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Re: MY AGE HAS NEVER MADE ME WISE // LOST - Roy Mustang - 04-05-2018

The Ascendants, huh? He wasn't too sure what name he was expecting to hear in all honesty, certainly not something like Amestris. Amestris had been his previous home, he had been in the military and was far in the ranks. He made it up all the way to Colonel, and certainly some people weren't pleased with him regarding his age. Maybe they were jealous that he had been able to achieve such a feat. He had certainly been proud of it, and it only motivated him more to reach Fuhrer. The Ascendants sounded like it fits the group well, it goes along with the observatory and Starrynight's strange leader name. He hasn't really heard a leader position called Astral Seraph before, it was quite different. He wasn't sure how interested he'd be in climbing their ranks, as he hopes this mess(being a tiger and all) will only be temporary and he'll be back in Amestris before he knows it. But he has no clue when that will happen, or if it's even possible, so it would be best if he stayed in a group where he was provided shelter and safety. And maybe he can put in some work while he's here so he isn't entirely useless.

"Ascendants? Your group name doesn't ring a bell, I haven't heard of a nation named something like that before." The mutated tiger began to mention with a flick of his ear, looking over at Starrynight with a smirk across his muzzle. "But nonetheless, congratulations, you've managed to convince me. I'll join you and your group." Mustang said with a swish of his tail, glancing over at Lunafreya's comment afterwards, raising an invisible eyebrow. To Mustang's ears, that certainly sounded like they were more vulnerable to attacks and injuries, due to their small size. If they ever get raided, he hopes he will be proven wrong. Surely the Ascendants know when to defend themselves in a fight, correct?