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MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - Printable Version

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[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
"She would have gotten her ass handed to her if Bastille fought back." Onision grunted in reply, rolling his eyes. Dramatic women. Moving a bit to let Margaery slide into place beside him, the chocolate solid feline merely gave a look of disgust as Crowdcontrol left the place. Well, they could fight outside. He didn't care. His temper was short these days anyways.

"Thea, I don't give a fuck if you think you can fight everyone as you please, but learn your place, yeah? Nobody wants to see your ass waggling everywhere as you try to swat at someone who can put your ass in a grave." He snapped grumpily, before turning to Bastilleprisoner once more. "Is there anything else to know? If so, I have a Starpool to go visit."

Re: MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - tori - 08-20-2018

"I can play an ambassador role, Bastille." Alex spoke up, otherwise silent during the entire interaction. Normally he would have interfered, god knows why, but surely Thea wouldn't have caused too much trouble, and Crowd had it handled. Not to say he wasn't....irritated by the situation, attacking people you shared close quarters with never solved anything, but he could understand the reaction, to play devil's advocate. There was genuine reasons for every action, wasn't there? At least Thea wasn't trying to fight for no reason at all.

Alexander took his place next to Margaery and Onision, a neutral expression on his dark features, no sure sign of his disappointment in the sudden aggression of his group mates, other than tensed shoulders. 


Re: MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - imperia - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"]Imperia only arrives because of Moonmade. She dislikes the thought of being trapped once more and is hesitant to enter the Observatory, but his presence finally convinces her to join him. The lovely young she-wolf is silent, though she sits close beside her friend while she listens attentively to Bastille. Upon the announcement that everyone is demoted, a faint frown appears upon her angular visage. She must admit that she is disappointed. Imperia can talk all day about how it is not the rank that helps people, the person helps people; but she would be lying if she did not say that she enjoys being in a position of both leadership and guidance. She has--had--the authority to heal and to teach.

What's worse is that Thea is now challenging the leader to battle. It is all a bit much: the shouting, the fighting, the insults being tossed here and there. But then Moon cracks one of his jokes and Peri cannot hide the tiny smile tugging at the edge of her lips. "I can play an ambassador role, as well," offers the soft-spoken canine in a small voice.

Re: MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - Luciferr - 08-20-2018

most f the stuff went straight over her head - mostly because none of it pertained to her having recently returned an all - but she waved with a grin at the mention and well she wasn't hard t fuckin miss now, huge dinosaur in the midst of what was mostly small cats n canines really was a stand out.

though she did hum about ambassadorial duties and spoke up "Hey if ya need it, I could take up ambassadorin for some group if ya need a third" which might either be a massive success or a huge trainwreck depending on how they reacted to a) a massive dinosaur and b) eternal being well, eternal.

she eyed the fighting breaking out and glowered over at Thea and moonmade with narrowed eyes "AIGHT" and then the spinosaurus heaved her ass up, took several steps to wander over and place herself in anyones path to BAST if this shit started up again "Ya gonna try n take on Sea bass? he'd hand you yer ass on a platter but not before I fuckin take yer neck in my jaws, so sit yer ass down pipsqueak - and put a sock in it, both of yer, its a fair decision"


Re: MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - trojan g. - 08-20-2018

Roman was slightly surprised at the mass demotion, though considering that Bastille hadn't actually seen many of his higher positions in a while, it made sense. Though the fact that a fight tried to break out in the middle of a meeting was just something that Roman didn't really tolerate if he was being honest. It was immature, even if it was for something such as a rank back - something that was to be earned, not fought for. If someone wanted to learn to fight and do so all the time, then they should go join an anticlan, not a proclan, and then stay far away from him.

A small sigh left Roman's frame before he listened to what was going on, ears flickering once before thinking, opening his maw to speak soon after. "I'll take up an ambassador position," he'd offer at first, paws moving slightly beneath him as he looked over to Margaery for her confirmation before turning back to Bastille. "As for healing ranks, as they've been demoted as well as everyone else. I'm assuming at the moment it's 'those who know medicine shall heal others until officials have been promoted?'" He would ask, head cocked to the side for a moment as he did so.

Re: MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - ★ HAZEL - 08-20-2018

as love filled night gives way to day
Quite frankly, Hazel being a little late to the meeting was probably a good thing; despite the fact that she had missed the announcements, she had also missed the fight. What she did catch was an angry Crowdcontrol storming off, people volunteering for ambassador roles, Eternalwar — wait, when had she returned? — scoffing at someone, and Oni grumpily snapping at Thea. Hazel’s ears twitched, a frown creasing her lips as she took a seat. The tension in the air was so thick she could nearly see it, and it wasn’t until an NPC leaned over to catch her up on the meeting’s subject did she finally recognize the faint tug of Bastille’s exasperation and frustration.

A mass demotion was...evidently fair. Hazel’s activity had been horrendous recently, so she couldn’t complain. She couldn’t understand why people were getting so worked up about it — positions were earned through activity and participation. The only people who had a right to be worried about it were the medics, though...Hazel assumed Bastille would let them keep their job, for the most part. The girl tucked her paws underneath her and kept her mouth shut, wary of adding fuel to the fire.

