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diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - Printable Version

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Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - Luciferr - 08-24-2018

hm, the prey tongue of its enemies didn't interest it - but what did was that he now had two choice cuts in front of him and a throaty hiss left the creature seemingly deciding on who's blood should flow first.

the small prey-feline had tried to shove away its fellow strange-hivemate - and Blacktide tensed before the creature moved impeccably fast and sprang forward aiming to tackle [member=1172]dimitri.[/member] and bite viciously towards his small head - whilst simultaneously aiming to strike out at enemy-hive-leader [member=597]ATBASH CIPHER.[/member] with his bladed tail whether it skewered or was a glancing hit leaving a scar or cut in its wake he just wished to see that crimson finery.

//any wounds/maims for dimitri or nah? :0


Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - GRIMNYTE - 08-24-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:arial; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:GAINSBORO; padding: 20px"]Torture had been a way to condition Esklav into being an obedient slave. Mind tricks to confuse him ― no, to lead him on the right path, until his consciousness was a muddled mess that became beneath him. Thinking too much was bad, because it lead to questioning, and Esklav was not to question Father, he was to obey him completely. After all, he was just a piece of property, and that had been the only kindness, the only companionship, that Esklav had experienced throughout his existence on this earth.

He was wistful for that mindless state, if such a thing was possible; it was easier than deviating, or finding pain in silly things and completing tasks unsuccessfully.

It was why the male had been drawn here, even if he did not have a strong preference for barbarity in any measure. It was lucky for him to have arrived at that time, for he spotted Blacktide, causing a ruckus. While the leopon did not rush to hurry over there, he did eventually arrive, dipping his head respectfully to both Dimitri and Atbash. One a leader, and the other... simple. Both were equally as disappointing. [color=slategrey]"Profanity only serves to anger him further, sire. Minding your own would've been a wiser path to take."

Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - Stryker - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — His paw latched into her jaws, frost slowly crawling up his leg and causing a violent shiver to run through his body as he struggled to escape her grip for a few moments. Finally loosening his paw, the male let out a rippling growl. In a sudden movement, he aimed to backhand (paw?) Tsuyu in retaliation. "MOTHERFUCKING BITCH," snapped Stryker quickly. His haunches were flared, eyes narrowed. Soon enough Tsuyu began to pull away and drift off into his palace of hell, bringing her into a new dimension with new moralities. Her mind would eventually fade if successful, going into dark places... and it did.


There was his key to get in.

Beginning to pick at her locked mind, the lion grew closer. Ears perking, he smirked. Piercing neon eyes stared into hers as Stryker breathed heavily, hoping to catch her attention onto him and not on the fighting audience around them. This was his moment... No, hers. He softened up and lied back to observe how Tsuyu was feeling.  Back to cocky as usual. "So how do you feel betrayed?" he rasped lightly. "I assume you realize that we can no longer remain peaceful, Tsuyu." An unsheathed claw aimed to prod at her chest, but not enough to cut her deeply. "Or else-" With his claw, he would trace a small heart as he looked downwards. "-we lose people like-" A dark gaze shifted upwards, attempting to meet with her own again. "-Tokoyami."

"If only we had fought, we wouldn't of lost so many lives, sweetheart." His voice was calm with a bittersweet taste of his own malicious venom, hoping to persuade her to his side of the argument. "I could of kept them-" Stryker wasn't going to explain his past, though it was important to his motivation. The daddy issues card was overrated.  -And you could of kept him..." Now, to note, that he was not aware of the situation with this Tokoyami person. Truly, he did not care to delve into her past. Stryker was making assumptions.

The final test. If this had worked, then perhaps he could convince others to understand his state of mind... by force. Being misunderstood and attention seeking was rather troubling. "Wouldn't you agree?" came his final words, head craning to the side.

Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - Dimitri - 08-25-2018

  // oh no thanks!

Dagon leaped back, but took the tail blow for Atbash, a laceration striking across his back. Delta! Where was that bitch? The cat started to hiss, standing his ground and moving once again to stand over Atbash. "Stryker! Call him off!" He said, eyes glancing to the lion, but keeping himself directed at the panther. Hsis own body started to change, morphing into a scarred, snarling tiger. Dagon stood his goddamn ground, and he wasn't in the mood for more blood today.


Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - TSUYU. - 08-26-2018

Tsuyu felt the harsh hit of a paw against her cheek, but was much too enraptured by the sight of darkness, of reds and violets and drips of crimson igor. She could see the form of Tokoyami as he slipped from her back right before she had been electrocuted. She could have helped him if she had fought, if only she had fought instead of pulling him through water. She could have killed the villain before he used his Quirk on them.

But she didn't.

"If only we fought.."

The bittersweet tone of voice that Stryker used echoed in tsuyu's mind, and the girl slightly leaned into the claw that pushed against her chest, tracing shapes into her thin fur. Her tongue slipped back into her mouth, and a tired, but wicked smile traced over her lips for a split moment.

Her classmates, Snowbound, why was she still here? She wasn't anything special to the ranks, and the only reason why izuku showed any signs of care for her was because it was his job as a high rank of snowbound, right?
"My absence wouldn't be a loss to them.. They don't care." Came the soft, sullen voice of Tsuyu as her charcoal gaze dulled slightly. Ah, so this is what she needed.. She wasn't made to be a hero, she was made to be a villain..

He was persuading her for sure, and she let a soft, crackling purr escape her throat when he spoke to her again. "Can I kill them, ribbit?" She spoke, the unfamiliar crooked smile making her seem a bit more unstable than she was before. If she killed them, would this itching feeling go away?

Stryker was right. If she had fought, she could have saved Tokoyami.

Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - Stryker - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — His ear flicked in Dmitri's direction, acknowledging that he heard his comment. While he wished he could, the feral xenopanther couldn't be controlled by him, but instead could only do as he wished. Even if Styrker possibly could call him off, he wouldn't. They were not friends. Blacktide could do as he pleased. Nevertheless, he still didn't respond, as he still hoped to keep Tsuyu's attention on him.

Something snapped within the female and the lion noticed. Her posture relaxed forwards and his claw did what it wanted to do with her permission, not his own force. She wanted this. Tsuyu knew that she had to fight. Stryker simply smiled genuinely, eyes gleaming. "I'm not sure why they would care," he enthused, voice bittersweet once again. Stryker was trying to swerve the conversation in his favor as always. "I would definitely though, seeing that you'd be such a wonderful asset to a team-" But with the Pitt, that could definitely be changed. With a little shove, just as Yes Man did to him, they would have another willing participant into their wonderful, outspoken group. "-but it seems as if they're not willing to fight for your glory and life." A curious tail arose, lashing from side to side. Did she finally acknowledge that truth (at least to him)?

Now that his point had proven, it had seemed to escalate to something past what he wanted to do. Stryker, uncaring but interested, just craned his head to the side. "Do as you please, Pittian."

Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - MirrorEdge - 08-27-2018

It was true. They hadn't done anything to help Tsuyu, and Gwen hated it, watching this happen without any way to help the hybrid. Yet pale blue eyes widened at the female's words. "K-kill? You wouldn't, right? You're no Pittian. They're c-cruel, and they were the cause of Atbash's injuries. W-why side with them?"

We do care. She wanted to say, as tails lashed in anger. What have they ever done for you? They only caused you pain. She opened her mouth to speak, then shut it.

Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - TSUYU. - 08-27-2018

Tsuyu seemed to melt into the voice of Stryker, before she turned her gaze towards the group. "Ah, ah.. Liars shouldn't act so innocent, should they, ribbit?" Tsuyu croaked out, frost evacuating from her maw as she took a step towards Izuku, eyes narrowing. "I suggest you run, Midoriya. Take Atbash with you. She's useless enough as it is, and you're the only hope for this group of lying jerks." She hissed lowly, lowering her head as her charcoal gaze drifted over to Gwen.

Gwen was one of the few who made feeble, small attempts to help Tsuyu. she could tell how unstable tsuyu was when she discovered her power to control water. It seemed almost forever ago, but it was a blurry memory for tsu. "The next time I see Snowbound will be the time I fight. All of you will suffer for watching me drown." Came the dark, quivering ribbit of Tsuyu as ice began to shoot from the ground, using the snow and water in the ground for supply. Soon, the ice would move towards the group of Snowbounders in a threatening rush, attempting to scrape or impale a few.