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[div style="margin: 0 auto; border: 0%;width:65%;text-align:justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13.5px;"]Now, when he joined, he knew all about the whole situation with the observatory. Looking back on it, maybe he should’ve been a little more concerned about the crowd just hidden from view behind the metal facade. Or at least, he should’ve anticipated this moment a little better, when the entryways would open up and the people would come streaming through, a horde of unknown faces that were meant to be his his group mates. He’d been spending his days outside just on his own, wandering through the territory, trying to absorb all of the plant life, trying to get lost in it just a little. But before he could succumb to the undergrowth, they all came out, loudly too, proud and golden and brilliant but tired, exhausted it seemed. Isidore remembered being cooped up in his hot room for those summer days, melting into the bed with Fleur watching over him, feeding him, brushing his hair, doing everything she could.

The white serval stood tall along the horizon, peering between narrowed eyes through the light that flooded towards him. His lips were twisted in a frown, confused almost, eyebrows stitching together, trying to take in everything happening around him. Should he even say anything to them? Or would he leave it to that lion Moonmade to crack a joke, or that Agent Washington to give a formal greeting? Whoever from the outside was meant to be greeting everyone again, Isidore knew he wasn’t the one to do so. By now he smelled like an Ascendants like the rest of them, but he knew what he looked like. A stranger, silent and watching, pacing slowly around the area, curious, but not involved. Rather he stood there to see what everyone looked like, to see what the next order of business was.

But then there’s a tail feathering his shoulders. He lifts his head, watching Moonmade as he passes. Perhaps he smiles a bit, just for the attention he’s shown, but it quickly dissolves, staring ahead, grinding his teeth. Yeah, a loner. He didn’t want to feel like one, sure, but the surge of life around him, unknown, it was startling, new, all of the personalities meshing about at once. ”Yeah ...” Isidore murmured, but Moon was gone, trailing after someone in the distance. He knew ... he knew that look he was giving. But furthermore he’s distracted by the flames shooting through the sky, stepping back from the direction they were coming from, from the panther. He’s as dumbfounded as everyone else, glancing about to try and figure out how concerned he should be. ”Uhhh ...” Was this a normal thing? What was this place?


[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The kitten darted out of the observatory, tiny legs and eyes taking in the sun, the natural ground, the air. She ran up to Margaery, excitement and relief tangible in the air. "You came back!" She cried happily, too young and relieved to be angry at her for leaving at all. "We were- we were all trapped in the observ-atory and it was dark and I was so scared! I thou- I thought we'd never get out and we'd starve!" Melody explained it all breathlessly, the way children do when they had a lot of thoughts at once, before pressing her muzzle into Margaery for comfort, the same way Onision was.

Re: DEATH OF A BACHELOR | OBSERVATORY RELEASE - Warringkingdoms - 08-19-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]The stale air, as weirdly familiar as it might have been at first, would have suffocated her had she had to stay in it any longer. She had largely recovered from her illness by now, but that didn't mean her lungs needed to suffer from stagnant oxygen any more. Besides, she needed to see everyone who had been locked out- to make sure they were all in one piece.

  Hearing people rush out of the observatory, and seeing the first few rays of light shining through the doors, Rin made her way outside as quickly as she could without running into anyone. Exiting onto the grass, she winced as the sunlight struck her eyes, but heaved a sigh of relief afterwards. As bright and overbearing as it was out here, at least they were all alive, and they would be back to normal soon.

  With a blink, her eyes finally focused in on the outsiders- including, much to her surprise, Margaery and Moonmade. Moonmade's visible injuries elicited a wince from her; while she was no longer an official cleric, and Imperia was there anyway, that didn't mean she couldn't help. "I'm glad to see you back," she said to Moon, having seen that Margaery was occupied with the kids right now- she'd ask about what had happened to her later. To Imperia, she added, "If you need any assistance with Moon and the newcomers, I can help."



