the other groups lower than the Typhoon but Pincher was a leader and he needed to think of the benefits for his crew especially if anything were to happen in the near future. Sickness. Natural disaster. The risks were burned inside his head and he needed to weigh his options on what should be seen as worth his time and work.

Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - axiom - 08-28-2018

© lexasperated
Her ears flicked over the usual question of their current alliances - which served to annoy her, the reminder of Jericho's political naivety. She needed to rectify those mistakes quickly, but she wouldn't lie and say she carried through with her plans before they came to fruition. "Jericho established alliances with Snowbound and the Ascendants - to my vocal opposition, as I'm sure Snowbound's leader can attest to," she began, a slight huff leaving her lips as her maw curled down to a frown for a moment. But that quickly turned into a grin as she added, "But he just proved my points. Snowbound immediately got taken over - haven't even bothered to ask for our help - and the Ascendants hasn't shown a whisker in our territory, unless you count the defectors that are swelling our ranks. I'll get around to sending some people to notify them of my decision, once I finish up with more important matters." Frankly, she didn't see much use on pushing her energy towards notifying them, not when she considered them useless allies.

"As for what we can offer the Typhoon, we are first and foremost a trading beach town. If you lot need anything, good chance some merchant has it - probably under a bag of welcome mats or the like," she spoke, allowing herself a bit of a joke there. She, herself, was probably one of the most disorganized members of the group, with her workshop toeing the line between organized chaos and flat out anarchy. "I'll also bring up that merchants get to hear plenty of gossip - if your pirates want to hang around our festivals whenever we hold trades in mass with the other groups, they're welcome to. Besides, we've also got a thriving warfare guild - while we're not looking for a fight, we're more than capable of defending our home or providing backup in a fight." As far as she knew, Sunhaven's membership rivaled or surpassed the other three more established groups. Sunhaven didn't need prissy allies that hardly visited their borders and bowed to slaveholding overlords. She'd rather have none than those spineless idiots backing her up - and, ideally, she'd like a close relationship with the Typhoon.

Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - Grey - 08-29-2018

He feels his fur bristle slightly when Pincher begins to speak, only then realising that the Captain was supporting his demand to know who Sunhaven was allied with, only to further ask for their uses. The ragdoll twitches an ear, curious if he too remained as uninterested as he was towards the tigress and her cocky boldness which laced her request. Then, the woman begins to speak and he feels himself filling with a groveling distaste towards the female, a sense of overwhelming irritation the more she spoke about opposition and the late Jericho. "It was a simple question. All that was needed was who you're allied with. I don't fuckin' care if it was your choice or not, stop tryin'a cozy up to us by pinnin' all the blame onto Jericho or some shit - how big's your ego? You said you're leader now, so bloody act like one instead of makin' yourself appear like a fool. Your excuses are drivin' me mad," the privateer snarls out of turn. To simply stand beside the cream-furred tom was to feel the intense heat radiating from his skin, the boiling of his blood as he glared at the woman. She was taking a very cowardly and longwinded way of explaining their situation, attempting to ease and smooth the edges of what might make them look unappealing. However, after speaking suddenly without warning, he begins to question his own statement about the merchant acting like a leader. What was Bakugou to know? He always chose to work independently, refusing to take the help of others. He supposes that all he knows is what annoys him and what doesn't.

His sanguine eyes narrow partially when she talks about Pincher's next request. Resources, gossip, fighting arms. They sounded more fun to raid in his opinion, but it's likely because Bakugou still stands on his disinterest of allies in The Typhoon. Gossip would be interesting but they could very easily kidnap someone, choke them out for information and go on that. Rumours weren't a very reliable source of information and, from what he's read in books or seen in video games when he was a human, traders were usually the type to respond to any bribery. Pay a hefty sum of money and they'd happily keep their mouth shut. But perhaps the ragdoll is looking only at the negatives for his first impression of the fem had not been a good one. There was likely many benefits - his brain just couldn't be convinced. "What do you expect from us then?" he asks, still bitter but much calmer than he was before.

Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - Luciferr - 08-29-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
his plated face crinkles slightly in distaste for the allies she'd listed or at least the first - Snowbound is known to apparently dislike its allies that try to help their ungrateful silences, the clan had gone downhill after Jacob had left and at ash had decided to snub them over nothing - or so he'd heard after his return but these were just his opinions.

As for the ascendants? He doesn't know much of them, they seem fairly insular so far - hm, possibly the worst pairing for alliances in the current climate.

He glances sharply at Bakugou's words - alienating a potential ally whether you disliked them or not wasn't a great move, even if they were secure in their own position, but he'd leave it to pinch to rectify that, he'd rather not step on the captains toes readily in front of another clan leader.


Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - FELIKS - 08-29-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]The leader had taken a huge gamble coming here with that attitude, and as Feliks approached he couldn't help but press his beak together just that little but harder than normal. Feliks never claimed to be a political genius, quite frankly he'd have to be a total bastard to be halfway decent and he wasn't sure he was willing to descend down that path when he'd finally found stability in his life, but parts of it did intrigue him. The lies that every said to one another in order to make friends, the lack of true care for a ally even if they didn't 'ask for help' as Quantum put it, it was just a way for all of these groups to have a better life. Allies never lasted forever, fall outs and wars were bound to happen, but it still felt odd having to pretend to be all the things he wasn't. It was what this tigress was doing, green eyes narrowed at the very thought of it, but there were holes in her reasoning that the male couldn't help but pick up on. Screw waiting for the Captain to speak, screw keeping his peace as a 'newcomer' with his 'newbie privileges', he wanted to challenge the one who wore a metaphorical mask and potentially shatter the damn thing.

"Hmm... I dunno Pinpin, a clan without allies would be a fun place to plunder," he cooed hoarsely to the leader, smirking teasingly. "If their other allies are so expendable, don't see why we wouldn't be either. It's not exactly easy for a taken over clan or a clan stuck in an observatory to talk to their allies,". Unless they were Feliks, who apparently knew how to avoid trouble just as much as he knew how to attract it. Ah the joys of being a magnet. The griffon's wings flapped, tired of sitting in the same static position as he gave another look over of the Sunhavener. "We might just be as useless if a literal typhoon ever decides to pop up and swallow the entrances to this little wonderland off,". How would Sunhaven help then? Would they curl up and claim Laissez-Faire, or would they show up to help an ally worth a damn? It was easy for corrupt leaders to talk poorly about other groups, but as far as Feliks was concerned, they were all equally dire. "Might 'ave ta raid ourselves a little merchant village to stock up, just in case that ever happens," he smiled as he looked towards the Captain, forelimb digits flexing as his talons tapped on the ground.

Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - PINCHER - 09-01-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher was all about freedom and having what one believed needed to be said to get a point across. But one thing he did not tolerate was someone jumping instantly in one direction where all other possibilities may offer and frankly, his patience for that was beginning to wear as his ears swiveled ever so slightly towards the direction where Bakugou spoke, his Privateer clearly one with a sharp tongue about speaking of their allies and Jericho's choices contrasting Quantum's. His needle thin jet black pupils were still locked onto Quantum, reading her expression carefully and wondering what sort of thoughts were processing within her head before the male's frigid ice elemental was triggered and frost crawled towards where Bakugou was standing as Pincher's low yet sharp tone cut in. "Bakugou, that's enough. Quit trying to instigate and learn to keep some of your personal judgments to yourself. Pincher's upper lip slightly curled, revealing his displeasure of the disrespect his high position was showing. He knew Bakugou had opinions like everyone else did but that was meant for discussion among themselves, not in the face of a potential alliance, one that Pincher was slightly interested in.

Snowbound being taken over was a laugh worthy joke in Pincher's eyes. With the Typhoon as security for the passive group, there had been not a single ounce of possibility of being taken over by enemies. But then Atbash did what she believe was right and well...Pincher was amused by the lack of planning and thought she put especially with her shitty excuses of not being allies. He no longer cared for Snowbound, they were no longer a worthy pawn to his masterplan and the jaguar had more fish to fry than those weaklings. He was slightly displeased by the mention of the Ascendants but glad to see that they were also shit at being ambassadors like Snowbound. Fucking hell, nobody took politics as serious as him it seemed. Rosebloods was supposedly "allies" with his enemy but Pincher would make sure to keep that in mind. They were a warbound group but Pincher held no belief that they had to stick with other warbound groups if they were shit at being allies.

Then Feliks decided to join into the conversation and frankly, Pincher listened intently with his right fictional eyebrow quirking upwards at the points the male made. His long tail twitched behind him as he had to agree with some of them as Snowbound had left them for dead when that cursed tsunami had struck them and forced them into the treehouses. Pincher let out a small sigh as he shrugged his broad shoulders, his glowing tattoos flickering as he thought. "Feliks is quite right, I'm afraid. I have been cheated once with the belief that I would have a helpful alliance with Snowbound but those little snowflakes didn't do shit when my crew was in trouble and we lost a lot of our shit from the tsunami. If there is a possibility of an alliance to form, you will need to impress me that you do intend to visit us and create events for us to bond and all that shit because I am not letting my crew do all the work." The demigod didn't believe he was asking for much, simply the things one normally did alliances. He didn't mind connecting with the merchants but he wasn't going to let his crew get their paws dirty for creatures that wouldn't do the same.

( mobile / excuse any mistakes! )