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A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - Printable Version

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Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - snare - 08-21-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon privateer argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Snare would be the next Typhooner to approach the Tanglewood member, his eyes curious and ears perked up straight.  The pup would come to stand by Goldie, looking at Morgan with his fuzzy head tilted to the side mere centimeters.  A smile would claim its place on his jaws, tail wagging gently.  It was a contrast to the seriousness of his older peers, making his youngness and his naïve nature plainly clear.

He wouldn’t say a word yet, apparently everybody had already asked the questions needed and if this was really serious clan business, he didn’t want to ruin it.  Snare would puff out his creamy fuzzy chest however, and keep his sitting posture straight and big.  He was a Privateer now, and he should probably start acting like it.

Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - Morgan - 08-22-2018

Conveniently enough, Pincher seemed to arrive just as Morgan was about to explain himself. "I'm here to fulfill one last thing for an old acquaintance." As he spoke, the samoyed realized the last time he had properly seen the Captain was before he had even become sentient. It was all the more reason for his request - what enmity did they really have?

"All of you here are probably aware that the Typhoon and Tanglewood've been enemies for a long time now..." He looked around the crowd that had gathered, noting the vaguely familiar presence of Marcellus. "... but what you might not know is why we've been enemies. Have you all ever asked yourselves that?" The canine looked at Pincher, certain that he was aware of what he was getting at.

"A long time ago, your group kidnapped someone from mine. He was taken and murdered. After that, a good relationship between our groups seemed impossible." He frowned behind his mask, the memories of the very first raid returning to him. The world was a completely different place - it seemed so much smaller at the time. Back then, the fight seemed justified, even necessary. "Now, though, things are different. There are many new groups appearing around the world. Groups that can and will pose actual threats to you all or even us."

Morgan shook his head, then continued, "My point is, what's the problem between the Typhoon and Tanglewood, really?" He scanned around the crowd again before speaking once more. "I don't remember any of you from that first fight besides the Captain. I can tell you that nobody in Tanglewood right now was there either, besides myself. Pincher... Captain Pincher, I'm sure you'd agree with me when I say we have no reason to make our groups fight each other. Not anymore."

"It's because of this that I think our groups should come together as allies."

Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - Luciferr - 08-23-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
The dragons brows raised at being directly addressed before the reason soon became clear - Fenrisulfr, his second eldest, he'd known he'd settled somewhere though not aware it had been an enemy, but it was gratifying to know he was around - and seemingly in good connections with the tanglewoods newest leader.

But the dark god was nothing if not polite and he inclined his head "Though somewhat strained circumstances but a pleasure - my son has been telling tales it seems" he smiled lightly - he knew if anything Fenrisulfr probably missed his siblings the most, they'd always been thick as thieves the four of them but if anything Lucifer could say his children got from him it might be the more loyalty unto death toward family or at least the family that deserved it.

of course now Pincher was here and the actual negotiations - if there were to be any - were starting up so the dragon stepped back idly to let them speak amongst themselves for now with a nod to the icy samoyed.


Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - ROSEMARY - 08-25-2018

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
Rosemary watched her brother approach, reading his aura and body language - though she needed to do little analyzing to figure out he disliked the Tanglewoods. Nobody here liked them much, to her knowledge. Her smaller eyes looked over at Morgan as he rattled off a short history lesson, though her expression remained skeptical as she presented her shoulder to him. She didn't want to deal with him, honestly, and that showed in her inability to properly face him with squared body language.

She scoffed at his claim with the new groups, though she politely waited for him to finish before adding her sharp input. "Are you already on bad terms with any of them? Because you seem to think they're threats - and they're anything but threats to the Typhoon," she told him flatly, forked tail lashing. They were allies with Rosebloods and on decent terms with Sunhaven if their merchant's trading gave them any indication. "You seem to think that we'd prefer an alliance with a known thorn in our side rather than new faces. But, given your Clan's track record..." she said, trailing off there with a noncommittal grunt in the back of her throat. The witch disliked the swamp rednecks; when she'd asked Morgan about their plans for improvement, she expected a political answer - not some nonsense about rebuilding the territory - and now he showed weakness by effectively showing fear for the unknown. He seemed a weak leader, and she didn't like that.

Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - PINCHER - 08-26-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher listened with half-given attention, part of him conscious of what was being the said but the other was slowly drifting. But not out of boredom but it was a tendency he had when he was thinking and absorbing new information from anything that was being spoken to him about. He wasn't all too fond of Tanglewood but he had to admit that their only trouble had been that one time months ago, they had not raided each other since and it seemed that the desire to destroy each other had diminished. Pincher wasn't sure why Tanglewood had stopped their push towards hurting the Typhoon but Pincher knew his. It was his actual hatred for the Ascendants that distracted him ever since those fuckers had decided to keep his children as damned captives, fueling his desire to destroy each single one of them. He was already planning to hit them back for the shit stunt they pulled but he forced himself to focus on Morgan instead and not in his future plans as his mind fell off cloud nine and back to earth to catch onto what was being said.

He sucked in a small breath before exhaling, listening softly to Lucifer and Rosemary, remaining silent to let them speak since the Typhoon was democratically based and he allowed his crewmates to speak their mind about any situation that was going to be impactful to them. Pincher raised a large snow white paw to softly scratch at the side of his neck, half-lidded ice blue gaze narrowing with concentration at what Rosemary questioned before rumbling "Though I do agree with Rosemary about new faces, the ones I have seen as few. Rosebloods are connected with us obviously but I am not fond of the Pitt and their whole slave shit...that ain't my cup of tea and goes against our ideology." Pincher didn't have any liking for the Pitt and frankly saw them as a new target than as a possible alliance. He would prefer connecting with a group of pacifists than ones that held slaves, something Pincher was touchy about due to his past experiences. But Tanglewood held no history of that and he supposed they would be a decent candidate for they possibly held decent fighters in case of anything as well as their whole rebuilding. But then again, he wanted to hear and know what his crewmates were thinking of the alliance. "I suppose Tanglewood would be a decent group to ally with but I need to confer with my crew first about the alliance. I can give you a direct straightforward answer once things have been discussed here." Pincher's jet black ears twitched as he stated the daily comment about needing to vote within his crew as he gave a light nod towards the other male, wondering if there would be a possible chance of an alliance between them.

Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - Morgan - 08-27-2018

Since Rosemary's initial question seemed straightforward enough, Morgan replied with a straightforward "No." He returned his attention to Pincher, who finally spoke his short piece. The points he made were clear to be sure, and didn't seem unreasonable to the samoyed. "I'm glad you mentioned the Pitt - I disagree with their actions as well." Indeed, Tanglewood had no history of truly dastardly deeds for a reason; much of their reputation had come from unfortunate circumstances, not actual events. The samoyed made a mental note to pay the Pitt a visit later to establish this disagreement officially.

There was no place in his group for slavery, especially not when being a kind or fair leader would be beneficial for everyone. "This all works for me. If you need to talk to your crew about this, I don't mind. It's not a decision to take lightly, after all." Even if the Typhoon denied his request, he would still be satisfied in knowing that they considered it in the first place. "Well, if there's nothing else to be said, I'll be going back to Tanglewood. Find me in our Town Square when you have your answer." With that, he turned around and walked to the salty water, hopping in and propelling himself back toward his home.