[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"]The soft words of Warringkingdom distract Imperia from Versailles' spectacle. A tired smile spreads across black lips as she regards the former cleric with warmth. "You look like you are feeling much better," she says, taking note of how much Rin seems to have improved since she announced her sickness. "Thank yo--" anything else she might have planned to say is immediately forgotten as soon as she spots Moonmade approaching.

Those chiseled cheekbones are the same, as well as his narrow frame. But there are fresh wounds. New scars. Markings of torture and abuse. "Mon dieu," she murmurs, a concerned crease forming between furrowed brows. "What did those monsters do to you?" She knows that Moonmade is perfectly capable of tending to his own wounds, but an immense guilt blossoms in her chest. This means he returned alone, while she was stuck inside. And she could not even help dress his wounds for him! Imperia feels useless. Some part of her believes that somehow, some way, she should have escaped that Observatory on her own just so that she could have been there for Moon when he needed her.

Silver eyes flicker over his form. The pink aura still clings to him, but it is muted somehow. Perhaps by sadness? Worry? "You okay?" Yes, worry. It touches her. Warms her. What did she do to earn his concern? It brings tears to her eyes. Tears of happiness, of anxiety, of all the emotions she desperately kept at bay while entombed in the darkness of the Observatory. On impulse, Imperia launches herself at the lion, pulling him into a deep embrace. "I am now," she whispers softly, muzzle pressed into the short mane growing in tufts upon his neck. She feels a little strange, but the feeling is not as strong as the comfort she feels when she presses up against him. "I missed you.." So much.


[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]The light, at first, brought forth tremendous pain for the demon.

He was forced to tightly shut his natural brown eye before occasionally allowing it to flutter open, something that looked similar to a wink—one that was more or less unintentional and not directed to anyone around him. His other eye, being artificial, had no issues adjusting to the returning presence of natural light, and so he let it be as he tentatively pushed onward from beyond the confinement of the Observatory. His frame grew lankier, far thinner than he had intended it to be, stemming from the issue of scavenging for food while trapped inside. He had denied himself the pleasure of nourishment even when he did find anything, foolishly believing that it could be handled. Alas the fatigue settled in, making each step a weak attempt to move forward.

A soft sigh erupted from his black lips when his hind pawpads felt the soft, relieving touch of the grass, something that felt almost therapeutic for him. The demon rolled his broad shoulders as his full form came into view, a form that was not quite as impressive as it was before. He was merely an oddity, a cyborg monster. Yet this would only be for the time being.

The wolf's gaze swept across both those who rushed out from the building as soon as the locks clicked open and those who were settled outside, their efforts to make contact with those indoors impossible and in vain until now. He recognized a few, such as Margaery, but there still remained a fairly large crowd that Zjarr hadn't properly introduced himself too, and some he had never even met prior to the situation. Perhaps he would have time to be sociable with the other observers from this point onward, given that a handful of the population would not be trapped in any more buildings with limited resources.

"Well, that was fun," the demon mumbled under his breath. "Just love bein' trapped in some fuckin' hellhole." Again.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —


"SEA BASS! THANK FUCK! I WAS ABOUT TO BREAK THE DAMN DOOR DOWN" a very loud voice called over the gathering crowd as several large earth shaking steps ate up the ground growing louder as a massive spined should be extinct predator rounded the corner at a sort of dead run, golden claws tearing up the ground and a wide smile with more teeth than she'd had before overtaking her face.

she stopped before she ran over anyone - though fr a moment there it looked like her outstretched claws were about to take up and hug the living daylights out of the tiny leader, oh she'd missed these idiots, she'd missed the poeple she knew - she shot a look over at margaritta "well margaerine if ya need a view over the crowd I can easily help with that"

she clacked golden claws together and span a yellow-red eye over the people gathered looking for familiar faces "ey! theres a shit ton of new faces I don't recognise ere" and a few she did though hopefully the black/gold combo she sported and her general - well her familiar attitude was something familiar to those tat remembered a tiger in place of a spinosaurus.