Re: MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - Zjarr - 08-20-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Oh boy, a fight! And at a meeting! Zjarr couldn't say he was remotely shocked in the situation—the whole group banding together, sudden mass demotion. For some it would incite hysteria. For him, he found the decision to be reasonable. Some of the population mysteriously disappeared, some rejoined, some newcomers pledged their allegiance, all while a solid portion of the group was trapped inside the Observatory with the power out. It was chaotic, and to maintain a hierarchy with such changes would be a hassle given the circumstances. Perhaps mass demotion was the most suitable option. He was used to leaders doing the same. He was also used to his Clanmates loudly opposing controversial choices as such. But the demon himself? He didn't really give a fuck.

"Alright, alright, easy there, Jurassic Park," the cyborg drawled to the immense form of the spinosaurus. He usually wasn't one to intervene in such situations, but there was a throbbing headache sneaking up on him, and he'd rather not let some obnoxious, rowdy fuckers only make it worse. Maybe telling the dinosaur to pipe down was a shitty idea, but he figured that they both shared a goal of telling people to shut the fuck up and chill out. "Y'all fuckin' kiddin' me? Incitin' a fight the moment we step in? Look, the group's been separated. There was likely promising newcomers that were pilin' up outside'a the building. People that could fill the ranks. Now we gotta recover from the chaos, sensibly. And in the end, an Astral Seraph's your damn leader. If he says everyone's demoted and there's a good damn reason, his word's law, ain't it? And, what, ya can't earn your way back to your rank? You care about a fancy title more than anything else?"

Speaking of fancy titles, Bastille's mention of an ambassador position almost entirely redirected Zjarr's rambles. He had plenty of experience as an ambassador for his previous groups, and in each time he held the position, he found it to be refreshing and enjoyable. He learned about other factions, experienced different cultures, kept ties strong and made them even stronger. The task Perhaps one of the most entertaining he had, next to, maybe, a deputy or a leader. Well...being a leader wasn't a fun time for him. If anything, he found it anxiety-inducing, and he thought he'd have a panic attack every damn minute when he was a dominant.

"That bein' said, if there's any spots left for an ambassador, consider me an option, will ya?" the cyborg wolf added with an amused chuckle. Yes, he knew he was juxtaposing his entire rant that spewed from his horrible maw earlier. And he found it humorous.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —


[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]The chaos was certainly an interesting first impression on the griffon. It was nice not being the instigator for such buzz for once, but regardless of his satisfaction there were still several concerns that rang through his mind as he approached. Having only one high position, even for a time, was hella dangerous and promoted totalitarianism. Just one bad day and they all go to pot... just one bad day and they all go to pot... the life lesson rang through his head over and over again, a wicked looking grin eventually casting over his dark beak. "Shit, where were all these jokes at my joining?" he chuckled, shuffling his legs in anticipation with how much was going on. Fighting over positions like feral wolves; having a leader controlling absolutely everything, the events were a million steps below 1984, but still a grim reminder of what happened when anyone's power was tested. Feliks didn't know enough to completely invest in the arguments, so instead he just plopped down with open ears to see what other juicy bits of drama would unfold.

Re: MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - Luciferr - 08-20-2018

she offered a snort Zjarr's way "Ey, I resemble that remark!" but otherwise just sat back while the wolf added his own words - frankly amused at watching Thea get her words trn down - eh, it almost reminded her of home but even the exilers had respected the leader and 'leaders words was law'.

the gryphon - wow at least she wasn't the only strange thing here outta dogs n cats then - spoke up next and the spinosaurus snorted over to him "Well can't let the joiners get frightened off by us more colourful types now can we feathers?" she teased, yellow-red eyes glinting in amusement "Eternalwar or Etty, pick yer poison" she introduced "Or heck, come up with yer own, I fuckin do" the day she called anyone by their actual name would be the day she was probably dying - then again, maybe not.


Re: MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - musey - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]He had some trust in Bast - some prickle of knowledge that he's met him before, or met someone like him before, made him think that the Seraph was well-versed in his own methods already. No one had been active - that was the truth. No one here deserved a rank unless they earned them - Cav would have ruled no differently. For that reason, he is fine with this.

In fact, it was a worthwhile opportunity being set right in his lap.

"...He's right," The pallas cat gives a nod, moving towards Zjarr's side. The arguing and deliberate attempts to rouse distrust were... Childish, at best. Cavalrychoirs didn't expect much else, though, having seen more than enough needless histrionic behavior from his peers during their lock-in. "If you believe you deserve your rank, then you should have no trouble re-earning your position within the week. If not, then you were simply a name among the ranks, serving no better purpose. These positions are meant to hold meaning beyond the title." Cavalrychoirs shrugs. "What's fair is fair. We are not lawless simply because we are temporarily realigning our ranks, so control yourselves and lick your wounds later."

In any case, there was work to be done. If a mass reform was to be in order, and Bast wanted to play his clanmates' petty games, then Cavalrychoirs would seize the gap between them. "Bastille, I am assuming you would still like to have a say in all of this, but - we should hold a meeting for those who have just volunteered for ambassador. We'll organize who goes where, and make the meeting open so we can ensure that everyone is on the same page. Those who were just demoted from healer should hold a mass training session and keep on the lookout for promising participants. Does that sounds fair to everyone for now?"