Beasts of Beyond
SHARP KNIFE - open; rosebloods - Printable Version

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Re: SHARP KNIFE - open; rosebloods - rhosmari - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]She had to agree with Pey on that one. He didn't seem smart enough to understand when to progress something or regress it and instead he was being stubborn over some prey that definitely didn't belong to him. Really, she wondered at how his mind was working right now and if he saw some strength in what he was doing. Probably. Although this was more for the soldier about the fact that they had incapacitated two of their own to get to the food. She wouldn't put it past them to murder and she allowed a low scoff to leave her throat as he spoke of upping their security. "If I up the security I'm sure you wouldn't enjoy finding the heads of those you care about perched on the border." Was that a threat? Yes. Would she make due on such a thing if push came to shove? Yes. There was no reason for her not to if this one was so unapologetic about the circumstances that they put their own group into. The many suffer because of one foolish mistake which could have easily been rectified.

Her eyes flicked over to Kunta then and she listened with a warm heart at his words. He was going to come home with her and that made all the difference in the world to her. A genuine relaxed breath escaped her throat before she gave a light nod of her head, feeling his tail intertwine with her own before she glanced at Pey. "No goodbyes today. He's coming with us. We are together." Perhaps the notion of it was not too balatant but there it was anyway and she allowed herself to move a bit closer to the larger feline, eyes of orange red seething as she looked back to the ones that had spoke up. Frankly she was ready to leave, that was until another showed up who was talking some common sense. At least someone had some and she was please about the notion really. Pulling her ears back a little bit she gave a brief nod of her head as she listened before speaking up and rising to her paws. "Indeed, she has common sense. Not many have that now a days and I appreciate the level head and thoughtfulness. But since our mission is complete and we can not get the food we must report back on these findings. But if you would like to come and talk to our leader on what happened with your own present that would be nice." And she strictly just meant Melantha and this Yes Man that she had heard about from Pey.

Turning she looked to Pey for a moment before glancing at Kunta because she was ready to go home. Though they had failed the mission to get back the food it was interesting to note how one individual saw the situation and how opinions clashed here. She needed to tell Prestige anyway as a debriefing of what had happened and so she dipped her head a bit before taking the first steps back to camp after Pey who had already turned away from the events. "Come on Kunta, we have a ways to go..."

Re: SHARP KNIFE - open; rosebloods - GRIMNYTE - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:timesnewroman; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Esklav truthfully did not see the point of disputing over a few stolen pieces of prey. It was gone, and replaceable besides; would it trouble them to double their patrols and hunt in the mean time to avoid another area of conflict? Food held no substantial meaning besides being something to eat. As for the bodies... well. Unneeded, but it wasn't as if he cared. A few more thuggish lives gone mattered little to him. He did not share the same regard for death as the others did, which scarcely confused him, for as intelligent as these animals were they always had been held back by their empathy and would continue to be. Advancing civilization further was not an option to them when they had mutations, powers, and morals holding them back.

They did not like him. Understandable. He was not willing to settle the matter based on The Pitt's core principles, and his lack of empathy for their situation was disturbing.

The strange one left with a threat on his tongue, and Esklav found that bemusing. Must the creature provoke a group who already knew the weak spots in their territory? The stupidity was unexpected, but not unwelcome. So be it. His smile faded and was abruptly replaced with a neutral look, a flicker of irritation itching up his spine. It made no matter. They would go on another day without fearing for the state of their thriving organization ― it was these unknowables who ought to watch themselves, if they did not want to risk the wrath of The Pitt.

For all his pacifism, Esklav was not scared of getting his hands dirty. He was petty like that.

"Food is food, and we have plenty. The culprit will remain unpunished. He was completing a job, as is what all members of The Pitt must do lest they risk the wrath of those higher than them." the words flowed freely before Esklav could fully comprehend what he was saying. The expected route was to put his head down and wait for further instruction by the Ardent ― yet he was here, doing otherwise. He did not expect that. A heavy feeling set in his limbs, fuzzy and foreign, and his eyes fluttered. He shook his head, dismissing the sensations. Focus.

"If I up the security I'm sure you wouldn't enjoy finding the heads of those you care about perched on the border."

Funny. If only the dame realized that he essentially did not mind the threat, because he did not feel responsibility over those in The Pitt. He had climbed high in his short time here, yes, but if they were all to die suddenly he would not bat an eye. Most of them treated him as an object to use and dismantle any way. He certainly did not appreciate the constant guarding by Melantha, either, even if it was her job. It implied a fragility he did not possess.

With it over, Esklav abruptly left.